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Link | by mrluthor on 2010-01-13 09:57:59
Hello, I am mrluthor. I suck at talking about myself, but I dig giant robots. So sup.

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-13 12:28:49
Welcome, there's more Ladies here though.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-01-13 13:10:33
Hey, welcome to the forums.


Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-13 13:43:35
have fun =D

Tales of FC

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by kieoske on 2010-01-13 14:15:20
Hey their mr. Giant robots are awesome. Though i dont know to many but for some reason i always think of BIG O!!! SHOW TIME!!! ok ill stop now..

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-13 18:56:35
welcome! giant robots are win ;D

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-13 19:32:57
welcome; Giant robots? if you are talking about gundam, then awesome!!

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-13 20:10:47
Hi!! Nice to meet ya!!
Have fun in the forums!!^^

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by fracielle on 2010-01-14 06:23:33
Hi gentlemen.
Welcome and have fun!

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-14 17:26:34
hello there~
welcome, and woah giant robots o.o
nice :D

see you around ;)

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by Matsuna on 2010-01-15 14:55:46
Hello. Welcome to Gendou.
Have fun and enjoy.

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-15 17:33:02

Re: Gentlemen.
Link | by on 2010-01-16 03:54:35
welcome to the club :D
hope u have fun!

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