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Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by on 2016-07-17 05:17:48
Since the hype is growing as time passes on, I was just curious as to which team do the majority of the people here fall under.

Personally I cant decide between Team Valor or Team Mystic at the moment. xD

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by on 2016-07-17 06:35:47
I'm on Team Not Playing because the freaking game is still not released in Canada. >:[

All joking aside, I downloaded the APK and tried it for a little bit early last week. I didn't bother keeping it since, at least for now, there have been almost no Pokemon in my area. There's a Pokestop down the street from me (since all Churches are stops apparently) but I wasn't able to catch any Pokemon near home or at work without using the two free lures.

Anyway, once it releases officially here I'll look back into it to see if any issues have been patched up. If I do, then I'll probably be going with Mystic since I like Blue and also Articuno.


Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by ssjteenkai on 2016-07-17 07:42:32
Team Mystic here, caught:50 seen:52 not bad :U

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by sarauchiha on 2016-07-17 23:17:29
Im Team Mystic :D

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by on 2016-07-19 01:27:34

Tales of FC

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by on 2016-07-20 20:47:20
Team Mystic is the best~~~ We have Articuno and uno means one and because we're number one it means we're the best~~~

@ Jon- At least you're in the same boat as Japan?

I love how their reasoning for not releasing it there is basically that they know it will crash if Japan gets on board with the servers they have now haha.

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by shunukiya90 on 2016-07-21 08:09:29

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by on 2016-08-01 07:13:36 (edited 2016-08-01 07:16:53)
@Tronix - So old man literally tells people to get off his lawn while also figuratively telling people to get off his lawn. What an age we live in.

@Toyumi - While it's out now, I just don't understand the reasoning behind releasing it like a week after the US. If they were trying to ease the servers into it then why not keep releasing it in smaller countries? It's like they kept bouncing back and forth between appetizers and main courses (and now I'm hungry). Anyway, doesn't matter anymore since it's out in most places now (even Japan, I think).

I decided to up my phone plan on Friday to something that actually has a little data included so I could keep using it (I'm a cheap bastard, so I've been on a bare bones $20 a month cell plan for ages. They haven't offered a $20 plan in like, 7 years). There aren't a lot of Pokemon in my area, at least nothing rare, but it has still been helping me get motivated to go out for walks. At this point, anything that helps keep me exercising is worth it, since I really need to get back in to that if I ever want to resume my weight loss.

All I really have are the most common Pokemon. I managed to evolve myself a Pidgeot. Working towards getting the Eevee trio as well. Everything else has been Weedle, Caterpie, Zubat and Drowzee. I guess I'll have to rely on egg hatching and luck to get any of my favourites.


Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by seraphna on 2016-08-10 10:19:42
Team Valor 4 Ever.

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by Gus Woltmann on 2016-11-24 03:24:09
I'm in Team Valor together with my friends here in Panama. We are currently protecting 3 gyms right now with level 8 already. I really love doing this Gym battles since the start. Go Team Valor! Fire is the best. Check me out on Gyms nearby - Gustavo Woltmann

“Writers pay a lot of attention to wordage, because some publishers seem to care more about length than about quality and will automatically reject novels that don't fit their narrow standards of length - or will chop out extra wordage to make a novel fit.”
― Piers Anthony, On a Pale Horse

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by JamesPerdereau on 2019-01-10 01:19:31
Red team !!

Re: Pokemon GO: Which team are you on?
Link | by CapsL0ck on 2019-01-14 04:19:42
Hello guys!
have anyone know when developers will add pvp to the game?

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