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Something about this old Gundam Seed PSP Game
Link | by Kageboshi on 2016-05-28 03:19:53
So this Gundam game, titled "Gundam Seed: Omni vs. ZAFT" has caught my attention a few months ago and am quite enjoying it. Wide variety of mobile suits from the anime, with their own respective pilots, etc etc.

So if anyone knows and has actually played the game, then you'd know how you can get different mobile suits on the story/campaign mode (second option from the main menu in case you've already forgotten), and eventually own those special mobile suits that every kid has ever dreamt of.

And so there I was, finished both Omni and ZAFT campaign, happy with getting Blitz and Justice for the first playthrough, and so I thought "I think it's time to read some walkthroughs and get specific mobile suits", in which I did, and succeeded eventually, except for this one particular mobile suit.


So in this walkthrough I'm reading (I actually just found one tbh), it says there that I can get Providence through selecting these specific mobile suits. And so I grind the specified mobile suit to my heart's content until I achieve it, except that I really didn't.

So on the walkthrough, it says there that I need to make my Ginn YMF-018 to 3 stars and choose Ginn Heavy Artillery for me to come up with the choices for Buster, Providence, or Blast Impulse. But I did this for like 3 times already, and all I get in the choices are Buster and Chaos. Pissed off, I even tried the other two choices, which are Ginn Railgun and Ginn Recon Type, but still end up with Buster and Chaos.

So what exactly should I choose in order to attain Providence? The walkthrough isn't helping me at all, and I've wasted so much time on getting this mobile suit already.

Cheers :D

Re: Something about this old Gundam Seed PSP Game
Link | by on 2016-05-29 14:26:32 (edited 2016-05-29 14:27:45)
You might have to go through the M.Zero line for the Providence. I think it's M.Zero to three stars, then you should get the Strike Bazooka which needs to be leveled to three stars as well.

I'm just assuming I have the right game in mind of course, so sorry in advance if this isn't it.


Re: Something about this old Gundam Seed PSP Game
Link | by Kageboshi on 2016-05-30 22:42:17
Thanks for the response. I'll try to do that, and if it fails as well, then I guess I'll just give up Providence. Thanks :D

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