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Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by Mou Hitori no Reen on 2009-09-07 05:04:29
Which anime you think has the most amazing hero in it?? Well, in my personal view, I think Naruto, Code Geass, Bleach and 07-Ghost has the most amazing hero in it..

What about you???

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-07 22:33:32
lol, the first person I thought of was Naruto, too.

Hmm, a very long list to even start with though. There's just too many names.


Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-09-08 06:09:32
in naruto? and wich character, because if you are talking about naruto himself...
well... i can give my opinion to that cause I'll probably get banned forever for
bad language... >_>'

Maybe codegueass... or FMA :P
and if Lucy from Elfen Lied can be taked as hero... then Elfel lied XD

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by H on 2009-09-09 00:28:14
"H's Elementary Anime Knowledge", chapter one, first paragraph

It is elementary to know that Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has the most amazing heroes ever in the 21st century. If you say otherwise, then you probably haven't watched the anime yet.

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by darkster on 2009-09-09 04:03:46
Gurren Lagan was a good show and had a good hero(s). (Watch the show if you don't know what I'm talking about) Personally, I feel that Tatsumi Saiga from Speed Grapher is the most amazing hero. He risks his life to save a girl he doesn't even know. He's badass and smart. Cool power. What's not amazing about him I ask?

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by red_13 on 2009-09-10 05:28:23
Bobobo from bobobo-bo-bo-bobo

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by SacoraSacora's Arceus!! XD on 2009-09-10 05:57:32
Totally Code Geass!! But Bleach as well.

Ichigo Kurosaki is Claimed! By: Sacora! XDDCode Geass FanclubSacora's Signature

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2009-09-10 09:44:37
yeah Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. its out of this universe(literally).

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by on 2009-09-10 11:02:54
I would have to say Gurren Lagann has some great heroes.

Ulquiorra is Claimed

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2009-09-14 09:31:44 (edited 2009-09-14 09:31:59)
Kintaro Oe is the manliest man-hero of them all.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by on 2009-09-19 12:30:32
Detective Conan has some pretty good heroes and Hatenkou Yuugi. but i would also have to say The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (since it has kyon-kun!!!). ^-^

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by Nayu on 2009-11-25 09:04:52
Katekyo hitman reborn!!!
the most caring boss ever~!!

No matter how far you fly, I will always catch up with you.

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by EmAn on 2009-11-29 22:16:00
Dragon Ball Z for me.. the best.. =)

"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by this is kaii on 2009-11-30 04:06:49
Code Geass!!

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by SacoraSacora's Arceus!! XD on 2009-11-30 04:20:23
For me, it has to be:

-Code Geass
-Death Note
-Naruto Shippuden

Those are the few Animes in my Opinon that have the best Heroes. . .I will post more when I find more. . .

Ichigo Kurosaki is Claimed! By: Sacora! XDDCode Geass FanclubSacora's Signature

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by on 2009-11-30 04:47:50
Pokemon! I wonder how Ash/Satoshi did everything... only by himself as a normal kid and with friendship

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by on 2009-11-30 05:05:22
well i would say:

-Katekyo Hitman Reborn
-Eyeshield 21
-Gundam Seed
-Chrome Shelled Regios
-Sacred Blacksmith
-Kaze no Stigma

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by aLiCe on 2009-12-01 01:26:02
Code Geass ans D.Gray-Man!!

helper image

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by blue on 2009-12-01 23:30:18
I vote for Code Geass, Darker than Black and One Piece.

Re: Which anime that has the most amazing hero??
Link | by on 2009-12-03 14:46:16
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann...FTW

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