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Hurricane Irene
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-25 20:08:44
Anyone affected by the evacs or anything? I live here in PA, so I think I'm okay,
however my family in Jersey are driving up to my house as we speak.
They (Jersey, NY) have told people to evac so I think it's getting pretty serious.

Just on Tuesday there was an Earthquake that I even felt here and now this. Shocker.


Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by on 2011-08-25 20:12:20
Omg...I even felt the Earthquake when I was working that day! And I live in Ontario, Canada!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-25 20:15:17
Hopefully it didn't bother your studies, cause... you're always studying... lol!! <3


Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by on 2011-08-25 20:31:50 (edited 2011-08-25 20:36:40)
It's still 20 degree weather here, but what happens in the U.S. will apparently be a deciding factor in whether or not it will hit here.

I'm in the Atlantic provinces, and according to the Weather Network, if the storm passes right over New York and continues on that path, then it's likely to hit where I am. Let's hope everyone gets through this alright.

As for the earthquake, I didn't feel anything from it at all.


Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by hikarixmoon on 2011-08-25 20:36:43
I live in MA and nope it's not bothering me here.
In all honesty, the people around here are taking as a joke.
We didn't even feel the earthquake.
Everybody was like "I feel jibbed! Where's this earthquake?!"

Nothing much really happens here in where I live.
The most shocking thing that we've had was a 10 minute flood that happen a year ago.

Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by on 2011-08-26 16:11:09
I'm not affected by the evacuations, but some of my aunts, uncles, and cousins who live in New York City are affected by them. My family didn't hear from one of my aunts (Which happens to be the one we're the most concerned about since she might be in an evacuation zone), but we did heard from another one, and offered for her and her family to come and stay with us (We're in the Hudson Valley and definitely not as close to the center of the hurricane as they're going to be). But they decided to stick it out down there because they're not in an evacuation zone of the city so they really don't have to go (Although we're still kind of worried about them).

And I felt the earthquake here too. I was so happy since it was my first earthquake. XD

Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by starninja on 2011-08-26 17:53:03 (edited 2011-08-26 17:53:17)
I'm really worried myself. I may not be near the areas getting hit but all my family is and I'm freaking out worrying about them /: I hope nothing gets hit at all.

Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by on 2011-08-31 09:22:28 (edited 2011-08-31 09:23:24)
So how did everyone fare?

It's been nothing but clear skies and sunshine where I am, despite the fact that Irene passed right next to us. We had one day with relatively strong winds, but I haven't seen rain in probably 4 or 5 days. Monday and Tuesday are supposed to be heavy rain though, so maybe it's just taking a while.

Not really sure if Irene has passed by or not. Last news story I saw was about the aftermath in Quebec.


Re: Hurricane Irene
Link | by on 2011-08-31 11:24:30
Well, my area is alright, although some of the areas nearby got a lot of flooding. We first got a lot of rain, and then the rain stopped and we just got a lot of wind for the rest of the day. Our television/telephone/internet was out for the entire day, but we never lost electric so it wasn't too bad. I just used the day to work on some of my AP summer assignments that I've been neglecting. XD

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