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Some suggestions.
Link | by Sukinidachi on 2011-08-29 14:58:52
I was thinking that it should be required if possible to have an album cover on music and maybe instead of songs saying "Single" it having the actual album name, it'd help people who like to keep their music organized and easy to find on their computers, and would also help keep them from having to edit the information on the each song.

Also maybe what about a "Suggestion" section (If there isn't already one)for the Forum, even in a load of bad suggestions you can hope to find 1 good suggestion.

"When two are of one mind, their strength can cut gold."

Just some suggestions, I'm not expecting for them to take place nor am I expecting for them not to take place, I'm just simply suggesting.

Re: Some suggestions.
Link | by hello on 2011-08-29 15:23:50
Not happening.
1) label one mp3, label them all (all 6000+ songs)
2) load of bad suggestion outweigh 1 good suggestion. Too lazy to filter though all of them.

I'm just simply suggesting.


Re: Some suggestions.
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-29 15:47:57 (edited 2011-08-29 15:48:39)
Why can't some people take five seconds to search the forum:

And hello is right, you know how long it would take Gendou to edit these songs and add album art?
There's never been a complaint about this system especially when it takes like 15 seconds to add album art and edit one tag.

You can still try asking though.


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