Fire Emblem Fates
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Are you hyped for Fire Emblem Fates? Also discuss other Fire Emblem games you've played or plan to play ITT. Extra question: Do you play Steam games? ![]() |
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I'm really looking forward to it. Awakening was one of my top games of the year that it came out. Despite the hatred it seems to get from long time FE fans, the stuff Awakening did allowed me to get into the series. I like tactics RPG's, but FE has never really interested me due to stuff like character perma-death, no ability to train, stuff like that. Awakening kind of streamlined things a bit, which I appreciated as a newcomer to the franchise. I also really liked the character interactions in Awakening, so since Fates has more of that then I'm all over it. I was lucky enough to get a Special Edition pre-ordered. Barring any bad luck (like my SE being canceled on me by the store or something), I'll be picking up mine on launch day. I have that Friday booked off from work and the Monday that follows is a civic holiday, so I'll have four days to just play. I will be starting with Conquest, since I like the Medieval European styling of the armor/weapons more than the typical Feudal Japanese style of Birthright. Plus, it's apparently the harder of the three versions, so once I make it through Conquest I can just leisurely play through Birthright. I'll be playing Revelations last (for obvious reasons). |
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Do you know if the special edition was limited run, Jon? I've been in Italy for a month and forgot about pre-ordering it, and would rather get the Special Edition than have to shell out the money for the separate versions. |
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@Haseo - Oooh, Italy sounds good. Yeah, unfortunately you are going to have to hunt around online if you want to find a special edition, or try the nearest game stores and hope to god that they have one left available. Only other option is to turn up on launch day and hope for extras/pre-order cancellations. Nintendo RPG's are always like this, very limited despite high demand. My local EB was allocated 7 Special Edition pre-orders for the store. I went in on the same day that they were available to pre-order and managed to get the sixth one ordered and someone else had pre-ordered the seventh before I left. They opened at 10am and I went in on my lunch break at noon, so in the span of 2 hours they had all 7 gone. It's a little ridiculous to be honest. The only other thing I can tell you is that some places like Gamestop are doing a bundle of the two main versions for like $60 if you're in the US. You get emailed a code for the digital version of the other game. If you then bought Revelations for $20, you'd be looking at $79.99 in total, which I think is what the Special Edition costs in the States. I mean, you wouldn't be getting all physical copies or the 3DS XL case/box from the SE, but you would be getting all the games for the same price at least. |
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@Jon: I could get the Special Edition for $60 USD with Amazon Prime, as there's a 20%. it just sucks that the inventory is so limited as it is. They restocked the Japanese Special Edition so I'm hoping that's a good sign for us. It's still a couple weeks out, so they might do a last minute restock. Fingers are crossed for that. I really don't like how the opted to do the Pokemon strategy and split the game up like they did. No one should have to pay $80 for the full story experience of a 3DS game when the games normally retail for $40. |
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@Haseo - Well here's hoping you manage to snag one. It's not a big loss over all since, as I said before, you can get all the games using deals for roughly the same price. That being said, I know that for a fan it is definitely a let down to not get a special edition. Nintendo is probably the worst game company out there when it comes to limited print runs, even for their biggest franchises like Mario. Their games also never drop in price, but that's a different complaint entirely. As for the splitting thing, I'm reserving my judgement until I get through both of the base versions. Right now I don't mind it too much since the games are supposedly very different from each other. I mean yeah, all of the assets are just sitting there so why not combine the two, but on the other hand everything else is apparently very different, such as the stories and character interactions. I look at it as getting 3 full games for about $33 each (SE is $99.99 here in Canada), or $27 each for you guys in the States. I put in about 65 hours on Awakening, although 10 to 15 of those hours were just me Maxing characters since I didn't have anything else to do. Obviously I'm not going to put in 60 hours on the base Fates games since Revelations is the 'True Route', but I can still see myself getting about 20 hours of new content for each game plus whatever Maxing or DLC I do. I'm expecting to easily put in a total of 120+ hours between all three versions. That being said, it's too early to tell how unique each game will be. There is a very real possibility that each game is basically the same, except with some place/character names swapped around. There's also Revelations, which could just be a ton of filler that lasts like 4 hours or so. So while I am optimistic for the reasons I listed in the paragraph above, I'm holding back on the "it should have 1 game" thing until I've played through Birthright/Conquest. And I ranted again, sorry about that. Anyway, not like it matters, I'm on the hook for buying all three games just as Nintendo intended. I could cancel my pre-order in a misguided attempt to "send a message to Nintendo that doing this is not right", but then I'd be the one not playing Fates while other people trample me to get their hands on my canceled copy lol. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh yeah, and change of topic, but has anyone played around with the Kamui Creator that somebody did up? I think I have my Avatar's looks down, although I have been waffling on two hair styles. Maybe I'll go with a cleaner hair style for Conquest and a messier style for Birthright to reflect the whole Regal/Feudal thing going on. Edit: Here are the two designs I plan to go with in the base games. Not sure what I'll go with in Revelations just yet. I put this in a spoiler tag just in case, although this isn't really a spoiler. Jon's Avatar: Conquest and Birthright |
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@Jon: Seems like the Special Edition has been pulled from Amazon's listings. There goes any hopes of a restock, I suppose :/ The fact that I'm still going to get all three versions is a testament to how much I love this series. I've been playing Fire Emblem since 5th grade (12 years now); this is the longest series I've kept interest in barring Pokemon. I stopped playing Pokemon for a couple years, but I've never skipped a Fire Emblem game. People are saying that Nohr and Hoshido are different enough to warrant a split release, so I guess there's the justification there. I was of the opinion that it was the same story with characters substituted out. Both games would reach the same ending, just by taking a different route. I can't access the Kamui Creator as of right now, I keep getting the same error that you were getting prior. But the creator of the app, Lumi, is a friend of mine. I've spent a lot of time on Serenes Forest over the past years in the spriting community, but I digress. |
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@Haseo - Have you tried this link? I found this one the night before and it seems to work more reliably than the one that usually shows up when you search it in Google. To be fair given what Nintendo does with Pokemon, that is a perfectly reasonable assumption. I'm honestly still skeptical about how different the versions supposedly are despite what others seem to be saying to the contrary. But anyway, like you I am still going to get all three versions. I haven't been a long time fan of the series like you (only got into it with Awakening), but I still love the game enough to buy into this sequel full force. |
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Dropping in to say that Nyx is best waifu. Also, this is my Corrin for Conquest. < ![]() |
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@Haseo - Pff, maybe in Conquest she is. Oh, I'm going to PM my castle address. I'm still on Birthright at the moment, but I've been going super slow, so I'd still like to have your castle address for this playthrough. |
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@Jon: I dunno... it's gonna be hard for anyone in fates to trump Nyx. I like about as much as my favorite waifus in Awakening. I'm not too far into Conquest either, as I've said in my PM. Chapter 13 was a real difficulty spike... took me a couple days to pass it. But I'm starting to have an army of promoted 20/xx units, so I should start rolling again soon. Might not have time to play much this weekend thanks to uni though. EDIT: After visiting your castle, you seem to be waaaaaaay better off than I am haha. |
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@Haseo - If you're talking about my Birthright castle, then yeah it is. Birthright had a lot of Scout locations to grind levels and Dragon points, so improving the castle was easy. I decided to go ahead and finish Birthright yesterday. I already had the support conversations that I wanted and I also wanted to make sure I save as much as possible for when I get to Revelations, so I just decided to wrap things up. I don't want to use up all of the support conversations or do a bunch of class swapping until I get to Revelations since that one is the true path. Overall Birthright was good, I got about 54 hours of play time out of it which I see as a good amount of entertainment. I married Kagero in Birthright, but without spoiling anything, I found the ending blurb for that pair to be on the downer side. No idea who I'm going with in Conquest, but I don't have all of the characters in that version yet. Anyway, I'm currently on Conquest. Right now I'm on Chapter 12 and have about 8 and a half hours of play time put in. As things look so far, I'm expecting to get about 30 hours out of this version, mainly because there's not as much of an opportunity to grind supports and stuff (which is probably for the best, as I mentioned above about saving them for Rev). Of course, that play time could go up depending on what the difficulty spike you mentioned is like. I could easily wind up spending hours per chapter depending on how hard the brick wall I'm about to hit is. I wasn't sure which character was yours, but after looking up the castle address I see that it was the one person on my wi-fi streetpass that I didn't visit lol. I just popped in to your castle and had a look around. Yours is doing better than my Conquest castle, but obviously you are further ahead. I'm going to try and recruit your Avatar now in a bit, since you have all the same skills I do. |
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@Jon: Once you beat chapter 13 in Con. it smooths out for a chapter or two then spikes up again. Chapter 13 is just annoying because of a certain unit that decides to take the battlefield. I'm on chapter 19 now, I believe, and the previous chapter was promoted units galore. Sorry I didn't give you much indication on which one my castle was. I named my Avatar Corrin just for generality (not a big fan of self-insert characters), and my castle is Ft. Hotdog. As for wifing goes... I'm a BIG fan of Nyx, but she leads to a Kana that is pretty meh. But seeing as you don't care for optimization right now, anything is a safe bet for her. I really like the exposition behind Nyx's S support. I heard Selena's S support is pretty good as well. Admittedly, I stole Sol off of your Avatar. If I need to change my castle around some so you can more easily recruit my Avatar let me know. I think I just have Felicia set to defend it right now with Lilith off to the side; she shouldn't really get in the way except for the two attackers on the left. |
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@Haseo - Truth be told, I don't care for optimization at all. I pair people up based on how good of a match their supports together make them seem. That is essentially my sole pair up factor when it comes to the characters other than the main character, which is based on personal preference. Just like with Pokemon, I'm not someone known for giving a damn about turning the game into an Excel spreadsheet (I have to deal with Excel at work as it is, last thing I want is it being part of my hobby lol). I considered doing up a Marriage Chart like I did in the Awakening thread, but it's basically just me and you commenting here so I figured it would be kind of a waste of time. I'm currently on Chapter 18 of Revelations where I have been sitting for like 10 hours of game time. I finished pairing up everyone I possibly could over the weekend, so since then I've been working my way through the child characters. Once I have them all recruited, I will then be sitting around for another god knows how many hours just grinding levels/classes/skills and picking out my main go-to party. I'll be grinding out the support conversations during that time as well. I kind of skimmed through Conquest after I hit chapter 14, because I realized that the support conversations (especially those between children/parents) would be the same in Revelations and I wanted to save as much content for that as I could since it's the 'true'/'final' game and all. Conquest definitely had some high points in terms of story/characterization, but the difficulty curve was super frustrating at some points too. Anyway, overall my play time so far is: Birthright = About 55 hours Conquest = About 30 hours Revelations = 40 hours and counting So I've logged about 125 hours at this point across all three versions. I expect to end Revelations at at least 70, so the total will probably hit 155. I consider that as having been well worth the $100 I paid. |
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I just lost my entire post because I got auto-logged out, so... yeah, I don't really feel up to typing that entire thing up again. I will ask this, as this was I think my favorite part of the post. Would it be wrong to pair Selena/Severa up with Subaki? Since Caeldori is Cordelia's distant ancestor, would creating a paradox by pairing Cordelia's daughter with her ancestor be frowned upon? I mean, a central part of Awakening's story was time travelling, so I think it's fair game. At least... I think. |
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@Haseo - I hate when that happens. I ended up getting in to a habit of copying everything before clicking post, but I would still forget like 50% of the time. Anyway, I just find that kind of funny personally, as opposed to 'wrong'. My Laslow in Revelations is married to Felicia, so Soleil has pink hair and is (at least implied by some of her comments) to be a dancer. Soleil/Laslow's 'A' Support has him mention how Soleil reminds him of his mother (Soleil's grandmother) and that technically Soleil could totally meet Olivia, who she resembles heavily. The Cordelia/Caeldori connection is a bit funnier though because of Selena. To be honest though, despite how much I do like Caeldori, I kind of wishes they had come up with more original characters rather than copying Awakening characters. The inclusion of Rhajat is especially pandering considering that she is like a 90% copy in looks/personality/dialog. I would have preferred an original character instead of her (but of course I don't really find Tharja/Rhajat's shtick to be funny or endearing at all). Anyway, instead of doing a chart, here's a straight list of the pairings (Revelations) I have just for comparisons sake: Jon - Camilla Azura - Subaki Arthur - Nyx Benny - Rinkah Kaze - Charlotte Xander - Hinoka Leo - Sakura Ryoma - Kagero Saizo - Mozu Takumi - Oboro Hinata - Peri Kaden - Orochi Laslow - Felicia Silas - Beruka Jakob - Effie Niles - Setsuna Azama - Hana Keaton - Selena Hayato - Nobody (I didn't have anyone left to pair him with and also I dislike Rhajat, so poor Hayato is forever alone) Odin - Nobody (I only have Elise left in terms of pair units and I don't really like the idea of pairing him up with Elise since she looks/acts like she's 15 at the oldest) Elise - Nobody (See above. Hayato would have been a less squicky pairing, but you can't make it happen, so Elise will probably stay unpaired along with Odin) |
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@Jon: I guess I forgot to copy that from my last post, but I was heavily amused at the fact that Subaki/Severa is even a possibility. As for Laslow, I paired him up with Azura in Conquest because of the whole Dancer/Singer dynamic and I may end up doing that again. I am a fan of your pink hair plan with Felicia to give homage to Olivia, at least. I can understand your Elise problem. I paired her up with Silas in Conquest and it was just... weird. Their CBA supports are all about playing brother and sister and then SURPRISE, they both want to be waaaay more than that. I still have no idea who to pair the Avatar with. As much as I liked Nyx in I think of saving her for Hayato, and getting a Rhajat that's close to Tharja, and because they have the whole older-person-who-looks-younger thing going on. If only there was an orange-haired female to pair with Saizo to get a Gaius-like Asugi. I will agree with you that I feel that the Awakening characters/ancestors are a bit of a cop out. IS did a popularity poll and Gaius, Cordelia, Tharja, Severa, Owain, and Inigo won, so they were put into Fates in some way, shape, or form. I would have just preferred completely new characters to fill their spots. It is nice that Owain can interact with Lissa in Before Awakening, though. I haven't tried bringing any of them to Before Awakening, so I don't know what those interactions are. It's also curious that Owain now uses magic for whatever reason? So far, these are my pairings: Avatar - Sophie? Nina? Ophelia? (most likely Nina; I had Niles/Severa, and the red looks good on her). Azura - Probably Inigo Nyx - Hayato Subaki - Severa I figure if I pair the Avatar up with a Gen 2 then that frees up a spouse if I don't go Scarlet or Flora, which I doubt I will. Also thinking about Owain and Hana if possible. I just want to try and spread the Royal Blood around as much as possible, so I'm trying to avoid Royal Marriages; although Takumi/Camilla could be funny. Actually now that I think about it, I wonder of Inigo/Sakura is a thing... Where's my headcanon Morgan when I need her, she had pink hair thanks to Avatar/Olivia. I'm on Chap. 13 of Revelations now, and this already looks like it'll be an annoying chapter. |
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@Haseo - Just as a minor spoiler, you likely won't be going with Scarlet. I'm pretty sure Birthright is the only route in which she can be supported (which looking back on it, I should have paired my character up with her in Birthright, she was a cool character). If I had my time back, I probably would have waited to get Flora and looked into pairing her up with my character as well. Unfortunately she doesn't join you in Revelations until like Chapter 22 or something, which is way too late (you'd have to spend a lot of time trying to get Kana to catch up at that point). And yeah, the Silas/Elise supports are super freaking weird if you go from A to S going by what you just described happens in the S rank. That's pretty much the entire reason I don't want to pair up Elise. I mean I'm used to the usual RPG staple of a girl character looking like she's 16 but being described as 18 because SoCalization (don't go to TVTropes!), but there are a few lines in the game that pin Elise to being like 14 and her personality is pretty explicitly childish. Because of that I just don't feel right pairing her up with a character knowing that she will have a kid. For god's sake (due to all of the Deeprealms/time passage nonsense) out of all the child characters that I have, the only one of them that wouldn't wind up being older than their own mother is Kana. That's just too weird for me. As for the DLC, I haven't done much with it at all. I did play Before Awakening, but I don't recall doing any of the special conversations, so I can't help you much on whether or not there's anything interesting there. Finally, I don't remember much about Chapter 13. Is it the one with the ships by any chance? If that's the one I'm thinking of then yeah, that chapter was a major pain. It's mainly because if you screw up and lose a character near the end, it takes forever to restart and get back into position due to the environmental crap. |
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@Jon: I know she leaves the party, I just don't know what specifically happens to Scarlet. I've raised both her and Reina to an A support with Corrin thus far, and Scarlet's supports are quite enjoyable while Reina's feel kinda bland. So far, Scarlet is winning out, but I don't want Kana to go motherless... But like I said previously, one of the Gen IIs is always an option. So far, I have these pairings: Inigo x Azura Subaki x Severa (their supports are actually really good) Owain x Orochi Xander x Charlotte Leo x Felicia Niles x Camilla Arthur x Setsuna Ryoma x Hana Takumi x Kagero Saizo x Beruka Hayato x Nyx Still trying to work through the rest of the couples. I may just pair Elise up with Silas again because I don't like any of the options I have available to her. I'd feel least guilty about Silas. Chapter 13 was the one that took place after the attacks in Cheve, with both Xander and Ryoma on the map. The one with the ships came either after or before it, I believe. I'm at Chapter 18 now, but I'm getting all the children and their paralogues out of the way first before I continue on. May unlock all the paralogues and then complete chapter 18 without doing the side chapters just to put an Offspring seal in each of the children's inventory. I don't have enough money for all those Master Seals currently. |
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@Haseo - Oh right. I didn't find that chapter too bad, except for the fact that it is incredibly cramped and hard to move around in. Yeah, Master Seals get super expensive when you go pairing up all the characters. You don't want to waste experience while your grinding out supports, so you have to go getting Seals in order to level them even if you don't plan to use the characters on a main team. Eternal Seals are the major money sink near the end of the game. They cost 12,000 each and they only boost the level cap by 5, so if you keep training your main characters while grinding supports you'll be easily spending like 100,000 every few battles on Eternal Seals. If you don't have the gold grinding DLC map you are pretty much done with leveling at that point due to the cost. I did the same as you. I pretty much stopped all story progress around Chapter 13-14 and then just did Paralogue's for pairs that I was relatively sure of. Then I moved on when I ran out of couples. Anyway, I finally just decided to finish Revelations on Friday night. I clocked 160 hours across all three versions in the span of 5 weeks, so I was feeling kind of burnt out on it and decided to wrap it up. There were a few child characters I didn't pair up in the end, but after seeing the endings, it doesn't seem to have mattered all that much. The child character S ranks are more like them becoming best friends as opposed to married (there are only like two or three that I saw end with marriage, the rest were more like friendships). I enjoyed all of the games and felt it was worth the $100 for the special edition. I don't think I enjoyed it quite as much as Awakening though. Here are my pros and cons: Pros +I liked the My Castle/My Room feature. I love games that have little home bases you can customize and build. +I liked not having to constantly manage weapons because of durability ratings. I prefer the way this game does it, by making the weapons indestructible but having them have different advantages. +Revelations story was enjoyable. I do kind of wish that it had a little bit more lead up/fleshing out of the world though. +Despite my complaint earlier of them reusing Awakening characters, there were still a lot of awesome characters in this game. Arthur, Benny, Silas, Gunter, Kagero, Sophie, Kana, and Scarlet are some of my favorites in terms of design and personality. Cons -The Avatar. It wasn't so bad in Conquest and Birthright, but damn does it really come out in Revelations. The Avatar in this game gets stuck with my least favorite JRPG protagonist personality of being absurdly idealistic and trusting. There were quite a few moments during support conversations and story segments (again, especially in Revelations) that made me really miss the competence and intelligence of the Awakening protagonist. -The little touches. I miss some of the little touches that Awakening threw in and was kind of surprised that those didn't make a return. For instance in Awakening when an S-link couple was paired they would both be blushing in their portraits and would have little dialog on sparkling points of the map. I'm not really faulting the game for this, but I wanted to mention it because I loved those little things like what I just mentioned in Awakening. -DLC. I don't fault the game for having DLC or any of that (it's a thing in the game industry that's here to stay, whether we like it or not), but I really hated the map designs and their choice in staggered release order. For the first point, many of the maps so far have been pulling this 'pre-set party' garbage. Hidden Truths 1 & 2, Royal Royale, the Beach Scramble one, they all stick you with a party of three characters with crappy equipment and locked levels and then tell you to fight your way through 20+ enemies. It's a massive pain in the ass. I'm sure the people who complain about the games being too easy would like these maps, but those people tend to hate the concept of DLC in the first place, so I'm not sure where the developers were going with this. As for the second point, they released the basic maps within the first few weeks (Gold, Weapon, Exp grinding missions), but why is it that stuff like prologue story maps are released so quickly after launch but the DLC that adds new classes won't be released until mid April? The new classes are pretty much worthless to anyone who bought the game on or near launch since there isn't really any content left to make use of them at that point. Mixed =The Avatar being the main character. I'm not sure how I felt about this. It was cool having the Avatar be the focus of the story this time, but it also feels like the story was a bit weaker because of it. I think I preferred Awakening more in that regard. The Avatar was more like a best friend to the main character but still have a major importance in the story. I think it worked a bit better that way. Maybe it's because the Avatar in Awakening had another major character to play off of, whereas the Avatar in Fates is the sole focus and only gets a few scenes with Azura (who ends up being more of a minor character, which is weird considering how important she first appears). |