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La divina tragedia (umineko ed song)
Link | by ruri on 2009-09-19 22:55:30
cant find it in download is already released last sept. 16

Re: La divina tragedia (umineko ed song)
Link | by on 2009-09-19 23:58:44
Because either someone hasn't uploaded it or someone has but Gendou-Admin hasn't had a chance to put it up yet.

All you can really do is be patient until it is up :\

Re: La divina tragedia (umineko ed song)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-20 00:36:48
If you're so impatient, then buy it yourself.


Re: La divina tragedia (umineko ed song)
Link | by gendou on 2009-09-20 09:51:32
It's a horrible song anyway.

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