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Link | by dcw2021 on 2009-08-23 19:52:15
There are many things i would like to say on this subject. But first, I would like to ask how you all think sexism got started. Why would one one sex be undermined by the other? Why is it usually women?

I don't want this to turn into a debate on which sex is better. But I do want to hear opinons on the reasoning behind sexism.


Re: Sexism
Link | by on 2009-08-23 20:10:56
As long as there are differences between groups of people then there will be a 'one is superior than the other' mentality. Sexism wasn't started in any particular way, it has just sort of come to be.

I guess if you are looking for a general reason, it could be because of males natural tendency to be stronger in physical terms (like body build and whatnot. Don't jump me for saying this, I'm looking at this from a biological standpoint).

In general, there is no real reasoning behind sexism, it's simply a conflict of beliefs or mentalities. People from both sexes just have preconceptions that they are superior to the other gender for whatever reasons. The reasons they have for believing it are wrong of course since everyone is so different from each other. Males and Females are both needed for life, each gender has roles to fulfill and neither can exist without the other. . . unless we evolve a way to asexually reproduce.


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