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Countries and Time Zones
Link | by Keyne on 2005-07-10 07:52:58
I'm just wondering where everyone's from and what time zones they live in. It always amuses whenever I log in to this site and it says 7am when it's around 10am where I am (which is Canada, Eastern time zone).

Tried to save myself but myself keeps slipping away...

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-07-10 08:03:46 (edited 2005-07-10 08:06:41)
Interesting!! Im in Portugal and its about 4pm when Im posting this

EDIT: its western european time here ;)

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by miss kris on 2005-07-10 15:55:14
pst, pacific standard time here. hailing from california, usa. ^_^

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by roxybudgy on 2005-07-10 21:09:38 (edited 2005-07-10 21:10:09)
I'm in Perth, Western Australia and right now it is 12:10pm (Monday)

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-07-10 22:25:26
Pacific standard, california, usa. :D

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-07-10 23:26:12
Singapore here... GMT+8... It's 2.26pm here right now... And i just skipped a module so i can play with the school's computer! :p

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Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-07-11 11:28:12
It's 1:30pm here in Alabama, US.

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by Keyne on 2005-07-11 19:15:51
Awesome! Now we just need some people from Africa and South America to complete all the continents.

If someone were to ask you what the most eccentric thing was about your hometown, what would be your answer?

I live in Toronto, and I realize that it's so... normal? Filled with lots of strange people you don't think exist (but they do), yet no real oomph.

Tried to save myself but myself keeps slipping away...

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by miss kris on 2005-07-11 19:34:46
can't forget antartica! but then, does anyone even really live there? o.O;

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by THE WORLD on 2005-07-11 22:29:24
Jakarta... It's full of riots. That is the most eccentric thing from my home town...

"If you want to be a man, be like Bo-bobo" - me

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2005-07-14 19:23:16
I'm from Malaysia that is in South East Asia, right next to Singapore!! The time here is 10:23 am!!

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Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by infensus87 on 2005-07-15 10:10:57
i'm from the center of's now 1.12 am

you are in a big labyrinth...believe it

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by ben on 2005-07-15 20:07:59
i'm from's now 10.05 am...that's enough???

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-07-16 22:14:06
i'm in metro manila, philippines...time now is 1.09 pm.

Hi to all!

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: Countries and Time Zones
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-07-17 18:44:28
Hey-hey! Born'n'raised purebred Californian, USA (*sigh* though I wouldn't have MINDED being blackinese... grrr).
PST, and right now it's 6:42; ain't it awesome? *waves*

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