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Supernatural the anime!
Link | by ocean on 2010-07-14 10:52:14
So for those that don't already know, the awesome TV show, Supernatural, is being turned into an anime =O

Madhouse has taken it on and the series plans to be aired next year ^_^

The seiyuu are going to be Yuya Uchida (Soul Eater’s Dr. Franken Stein, Saraiya Goyou’s Matsukitchi, Pandora Heart’s Rufus Barma) for Sam and Hiroki Touchi (D.Gray-Man’s General Cross, Trinity Blood’s Abel Nightroad, Kuroshitsuji’s Bardroy) for Dean

Heres a video with the seiyuu doing the voices (*spoilers for those that haven't watched season 4*)

too lazy to embed it

The official website:


Source: (also has character designs, some plot info and links to various interveiws)


So anyone else looking forward to this as much as I am? ^_^


Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by on 2010-07-14 11:48:16
Me me me!! I'm excited!...but you already know that I am >w<

I'm so stoked! Supernatural is my favorite TV show, and now it's becoming an anime! I finally have an anime I can look forward to watching. And it's Madhouse!! 8D

From the picture though Sam looks really mad for some reason... O__o

Hopefully they'll do enough seasons to know who LTO <3 Don't wanna spoil it for other people :3

Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by ocean on 2010-07-15 10:17:35 (edited 2011-05-12 07:31:29)
*highfives btl* XD

hmm your right that Sam does look moody in that pic... In the character designs, there seem to be quite a few that are reminiscent of his emo side >_<


Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by flownangel12 on 2010-07-15 13:42:08
Me too! I'm looking forward to it! :D
OMG! I can't wait for this!

*does her happy dance*

Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by on 2010-07-24 18:25:57
Doesn't seem like there are a lot of people excited about Supernatural becoming an anime D: Oh well, more Dean for me and LTO xD

Probably when it actually airs more people will know about it and maybe become fans of Supernatural. But until then...seems like there're no fans except me, LTO, Flown, and Ray >__<

Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by ocean on 2010-07-27 19:35:48
ahh i got all excited for the show again after seeing Yuya Uchida's name in the seiyuu for soul eater XP

January seems so far away T__T i wanna watch anime-supernatural now >_<

buahaha the more dean the better ^_~
fan wise, they all are probably being shy =P after all who isn't a fan of superantural? XD


Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by on 2010-10-10 09:58:17 (edited 2011-01-09 10:03:12)

Yay trailer >w< Some people might've already seen it before since this trailer came out a while ago...but it got me re-excited for the anime to come out 83 I'm kind of sad though...the animated Dean doesn't really portray Jensen Ackles hotness very well >__<

Ocean: They moved Supernatural to Fridays now...and I always work late on Fridays so I haven't been able to watch the 6th season at all!! D8


So it's been announced that Gackt will have a seiyuu role in Supernatural, though I think it's just a minor role. Too bad, I would've wanted him to be a certain angel named Castiel >3<

Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by ocean on 2011-03-02 18:38:19
Ok quick update... i have FINALLY found the first 4 episodes (YES EPISODES =D) subbed...

here they are =P



Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by on 2011-03-02 18:54:03
AHHHHH I LOVE YOU OCEAN!! THANK YOU!! 8D I'm definitely gonna convert these and put them on my iPod -w-

Did you hear that they might approve for a 7th and 8th season? :O

Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by on 2011-03-09 19:12:08 (edited 2011-03-09 19:13:07)
I found this anime interesting, even though I haven't seen the original TV series. I've seen episodes 1 & 2.
I'm still waiting for a good rip of it. I wonder if they have Japanese dubbed version of this. o_o

Re: Supernatural the anime!
Link | by ocean on 2011-05-12 07:30:39
For those that want 22 episodes (unconfirmed but i think all of them are dubbed since 22 is)
some nwanime source

heres another one with 22, you have to download though and its unconfirmed whether they are real and/or subbed/dubbed =P
animea source


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