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Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by Kageboshi on 2011-04-23 21:58:19
I am in a desperate situation so I'll get this straight to the point: How did you defeat Sorceress Adel in disc four?

I'm using an Emulator and is playing in the computer.

Here is my party stats:

Quistis= lvl 25; HP=about 1176; Junctions= GF: Shiva=lvl 30; Magic: None; Elemental Attack/Defense: None; Status Attack/Defense: None; Abilty: (Command) GF, Magic, Item (Ability) Vit20%

Magic: Sleep 3, Shell 3

Squall= lvl 35; HP= 6666; Junctions= GF: Ifrit=lvl 30+, Alexander=lvl 30+, Brothers=lvl 22, Cerberus=lvl 20+, Carbuncle=lvl 20+; Magic: HP=Blizzaga 100, STR=Water 100; Elemental Attack/Defense: Aero 35/Fire 60&Life 27; Status Attack/Defense: None; Ability: (Command) GF, Draw, Magic (Ability) HP80%, HP40%, Counter

Magic: (Important ones): Aero, Protect, Shell, Life, Quake, Blizzaga, Thundara,

Fire, Flare, Sleep, Blind, Float, Death, Meteor
Zell= lvl 30; HP=about 1776; Junctions= GF: Quezacotl=lvl 30+; Magic: None; Elemental Attack/Defense: None; Status Attacl/Defense: None; Ability: (Command) GF, Magic, Item (Ability) None

Magic: Float, Shell, Protect, Aero

Please help...tell me how to defeat Adel!!!


PS: Quezacotl, Ifrit, and Shiva all have Boost, SumMagic 20-40%, and their ability to refine magic, and also GFHP=10% (or something like that)

Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by red_13 on 2011-04-23 23:04:16
I'm pretty sure GameFaqs is a good source to find this out.

Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by Kageboshi on 2011-04-24 00:00:05
Yeah see, I'm more comfortable to ask here than there. ^.^

Well, guess I'll try to ask there too.

........Yeah, guess you're right. ^^

Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by on 2011-04-24 06:50:33
You have to focus on keeping Rinoa alive while dealing damage to Adel. If you use GF's and limit breaks, you're likely to kill Rinoa in the process. Just cast Shell on everyone that isn't Adel and keep Rinoa healed if her HP starts getting low. Other than that, it's a really standard boss battle. Adel doesn't really have any surprises, and her only powerful attack is Ultima (which you can dampen with Shell). You might want to try casting Regen on Rinoa. That will help in keeping her alive without the need to constantly restore her health.

Alternatively, you could just use Cactaur if you have him. I know you can get a Cactaur summon in FFVIII that pretty much kills everything in one hit, although I'm not sure if you are able to get him at that point in the game. Still, it's worth checking out if you just want to cheap Adel to death.


Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by on 2011-04-26 09:04:39
I just wana say please dont ruin the end for me im about to enter the lunatic pandora so i cant help you :L after reading this i really wana level up first XD

Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by Goenitz86 on 2011-05-01 14:16:51 (edited 2011-05-01 14:18:20)
Kamikaze FTW!
That's how i did it. 40k dmg to adel. 1hko. End of Story.

And btw, by the time you reach adel, you would have unlocked ragnarok, which means you can get all the summons, i.e. bahamut, eden, cactaur, doomtrain.

At the very least, master all gf skills. You can do that by going to cactaur island. They give you 20ap a pop and 0 exp. And do get diablos, he'll be useful for the fight, especially if u have 1000 compatibility with him.

Oh, and final weapons would be great too, especially Squall's lionheart.

Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-17 18:45:04
Jon gave pretty much the best advice there. No GF's or multi-hit magic/limits, and
you have to keep Rinoa healed. I remember when I first played FFVIII over ten
years ago, that Adel gave me the hardest time out of any boss. But, good junctions
on your attack stat can make your attacks deal massive damage when spamming Adel.

That brings me to just add in, like Jon said, shell everyone up and cast Regen on
Rinoa. Keep an eye on her HP and dedicate someone to throw some healing items or
magic her way if she gets low. Also, if you have haste, be sure to haste your characters.

Personally, I have auto-haste for my characters early on [when I get the Kiros card
I mod it to give Shiva, Que, and Ifrit Auto-Haste and keep them divided among my
three characters the whole game] and early on I'm crazy about getting the best stuff
and junctions [as evident by getting Lionheart on disk 1, oho] so I walk in to that
fight ready to kick Adel to the moon [lol ironic] and enjoy doing so!

So if you have haste magic, cast it on your party and use that to both keep a
high rate of damage heading Adel's way, and to be able to heal Rinoa quick if
in a pinch. Keep your shell active throughout, and make sure you don't attack

Also Im not sure if Lionheart [the limit] can only target one person. Im pretty
sure it does, so if you have that use Aura on Squall so he can use his limit
with high HP and spam it for an easy win.

Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by on 2011-05-21 03:14:21
Use Meltdown spell.I think you can draw that from cactuars.And one question.Why are your character levels so low? Disc 4 and only 30ish? Wow you must've rushed through the story.Then again the enemies on FFVIII like "go with your level" and stuff,so whatever.

Re: Help about an old game called "Final Fantasy VIII"
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-21 14:09:11
Levels really don't matter. Infact, being a higher level with Squall can make the
game a lot more difficult. Since enemies level up as Squall levels, they get
tougher and use stronger spells and stuff, and while that alone is a problem, your
lower level characters could get owned pretty quick if not junctioned properly.

Back when I was a kid and first got the game, I was trying to just level like crazy
and didn't get how to junction. As such, I had horrible setups and was a high level
with tough enemies.

Now though, I have top of the line junctions and setups even early in disk 1. I
don't even worry about leveling or battles unless I need to get AP for GF abilities
or need to get materials from drops, mug foes, need to get certain magic drawn, etc.

I think I beat the game in a one playthrough around level 30. I think that was the
lowest I've beaten it, but I'm not certain.

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