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Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2005-07-29 06:35:09 (edited 2005-07-29 06:39:03)
Hey! Did you watch anime seriest that is so long that contains many episodes? Hey I want those list of the longest Anime Series. The only anime series that is very long to me is the Dragon Ball Series (from DB, DBZ, and DBGT).

Ruy - Fame Power - 名声力
Lopez - Son of Wolf - オオカミの息子
OK Ba?

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by september_rain on 2005-07-29 06:52:11
The longest that I have watched is UFO Baby... = )

The more you learn, the more you know,the more you know,the more you WHY LEARN AT ALL???...P.S. Am I banned? Wah.

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by dingoathrun on 2005-07-29 07:04:07
~card captor sakura~

~Dr3aMZoRr3aLiatY~ Et3rNaL dReAm3R

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by AkuraHibiki on 2005-07-29 07:06:53
Dragonball, Rurouni Kenshin, and One Piece.

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by riezawa on 2005-07-29 08:50:00
Ones I watched every episode of-
Longest is definitely Rurouni Kenshin or Hikaru no Go (both about 80 or more eps), followed by Shoujo Kakumei Utena, and then Fullmetal Alchemist

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-07-29 08:52:50
At my anime club we watched Sailormoon taht I think about 200. & I'm almost dome w/Inuyasha that 167.

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-07-29 09:41:47
Dragonball, Rurouni Kenshin and Sailor Moon

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by wildfire143 on 2005-07-29 09:42:07
Prince of Tennis-over 160 ep
Hikaru no Go-75ep

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by on 2005-07-29 10:04:12
Heh. Well, I hate really long anime series. But the longest one I've been watching is Naruto...

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by Latias_girl on 2005-07-29 10:21:48
The longest one I've watched from begining to end is Wolf's Rain, which is 30 episodes long. XD The longest anime that I'm watching right now is Inuyasha.

"Well, I'm not sure. A little voice in my head is saying 'this is a bad idea' but I can barly hear that little voice because an even louder little voice is yelling "LET THE 12-YEAR OLD DRIVE!'" - from The Cat in the Hat

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by revoutionarygirl on 2005-07-29 10:25:47
the longest I have watched is...probably..full moon wo sagashite which has 52 episodes.


Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-07-29 11:23:55
Digimon, 200 something episodes.

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by miss kris on 2005-07-29 12:07:33
sailor moon. i'm currently watching the 5th and last season. also, the live action.

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-07-29 12:21:48
Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, and Inuyasha. But for me, anything past the 50 episode mark is long, so I'll also add Fullmetal Alchemist, and Fushigi Yugi.

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by mapleci on 2005-07-29 12:48:19
Doraemon more than 400 episodes

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by Kaidoh on 2005-07-29 13:49:25
rurouni kenshin 90+, Prince of tennis 179 epz n dragon balll Z-ALOT

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by dyaoka on 2005-07-29 13:52:31
Doraemon for sure, since i've been watching since a kid. probably 700 episodes.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. i laugh at you. hehehehehehehehehehehe.

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by tinmae on 2005-07-29 14:33:59
For me, its Sailormoon, Digimon, Rurouni Kenshin, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho,and DBZ

Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-29 14:49:22
Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho, You're Under Arrest, Inuyasha...i think that's about it...


Re: Longest Anime Series that you've watched!
Link | by REMI on 2005-07-29 15:21:52
Detective Conan ..It`s the longest ..
I already gave up on watching the last episod that If they ever think of making it .

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