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Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by on 2010-10-05 20:46:07 (edited 2010-10-10 11:43:12)

to the
Pokemon Domination club!!

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension Theme

This thread is dedicated to the anime Pokemon, which many of us love. What do we do here? We basically talk about pokemon including the games and movies. In this club, you can claim your own pokemon. Too bad you can only claim one pokemon. lol

So far in Pokemon there is approximately 12 movies:

1: Pokemon: The First Movie(1999)
2. Pokemon the Movie 2000
3. Pokemon: The Third Movie(2001)
4. Pokemon 4ever(2002)
5. Pokemon Heroes(2003)
6. Jirachi: Wish Maker(2004)
7. Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys(2005)
8. Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew(2006)
9. Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea(2007)
10. Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai(2008)
11. Pokemon: Girantina & the Sky Warrior(2009)
12. Pokemon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life(2009)

So far as we can say there are almost over 10 pokemon games by now, which I am not going to bother listing.

Anyway in this thread, if you wish to watch some of the old pokemon movies, I shall post it up for you all to watch. I will only do this on a certain time. If you also wish to listen to the old pokemon theme, please feel free to ask me to post it up.

Anyway, there are rules to join this club, so please look below:

→ Must be level 10 and up to join
→ All gendou rulez apply
→ Respect other people therefore no foul languages and such
→ No racism towards Pokemon XD
→ 2 post rule, which means you will have to wait for two people to post before you post
→ Do not claim a pokemon that is already claimed by another member!
→ Legendary Pokemon are off limit, for I know many wants to claim it.
→ Have fun!!

*Note: Right now this club is in need of suggestion of what pokemon/item/character would best represent this clubs' icon. . .so please give your opinion. Also positions for vice-president and secretary is open. If you wish to be any of this position please inform me by posting here or PM me.

No.MembersPositionPokemon ClaimedTrainer ClaimedPokemon Series
01PresidentLucarioSir AaronPokemon: Lucario and the mystery of Mew
02MemberPikachuN/AFirst Season+
03MemberWeavileRedPokemon Games:Yellow/Red/Blue/Silver/Gold/Crystal/Heartgold/SoulSilver
04アニメ20MemberBlazikenMayPokemon Games:Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald & Seasons 6-8 (Hoenn)
05MemberMetagrossSteven StoneSeason 6 - 8 (Hoenn Arc)
06MemberRioluPokemon Ranger: KellynPokemon Ranger: Shadow of Almia and Sinnoh arc
07MemberPichuGoldManga (Pokemon Gold/silver/crystal arc onwards)

Fill in this Application form if you wish to join this club↓

Name: The name you wish to be called
Pokemon Claim: can only claim one pokemon, so choose carefully
Trainer Claim: You can claim a certain character or trainer from either the movie or the show of Pokemon if you want
Pokemon series: State which series the character that you claim is from. If the character you claim is from the first season state first season, but if it is from a movie, state which movie.

My application form

Name: Zero
Username: kirafreedom16
Gender: Male
Pokemon Claim: Lucario
Trainer Claim: Sir Aaron
Pokemon Series: Pokemon movie 8th- Pokemon: Lucario and the mystery of Mew
Quotes: I can't do anything if I don't do anything

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by on 2010-10-05 21:20:49
I'll edit this later zero since I can't really post everything.
Name: Sayuri or Sayu
username: animegeishaprincess
gender: female
pokemon claim: pikachu
trainer claim: N/A
Pokemon Series: first season+
Quote: "I don't want it, I need it."

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2010-10-05 23:44:41 (edited 2010-10-06 00:04:38)
Pokemon? Hell yeah man, I've been a Pokemon fanatic since year 1999. I've played almost all Pokemon games
ranging from the humble Blue version to the ever-competitive Platinum version. Recently, I participated in Pokemon Video Game Championships
in Phoenix, Arizona in 2009 and managed to grasp third-runner-up. I'm getting my hands on Soulsilver towards the end of
this year (maybe). I also do watch the Anime, I'd say that Pokemon is the only anime I don't mind watching dubbed.

In any case, I'll be joining the club.

Name: Unico
Username: lamess
Gender: Male
Pokemon Claim: Metagross
Trainer Claim: Steven Stone/Daigo Tsuwabuki
Pokemon Series: Season 6 - 8 (Hoenn Arc)
Quotes: "When I was your age, I was catching Pokémon not STIs"

Somehow, I find the most appropriate symbol for every Pokemon-related club is the glorious Pokeball!

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2010-10-06 09:30:51 (edited 2010-10-06 21:00:55)
Name: Ronin okami
Username: Blind Kitsune
Gender: Male
Pokemon Claim: Riolu
Trainer Claim: Pokemon ranger, Kellyn
Pokemon Series: Pokemon: Shadow of Almia, sinnoh arc

always been a fan of pokemon one of my first animes so I owe pokemon for getting me into anime. I am getting into the world of fanfiction with my first fanfac "Sight of the Heart" about a blind girl who must rely on a grumpy lucario to realizer her dreams and become the first blind trainer in history....unfortunately I am having trouble posting it on fanfiction.netsince I have trouble seeing the account if anybody could help me please PM me. anyway I like how pokemon are the super smash bros game especially Lucario!!!

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by on 2010-10-06 11:43:33 (edited 2010-10-07 12:25:40)
Name: Toyumi
Username: annadarktwin
Gender: Female
Pokemon Claim: Weavile
Trainer Claim: Red
Pokemon series: Red/Blue/Yellow (Plus he has appearances in Gold/Silver/Crystal and Heartgold/Soulsilver.)
Quotes: Infinate Imagination

And I agree with Unico that the best symbol to represent the group is the Pokeball.

As for my interest with Pokemon, I first knew about it with the TCG and the anime (The dubbed version but still XD). I watched it faithfully until it got up to the Hoenn arcs, and I started to lose interest in the anime but then got interested in the games, which I still love to this day. The first game I played was Sapphire (I think XD), then Emerald, Diamond, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, Pokemon Ranger, Platinum, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness, and the most recent being Heartgold. (And of course I can't wait for Black/White to come out! XD)

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by on 2010-10-06 15:08:14
@Ronin, please change your pokemon and trainer claim. For you cannot claim a pokemon that is already claimed by someone else. Since I claimed Lucario. Reason for this is because, I'm planning on making ID card based on who you are claiming. It would be weird if two claim the same pokemon. So please change your pokemon claim. And also when I say trainer claim, it means to claim a trainer, gym leader, elite four, pokemon rangers and etc.

@toyumi; I'm fine with you claiming Red. XD

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by Matsuna on 2010-10-06 16:05:31
I'll join in the club. When I was young, my elder sister and I used to watch Pokemon together. Thanks to her, I've been a fan of Pokemon and it became my first anime. I don't watch the anime very often, but I love playing the games.
It's very annoying that so many people say that you're too old to play, watch Pokemon. But I say to them, 'Who cares what you think? Pokemon's ageless and it's for everyone'.

Pokemon Claim:Blaziken
Trainer Claim:May
Pokemon Series:Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald & Seasons 6-8 (Hoenn)
Quote:'If you have a dream, follow it'.

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by yat on 2010-10-07 07:25:19
I'll join in the club as well.

And there's 13 movies now. You forgot Zoroark's movie. :D

there's a new movie coming out summer 2011 too.

Name: Yatlax
Username: yatlax
Gender: Male
Pokemon Claim: Pichu
Trainer Claim: Gold
Pokemon series: Manga (Pokemon Gold/silver/crystal arc onwards)
Quotes: "Sou de nyan-su !"

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by on 2010-10-07 12:17:08 (edited 2010-10-11 08:49:06)
i used to be know as a pokemon professor in my old days, ahh.. time really change... ("-_-)

Pokemon Claim:Feraligatr
Trainer Claim:Solana, pokemon ranger
Pokemon Series:start from red,blue,yellow,green series till the heartgold & soulsilver , plus some from pokemon ranger series, and also black & white (after it release of course) >:3
Quote:have your own dreams, it's the best way to have a good life"


@zero: indeed, btw is she claimable?

Re: Pokemon Domination Club!!
Link | by on 2010-10-07 15:34:05 (edited 2010-10-10 11:31:26)
@GM, I think Solana was only featured in the Pokemon Ranger game and the episodes in series during the battle Frontier and the sinnoh arc.

yes she is claimable, but you just have to mention in the pokemon series section, when or where she appear and seen that is all

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