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Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2009-12-21 13:51:27 (edited 2010-08-15 11:38:58)
Hey everyone, I have found my poems again and as ya'all know(or should know lol) Ray and I have been together for almost 2 yrs now. Our 20 month anniversary is on Christmas day. I have wanted for a while to do this so now I finally am. I want to share poems with everyone and share insight into my mind a little lol. Well, I hope everyone enjoys my poems.

hhhmmm... which part of me should I share first???

~Sword In Hand~
My hearts broken
Shredded, torn
To pieces with
No end in sight
Drowning in the
Tears of night
Shadows stricken
Without flight
One love’s token
Passed to the next
Not to come back
Silent screaming pain
Bleeding Everywhere
Leaving me barely sane
Sword in hand
To have myself slain

that's one of my most recent poems. wrote from inspiration from someone on gendou but I won't say names lol. Well, I better get ready for work so I'll post more later.
have fun,
Justi aka Tiger


I am so happy that we got married!!! I can't wait to see where our life together leads us and our children. My heart soars with the love I feel from you. I am happy that we have made it as far as we have together and I couldn't be happier that I will be spending the rest of my days with you. I love you hunny!!!

Love always,


Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by on 2010-09-25 16:07:47


Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2010-09-25 17:33:32
@ray you're a goofball!!!

I have had a lot go on in my life within the last few months. Married the most wonderful guy in the world and I can't wait for our big ceremony this summer. I love you so much and am so thankful to have you in my life Miel. I have had a separation from my parents (I guess we can call it that). I have also had lots of health stuff wrong with me. Besides my normal bouts of depression I am doing well though. Today is Ray and my 29 month Anniversary. I can't believe we are one month away from 2 and 1/2 years together!!! I am so happy when it comes to that that words can't describe my feelings. Anyway...

With all that has been going on in my life I have been doing so much with my crocheting and my poems because they're so therapeutic to me. I want to share a poem with you that I wrote earlier this month. I wrote it after I chose to tell my mom I don't want a relationship with her anymore. I hope you enjoy it.

~Rain Streaming Down~
Sitting looking out at the
Rain streaming down
I try to look back and
See where I went wrong
All I see is me trying to
Be completely myself
And you not liking who
That me is so you have
Decided that with doing
So I am a bad person
But deep down you know
I am not I am the same
I just look through different
Eyes than you do and
You don't like that at all
As the rain streaming down
Is taking its course I see
Myself as the person I truly
Am and am not detoured any
By you not wanting this me
In your life because yours
Ago I saw this very thing
Happening and it should
Have years ago but I was
Trying to be the people
Pleaser I used to be

here's another poem that I wrote this month about my feelings of what has happened with my family.

~Every Emotion~
This cycle has gone on and on
Over the years we have gone
From being able to get along
To wanting to rip each other apart
Every emotion running through
Me is so fresh and raw
Anger from being accused of
Things that are so very untrue
Hurt because of the pain you
Have caused my heart
Sadness because we were
Finally in a really good place
I almost cannot put in words
How I feel about all that has happened
I wish things could be different but
I feel that everything could never go
Back to how it was before
You refuse to even try to understand
Why I am who I am compared to the
Me I was when I was a little girl
Every emotion runs through me
From the situation we are in now

Okay, well I better get back to writing more and getting them into my computer. I will share more on another day. I hope ya'all enjoy your reading and looking into who I am on the inside.
Take care,
Justi aka Tiger

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by silver_wolf0428 on 2010-10-16 13:42:52 (edited 2010-10-16 13:43:37)
OMG that made me cry you ho! ho! (thats what santa told me to tell you) i loved it though

sig nadine made

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2010-10-16 17:04:59
Hello everyone,
I have been sitting here at work and putting my poems into my computer and thinking about how my life just sucked @$$ in the past. I am so thankful that I have Maron and Lena-Elaine and Ray in my life. Without them life would not be happy or full of love that it is now. So to you three I say thank you and I love you tons.

As we all know life has it's ups and downs and mine has been like a roller-coaster so much lately that I am sick of it. It makes me dizzy and confused and dazed. I am hoping that with the new path I am on that things will get better and that the happiness of my family will grow and stay strong.

The poem I am going to share is one that I wrote for Maron many years ago. It expresses so much what I feel for her and now I feel for Lena-Elaine that I want to share it with all of you.

~Loving Daughter~
Loving daughter you mean
So much to my heart
I don't know where I'd be
Without you now in my life
You are my reason for
Being here
The reason my heart beats
My love for you overflows
Each time you smile
And your eyes light up
I will forever be
There for you because
The love and bond
My heart shares
With yours that
Can never be broken
Know now and always
How much mommy
Loves you my daughter
Because that love
Will never cease or
Fail you as long as
You need it and me
I love you my girl
Dedicated to Daughter with tons of love

Well, I suppose I should get back to my typing poems into the computer while I still have the time to when the movie is still playing.
Hope you enjoy my words as always,
Justi aka Tiger

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by red_13 on 2010-10-19 08:42:39
That poem was very touching. I don't know much about them (I slept through my English classes, har.) but I can sense the feelings in this, about your daughter and your wishes for her.

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2010-10-19 20:05:24
I decided that while I was in chat that I would have ppl in chat choose the poems I would put in my post today and 3 ppl responded. Naru, Sayu, and Necro. So here are the poems they chose. Enjoy

Here's the poem Necro chose:
~Unhappiness Grows Around~
As everything happens it seems that
Life will no longer be completely good
To me again if it ever was
So many things have happened
To me in the past five years
That it all makes me question
Why all this is happening
To me and continue over
The years to happen to me
It makes it seem as though
I’m not supposed to be completely
Happy like I want to be
It makes me want to give up
On happily ever after and
True love forever
Makes me want to
Just go on with my
Daughter trying to make
Her life as happy
As I can make it
Helping her put
The bad that has
Happened to her away
Unhappiness grows
Around me as I
Try to put our
Lives back together
Happiness slowly creeps
Up on me and so
Many things go wrong
To make life not worth
Trying to be happy for

here is the poem Sayu chose:
~This Love~
Life with you seems so right
Or is it just a dream
Maybe it's a dream coming true
I don't know how to put it in words
Will we make it through this test that
Is so close to us
I know how I feel about you
And it's more than I thought
It could ever be
I keep asking myself how can I
Love you so much
We're such good friends
I love the way I feel when we're
You make me smile so easily
Just being with you puts a smile
On my face
Those little looks make me crazy
Crazy about the best friend
I could ask for
Now I ask only one thing
Please help me to make
This work forever

This is the poem Naru chose:
~Drowning In Emotion~
A heart's desire taking over
A want that can go any
Direction in the months to come
A feeling of drowning in emotion
Is taking over my heart
A goodbye left to be said
That brings tears to my eyes
And a hurt to my heart
That makes wanting you
Here that more of a want
And desire that I want at bay
Drowning in emotion of meeting
This wonderful guy and dancing
The night away and
As I sat next to you
You ask me if I want to take
A walk and I say "Sure"
We took a short walk
To where the view was
Breathe taking to me
Dancing so closely to the wind
Blowing through the windmill
And the whistle of the
Passing train so sweet to my ears
Our lips gently touching
As my thoughts go back
To that night with you
My eyes water, my heart
Trembles with the feeling of
Drowning in emotion with
This goodbye still being
Unsaid until later tonight

Well, I hope ya'all enjoy my poems. Enjoy the insight into my very complicated brain haha.
Justi aka Tiger

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by red_13 on 2010-10-19 20:08:08
To be honest, my poem describes my thoughts exactly...oh dear.

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2010-10-19 20:19:57
Here's a poem that I wrote from experiences that I have in the Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone, WY. I love that place but will never step foot in the Inn at night by myself ever again.

~Lingering Spirits~
Lingering spirits I walk along the halls
Of the Old Faithful Inn with
The experiences I’ll never forget
My views upon an old building
Have changed dramatically than from
When I was a little girl
The amazing events that happened
In those two weeks I was there
Will stay with me forever
The spirits that showed themselves
To me in the many different ways
Changed the ways I look at the
Supernatural these days
Still open-minded about the ability
I have to see, feel and hear
Lingering spirits caught
In between two worlds
Cautions of being alone in
Dark places more now than
I ever have been since last summer
Every unexplainable noise makes
Me remember and wonder who’s
The one doing all those things
So many thoughts enter my
Mind about the lingering spirits
And why they chose me to visit
Why am I one of the so-called
Chosen who can connect with
The lingering spirits

Hope you enjoy it and I will post again soon =)
Justi aka Tiger

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by inuyasha on 2010-10-19 20:31:28
This is my post to this awesome thread.
I'm making it even MORE awesome because I'm posting in it.

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2010-10-20 20:45:38
Hello Everyone,
Today I wrote a new poem and it is really personal to how I feel right now about everything that has happened this year. I have been trying to stop being two different people and be truly myself and I have lost people that I hold dear in my heart. I am trying to look at the positive in everything right now but that doesn't always happen. After all I am only human haha.
I was reading one of my books and came across a selection in it that inspired this poem. It amazes what feelings I feel when I am reading my books and learning. Sometimes it is really bitter sweet. After all the more I learn and become myself the more it makes it to where they don't want me and like everyone else I need that love.
Anyway... here's the poem. Hope you enjoy it.

~Keeping Me Secret No More~
Am I wrong for wanting to be me?
Completely me?
The me that very few people in
My life see
I am not a bad person
So why is it that because I
Started showing my true soul
I have lost those so important to me?
Why is it that they
Think I am evil?
Why would they think
I wish to harm anyone?
That's not me at all
All I want is Perfect love
All I want is Perfect trust
And to harm none
So why is this evil?
Why does that make me
Of the Devil
When I don't believe
In Hell or the Devil?

Well, I had better go finish out my night and hope it can't get any worse than it is now.
For all that reads this please pray that my Aunt Val and her children can find peace and understanding in this time of loss. Thank you.

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by red_13 on 2010-10-23 19:14:23
That poem will touch us all in many ways, Tiger. We all had that feeling once in a while.

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2011-08-24 22:16:49
I finally wrote another poem. Been too long since my last poem. I will be posting a new poem soon. :)

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by latino on 2011-08-29 15:59:27
This is some really good stuff! I like it allot :']

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2011-08-29 16:33:55
I have been putting the new poems that I wrote into my computer so here's the newest. I have started another but it is not finished yet. Once I am done I will post it. It is very personal to what I am going through right now. Anyway... Here's the new poem...

~My Journey~
My journey started when I was
Eight years old
I knew I was different from others
I knew I didn’t belong with
The church
Along this journey I took many
Wrong turns
I let myself down in so many ways
I have strayed from the being I am
I led myself down the road
I thought others wanted me to go down
I now realize where I am supposed
To go but I have strayed so far I do
Not know how to get where I need to be
I can no longer run from who I am
But cannot leave behind the life I have now
My journey is far from over
As I continue to walk along on my
Journey my strength grows stronger
Knowing my Goddess is watching over
Me and whispering knowledge and
Guidance in my ear
I just want to say thank you to those
Who have joined me on this journey
Of mine I love you all in so many
Ways thank you so much

Hope that everyone likes it.
Justi aka Tiger

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by starninja on 2011-08-29 16:41:53 emote That was deep. I personally love how you freely express your emotions in this one. (I mean that is poetry but yeah) Nice job Justi~ you're an amazing poem creator.

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by on 2011-08-29 16:43:35
It's good to read poems like this every once in a while. And it's worth the time. I'm looking forward to the next poems, Tiger!~

Re: Gendou Love~Poems &falling in love on Gendou~take2
Link | by Tiger on 2011-09-22 19:39:58
~1600 Meter Run~
Ready, Set, Bang.
“Don’t start off too fast”
My dad yells.
Man my knee hurts
Where’s Don living?
How has he been for
The past four years
“Hey! Good job!”
I say as I pass or get passed.
“You’re half way done Justi!
Keep it up! Start speeding
Up a little bit.” My dad
Encourages me. I speed up
A little “Good job” come
Out of my mouth as I pass
A girl. A minute later
I have only one lap to
Go “Oh my god here comes
The pain.” I say to myself
As I gasp for air. 200 meters
Left I speed up a little more
100 meters left I start sprinting
I pass a couple girls I don’t say
Anything this time. Finally
Finished. “What’s my time?”
“You got a 6:32!”
“Yes! But I was 22 seconds off!”
“Good job Justi! I’m proud
Of you,” My dad congratulates me.

This was a school assignment in high school. I love this poem because it takes me back to a time that I loved so much because of my running. I miss those days. I'm going to be putting my poems up on YouTube so if you'd like to hear me read them aloud pm me and I'll give you my id for my channel =D
Justi AKA Tiger

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