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E3 2011
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2011-05-23 09:55:40 (edited 2011-06-07 10:39:06)
E3 2011 is fast approaching. (June 7-9, 2011) After another year of controversies, innovation, and gaming drama. What is in store for us for this year?

How will Sony respond after having the worst cyber attack they had on their network?

Will we finally find out Nintendo's new console?

What new tricks will Microsoft give us?

Official Site

Kotaku E3 2010 Big 3 Conference recap

Kotaku E3 2011 expectations

Konami pre-E3 Press conference

Microsoft Conference:
* Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 live demo

* Tomb Raider (supposedly an origin story) live demo
- Survival Instincts - Objects that can be used are highlighted

* 4 Kinect EA sports games announced

* Sims for Kinect announced

* Mass Effect 3
- live demo
- Also supports Kinect
- Voice used for dialogue, unit commands

* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- Gunsmith: Modifiable weapons (every parts can be used to create a new gun)
- Kinect enabled (voice and controls for menus)
- Commands to randomize and modify depending on use (such as "optimize for range")

* Future Tom Clancy games will use Kinect

* Xbox Live
- using kinect for voice commands and movement
- Xbox home
- Xbox music
- Xbox games
- Xbox video
- Youtube on xbox live
- Xbox bing (voice activated search engine)
- Xbox live tv (certain channels around the world are viewable)
- UFC (scores for calling the fight results)

* Gears of War 3
- live demo (co-op)

* Ryse (Rome-themed kinect game)

* Halo anniversary (Previous 3 halo games remastered and modified for play on the 360)

* Forza motorsport 4
- Trailer
- Kinect voice and headtracking

* Fable: The journey
- Kinect game
- First person game
- Spell caster (Movements can be used to unleash different spells)
- Live demo

* Minecraft for kinect

* Kinect Disneyland Adventures
- Trailer and live demo
- Mini-games
- Virtual disneyland
- Live demo
- "Fistbump!"

* Kinect star wars
- Trailer and live demo
- "Lightsaber on!"

* Sesame Street: Once upon a monster
- Live demo
- Kinect game

* Kinect Fun labs
- Kinect me (Scan yourself from your face to what you are wearing to create a virtual avatar)
- Finger tracking (modify a picture taken)
- Object capture (have an item scanned to create a virutal item)
- Live demo
- Available for xbox users

* Kinect sports season 2
- Trailer
- Live demo

* Dance Central 2
- Live demo

* Halo 4
- Trailer

EA Conference:
* Mass Effect 3
- Trailer
- Live demo
- "Fall of Earth" trailer

* Need for speed: The Run
- autolog now included in the story
- Now has action sequences outside the cars
- Live demo

* Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Trailer

- Trailer
- "Massive" open world (Used satellites to scan real life mountain ranges)
- Race it, Trick it, Survive it
- Revealed 3rd character: "Kaori"

* FIFA 12
- Player impact engine
- Trailer
- EA sports Football club (Adds challenges and connect with other players)

* Madden 12
- Trailer
- Collision system and upgraded A.I
- Dynamic player performance

* The Sims: Social
- Trailer
- Facebook game

* Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
- Open world game
- Trailer

* Overstrike
- Trailer

* Battlefield 3
- Frostbite 2 engine
- Multiplayer trailer
- Battlelog (Check stats, Conncect with friends, etc..)
- Live demo

Ubisoft Conference:
* Rayman Origins

* Driver: San Francisco

* Farcry 3
- Gameplay demo

* Brothers in Arms: Furious 4
- Trailer

* The Adventures of Tintin: The Game
- Trailer

* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- Live multiplayer demo

* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online
- F2P MMO for the PC

* Trackmania 2: The Canyon
- Trailer

* Raving Rabbids: Alive and Kicking
- Live demo
- Shows some mini-games
- Takes pictures and can be posted in Facebook

* Just Dance 3
- User videos are played while trailer is shown
- Multiplatform

* Rocksmith: Authentic Guitar games
- Designed from real guitars

* Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012
- Trailer

* Assassin's Creed: Revelations
- Trailer
- Live demo

Sony Conference:

[Starts the conference by addressing and apologizing about the Playstation Network. As well as thanking all those affected]

* Playstation Network
- Cinema Now

* Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Live demo
- 3D trailer

* Resistance 3
- Live demo
- Resistance 3 bundle

* God of war origins Collections 3D

* Ico and Shadow of the Colossus 3D

* Playstation 3D monitor
- Provides an alternative view than a split screen look
- Bundle: Includes glasses, cable, and Resistance 3 ($499)

* Playstation Move
- NBA 2K12
- NBA on the move (target the basketball player to command them using the playstation move)
- Live demo
_ Medieval Moves: Dead Man's Quest
- Live Demo

- Infamous 2
- Trailer
- Will have Playstation move support

- Little Big planet 2
- New and enhanced controls for move


* Starhawk
- Trailer

* Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
- Trailer

* Dust 514
- Will be connected to Eve Online to create a single universe
- Will have both Playstation Move and NGP support
- Trailer

* Bioshock Infinite
- Trailer using in-game footage
- Will have Playstation Move support

* An unknown project for NGP by Irrational Games

* Saints Row 3
- Exclusive weapons

* Untitled Star Trek game
- Will have Playstation Move Support
- Pre alpha in-game footage


* Need for Speed: The Run
- Will have additional cars

*Battlefield 3
- PS owners will have additional content

* Playstation Suite
- Will enable certain mobile phones to play Playstation content

* PSVita
- Dual Analog
- Touch screen and Touch pad at the back
- Cameras that can be used for Augmented reality
- Partnering with At&t
- Social connection tool (Party, Near)
- There will be a 3G ($299) and Wi-fi ($249) version

- Uncharted: Golden Abyss
- Live demo
_ Controls can be combinations of Touchscreen, Sixaxis, or the traditional D-pad control.

- Ruin
- Action based role playing game
- Multiple character character classes, loots, etc...
- Live demo
- Diablo-esque clone
- Player interactions: Either help, visit another players lair, or fight another player.
- Will have transferable on the PS3 for play.

- Modnation Racers
- Will use a new building scheme that uses the touch screen to create new maps.

- Little Big Planet
- Trailer (showcasing all the PSVita's controls)
- New modes

- Street Fighter X Tekken
- Trailer
- Cole from Infamous 2 will be an joining the line-up
- Live demo

- Sizzle reel of future PSVita titles:
- Uncharted, Wipeout, Little Deviants, Little Big Planet, Sound Shapes, Project: Gravity, Hustle Kings, Mod Nation Racers, Super Stardust, Ruin, Reality Fighters, Hot Shots Golf, Shinobido 2: Tales of the Ninja, Virtua Tennis 4, Dynasty Warriors (of course!), Dragon Crown,

Nintendo Conference:

* The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
- 3DS eShop

* The Legend of Zelda 3d: Ocarina of Time
- 3DS eShop

* The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords
- Free DSiWare download

* The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
- Wii
- Will use WiiMotion Plus to attack simpler
- A gold Wii remote with Zelda branding as a special promotion on launch

Legend of Zelda 25th anniversary
- Series of Legend of Zelda Symphony concerts in each region around the world
- 2 music CDs:
- The Ocarina of Time OST (Free to the first group of gamers who register the game)
- CD highlights on the Zelda Symphony Concerts

>> 3DS

* Mario Kart 3DS
- Transforming karts depending on terrain

* Starfox 3DS
- Records your pictures on multiplayer

* Super Mario 3DS (reminescent of Mario 3)

* Kid Icarus Uprising
- Now with Multiplayer (Team battle and Free for all)
- Also previewed augmented reality cards

* Luigi's Mansion 2 3DS

>> 3DS Montage
- Mario and Sonic 2012, Ace Combat 3D, Tetris, Cave Story 3D, Resident Evil Revelations and The Mercenaries, Driver Renegade, Pac-Man and Galaga Dimensions, Tekken 3D, Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D, Cave Story 3D, Driver Renegade,

* 3D Classics Excitebike

* Pokedex 3D
- Nintendo eShop
- Use SpotPass, get them from friends, or scan AR markers to get more Poke'mon.
- Will also use the Augmented reality to display Pokemons

>> Wii U
- "U" - "For you"
* Controller looks like a huge PSP/Tablet hybrid
- Touch Screen
- D pad
- 6 button scheme (4 front and 2 shoulder buttons)
- Dual Analogs
- Rumble Feature
- Microphone speakers
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- You can switch from TV to the built-in screen (You can play without using the TV as well)
- Drawing, Mini-games
- Uses motion to control certain game functions (Catching, Throwing a ball)
- Also adds more variety by having different functions and controls in games unique for the controller
- Has online functions (Web browsing and Videochat)
- Can display pictures and videos by dragging it towards a display using the touchscreen
- Not designed as a portable game system

* Plans for a new Super Smash bros for 3DS and Wii U that is compatible with each other

> Wii U demos
- Graphic test of a bird flying to a garden full of blooming Sakura trees
- Conceptional ideas:
- Super Mario bros. Mii (Play using your Mii on the game)
- Shield pose
- Chase Mii (The person using the Wii U controller has a different view than the others)
- UFO (similar to Chase Mii)

* Lego City Stories
- Open ended world
- Also for the 3DS
- Exclusive

> Wii U montage
- Tekken Wii Successor
- Darksiders 2
- Batman: Arkham City
- A new Assassin's Creed
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
- Dirt
- Aliens: Colonial Marines

* Possible Battlefield 3 on Wii U

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: E3 2011
Link | by on 2011-05-23 14:50:27
I have a feeling that we'll be seeing some official footage of Modern Warfare 3. I'm not looking forward to the game to be quite honest, I think it will be horrible, but I'm curious to see how the Graphics will stand up against Battlefield 3. Considering that they're claiming that MW3 will have some of the most realistic graphics.

I'm also hoping that we'll get some more word for Tales of Graces f. I'm really not as stoked for this as I was last year, but I'll still keep my tabs on the big 3 for sure.

Tales of FC

Re: E3 2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-05-23 18:17:54
lol they might not even be able to release MW3 if IW wins back the franchise rights.
And even if it looked better than BF3, which I doubt at this point, BF3 will win,
cause they delayed BF:BC3 (or the next game in that series) and brought in the top notch studios to perfect BF3.
Hopefully there's a free beta again to really test it out ourselves, but yeah EA has some real nice stuff this year.

I think Ubisoft will reveal more on AC3 and Dice will show more BF3 (possibly),
I'm excited about Sony in general cause this year it seems a lot of companies are competing.
Game of the year this year will be a battle between Uncharted 3 and AC3.

Year of the triquels for Sony, but ugh, can we please get an update on TEAM ICO BUNDLE!?!?!?

E3 is fun but it's better to be there cause they have even more stuff on the sidelines that don't get shown on TV.

Nintendo's going to have interesting stuff to show like always for their fans,
but who cares about Microsoft, they're just going to introduce some Kinect titles which nobody cares about.


Re: E3 2011
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-24 09:13:52
MW3 trailer was pretty intense last night. Gotta say I can't wait for that now,
mainly because I like the WWIII concept with how they seem to be presenting it.

And at E3 I'm really only caring about one thing, and that's Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
I held out for a PS3 for a few reasons, but the biggest reason was FFXIII Versus.

They say we'll see more news at E3 on it, and get a possible release date; which
surely won't be until sometime in 2012, probably around the Summer-Fall. I would
kill for a spring '12 release worldwide, though. That or an early '12 release
in Japan and a spring-summer US release soon after.

Of course it'll prolly be much later. I can hope, though.

Also pumped to see if there's any new FF news across consoles, and NGP news.

Re: E3 2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-05-24 10:47:20

LAST GUARDIAN IS FINISHED??? And Zomg 37 titles by next Christmas?!?!?! Nothing from Dice or Ubisoft yet though.

I'll have to check when it's on TV luckily I have G4 again back at my house so I can watch it all day or have it up.


Re: E3 2011
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-25 12:36:36
That tells me one of those titles meant for Christmas '12 will be Versus. After all
the game wasn't expected till '12, and they would probably aim for a holiday release
to maximize sales. Though I hope they decide to release that title sometime before
then, they'll prolly wait so that the FFXIII-2 sales and Versus don't conflict, since
XIII-2 is coming out end of this year [release date by gamestop says January 1st
2012, but that can never be for certain].

My wait for Versus continues!

Re: E3 2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-05-25 13:06:04
I know a few titles that they're working on for next year (Spring ish) but I can't think of them right now.

A God of War multiplayer game seems weird to me. Haven't played 3 so I don't know how the story went.
But yeah about 40 titles for next year is pretty amazing, you can expect at least half of those are exclusive goodies.

Also GG who made KZ is talking about a new game (not KZ4) but I can expect that for next year.
Also some games are being pushed back for next year so yeah that only adds to the list of games all together.

But yeah, I'm really curious about TLG, it's probably a demo or something so we'll see! Later in the year will probably reveal more from TGS.
Maybe Mirror's Edge 2 is going to be out by next year??


Re: E3 2011
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2011-05-26 11:00:40 (edited 2011-05-26 11:07:34)
Im expecting:

Sony Conference:
- Apologies, Compensation and promises of better protection for their Network.
- The NGP
- Gameplay for the NGP titles as well as the official announcement of it's line up.
- The Last Guardian and Team ICO HD bundle.
- Zone of the Enders 3
- Suikoden 6
- Support for more PSN PSone titles and because of the NGP there might be PS2 classics on the horizon.
- Twisted Metal details and update.

Nintendo Conference:
- Their move for 3D
- More 3DS titles
- The reveal of their new console and some games/ companies that will support it.

Microsoft Conference:
- The successor of Halo
- Gears of War 3 details
- Some game IP they would probably take away from Sony or vice versa.

Somewhere around there would be Modern Warfare 3.

Square Enix will probably unveil a new MMO as previously reported. While they continue on milking their existing IPs dry with bad management.(Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy) Then it will take so long to complete that the "it's a different team" excuse is getting lamer and lamer.

All 3 are likely to respond that "they are not forgetting their older systems" and that they'll continue to bring out games for them. (If ever Microsoft plans on revealing any new system)

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: E3 2011
Link | by on 2011-05-26 11:16:51
I'm hoping for the same things I hope for every year that never happen. Other than that, there aren't any rumors going around that have piqued my interest.

I want to see what Nintendo will do with their new system. Specifically, I want to see if it will actually compete with the other two systems, and if it will have some edge over them that will prevent their games from simply being ported to the 360/PS3.

I'm completely uninterested in Microsoft's presentation. I don't foresee any surprises from them. They will most likely do what they did last year, focusing on the Kinect (which has had crap all support since launch) and showing off the games that you know are on the way (New Halo, Gears 3, Forza 4, etc). You can probably also expect them to announce another deal with Activision whereby the 360 gets COD map packs a month before PC/PS3, as seems to be tradition.

I'm also not expected anything major from Sony (even the leaked line-up didn't contain surprises). The pricing and availability of the NGP will be what I keep a look out for. I've already seen Uncharted 3 and Twisted Metal gameplay, so that's nothing big (although I am hoping to hear an announcement of a collectors edition for U3). Still waiting on some sort of Legend of the Dragoon remake or sequel, but that's one of those long shots I wait for every year.

@Lu Bu - New Suikoden and Zone of the Enders would be awesome, but again, that is what I consider a long shot. Especially ZOE3, since Konami keeps Kojima locked to the MGS franchise despite his many attempts to distance himself.

I am hoping for some RPG related announcements. Suikoden would be great news, FFXIV news telling us whether it is still set to come out or if it has been canceled, maybe some big games from Japan finally getting ported (where the hell is that localization of Tales of Vesperia?)


Re: E3 2011
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2011-05-26 13:14:52
You clearly missed my existence Jon.

Anyways, The Konami Line-up I mentioned is based on rumors circulating around for a while. Since the Suikoden series has been seriously late for an appearance in the major consoles. So the timing for an announcement this year would seem plausible. The ZoE rumor I believe started from an article in 2009 stating that the team (Kojima's) already wanted to start on it. But the last news (2010) was it was "tad" delayed. If anything, an announcement of it in development or even a trailer would electrify E3.

One thing I forgot to mention that I am expecting them to throw out would be more details on the 2 crossover titles of Street Fighter and Tekken. And I think Namco's version "Tekken X Capcom" would probably make it's appearance.

If they don't show up. Chances are they might be announced either at TGS or later this year.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: E3 2011
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-26 16:19:47
As far as PS1 classics go, I'm hoping we get news of the Chrono Cross addition
to the PSN. Japan got the game for the PSN in December I believe, so I'm hoping
we get that soon as well. It's my second favorite game all-time, just behind FFIX,
so being able to have both the physical copies and PSN copies of those would be great.

I'm also rather interested now at the Minecraft Portable coming out for Xperia that
will be demoed. The video of it seems to be like the browser version and not the
downloadable one that is in Beta and what everyone is hyped on and playing.

Should be interesting to see if it will be the same as the Beta, or what the
full game will be when it comes out later this year [11/11/11].

Re: E3 2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-05-26 18:31:16
From what I read they're saying the new Nintendo console will be even more powerful than the PS3.
Though I doubt, Nintendo has the money to really do anything, though I personally expect an upgraded Wii (e.g Wii 2.0).
Cause if they focus all on just being more stronger than the PS3, the PS4 (years to come) has no competition.
And Microsoft to me, is sinking... they can milk their shooters and Halo but that's not going to make them bigger.

I heard the Halo game is just a remake of Halo 1 and not an entirely new Halo. Regardless, who cares cause Halo is overrated, and Gears.

But yeah I think Nintendo and Sony will mainly focus more on their new consoles/handheld consoles.

Anyways, hopefully it's exciting a bit and that I don't sleep through it.


Re: E3 2011
Link | by on 2011-05-26 19:37:19 (edited 2011-05-26 19:40:22)
@Lu Bu - I always miss your existence. lol

Your taste in games seems to match my own quite a bit, so I enjoy the discussions you start on them.

ZOE3 rumors have been flying around for some time, but every time you hear about them you also hear about Kojima being pulled back in to another MG project in some form or another. I do believe him when he said that there will be a ZOE3 some day though. I trust him on that one. I'm just skeptical that it will be this year what with MGS: Rising, 3DS Snake Eater and (according to those leaked Sony plans) the new MGS game for the NGP all due out over the next year or two.

As for Suikoden, that could very well be announced, but I'm not sure if you would see it at the Sony conference. Again, I'm a little skeptical about it. The last Suikoden game that came out was that DS game, right? (I actually have that game, but haven't started playing it yet >.<) Did that one do well? I heard pretty much nothing on it since it came out.

Finally, I believe there is already a trailer out there for one of those fighting game cross-overs. Can't remember which one it was for though.

Edit: Nevermind. That was a character teaser trailer I noticed, not a gameplay trailer.


Re: E3 2011
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2011-05-27 01:29:02 (edited 2011-05-27 03:32:35)
Worst case scenario is that they treat Suikoden 6 like how Capcom did with Megaman legends 3 (Which is portable and they already did it before). These guys seem to just jump ship. Since exclusivity is pretty much down the drain, why keep it on a single system. (They'll probably wait for a while and then release a more "updated" version on the other or all systems) It's pretty harsh on how they treat the PSP considering it sells more systems than it's competitor. And piracy is no excuse. The DS has it's own hardware for it so it's no better (With a bigger capacity to boot). And quite frankly not all DS games has really used the full capacity of the touch screen. Damn you corporate big wigs. You can take your DLCs and DRMs propaganda because I won't fall for it.

Kojima Productions has just announced they would er... announce something in E3 and "something special" before E3 starts.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: E3 2011
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-30 21:55:08

Just wanted to drop in and say that Sony will be livestreaming all their stuff,
which you can read about in that article. Of course other sites stream the whole
show, but I don't know about you guys but sometimes those sites have issues mid-stream.

If I remember, I normally watch it on IGN or Gametrailers. I can't remember which
one streams it each year, but it's where I tend to sit down and watch. I may end
up watching the Sony part on their site though, since they plan to have some extra
stuff and it'll prolly be good quality all around.

Re: E3 2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-05-30 22:04:42
I think GT has it all streamed, but you can easily find the entire thing online, it's not hard.
Though G4 you'd think would have it entirely as well as the side booths covered.

They're all upped later onto youtube though, but I'll be watching on TV (if I'm not sleeping during the day).

Does anyone know the exact times for everything? Too lazy to check. ;P


Re: E3 2011
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-30 22:38:14
I wish I had G4 TV, but alas, just the normal cable stuff for me. I'll prolly
rewatch stuff on youtube, though, especially if I miss something in the stream.

buuut, I have no idea on the times. I can't find specific times for who is doing
what when, but there's at least times for when the floor is going on and who all
is at E3 this year.

I can't find anything about the specific times for who, though.

Re: E3 2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-05-30 22:51:37
Oh yeah, I forget I think they announce those later, so probably this week if it's this weekend.

I think last year Nintendo had a day to themselves, and then the next day was Microsoft and Sony last.

lol, regardless of the PSN incident for Sony and loosing a lot of face, Microsoft will virtually have crap to present.
People are going to go crazy about overrated Gears3 and the remake of Halo (overrated),
but Kinect has not done anything significant at all since release (especially after talking s#it on the Move).

But yeah I think it's pretty ballsy if I see Kevin Butler,
there's even been less commercials with him lately as well.


Re: E3 2011
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-30 23:12:30
E3 is next weekend [7th-9th] but we may get the times this weekend. Sony, on their
E3 thing, just says it all starts "here" [their website] on the 6th, which may be
a typo since it starts on the 7th, but maybe they have additional stuff the day before.

I enjoy the Gears games [only played with friends of course, since I don't own a
360] but people I've talked to think Gears 3 may not be that great. If my friends
get it, I'll prolly play with them of course. They aren't as good as the Halo series
though, and I really do enjoy the Halo series -- mainly for the story. I enjoy the
books, and enjoy playing the campaign more than anything else in the Halo games.

and maybe they're phasing him out for commercials and stuff? I think I've seen him
in a couple new ones the past few months, for MLB the show and some other game.

Oh, and I hope Sony isn't last! I'm looking forward to them the most, especially
since this year I actually have a PS3 and can look forward to everything they put out now.

Re: E3 2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-05-30 23:26:54
The last one he did was the Socom one I believe, but they're might've been one after that I well.

Obviously he's like a mascot, if your team in football is loosing by like 50+ points by the Pats you're gonna be hiding somewhere.

Why would you not want Sony to be last, the best show for last (out of the 3 main presenters).
I'm pretty sure it was that way as well last year, Nintendo went first,
then the next day Microsoft went, and in the afternoon Sony went.
Forget what the third day is, maybe just some recap or to show the extra stuff a bit.

I think Sony is going to announce stuff a day or two in advance though.
They need to make a good impression because of this PSN thing, but honestly though you can't blame them (not 100%, it's still their fault for having non-standard security).


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