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Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-14 15:48:49 (edited 2010-06-20 18:04:08)

Vampire Knight Club!

vampire knight Pictures, Images and Photos
Yuki's earliest memory is of a stormy night in winter,
wherein she was attacked by a vampire... And then rescued by another.
Now 10 years later, Yuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy,
has grown up and become a guardian of the vampire race, protecting her savior,
Kaname, from discovery as he leads a group of vampires at the
elite boarding school. But also at her side is Zero Kiryu,
a childhood friend who’s hatred for the creatures that destroyed everything he held dear,
is now determined never to trust them. This coexisting arrangement
seems all well and good, but have the vampires truly renounced their murderous ways,
or is there a darker truth behind their actions. Is Kaname's
infatuation with Yuki the beginning of a forbidden romance, or is it something
in her forgotten past that draws him to her. Because in this world of secrets,
nothing is as it seems. And the price of misplaced trust may even be worse than death.

[Club Icon]

Male users


Female Users


Users Members Status Characters Club number
Zero Kiryuu
Kaien Cross
Ichiru Kiryuu
Ruka Souen
Rima Tooya
Akatuski Kain
Shiki Senri
Hanabusa Aidou
Ichijo Takuma

Hey everyone I notice that a lot of people are a fan of vampire knight so i decide to create a club. The rules are simple:
-follow the gendou rule.
-no spamming.
-watch your language.

How to become a member?:
- State: Name:
character claim:
-Must be at lvl 10 and up to become an official member
-Characters from Vk are special, so you must give a specific reason as to why i should let you claim that character.

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-15 10:15:27
- State:

Name: Shuyin
Username: sourunjishuyin
character claim: Kiryuu Zero — Zero is the one character that you can at times
be upset with yet always symnpathize with. He is in love with Yuuki, yet he is
forced away from her because of her attachment to Kaname. I love Zero because
of his willingness to protect Yuki no matter what, and hope that in the end
Yuki can she she cares for him in the same way.

Not to mention, Zero is wicked powerful with the blood of 3 Pure-Bloods. Bloody
Rose ftw, most likely the most powerful weapon in the anime bar none. ~

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-16 16:23:12
lol shuyin, I would have chosen Zero kiryu as well, but i have notice that many ppl would want to claim him as well, which is why i chosen takamiya kaito which he would appear later on in the manga.

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-16 16:50:41
Hey, if you'd like, we could make a little trade off, hehe — You could have Zero
in this club, if I got to get Layfon in the CSR club? Hmmmmm, whatdya think? :D

Cause besides Zidane Tribal, Layfon is my favorite character ever. I enen have the
AOL screen name Layfon Alseif.

Anyway, WE NEED MORE VK CLUB MEMBERS! Vampire KNight is epic, so we need to promote
the heck outta this club. We can do it, cause no doubt there are tons of fans for
the series here on Gendou.

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-16 16:51:39 (edited 2009-10-16 16:55:34)
sure no problem, let me made some changes. lol but which character from Vk do you want to claim now that i have claimed zero kiryu, shuy?

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-16 17:08:52

This man is elite, especially with his epic sword that owns all others. He's
actually my second favorite character in VK, behind Zero and infront of Yuki.

Most would think I'd choose Kaname after giving up Zero, but I rather dislike
Kaname no matter how nice he is to Yuki and all; ZeroxYuki all day long. :]

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-16 17:15:04
lol shuy. . .I don't really like kaname at all, and the whole kaname x yuuki thing, doesn't it seem incest?

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-16 17:22:11
It IS incest, but I mean, they do it to keep the bloodline pure. However, a way
to think about it is that it's not incest because ... well, without spoiling
anything, we know that Kaname isn't exactly the brother of Yuki on the inside.

But yeah, we got the same idea; we don't like Kaname very much or at all, xD!

Speaking of my new claim though, isn't Kaien's sword insanely awesome?

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-16 17:43:52
I guess so, i haven't really notice it all, all i do no is that kaien is insanely strong.

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-16 18:55:28
His sword is awesome, due to the face it's like a O-Katana, has a bladed side,
and then the other side is sorda like a saw blade while still acting like a
normal bladed side. It's really one of the better weapons I've seen in anime
or manga.

Also, if you know anyone who like VK ask them to join up. I'm not sure who else
around is into VK, but I know there are ALOT. Maybe we should ask in chat?

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-16 19:00:48
yeah that is a good idea

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by temari_fan on 2009-10-18 13:14:38 (edited 2009-10-18 13:19:08)
Name: Tem, Temmy, Temmie, Tem Fish, Orange, TemTem, Temperature, Temmers
Username: Temari_Fan
Character Claim: Ruka Souen
Why: For one I LOVE KANAME... Also 'cause I'll do anything to get Kaname for myself...muahahaha

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-18 13:16:32
lol tem

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by raya11gaara on 2009-10-18 14:08:07
Charactr Claim:Rima Tooya
Reason Why: I'm in love with Shiki Senri. I have posters and plushies of him in my room.The reason why Rima beause i want to be a model and have a hot rehead boyfriend.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by SacoraSacora's Arceus!! XD on 2009-10-18 14:37:30
I would absoultely LOVE to join, so please count me in!! :D I love VK!!<3

Name: Sacora or AnimeNinja

Username: valde1

Character Claim: Yuki Cross

Reason Why: You should let me claim Yuki Cross because, She is in love with two people and they are both her friends, and at school I'm secretly in love with two of my friends. . .^^; and Yuki Cross would do anything to help Zero and Kaname, and I'd do the same for my two best friends!

Please consider it Kazu-bro, and I will be back in Chat this weekend, it seems. . .

Anyways, thanks if you admit me into the club!! ^^ <3

Ichigo Kurosaki is Claimed! By: Sacora! XDDCode Geass FanclubSacora's Signature

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-18 16:03:49
Sacora i can't let you take yuuki yet, for I know a lot of ppl wants to take that character. Which is why I'm going to wait until the time is right to decide who will claim yuuki cross.

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-18 16:58:54
nigredo you can't claim a character that was already been taken. And also your lvl is too low.

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by SacoraSacora's Arceus!! XD on 2009-10-18 17:34:17 (edited 2009-10-18 18:26:31)
Alright then. I'll think over about what other VK character I wanna Claim. . .^^


Alright then. . .How about:

Claim Character: Takuma Ichijo

Name: Sacora or AnimeNinja

Username: valde1

Reason Why:
You should let me claim Takuma Ichijo because I like his playful demenor, and he he (to me) ALMOST looks like Lelouch in the manga (but I'm over Lelouch, but he's still awesome) and he cares about the people around him, and he comes from a big family, like me! ^^

Could you consider this claim, bro? and yes. . .I'm over my Lelouch obsession. . .(TTT___TTT) but I still think he's awesome! ^^

Thanks if you still decide to admit me into the club! <3 Do it for your Imouto-chan! ^^ Please?

Ichigo Kurosaki is Claimed! By: Sacora! XDDCode Geass FanclubSacora's Signature

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-19 17:20:48
Oho, more members here too. The VK fans are slowly gathering ~

I'm surprised no one has even made a bid for Kaname yet, but I suppose people
are like me and Kazuma and are total Zero fans ~ Down with Kaname >:| ...

And someone must claim My lovely daught— *cough* ehem.. Err, KAIEN'S daughter
soooooon ~ Kazuma should let her get taken so I ha— errr, KAIEN has someone to hug on ~ :D

Re: Vampire Knight Club
Link | by on 2009-10-20 04:56:06
ROFL shuy, yeah I guess, i'm just waiting to see how many had saw this club and wants to claim yuuki

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