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§hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by inaby on 2011-02-03 11:10:08 (edited 2012-06-08 17:39:55)
The Shạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw

In 2011, it was rumored that a few generations of children were selected and marked with the power called Shadows. The Shadow is described as five different skills; all less than one control could alter the balance of existence and the governmental future.

The children's abilities would awaken at seven years of age in different ways, but they would be known by a trademark on there eyes. Each one will have a seal like marked in there pupils, when the use it.

When discovered they would be removed to a hospital called Iris, far from civilization. They would be converted to experimental tests; some will not survive such experiments.

After almost two years a group "Control" or Shadow Project would become the last survivors from this time 2013, but one day an experiment caused an explosion in the base floor control, where the last five survivors were divided into solitary rooms.

The power lock that confined the doors to the control group deactivated, and with help of one another, they were able to escape. Nevertheless, being locked up so long without contact to the advance modern world, how they will survive?

With such skills, they will be searched heaven and earth, as the government would be exposed if they are found. For this reason, Iris creates a task force to the pursuit of these subjects, prepared with the latest IRE Technology allowing them to have more skills than that of any normal human being.

As they are under constant persecution the Shadow Projects or Control group are forced to change there appearance to avoid any familiar contact and humanize with the rest of the world. However, how long can they keep it up, and how will they bend there abilities to help each other, there friends and there "New Life" against Iris?

The Rules

- This Rp is Categories as: Suspense l Supernatural l Comedy l Love l Action l
- Post You're Location So that everyone could have a clear view of whats going on, When and Were
- 2 Character per person.
- 16 and Up
- Every space is crucial, that also means if you will be dropping out because you get bored with it please contact me and we can deal with it. Working on sharing opinions on how can we get a jump start. But if you decide to leave it can't be held.

- Quality posts: Longer posts are better, If you have writers block and have to write only two three lines,
I'm not going to kill you for it. (but My character might XP) Just don't make it a habit.

- Do not control other players
- No God Modding or Invincibility
- If you will be away or absent for any amount of time please tell me
- A single person may make 2 posts a day. If anything I will raise
The post rate

- Love, keep it PG-14 ^^
- If you do not follow these rules, you will be given warn warning; if you have exhausted that warning you will be expelled from the RP and your character will become an NPC.
- Have Fun!

Character Profile

Please Fallow The Order.

Name: (first and last)
Gender: (male or female)
Age: minimum age is 16, but I encourage you to use from 18 and Up .
Role:( First come first serve ) Shadow - S.E.L. - Science Unit - Human

Location:(You're Location) ( Home,Streets,Hidden,Etc)
Personality & Hobby: (your character's personality and what it likes to do) Bio: (the story of your character(s)
Weapons: ( Guns Only for S.E.L. Unit)
Abilities: (Other then the Shadow ability) (No God Mode Please)
Appearance: A picture or description i don't mind


§hadow of Eyes Allows the user to foresee the future to a varying degree and invariably causes that future to change.

§hadow of Move Allows the user to identify the frequency of a given material and alter the gravitational field around it, usually causing the nearby air to appear warped. This allows them to move both animate and inanimate objects. with advance control the user can create protective force fields.

§hadow of Control Allows the user to implant memories, thoughts and emotions into the minds of other people in order to manipulate them. The skill level determines how many people the user is able to control at one time.

§hadow of Erase Allows the user to either temporarily or permanently erase memories of anyone they choose.

§hadow of Life Allows the user to reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. Using only their hands, they can heal and even unheal whatever they have done.

Iris Hospital
An old Children Hospital in Tokyo Japan, created in 1900 to attend psychologically ill children. Then reconstructed and renewed by the Technology and Science comity. Then named Iris Mental Hospital, But behind the portrait lies The Supernatural Experimental Laboratory, with direct funding from the government.

S.E.L. Unit
Unwillingly chosen humans that heaved been experimented on with the I.R.E. They have grown to be almost flawless humans, with Knowledge above average, and are capable of been faster,stronger and smarter. There ages divide from 17-22.
Chosen to go undercover and find the 5 subjects and bring them alive of dead.

Iris Elite Scientist Unit
The highest Unit inside the Iris, consisted of 2 people in charged of The Shadow Protect. They also contain the I.R.E. and are in collaboration with The S.E.L. Unit.

They well use any term necessary to confuse the Subjects to return, convince them that the world outside was never meant for them. If that methought don't work The S.E.L. Unit will be activated.


Limited Space

Shadow Users

- Shadow Eyes - Mistress
- Shadow of Move - Drake
- Shadow of Control - Fairy
- Shadow of Life - Wizard
- Shadow of Erase - Avian

S.E.L. Unit 6/6

- Bulletwitch as Alexis
- Frozen as Hunter
- Frozen as Reira Scarlet
- NPC Kiba Lieut
- Zou as Xing Lee
- Kenji as Kenji Kurayami

Iris Elite Scientist Unit
- Mistress as Francesca & Lacie and Xion
- Wizard as Adrian Maxwell

Human & The Black Lotus Organization 3/4
- DawnBlade(Fenris) as Alith Anar
- Zou as Mai Ling
- NPC as Ava Salon

- Morning
- Evening
- Night

This RP is based inside Tokyo Japan But Here are the Main Important Locations:

Iris Hospital

Tokyo City

Tokyo Park

My Profile

Name: Shiori Night Vessalius
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Role: Shadow

Location: Tokyo City l Small Apartment
Personality & Hobby: Very Polite and tries her best to help. She is gentle and is not very good at being malicious, She tends to hide her true fillings, Shiori is great at cooking and cleaning.

Weapons: N/A
Abilities: Shadow of Eyes, Shiori is able to foresee the future to a varying degree and invariably causes future to change. But visions of the future in her direct influence cause it to frequently shift.

Bio: Raised strictly by her father, and been and older model to Miory her younger sister, she decided to be strict with her as her father had done with her, sense he was always on business trips and her mother left them when Shiori turns seven years old. One day wile walking back from school Shiori at seven years of age she foreseen her sisters death.

Her father took her visions as a way to call for attention. But then after Miory got sicker and withing time before Miory's death, Shiori walked out to bay candy and attempts to play with her for the first time in her life. In her return to her house she encounters a bloody trail leading to her sister room.

When she runs towards it she was hold down by the Iris Elite Scientist Unit, as they called her name, they injected a serum cosing her to lose consciousness.

After the explosion at the Iris laboratory and escaping with the other 4 subjects, Shiori now lives by her self on a small apartment, in Tokyo City, sense her shadow is to foresee the future, she is alway on the move, escaping from S.E.L. units and trying to find the other fore Shadow users before Iris finds them. She is always drinking pain killers for the headache she gets with each vision.

Character 2

Name: Francesca "France"
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Role:Iris Elite Scientist Unit
Location: Iris Hospital
Personality & Hobby: She is dedicated - Serious, but has a rather soft side. - She loved to drink tea in the morning and at evening.

Weapons: Serum Gun - Electricity Gun
Abilities: She doesn't use any abilities, although she has the I.R.E.
she settles for using the Labs hand made weaponry.

Bio: Francesca Bellwood, had studied supernatural science, and graduated from The Science and Supernatural Institute with high honers. She began working as a Lab scientist at Iris Hospital, when she was offered a place in Iris Scientist Unit.

She accepted and after a few years she was granted the position of The Official Shadow Project Unit Manager. From there she took care of each of the Shadows, individually, been in contact with them most of the time.
Now she works in collaboration with the S.E.L. Unit on finding the Shadows.

NPC Character

Name: Kiba Lieut
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Role: S.E.L.Unit

Location: Iris Hospital
Personality: Like to fallow his instincts more than the others, a stereotypical loner, and hates to fallow orders.

Weapons: Ref: in the Appearance picture
Abilities: Keen instincts l Fast Runner l Keen Eye l

Bio: Kiba is a 20 year old altered human. Like the others he was choose for such protect, Kiba was one of the subjects of the SEL project to develop control over the serum. Quickly he adapted and performed with out any hesitation.

After the accident with the The Shadows, he was recruited with the elite S.E.L. Unit to find the missing subjects.

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2011-02-03 13:05:34 (edited 2011-02-07 18:04:20)
I'll reserve the second shadow ability

Name: Shinkiro Kaminora
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Role: Shadow of Move

Location: Tokyo Park
Personality & Hobby: usually tries to keep to himself, but when is involved in something he let's himself known. He loves puzzles, and puzzle games.
Weapons: knives, always carries 3 on him at all times
Abilities: Shadow of Move, can identify the frequency of given materials and alter the gravitational field around them.
Bio: Shinkiro knew of his power since he was 3, his father tried to exploit his abilities though gambling. Iris came along one day and killed his mother but his father lived. That is because he told them about his power.

During the escape he pushed guards out of everyones way, and tried his hardest to keep everyone together.

Currently he lives in Tokyo Park as a maintenance worker.

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-04 18:54:00
Shadow of Control, reserving.

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-04 19:02:17 (edited 2011-02-15 02:55:42)
(I'm a bit rusty, so please bare with me, I'll fix this later))

Alias Name: Avery Lyka Haven
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Role: Shadow
Abilities: Shadow of Control / Level 8 (ability to manipulate 10 at once) & Able to sense presence of humans, S. E. L & Shadows, but can't see them.
Weapon: Purple Crystal Broad Sword

Location:Haven Residence or Hidden
Personality & Hobby: Deceitful, Cynical, Eccentric Personality. She always love learning and looking for trouble. Though with these personas, she's very quiet and extremely loyal to the four other shadows. She's very cautious, planning every move in precise and aware of her surroundings. She likes to watch people in agony and reading books

Biography: At age 7, Avery's Shadow of Control ignited when she got fed up seeing her witnessed her parents fights about marital problems, money and her dad's impulsive drinking problem for months. She would usually just come home bearing with the ruckus, while attempting to control her emotions of guilt, sadness and hatred. One day, when she witnessed her father slapped her mother, her mother falling on the ground, she got fed up. She screamed for him to stop, ran infront of her father, punching his stomach while tears ran down her cheeks. With her final scream, she was able to implant their past, memories consisted of happy recollections during her earlier childhood. Once those visions deceased, her father became more empathetic, and engage with his family. Her parents reestablished their marital relationships and her father stopped his drinking habits. He found a job, though, with average pay, the family was able to pass by peacefully.

One year later, when Avery came back from school. As she open the door, bloodstains were painted across the wall and the house was thrashed. She saw her parents lying on the floor with blood. She ran to them and started weeping, calling out their name but no respond.A tall man stood before her, saying "Hello Avery", a man was turned out to be one of the lead of the I.R.E Organization who came to take her as an experiment.

After the breakout, she lost conscious, trying to escape and being found by the organization. She collapsed on a side of street and was found and adopted by a wealthy architect couple, Severino & Hilda Haven. Then, they relocated to Tokyo.


Haven Residence (Tokyo, Japan) :

Reference:( Architecture and Home Design,Modern Glass House Design in Johannesburg by Nico Van Der Meulen Architects, 2009) Retrieved from

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-05 16:13:06
Can i take shadow of erase XD

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Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-06 15:18:37 (edited 2011-02-07 15:38:04)
Name: JS311 Call-name: Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Role: S.E.L. Unit

Location: Office room inside personal Building
Personality & Hobby: It likes to drink coffee (especially expresso), Completing his missions.

Weapons: He has any weapon at his own disposal, but he mainly uses these.
Streyer AUG

Dual M1911A2

Dual Beretta 93R

Barret M8A2

Knives, Wires, Mines, C4, Grenades, Tripwires, Clay explosive, RPG. Electric Suit, Tasers, Cleavers.

Abilities: Precision, Super Intuition, Enhanced human abilities, Stealth, Reloading.

A genetically altered human, with enhanced Strength, Speed, and Intelligence. He's grown up and raised as a Hitman for the S.E.L Unit. During his growth, he was forced to participate in free-for-all death matches where only the winner survives.


Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by bulletwitch01 on 2011-02-08 13:33:56 (edited 2011-02-08 18:00:49)
Will Finish Tonight

Name: Alexis
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Role: S.E.L.Unit

Location: Iris Building
Personality: Alexis is a kind young man at first glance. He is silent and mysterious. Is dependable in an emergency he can keep a level head in almost any problem.


- Are costumed to shoot bullets filled with tranquilizing serum, that enters the nerves system and within 4 seconds the targets loses basic motions and then after consciousness.

Are able to equally shoot bullets of a 9MM
Abilities: Resistance to physical harm - Fierce Strength

Bio: Alexis is an altered Human, he has no current memories of his past. His goal is to find and capture the Shadow subjects. But behind that, he has always felt alone deep within his own heart. Been ordered to be emotionless, he shows triads of kindness.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Went the darkness fall the vampire girl went to play.With the blue rose i will curse you to be my friend?

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-09 01:34:45 (edited 2011-02-22 12:08:05)
Character sheet

Name : Leon Memoria
Gender : Male
Age: 21
Role : Shadow
Nationality : English

Location : Tokyo Park || Residential apartments just outside Tokyo park.

Ability : Shadow of Erase - Allows the user to either temporarily or permanently erase memories of anyone they choose. Extremely intelligent when it comes to life situations. ( like gambling, conning and stuff not Study wise. )

Personality : Over critical. Straight forward. bad people skills. Can be insensitive without realising it even if he has good intentions. Clumsy with words.

Bio : Born in London England to British Scientist. When he was little and first went into primary school after years of moving around due to his parents work he finally was able to settle into a school and make some friends. there he met his first ever real friend. After a year in this school and growing close to this Friend his parents told him he had to move again. To a completely different country. He argued and ran away to his friends house. When his parents got there knowing he had gone there they sat down with the parents and his best friends parents offered to take care of Leon. Leon's parents refused and a heated argument started. During the argument the childlike mind of Leon wished and hoped that everyone would just forget. By the time he opened his eyes. Everyone had completely forgotten him. His parents, his friend and his parents both looked at him asking who he was. Again he was forced to run. Over time and months he began to realise people around him was forgetting things. Trains he had jumped on. The ticket master would forget he had no ticket. What Leon desired people to forget, They did. Years passed and he started to control these abilities. Using them to his advantage he started to learn underground ways of making money. On the dark streets of new York at the age of 19 he started a buisness. "Need to forget" People would pay him to make people forget things but He started to get involved with bad people and decided to move to Japan while he was still anonymous. He was tired of making people forget and now Leon wanted his own memories to cherish. He wanted to avoid a life of trouble.

Weapon : A Armour set on his right arm. It Starts from his shoulder and runs down his arm all the way down to his hand. Making his right arm/hand completely shielded. Its a thin Rare metal that is light and concealable but at the same time is strong enough to resist Bullet fire. The metal is not yet discovered.

Residence : A penthouse outside Tokyo Park.
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Appearance : Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by zourato on 2011-02-09 20:38:56 (edited 2011-02-24 22:21:17)
Name: Xing Lee
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Role: S.E.L Unit
Nationality: Chinese/Japanese
Weapons: 2 Katana (one on his back, which is the main weapon and another one on his side which is used as a dagger), Shuriken, Serum Tranquilizer darts, throwing Knives, smoke bombs, Tonfa guns

Location: Tokyo City | Rooftop

-Active Invisibility
-Telepathic Link: can sense the presence Mai Ling, if she close within a distance

Personality: Always serious, Hard to talk to, kind of "let's just get the job done" when he has a mission.

Bio: He was born from Hong Kong, China. His father is Chinese and his mother is Japanese. He was taught in arts and skills of the ninja, from his mother's grandfather. (hand-to-hand, swordsman's combat, speed, stealth, agility, flexibility, mounted archery and unmounted archery, opening up the senses, information gathering, the use of shuriken, and escape arsenals). This is when he was moved to his mother's country of Japan. He has no social life, because he was home educated in reading, writing and math, (also some of the perviness from his grandfather but, he restrains some of it). Years later, his family was massacred and his who entire past was erased from his memory, all but, his grandfather's training. Ever since he has join the S.E.L. Unit, he is never seen without his mask off (He keeps his mask on around others, nobody has seen his face).


Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-10 05:06:17 (edited 2011-02-11 13:25:42)
Hi! Reserving this spot for 2 characters: 1 S.E.L and 1 scientist. Thanks!

EDIT: Since the shadow of life spot is now free, i will change my reservation:

shadow of life, and scientist


Name: Adelbert Volsung
Gender: Male
Age: unknown (his ability kept him alive for a long time)
Role:Shadow of Life
Weapons:Colt Single Action Army, Necro bullets

Location: Tokyo City, Hitman Safe House

-Shadow of Life,Allows the user to reconstruct cells to their previous or healthy state. Using only their hands, they can heal and even unheal whatever they have done.

-Necrotechnology: He carries Necro chips that, if planted inside a dead organism, will allow them to move at his control. This is made possible with a combination of cutting edge technology and his Shadow ability.

Personality: Happy-go-lucky, he can joke about even in the most dire situations. Very wise, but rarely shows it. Likes gambling.

Bio: As a child, he discovered his power, and he was very smart to only keep it to himself, not telling even his parents. He had an obsession with death, injuring small animals to see to what extent he can heal. Because of this, he has a very distorted view on life, believing life and death are under his command.

He later became a scientist of Iris, he was very talented and was one of their favourites. He kept his Shadow power hidden well from Iris. Although he was not comfortable with the way Iris operates, his thirst for science was stronger. He has long experimented on corpses and was titled the "Necromancer". He worked with fellow Dr. Adrian, and together they pioneered the Necrotechnology.

This technology was only possible through copying Adelbert's genetic signature to recreate his healing powers, thus creating Necro chips. Dr. Adrian found out about his power, reported it to Iris, and perfected Necrotechnology. Bearing his torments at the hands of Iris and former partner with a smile, he counts the days of his captors and traitor.

During one of the experiments subjected on him, he managed to smuggle some of the Necrochips. In his cell, he found a rat and killed it by strangling. Using the chip, he revived the rat and used it to scout for a viable exit, and proceeded to have the rat cause the explosion which results in the Shadows outbreak. During the escape, he led everyone to the correct exit he already discovered via the rat.

After the escape, he lives in the underground world of crimes. Slowly building his connections, he uses his network consisting of mafia members and undead animals to keep track of Iris and to find a chance to finally exact his sweet revenge. He has also perfected his shooting techniques as he performs as a hitman sniper for the mob. In his career, he has been shot, and even tortured several times, making him a very tough athlete if need be.


Name: Adrian Maxwell
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Role: Elite Scientist
Nationality: Britain
Weapons: Scalpel
Location: Iris Hospital

Ability: Martial Arts: He is extremely talented in close combat.

Aegis: Can project barriers to protect himself. At higher levels, can emit an aura that dispels supernatural abilities and I.R.E enhancements.

Necrotechnology: With Necrochips, he can control dead organisms. Because of his position as Iris' Elite Scientist, he has access to advanced combat cyborgs at his disposal.

Personality: He is very calm and appears emotionless. Always smiles politely. He's actually insane, but appears very controlled. He does things perfectly logically, for an insane purpose and intention.

Bio: One of the best scientists of Iris, he is one of the managers of the Shadow Project. He is also a skilled surgeon, and performs surgeries in Shadow Experiments. As a child, he experienced supernatural powers similar to the Shadows' abilities devastate his village, leaving him in shock at the sight of his burning home and family. He bears extreme hatred toward the Shadows and is not willing to have them run free in the world. He would do whatever it takes to see these people he calls "monsters" back in chains, where he believes they belong.


Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by inaby on 2011-02-10 20:08:45 (edited 2011-03-13 17:56:38)
The Shadows Of Tomorrow
Chapter I - Vestige

Please Return to The First post for Updates ^^ Other than that.. Have Fun!

§hiori ll Tokyo City ll Miro Apartments ll Apt: B-6 ll Night

Tokyo lights reflected in puddles of water, the night was cold and the rain fell heavily. From above the image of a young girl reflected on a window, As she descended her eyes to the people that even raining, they held their course.

In silence she continued watching, closely, but then turns around and leaves. The young girl resided in a small apartment, with one bathroom, a small kitchen her room and lamp by the window that she was looking out form.

The girl then goes to the fridge, but there was nothing appealing. Seems to be soup today... again. Then she walked to the door, tied her shoes, grabbed her backpack and wared her rain jacket, with her fragile hands, she placed the hood over her head and the door behind her closed as she walked out of the building.

Outside ll Tokyo City ll Nearby Chicken Soup shop.

As she walked, she placed her favorite song A New Hope, From Broken Iris
After a few shops down the street, she walked inside this little Soup Shop, ordered a chicken soup with some water, the attended took her order and quickly made it. It was cold so soup would hit the spot. Thank you She said, as she quickly paid the man. She then began to eat it slowly as she watched the smoke of the soup raise.

People walked by the little shop, some walked inside and sat down, ordered and left, over and over again, while the girl placed the spoon to her lips she leaves it fall to the ground. Her eyes began to widen, and the color of her pupil began to change colors. Forming a rainbow colored around her pupil.

The owner of the store quickly hold her worried as she slips back, as he said Miss are you alright? He asked, The girl just started looking around indefinitely. Sorry this happens to me a lot.. And suddenly a man comes into the small shop, with red hair, and caramel skin. She looks at him carefully, and as if she had seen him before she turns and leaves.

But the man called her name. Shiori At that moment the young Shiori begins to run, but the man begins to pursue her shouting Shiori, you will not escape!

My vison!.. He's from Iris!.. She mutters as she run. she turns her gaze but the man approached her quickly, he began to shoot, But Shiori knew that if she got hit, it would be all over.

The young girl tried to sneak through the crowd, and escapes, some how she loses him and quickly enters an alleyway and leans on the wall. Catches her breath as she whispered How they found me so quickly.. my vision were just a few Seconds before this time... She sighted and took a deep breath, But as she did, her breath was stopped by the man with red hair that stood before her, she widen her eyes as he grabbed her by the neck. Shiori began to move trying to escape, but been a S.E.L. he was much stronger.
The girl was small of stature, and the man rose her slowly from the ground No more hiding.. Misaki Shiori

Shiori tried to fight him back, but he was stronger. The man then took out a intravenous syringe needle, that contained a purple liquid called " The Serum" Shiori's tears began to fall down her cheeks as she thought that this was the end.

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2011-02-10 21:43:10 (edited 2011-02-11 21:21:08)
[Shinkiro Kaminora, Tokyo City, Streets, Night]

I was on my way home getting groceries when I heard a mans voice. "No more hiding.. Misaki Shiori"

I turn to look and see a the man with a syringe filled with a liquid. "Misaki?" I whispered jumping behind a trash can. "That only means one thing, he has Serum in there."

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-11 00:52:07
@Mistress and all; Sorry about this. .. but I decided to drop out. *sigh* Reasons because I doubt I have much time to rp due to college work and such along with my own rp. Anyway I deleted my previous two posts, just to let you know. You can modify your post. Sorry about this, also I don't feel in the mood to rp these days. I will also delete my character profile post as well.

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-11 15:25:46 (edited 2011-02-11 15:36:56)
Avery Haven | Haven Mansion | Night

The scenery painted azure sky and violet clouds hover the earth. The aggressive blow air currents influenced passionate cherry blossoms leaves to dance selfishly against it. The violet clouds slowly crept its destination to the mansion.

Within the haven, Avery's chamber reflected a mauve background contrasted by the midnight wool furniture situated against the barriers. Emerald green shades can also be witnessed in some minor appliances. Her ebony Celeste Style chaise angled within the center of the suite. Avery's physical stature rested on the bed asleep, engulfed in a vision operating within her intellect. Her pale fragile arms placed on her left side, her body curled up towards her. The purple silk comforter guarded her pale legs.

The Escape Dream - Iris Organization

The setting composed of sombre hazy hallway, which challenged the Shadows to escape. The siren sang its song as it harmonized with the cerise luminous ray hunting the chosen ones. All she could portray was Adelbert's voice, his scream of her name for the escape.

"Avery! Go!.."

Avery stood confident on the asphalt, her loathed expression towards Adelbert. She heard Dr. Adrian shouting for the recruitment of the S.E.L unit. She gave him a final glare then quickly galloped for her escape through the exit hole. As soon as she place her fragile footsteps against the earth, the moody rain sprinkled down upon her, soaking her stature. She desperately paced her self to unknown settings:trough alleyways, scratching the cement foundation of the buildings for support.

Then, Avery's consciousness retrieved to the pang she felt within her body, which caused her to gasp for air. Her mauve eyes opened wide along the act. Her state of alertness became gradually attended to alertness as she glanced to the to midnight dresser to her right. She slowly arose from the bed, set her fragile feet on the cold auburn floor. She looked at the Cascade window in front of her and slowly approached it. Avery pulled back the violet curtains and her eyes lingered at the sight of the city as her bedroom view.

She whispered under her breath.. "The Hunt..begins."

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-11 18:58:15
Hunter || Tokyo City || Alley

As my target screams, I cover her mouth and inject the serum into her. She starts to stop struggling, and hang in my arms. I carry her to a hearse inside the building that is close to my current location. I place her into the coffin and drive off to IRIS. Inside the hearse, I turn on a switch activating a special electrical armor that creates a one time use forcefield that can protect the vehicle against a single attack from a anti-tank round or multiple bullets. I drive off to IRIS.


Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2011-02-11 21:37:28
I see the man drive away with Shiori. 'They'll come after you eventually.' I reason inwardly. 'You know I'm right.'

"Damn and we escaped not that long ago, it seems like." I think for a second. I knew that taking on IRIS all by my lonesome would be suicide. "The others could help? I just wish I knew where they all where. Leon's the only one I know, for certain." I stand up and start heading for Tokyo Park. "He also lives the closest to me." The whole way there I'm praying that he'll help, me save Shiori. I'm running at full speed by now.

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-12 02:40:03 (edited 2011-02-12 04:49:15)
Adelbert | Tokyo City | On a roof | Night

Adelbert: Sorry Shiori, I'll make it up to you later...

He said as he looked away from his rifle scope and gulped down what remains of his beer. Having control over his cells with his power, he doesn't get drunk.
He watched as the Iris agent captures the girl, but he's not planning to stop him, as he will lose the chance to track down his enemy's hideout.
He watched as the Iris hearse drive away through his scope, and suddenly noticed an out of place dove flying about the vehicle. He held his breath, taking aim, and fires a bullet through the dove...

Dr. Adrian |Iris Hospital| Command Room

Operator: Sir! We have lost contact with aerial drone number 6!

Officer: What? A malfunction? That's unusual... and with this timing too... just when we got one of the Shadows!

Then, Dr. Adrian walks into the room...

Dr. Adrian: Now now commander, dead birds do not malfunction, you see... Neither do they die.... unless their Necrochip is destroyed. Your incompetence is beginning to show, and it proves too much for my taste. Need I remind you that we always have room for more test subjects?

He said while smiling gently.

Officer: S-sir! We will notify agent Hunter right away!

Dr. Adrian nods consentingly. He starts to wonder....if his 'old friend' is starting to make his move. Who else knows about the Necrochips? It is one of Iris' top secrets.

Adelbert | Tokyo City | On a roof | Night

After leaving the building Adelbert went to the streets, inspecting the fallen dove. He tugs out the Necrochip from it and implants his own. The dove started to move again.

Adelbert: Now fly, and follow the hearse, my friend...

Then he tucked the Necrochip he found on the bird into his pocket. Grabbing his briefcase which contains his rifle, he walks by the night streets seemingly without a care in the world, humming along a peaceful tune.

Adelbert: Adrian.....can't you be more original...? What a lack of creativity...

He thought to himself as he walks away into the night

@ others: it would be interesting if someone stopped that hearse before it arrives. just a thought

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by on 2011-02-12 11:19:37 (edited 2011-02-12 11:24:15)
Hunter | Tokyo City - Street | Night

A female voice speaks through the com link to Hunter:

"One of our drones have disappeared exactly when you began escorting the target back to HQ"
"Most likely, we would assume that you are being traced, please avoid an direct route to HQ."

Hunter: "Understood, send 12 un-manned hearses and my personal vehicle to coordinates 15:27:98. Also, unlock the underground pathway to Tokyo City."

"Yes sir" Replied the operator

Hunter | Yokohama - Docks | Night

Hunter arrives at the warehouse located at the docks in Yokohama. As he drives into the ware house he shuts the gate inside. He checks the hearses and confirms they are exact replicas of the one he was driving. He takes the target out of the coffin and gently ties her up and places her on the back seat of the Ashton Martin. Then he places c4 in each hearse auto detonating them when they reach their destination.

He sits in the Ashton Martin and opens the underground passage and drives towards Tokyo as he sends the hearses off to different locations in Tokyo. A minute after driving, he detonates the warehouse and entrance to the underground passage. He darkens the windows around the car except the front and turns on a force field similar to the ones in the hearse. He drives off undetected to HQ.

All 13 hearses speed to their locations.


Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by bulletwitch01 on 2011-02-12 13:03:20
Alexis ll Unknown Location ll Night

The night was shivering cold, as a dark silhouette hided amongst the dark forest that faced a Mansion a few feet ahead, withing the silence he heard the transmission. One of the SEL's had capture one of the Shadows and was on his way towards the HQ.

Alexis knew that the plan was in motion and that he had to move forward as well, It was requested that the females were captured first for they would be easier. So then Alexis began, he swiftly entered the Mansion property,and implanted some of Iris devices around the house. After a push of a button the lights around the Mansion deemed to dark, he then moved forwards infiltrating the structure, and with his night-vision equipment it would be easy. Alexis to HQ, Im no inside the targets manor and will begin Project "Capture", the target seemed unaware of my presence, and looks harmless.. Will bring target unharmed, Alexis Over. He whispered.

He Looked closely and silently around the structure that surrounded him, he swiftly worked his way up the main steps, and towards the Target.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Went the darkness fall the vampire girl went to play.With the blue rose i will curse you to be my friend?

Re: §hạdọws ọf Tọмọrrọw Chap4 |Broken Portrait| ReOpen
Link | by inaby on 2011-02-12 14:01:01
§hiori |Inside Ashton Martin | Night

Shiori was captured by a SEL unit, as she fell into enemy arms she tried to escape, but the Iris Serum was stronger that anything created, so not long after been injected she was fully unconscious.

Withing her unconscious mind she lingered withing the paintings of her memories, dressed with a uniform, completely white and a black insignia on the shoulder side, The Iris Insignia, she walked endlessly down a bone white hallway, Her feet touch the cold floor, her eyes looked upon the structure, then she stooped suddenly and gaze at a tattoo marking her pale and fragile left hand. It was a serial number, 00001S, then as she whispered the first number, she slowly gain her self back.

Her eyes revealed an aberrant digression exposed an amethyst shade while her eyes divulged an illuminating rainbow hue, and quickly disappeared and as her ocean blue eyes regain color, The lights of the city began to infiltrate the dark windows of the vehicle, Shiori had lost knowledge of her location, her eyes then widen No.. she said under her heavily breath.

Her fragile body was confined of movement, then she rose her gaze towards the man before her, and a fast picture came to her eyes. The scene that hunter her, when she was capture. Quickly knowing she was headed back to Iris, she began trying to untied herself. Im Not Going Back!! She yelled

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