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Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2011-12-08 21:52:44 (edited 2011-12-09 00:13:07)
Well, your top 5 characters from Hayate. Knowing this anime, one favorite character, or even top three is not enough :) So, for me:
4)Izumi(not Isumi)

P.S. I wonder if even one serious top will be without Hinagiku :) Can't imagine that.

Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by kelreifblue on 2011-12-08 22:29:51
Waa. Thanks thanks. lol

1) Hinagiku <3
2) Nagi xD
3) Maria lol
4) Sakuya
5) Tama xD

Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by on 2011-12-10 08:25:06
1. Izumi (I don't know why)
2. Sakuya
3. Hayate
4. Hinagiku
5. Athena

Well, there's a reason why Hina is always so pro in ISML.

Photobucket Thanks to liweny for this lovely Mystia claim icon! <3

Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by mukabodo on 2011-12-11 07:09:52
1. Hinagiku
2. Athena
3. Nagi
4. Maria
5. Izumi

Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by tsuibamu on 2011-12-11 21:53:50
5.Nagi (or Maria)

My memory of Hayate no Gotoku is a little fuzzy though; my ranking would probably change if I re-watched it.

Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by clk222 on 2011-12-11 23:48:31
1) Athena
2) Maria
3) Hayate
4) Isumi
5) Chiharu

Ah, I think I mostly like side-characters, other than Hayate, whom I shall consider as a mixed. xD

Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by on 2011-12-12 09:22:07
A serious top without Hinagiku?! OP, you got a winner!

Photobucket Thanks to liweny for this lovely Mystia claim icon! <3

Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by hello on 2011-12-12 10:53:17
1) santa claus/mikado (Hayate: Santa, why don't I get any presents on christmas? Santa: Because you are poor.)
2) izumi
3) hayate
4) athena
5) tama


Re: Hayate no Gotoku, Top 5
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2011-12-12 21:05:16
Well, Hayate has a lot of characters and some people MIGHT don't like Hina, though I don't see why. She DID score first place on the top that was announced in an anime. And I'm surprised Nagi was in a top three there. Actually that top is one of the reasons I decided to run this poll, though I'm not counting votes or anything.
@Clk: The only side character you named is Chiharu. The other four are obviously main characters. The real side characters would be someone like Eight, Makimura, Claus or even a Hayate-Robo that appeared near the end of first season (I actually liked that character, too bad he only appeared for one episode). Tama is surprisingly popular, though well, that's understandable, you don't see talking thug tiger a lot :)

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