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Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2010-03-03 13:55:42 (edited 2010-03-06 01:52:29)
And here it is my first RP...

First I would like to thank those who inspired me to finally make my own RP:
Inx, Mistress, Kenji, Kyoshiro

Major inspirator for races, classes and magic:
Dragon Age: Origins

Inspiration for the Spiritbound:
Meta-Bestia, another thanks for Inx

Map courtesy of Warhammer.


- The usual Gendou City Rules Apply
- Love and romances... yes! Keep it reasonably civil please, PG-13 or so.
- You shalt not control other player's character(s), unless approved by the other player.
- No godmode, No Auto-hitting, No quick kills.
- Death can happen, if approved by me and the one to die.
- Script Style - Others are allowed but this is recommended
- You can make up to 2 characters - Replacing dead ones is allowed
- Please follow the profile requirements
- Questions, Leaving & Ideas - PM me

Story: Urthemiel has long been a place of eternal war, constantly under attack by the Darkspawn from the north. For some unexplainable
reason the Darkspwan stopped attacking decade ago, since then Urthemiel has known relative peace. This peace has caused great changes
in the power balance of Urthemiel. The raiding parties of Darkspawn that had roamed the land have been mostly eradicated causing more
and more people to leave the city states, seeking a better life in the wilds. The city states which during the Long War, kept mostly
to themselves, have begun forging alliances with their neighbors and trying to gain controll of Urthemiel. Only the Shadow Alliance is
still keeping watch over the north, instead of trying to rule the others.

But now there is a threat of civil war in the air, as each Alliance is strenghtening their armies. Also the number of Free Spirits has
been increasing steadily since the peace started, the Free Spirits are considered to be rebels and they have also started gathering their
numbers in the independent city state of Saphery.

Tension in Urthemiel is high and the civil war might break from any aggression. And all the while the real reason for the peace is
preparing to make it's move.


Short summary of the locations:

Blighted Isle: A blasted wasteland where the Darkspawn launch their raiding parties, several unsuccesful attacks designed to scour
the Darkspawn from the Isle have been made.

Chrace: Elven fortress city built with the aid of dwarves to protect the other access way to the rest of Urthemiel the other one is

Shadowlands: A fortified city blocking the pass from the Outer Sea coast. The arcitechture was built by dwarves and designed by humans.
So it has influences from both. Grim place almost constantly under attack by Darkspawn.

Averlorn: The Elven Capitol, built into the trees near the coast of the Inner Sea. Main population lives high in the trees, but it also
has a small amount of houses built to the ground to act as market place and to accommodate visiting dwarves. Architechture similar to Rivendell.

Ellyrion: The Human Capitol, originally a coastal fortress, the city is built around the original fortress. Has architechture similar
to Minas Tirith.

Saphery: Small community consisting almost solely of Spriritbound, built partly into the mountain and partly to the forest growing on
the mountainside this city is a peculiar fusion of elven and dwarven architechture.

Mountains of Caledor: There are rumors that dragons live in these mountains, but all expeditions set to find out the truth have either
come back empty-handed or haven't come back at all.

Fist of Malekith: Fortified city that contains the only safe port in Urthemiel capable of receiving visitors from outside Urthemiel.
City contains almost equal amount of human, elven and dwarven population.

Dragonwake: The Dwarven Capitol, nigh impenetrable fortress in the mountains, also the only permanent dwarven city. The place has been
carved into the mountaiside. Architechture similar to Moria.

Eataine: Another city of dwarven origin, dwarves abandoned it for unknown reason thousand years ago and it was then repopulated by humans and elves.

Lothern: The Capitol of Urthemiel, the city was originally built dwarves, but since it has been influenced by humans and elves. The city
contains the House of Lords, which acted as the main seat of government.

The Capitol means a city where most of the Nobles of the race live.


Humans are the most common of the races in Urthemiel, and while they are bit more crafty than other races rest of their abilities are average.
Humans have the uncanny ability to excel in whatever field they focus into. Humans favor swords, shields and crossbows.
Humans live up to 100 hundred years old.

Dwarfs have the ability to withstand greater amount of bodily harm than other races, they also have a natural resistance to magic but this resistance
also makes them less adept at magic than humans. Dwarfs favor two handed axes and mauls. Dwarves can't be mages or Arcane Warriors.
Dwarves live up to 300 years old.

Elf: The elves are more attuned to magic than the other races and thus their magical abilities are greater than those of others. Elves prefer to
use curved blades and bows.
Elves live up to 200 years old.

If you want to have unique class PM me with the details
These are meant to be used as guidelines

Rogues are dextrous fighters who fight with agility and cunning rather than brute force. Rogues work in armies as scouts but some also do more
shadier businesses. Usual weapons are short swords and bows.

The assassin finds any notion of fairness a quaint ideal that has no place in combat. They are efficient killers and are known to employ
poisons. Usual weapons are daggers and slings.

Duelists excel at one on one fights where their precision and reflexes count more than on larger melee battles. Usually fight with sword and
dagger or two swords.

Warriors are the frontline fighters having accumulated great physical strenght and strong body they rely mostly on strenght and tend to do
well on larger melee battles.

Berserkers are warriors who harness their rage allowing it to grip them making them fearless and hard-hitting. What they lack in finesse
they make up by the strenght of their blows. Almost always use two-handed weapons.

Champions are born leaders they inspire their allies and put fear into their enemies. Usually wield shield and sword.

Mages draw power from Fade, to damage their foes or to support their allies. Can use staff to fire weak magic projectiles.

Arcane Warrior:
Arcane Warriors are mages who have learned to channel their magical powers into their bodies greatly boosting their physical abilities.
Wields one handed weapons.

Mages and Arcane Warriors can live longer than other members of their race, but no more than 50 years.

Magic is something that every sentient being in Urthemiel possesses and they are able to use it to limited degree. Mages are exception to this
rule as they have born with greater connection to Fade, the realm of magic, than other people.

The magic is divided into four Major Schools which are then further divided into four Focuses.

Each character MUST pick one Focus that they are aligned with, they can use spells from this Focus only. You can't choose more than one,
exceptions below. This doesn't count against your number of abilities.

Mages can additionally choose 1 Major school, they can use all spells from this school. This counts as an ability. Arcane Warrior can choose two additional focuses from single school
as single ability. Both Arcane Warrior and Mage can choose any number of additional Focuses as their abilities.

Schools of Magic:
The explanations on Focuses is what that Focus usually does, not all what it does, imagination may be applied

Major School

Fire: Creation and manipulation of fire
Earth: Manipulation of earth
Ice: Lowering temperature rapidly
Electric: Creation and manipulation of electricity

Major School

Healing: Healing self and others
Enhancements: Improving physical or magical abilities
Glyphs: Inscribing glyphs on the ground to create variety of effects to the area
Summoning: Summoning small beings, like wisps and insect swarms

Major School

Anti-Magic: Variety of effects to shield the user from magic or to dispel magical effects
Magic Alteration: Draining mana from foes
Death: Draining health from the dead, summoning undead minions
Telekinesis: Use telekinetic forces to stun, immobilise or push back foes

Major School

Debilitation: Weakening the opponent
Hexes: Disabling parts of opponents body
Sleep: Disorienting opponents, inducing visions
Draining: Leeching opponents of their life-energies

No one really knows how the Animal Spirits bind with host but the process changes the host. Spiritbound usually has personality that matches with the animal's
usual behavior, but this is not always the case. The host receives a number of benefits from the Animal Spirit, or Spectre as they are commonly called most
notable being increased physique, the host also receives some abilities from the Spectre, these abilities depend on the race of the Spectre. Lately there has
been increasing number of Spiritbound. Spiritbounds can sense each other's presence when they are in vicinity, they also feel strong kinship towards each other
regardless off race. The Spiritbound live with the other people of Urthemiel and they are accepted as members of society but they are almost universally considered
as second class citisens.

Spiritbounds can live up to 500 years old.


The Southern Alliance

Consisting of the nobles living in Ulthern and their allied city of Eataine. These nobles have ruled Urthemiel for the last six centuries, but the recent events have caused
their power to wane and they only really control the capitol and the city of Eataine. They have the largest army of the Alliances but most of their soldiers are badly
equipped, only the elite units have proper equipment.

The Dwarven Alliance

The alliance between Dragonwake and Fist of Malekith this Alliance aims to overthrow the current government. They have the best equipped army but they are less numerous
than the armies of other Alliances.

The Elven Alliance

Consisting of the cities of Averlorn and Chrace, former rivals, who when the power of the south waned, joined forces in an effort to gain control of Urthemiel. Some of the
old tension still remains between their forces however. Their army relies on stealth and surprise rather than traditional force of arms, the skills trained against the Darkspawn
in the forests of the north.

The Alliance of Shadow

The Alliance between Shadowlands and Ellyrion their army is the best trained of the Alliance armies, tempered against the invading Darkspawn. They are more concerned about
the Darkspawn than ruling the land.

The Free Spirits

A group of containing mostly of Spiritbound but also some normal humans, elves and dwarves. Their aim is to convince the government to give the Spiritbound same rights
as the rest of the population in Urthemiel. Their base of operations is in Saphery.

Leadership positions for each Alliance are open, PM me if you want to one. Each Alliance has a pair of leaders, the Free Spirits have one.

Character Profile:

Name: (First and Last name)
Age: (Over 16)
Gender: (Your choice)
Race: (Take your pick) (If you are Spiritbound, mention it before your race)
Class: (Take your pick)
Faction: (Choose your destiny) (If you are leader of faction mention it here, before the faction)
Abilities: (Maximum of 3, 2 for Arcane Warrior and Spiritborn, 1 for Spiritborn Arcane Warrior + 1 Focus for all)
Weapon: (Projectile weapons restricted to Slings, bows, crossbows and such)
Personality: (Calm, reckless, cold etc.)
Bio: (Write history, family and any other details you wanna add)
Appearance: (Written or image)

For Spiritbound only:

Animal spirit: The name of the animal you're bonded with
Transmutations: Which part of your body has transformed permanently into animal (These range from minor things such as single hand or ear to
fur covering your entire body, changed bone structure)
Animal abilities: From the animal spirit you picked, maximum of 2

The Character Listing:

The Southern Alliance:
Sayuri Takayu (Sayuri) Spiritbound Human, Mage

The Dwarven Alliance:

The Elven Alliance:
Leader: (Renma)
Aaron Tobias (Schaz) Elf, Archer

The Alliance of Shadow:

The Free Spirits:
Leader: Fenris Mortis (Fenris) Spiritbound Human, Arcane Warrior
Giotto Alseif (Zero) Spiritbound Human, Arcane Warrior
Ayami Hozuri (Tem) Spiritbound Human, Duelist Assassin
Hiyalio Qtalyu (Tomie) Spiritbound Elf, Rogue Duelist


And here is my character for the RP

Name: Fenris Mortis

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Spiritbound Human

Class: Arcane Warrior

Faction: Leader, The Free Spirits

Focus: Anti-Magic
Heightened Reflexes: Fenris' reflexes are sharp to the point it seems like he is anticipating his opponents moves.

Weapon: Spear

Personality: He is calm and enjoys the small things of life.

Bio: Fenris was born in Dragonwake, but his parents soon moved into Saphery as they realised that Fenris was Spiritbound. Fenris was appointed
as the leader of the Free Spirits because of his calm nature, despite his young age, by the previous leader who had been leading them for the
past 30 years. The Free Spirits respected her choice and Fenris had soon proved himself to be a competent leader. He has taken to traveling the
lands of Urthemiel, helping those in need.


Animal spirit: Wolf

Transmutations: Fenris' hands have slight resemblance with claws, his eyes are shaped like those of a wolf

Animal abilities:
Heightened Hearing
Improved Eyesight

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by on 2010-03-03 16:11:51 (edited 2010-03-05 13:11:37)
Name: Giotto AIseif
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Spiritbound human
Class: Arcane Warrior
Faction: Second-in- Command: The Free Spirit
Abilities: Focus: Fire
Hyper Intuitions: Could detect when or where the enemy is going to attack next, would use that as an advantage to dodge the attacks while attacking the enemy at the same time.

Weapon: I-Gloves:Use when in hyper-will mode, desperation flames emitted from the gloves, use for fighting, flying to dodge attacks or attack the enemy from behind with it's high speed. Melts or burn anything in contact if emitt dying will Flames.
Personality: Calm, kind, wise
Bio: Giotto lives his life in war, for wherever he go, he brings death. Giotto lives his life in asolation due to him being spiritbound. But it soon change when he meet the group called, The Free Spirit. Now he lives his life trying to protect that he holds dear. And will kill anyone who messes with the people he cares for.
Appearance: The guy with blond hair and in a cape:Photobucket
Animal spirit: Tiger
tiger Pictures, Images and Photos
Transmutation: Eyes like a tiger; able to sense his enemy with his tiger eyes and senses

Abilities: Quick graceful speed like a tiger, with good reflexes that is able to catch it's prey or defend itself.

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by on 2010-03-03 17:03:07 (edited 2010-03-13 14:27:14)
i'm joining! ^^ will post the profile when it's done...

It's almost done. sorry it took awhile. just one quick question- do we still need a focus even if we aren't a mage/Arcane Warrior?

Name: Danielle "Elle" Cobalt
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Berserker, Champion
Faction: Leader, The Alliance of Shadow
~ Focus: Telekinesis
~ Pinpointing: Elle is very good at pinpointing where she wants her attacks to land, so unlike other Berserkers her attacks almost always land where she wants them to.
Weapon: A very large and heavy sword (she is able to hold it, as well as other Beserkers, however many others who are not Beserkers cannot)
Personality: Kind and Strong-Willed, however she does have a bit of a bad temper.
Bio: Elle was born in and grew up in Ellyrion. Her father was a noble man with much power there, and he had much influence on the city. As she grew up, the locals could see that Elle had much power and potential, so it wasn't surprising that Elle joined the Shadow Alliance. When Elle joined the Shadow Alliance, the people of the city started to look at the alliance more favorably, and that led her to becoming one of the leaders of this alliance at a very young age. Currently, she is traveling the land; looking to gain allies and to make a history for herself.

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by temari_fan on 2010-03-03 18:09:47 (edited 2010-03-10 15:54:08)

Name: Ayami Hozuri
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Spiritbound Human
Class: Duelist; Assassin
Faction: The Free Spirits
Focus: Earth
Amazing reflexes and ninja-like abilities
Weapon: Sword
Personality: Straightforward and not that sociable but is amazing and strong as a fighter. Will not hesitate to kill a person and does it quite swiftly.
Bio: Not much about her is known but many call her the Black Cat. "Beware of the Black Cat"
helper image
Animal Spirit: Black Cat
Transmutations: Has icy blue eyes that resemble those of a cat [Image below]
helper image
Animal Abilities:
Night vision
Fast Runner

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by on 2010-03-03 18:37:40
Reserve Spot for me. Posting profile soon.

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by on 2010-03-03 19:41:19
Reserve for me plz.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by tomie on 2010-03-04 17:21:35 (edited 2010-03-05 20:37:23)

I hope this is all OK. If anything needs to be changed, let me know:

Character Profile:

Name: Hiyalio Qtalyu (Hai-yay-lee-oh Kit-ahl-yu)
Age: 228
Gender: Female
Race: Spiritbound Elf
Class: Rogue; Duelist
Faction: Free Spirits
Lightning speed: Can move at an incredible speed. When she uses her weapon it looks as if there are many whips instead of just one.
Elven Lightning: Can direct electric attacks at her enemies using her whip and/or wrap the whip around an enemy and shock them.
Thunderbolt: An attack that can only be used once during battle and usually as a last resort, as it drains almost all of her energy. She can direct mulitple lightning bolts to come down from the sky and attack multiple enemies.

Focus: Electricity
Weapon: Whip
Personality: Has a quiet nature that makes her fighting ability come as a shock to first-time opponents. She is smart and cunning.
Bio: Hiyalio was born in Averlorn and was once part of the Elven Alliance. She was trained as a spy and soldier. Her strong connections to other spiritbound and the things she heard about their cause made her decide to join the Free Spirits, however.

For Spiritbound only:

Animal spirit: Snake
Transmutations: Has blue-green scales running down her spine and a forked tongue.
Animal abilities: Speed, camouflage, heightened sense of smell and sight.

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by on 2010-03-05 18:09:05
Name: Sayuri Takayu
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Spiritbound Human
Class: Mage
Faction: Princess; The Southern Alliance
Abilities: Focus - Fire
Weapon: A magic rod passed down throughout her family
Personality: Her personality varies.
Bio: Her family is in charge of Ulthern and the Southern Alliance. She is the only child from the main family. Born as a spiritbound
human,no one aside her family knows about it. When she was 5 she started to practice magic, becoming the top of her family.


Animal spirit: Dog
Transmutations: Dog ears
Animal abilities: Heightened sense of smell and can run fast

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by on 2010-03-05 23:17:45 (edited 2010-03-13 20:02:51)
I'll join... I'll complete this as soon as possible

Name: Aaron Tobias
Age: 92
Gender: male
Race: Elf
Class: Archer; this' special class is only for those who has top Archery skills. their main weapon is/are bows. they can be found in an open war, or stealth mission team. usually equipped with a little sword or knife - just to be o's guard if their enemy is too close.
Faction: Elven Alliance
Abilities: Focus - Fire
Weapon: bows and 2 knife
Personality: Calm, but can be different when needed
Bio: he came from Fist of Malekith, raised between dwarfs and humans, at the age of 20 his grandparents ask him to live with them in Saphery. he's very tolerant to people from other races, and gain many friends either other elven or other races.
Appearance: silver hair and blue eyes, about 175 cm tall

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by temari_fan on 2010-03-13 10:12:16 (edited 2010-03-13 10:12:26)

So when do we start this?

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by joycelim26 on 2010-03-13 17:39:32 (edited 2010-03-13 22:45:44)
Name: Venus Almatria
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Spiritbound Human
Class: Champion Duelist
Faction: Leader, Southern Alliance

Focus- Anti-magic
1)Spiritual Shield : Conjures a shield which protects the user from any magical attacks and forces. Weapons without magic can still pass through the shield.
2)Dispeller: With this ability, the user can dispel magic within a certain parameter. This takes up more energy than the Spiritual Shield.

Weapon: Sword and shield
Personality: Adventurous, risk-taker, strict with an element of cold but full of compassion.


Bio: Venus was born in the Shadowlands, a place constantly attacked by the Darkspawns. She wielded the sword since she was a child. During the attacks, she had to fight the darkspawns and she trained herself on the weaker ones. Due to her spiritbound abilities, she was able to survive the serious attack where she lost both her human parents. Her parents told her to move far south, as far as possible, where the darkspawns would not harm her. She did as she was told. Leaving her dangerous hometown with bloodshed and sad memories, she spent years moving to Eataine where she could finally find a good place to rest. She decided to join the alliance to fight against the Darkspawns who made her lose her parents. Her former “training” back in the Shadowlands made her an outstanding duelist. Her spiritbound abilities helped her no less. Now recognized as one of the greatest fighters in the alliance, she will do what she can to protect those around her, preventing them from suffering from the same sorrow she has been through.

For Spiritbound only:

Animal spirit: Eagle
Transmutations: Sharp eyes like an eagle’s, and also able to sense danger from behind.
Animal abilities: Keen sight – Sharp and heightened vision, 360 degrees view when needed.

Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by janesy on 2010-03-13 17:56:48 (edited 2010-03-13 19:52:19)
Name: Moraine Al'pharis
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Spiritbound Elf
Class: Mage
Faction: Member of The Elven Alliance

Focus: Fire
Heightened Speed: She is able to move faster than most people thanks to her boost of fire.
Diving Eagle ( a skill which rains fireballs on the opponent. Creates huge blasts upon impact)
Arc of Flames (spinning the staff in high speed with flames on both ends. Lands a huge impact on the opponent upon contact. )

Weapon: Staff

Personality: She is rather hot-tempered and can be quite irritating at times. But when the situation requires, her mood changes to that of a sensible adult with a mature thinking (though these situations occur rather rarely)

Bio: Moraine was found as an infant at the foot of Caledor. She was on the verge of freezing to death on that winter night when an old couple found her and took her in. She grew into a healthy young girl with an uncanny ability in fire magic. She would practice on her own out in the mountains, either hunting for food or simply training on her aiming skills. It was a difficult task having to overcome the freezing cold to produce a formidable blast of fire, but she succeeded anyway. On one unusually warm morning, as the snow melted around a huge pine tree, Moraine found something that changed her life forever. She finally realize that she is not a human, but an elf, and ventures out into the world on her own to find out more...


Animal spirit: Unknown at this point in time, though Moraine is positive she is bonded with something.
Transmutations: Has a pair of wings that is carefully concealed behind her back
Animal Abilities:
Flyte: The ability to fly for short distances. This ability increases as her stamina increases.


Re: Book 1, The Champions of Urthemiel [Recruiting]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2010-03-13 21:23:43
Ok, I have been quite tied up with my work so I was forced to put this RP project on hold for a while.
But now it my work load has lessened, so I'm gonna wait for those who haven't yet gotten their profiles
up and for others who sitll might join.

For now, the RP will be scheduled to start in few days, depending how my week starts. Before end of
the week anyway ;)

Let's see what happens.

ClaimedStrong Heart

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