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Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by inaby on 2009-07-22 21:42:10 (edited 2009-08-06 12:36:52)
Thє Covєŋaŋt 2: Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє


MySpace Playlist at

Plot: It was 2010 and the covenant of two families, the good, and the bad, each have the same bloodline. The Leon family, for peace and control and the Hayden's for control of peace.

Their struggle has waged on for centuries, and have scarred the face of Caleb.Their numbers dwindle down to a few, none but those who are barely adults live, ranging from 16-23 years of age. There power is unbelievable they have the power to control and possess whatever they want but this dark power has it weakness, this unbelievable power can take them to their death because.

It's addicting. That’s why the Leon family has control over their own power. But not the, Hayden family. They have other plans, Take over the power of there own bloodlines and start a war, by opening the book.

That was the story before now the two families had to work together to destroy Vain Hayden. but the truth is that he never died that night not even the 2 keys of the family could stop him.

Time turn'd around and they have the fortune to start over again but as alway Vain has other plans Taking over the power of there own bloodlines by disturbing Thє Book. War,Blood, Tears. It’s up to the Leon family and the Haydens to once again get together and prevent this tragic event but, will they conquer their gift once again? Will they work toguerther one more?

-Have Fun
-The RP masters guide to RP'ing. (Tips and Basics)
- You can not control any other characters other then your own (Unless you have permission! )
- Killing a character is allowed in this Rp (as long as the victim and me have permitted/agree with it)
- No killing a character unexpectedly or suddenly
- No godmode, No Auto-hitting!
- The style of you're choosing but be very specific plz
- You are allowed to make up to 2 character characters (You can make more if you die in the story)
- Members please fill out one member profile & Please follow the profile requirements
- If your going to stop in the middle of the Rp plz tell me this rule is for me as well.

Character Profile:
Family: (Pick only one!)
Gender:(Male or Female)
Appearance : (Written description or an Image)
Bio : (About your self - History, Family, ect.)
Abilities :(like Controlling a object or Other ability's you may add as your own, you can use swords, magic or etc. )


(Pleace Specify)

Afternoon & Night

1. Gifted city: Is the only place "ull see the beautiful Sakura bloom garden.

2. Caleb city: The places were all events took place. In the past and where the family's where call out.

3. Ilenus city: The places were every one is in peace, and every thing is what you may say "Normal".

4. Gail’s cave city: where Blake the heir of the Haydens resident.

Family List:
Leon Family:
•Abby Gaile-Misstress 2.0
•Valiant- Avian
•Vincent Rei- K.M Revolution

•Rictus Karasu-Karasu
•Noctis Lucis Caelum-Kenji
•Lily Noein-K.M.Revolution

Name: Abby Gaile
Family: Leon
Age: 16
High School Student
Location: Main House of the Leon's in Lilelus
Weapon: Non as Known.
Bio: Abby is the youngest of the family bloodline, and one of the keys she was the one to turn time around. just for a chance to make things better. She's back to school but still lives with the hunting memory's on that night
Abilities: Manipulation other abilities Unkown

Name: Blade
Gender: Male
Abilities: Control and manipulate fire
Location: Main House of the Leon's in Lilelus
Bio: Blade is the head of the Leons and older brother to Abby,The hunting memory of Vain still Hunt him everynight. Dedicated to Avenge his falling brother and family he has become colder... will his anger be his downfall?

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by Karasu on 2009-07-23 20:46:05 (edited 2009-07-23 21:32:33)
Oh, so you meant REALLY soon, then. How many abilities may we have?

Character Profile:
Name: Rictus Karasu
Family: Hayden
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weapon: Various blades
Appearance :
Bio : New to the war, he wants the book opened to stop the effects of using the families' power. His own father died from overuse of his power while fleeing the battle, but Rictus wants to be free to sate his addiction without fear of the power's rebound. He feels that the answer he needs is in the book, and he'll kill to get it, but he's not ready to let Vain have his way.
Abilities : Blast/Pressure Wave- Channels pure magical force at a target, like a cannonball, but it can be redirected (into the ground to create a shockwave, along a blade to create a cutting wave when swung. It can also be used to move objects. Not like telekinesis, this is a pure outward force, so objects can't be moved at will. They can be pushed. That's it.
Current Location: Hayden Manor, Study


Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by on 2009-07-24 04:27:13 (edited 2009-07-29 05:52:31)
Name:Noctis Lucis Caelum
Weapon:Kurayami no Kenji-A Katana which possesses shadow magic.Is known to multiply depending on the user.It is also rumored that the Katana is said to corrupt the user as it has it's own will.
Appearance :

Bio : The only outcast of the Hayden family,he decided to go to another place with another name.It was years before he came back.During the years he spent away from his country,he trained himself to fully master the sword but failed.He is also very proficient in using Shadow and Gravity Magic.
-Shadow Magic-Allows him to bend the shadows to his will.He can summon shadow blades and such.
-Gravity Magic-Allows him to change how things are affected by the gravitational pull of the earth.
Current Location:Hayden Manor - Garden

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by karuzo on 2009-07-24 05:50:06 (edited 2009-07-26 07:22:01)
I will join just give me time... I am trying to asses my characters in here...

Name: Vincent Rei
Family: Leon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon: Puppets [yes, an ordinary set of ready made and customized puppets that he made, currently he has a dozen of it]
Bio: Known as the outcast of the Leon Clan becasue of his silent and mysterious facade, but no one dared to have a fight with him because one a certain incident that made his Clan in shock even in moment....

Currently he is living at Illenus City, has a strange lists of work and as a guardian to a Hayden whom he saved from death

Abilities: [Puppetry]
For no reason his Ability has similarities to Vain's puppetry ability but this kind of puppetry is somehow between inferior or superior to Vain's however... this was not proven becasue after that incident he left his family and wandered around

Name: Lily Noein
Family: Hayden
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Weapon: Nanon as of this moment
Bio : Known as traitor of the Hayden Clan, she saw the immorality and merciless attitudes inside of them and tried to leave however that was only a decoy to trap her up and, they tormented her and left for dead, she was nearing death's door until a Leon nursed her back and became her as a caring guardian

Like her two cousins Karuzo and Kizuna, she dislikes to fight becasue of her unmeasurable power that might harm her own clan

Abilities: [Paradox of Uncertain and Unknown]
Her abilities is unclear however according to the rumors around her family, she has the ability to utilize magic that IS NOT AVAILABLE in the dimension we called reality

Appearance : Left= Vincent Rei Leon, Right= Lily Noein Hayden

Fast fact:

Vincent takes care of his puppets with utmost care, he even gave them their names

Vincent for no reason hates his family, he believes that his family and some members of their clan has other intentions for the book

Lily did not know about her ability because it does or it did not exists, even other Hayden's were surprised about it

Lily loves to draw that sometimes motivates Vincent to create more dolls or draw dresses for some of his clients...


Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by on 2009-07-24 07:44:03
im glad to be back lol

Name : Valiant Leon
Family : Leon ( but has no alligiance to them )
Age :21
Gender : Male

Weapon : Straightsword

Appearance : Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Bio : Formerly The Butler and servent of Abby . He was her closest Friend and he was always with her , Until He left to the Forbidden Grounds and Mysteriously Dissapeared After meetin Vain . He was classified as missing ever since and hasnt seen abby since his dissapearance . He now returns with a unkown goal . does he still harbour feelings of Mutual and family love towards abby or does has he changed is unkown . his appearance has changed along with himselfs. a once calm and mild mannared servent for abby now estranged.

Abilities : Expert Sword skills
Break the course of fate : Seven Continuos and constructive Movements that seem almost like an illusion , these attacks are unblockable but can be avoided if the opponent predicts the next step.

Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by on 2009-07-24 14:00:56 (edited 2009-07-26 09:44:08)
And now, the antagonist arrives.

Character Profile:
Name: Vain
Family: Hayden (no longer cares for his family)
Age: His age is forgotten
Gender: Male
Weapon: His own energy, and the energy he stole from the two keys
Appearance : Photobucket
Bio : That night, Vain's final strips of humanity died. Before the confrontation, he spoke with the only human being that he had ever cared for. With her word in his heart, the last strip of goodness in Vain prevented him from striking the last blow to destroy the obstacles between him and the book. He stopped. He froze. As the coalition of Leon and Hayden attacked him with all they could, The evil, sadistic Vain did nothing but put up his humanity to suffer the consequences. The old Vain was killed that night. The transformation was complete, he was no longer just a rising act.
He was the star.
Abilities :Vain uses energy strands to channel his own energy to direct and control anything that is organic. His physical strength is extremely limited, and can only use his speed to avoid enemies.

Name: Damien
Family: Leon
Age: 11
Weapon: small cane
Appearance : Photobucket
Bio : Damien is a living virus. His power is extremely powerful, yet is completely useless at the same time. He is the host of 1000 different viruses. The Leon family had accidentally created a virtual ghost town when the Head of the Leon family decided to send him off to school in a foreign country because he thought Damien had no powers. He was afraid that Damien would be killed during the fight between the Hayden and Leon. Damien slowly wandered back after killing the entire city where he was sent to study. His mind was confused, and he really didn't know what to believe. He just wanted to go back home.
Abilities: He is unaffected by infections or disease. He is also the carrier of 1000 viruses. He can choose which virus to infect which person around him. They range from sick, to painful, to death. Different viruses have different effects and he can also combine the viruses together.

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by inaby on 2009-07-24 20:51:50
Hi! every one, i have to say thank you to all for allways been there for me no matter what crazy stuff i come up with. I thank you form the bottom of my heart. Well Welcome to all the new and the old guys (giggles) Are we ready? Well im just goin to start this thing.
Lest Do it! ^o^ If any Q plz PM Me there no proble with that.
@ L: If you whant to add another charc ish ok with me!=}
@ Avian Nice character me like!

-Leon's Mansion-

The quiet morning at the mansion of Leon's. In a room the silhouette of a girl painted at the windows with purple curtains, dancing in the wind. Dress up as a school girl the blue eyes young one was stearing at the outside looking slightly lost.

"Is quiet this morning, Is it not?" As a Key shaped neckless dangle around her neck. the doors closed behind her she walks down the hall as the room to her Older brother Blade is infront of her. She carefully considering whether or not to knock it ... but she turned around and withdrew down the stairs. Again.

Again her self having breakfast just like every other morning alone, in silence while her brother in his room. She see's a family photo at the entrance of the mansion before pick up her backpack and one of her guards escort her to school.

-Leon's Mansion-
[Blades Room]

In that silent room, that almoust forbidden room lies Blade. As he looks out his window, seen his Sister been escort to her school. He looks on... " Im..." He sights "This is all your fault, I know better then anyone you are still pretty much alive. I can sence you Vain. Were ever you are... I know..."

You are alive...

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by on 2009-07-25 08:09:30
- The roof of the Leon mansion -

Valiant stood accompanied by another person a female ( whos character i will reveal later on )

" Will you not be going in ? " inquired the girl , She stood just under Valiants height a slim and well figured girl covered by a mask

"Not yet , She has blade Im not needed yet and besides i still havnt decided whether im going to kill her or protect her yet " His jacket blowing with the wind Valiant said back to his company

"wont you tell me what you saw then ...when you dissapeared and i found you " She had a innocence in her voice as she queried Valiant

" Not yet ..Not untill i can speak with Vain again untill then i will remain hidden " Valiant stood over watching the Leon mansion and his old home

They both Jumped down to the front courtyard just outside the main Doors Bowed and slowly started to walk away

Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by Karasu on 2009-07-25 21:26:38
Hayden Manor: Study

Rictus tossed the book he was reading onto the desk next to his feet and leaned back in the chair. He was frustrated. He hadn't used his powers in days. His hands shook now. He quite simply wanted to blow something up. It was fun. You could do so much with it. Punctuate a sentence, even. "I don't like you." Bang. That convinces the other person that you don't like them. It costs you a cabinet or table, but you get your point across. It was a good way to relieve stress, too. Take down a bit of a forest and you don't feel quite so angry anymore.

He was trying to learn restraint, though. He couldn't use his powers at the drop of a hat anymore, so he needed another vent. Reading was definitely not it. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, tapping the heel of one of his boots on the desk.


Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by on 2009-07-26 04:36:22
[Hayden Garden]

Noctis was standing in the middle of the garden.The wind blowing calmly.He opened his eyes as he heard a muffled thud.He knew it was coming from the study.

"It's so early yet they want to make some noise already." he said to himself as he put his glasses on.

"I wish I didn't come back here." he said as he went to he front gate and stood there.

He sighed as he remembered having traveled across the world because of a stupid summons.

"I really regret being back here." he said as he started to go back to the mansion.

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by Photobucket on 2009-07-26 05:06:49 (edited 2009-07-26 05:14:18)
Family: Hayden.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Weapon: Runes, Seals and Magic Books.

Appearance :

Bio : A weak girl who is always protected by the Hayden family. She's very frail since birth but have a very abnormal high level of magic ability. She always read books and novels in her room. She doesn't really care much about her Family nor the Leon Family, she just wants to read her books in peace, no fighting or anything. Her wish is to be a normal girl who likes to read books. Everywhere she goes, she always have a small green book with her.

Location: In Hayden Main House, in her personal room, reading.

Abilities : (i) Summon a loyal Summon Creature, Choas.
(ii) Usage of high level magic, like Bloody Melody.

Appearance of Choas:


Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by inaby on 2009-07-26 15:58:28 (edited 2009-07-26 20:04:49)
-Illenus HighSchool-

Later that Morning:

The young Abby. again alone in the school roof looked around her, that look lost in thought. Shee watched as her fellow classmate's smiled and talked among themselves. She get closer to the gate that does not allow her to fall, placing her hand on the railing looking down, the wind blows her black long hair, her bang covers her eyes, on the other hand she holds a photo. A photo of her and blade once a happy past.

" Time turnd around... to make things bettet... To make things Right?... It feels more empty than before..." As she gazed at the photo slowly.


She changes the look to a place not far from the school, that place where she met the person who did not hesitate to protect her.

" Even you... disappeared" One of her tear drop opend a seal on the floor , but its closed as fast as a blink of an eye. As the day continued

Leon's Mansion Garden

Later On that Day:

Blade again coaching his young soul in the garden of the family. Ignoring his surroundings, ignoring everything with just one thing in his mind. His Brother yet pure enemy Vain Hayden. " I have to be stronger, Faster!. This time i wont lose to you. I wont!" As the morning passes by he keeps on. As he progresses in his fire controle.

" You killd him.. how dear you! Argh!" One of his fire balls hit one of Abby's blossom tree and burnd it down. He lookd at the small tree burnd out form his anger. He walk to it but it was to late. He just stood there starring at it.

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by on 2009-07-26 22:52:37
Location: (Unknown woods)

Vain remembered his defeat. He was not to be defeated any longer. The last withering shred of hinderance was finally gone.

This time... once my body has recovered, I will destroy them... all of them. Then, the book will be mine.

Vain laid there with his wounds slowly healing. Bluish strands of energy connected his body to the forest, allowing him to sap the energy around him. Already, the grass around him had wilted, and several trees turned black and whithered.

Soon... Soon...

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by Photobucket on 2009-07-26 23:01:24
Location: Hayden Main House, Angie's Room.

"...Looks like it's going to get rainy today..." said Angie as she flipped over some pages of her brand new book.
"Is there something wrong, Mistress?" asked Choas with concern, through telepathy.
"There's nothing wrong, thank you Choas for your concern..."

In fact, there was something wrong. Angie was planning on going out today to buy some new books because she's running out of things to read. But she didn't want to trouble Choas, so she let it slide.

She continued reading her book, without any care in the world once more...


Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by on 2009-07-27 07:48:45
~ Roadside Trail towards the Leon mansion ~

Valiant Stood on the top of a birch tree that overlooked the path leading up to the Leon's mansion and below him the rooftop of the School he once walked abby to everyday

" so what do you plan to do " asked His young female companion

" ill wait at the Gates of the leon mansion ..and wait for her return " Valiant replied with a dark and yet relieving Tone

" Whats going on in that head not once since i saved you...since that day you havnt opened up to me and you speak of the master you have forsaken and all this i do not understand when will you .." she was cut off by Valiant

" i never asked to be saved nor did i voe to tell you anything of me , it was your choice to stand by me " He said

Her face saddaned and she almost looked as if she was going to cry but then a soft hand Caressed her face and lifted it and in a fragment of a second her lips were pressed against valiants slowly kissing him as he pulled away he whispered to her

" but one day you shall know and when the darkness has left my heart it shall be yours ..but untill then i cannot give you what you Desire i still have yet to finish my fate im sorry " he whispered pulling away from her

" Val..." She cut off as at a loss for words the first time she had got this close to the man she loved and served she just smiled and changed the topic

" wont she recognise you ?" she whimly asked

" The Valiant she knew was alot different from this one as long as i keep my words restricted i should be fine , but as the situation demands i cannot wait to find Vain i need information and she might have it , although i do not know if she will be gaurded could you watch my back in the shadows " he asked

" yes Valiant ill always watch over you " She said as she dissapeared into the shadows

Valiant Jumped down and Walked towards the mansion . Shortly he reached the gates in which he stood directly in front of awaiting abby's return.

Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by karuzo on 2009-07-27 08:17:55 (edited 2009-07-27 08:44:25)
Location: Hayden Main House, Angie's Room.

-Suddenly a doll appeared from nowhere, carrying a bag of new and limited edition books, the doll placed it on the bed, the doll bowed and disappeared with a flash, on the bag there was a letter it syas

"I know you like books so here a set of good book fresh from the market"

-Ilenus City, Vincent's House-

Then a puppet master was arranging his dolls, when a doll appeared and bowed, it was the doll who gave the books to Angie, the puppet master reached his hand, the doll floated to it and bowed-

Vincent: You gave to her... I am impressed

-the doll nod and faced him-

Vincent: I am sorry for making you do that task

-the doll shook it head and reached it hand-

Vincent: I see... well have a rest...

-then the doll floated away from his hand and went to its cabinet case, suddenly a 15 yr old girl begun to go downstairs and yawning

Lily: Morning...

Vincent: Morning... No class?

Lily: Yah.... the teachers was having a meeting this day so...

Vincent: What time did you go to sleep?

Lily: 12:30 mn... I need to finish the remaining school work...

Vincent: It seems that you are serious in you work... but do not overdone yourself will ya?

Lily: I will...

-then suddenly one of the dolls begun to float and gave lily a powerful hug that made her fell-

Vincent: It seems Rosa was attached to you so much...

Lily: becasue she is the doll that you gave to me... i treasure it becasue I loved it

-Rosa floated closer and landed on Lily's left shoulder and begun to touch her cheek-

Lily: Thank you Rosa... I am alright... I thank you for comforting me...

-then the girl placed the doll on her chest and hugged then she went to the table where the food was prepared with the help of the fairy dolls-


Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by bulletwitch01 on 2009-07-27 13:14:28
@/@ i can join in mistresss ( call me when you cant)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Went the darkness fall the vampire girl went to play.With the blue rose i will curse you to be my friend?

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by inaby on 2009-07-27 20:40:47
-Illenus HighSchool-
-Mid day-


The young abby appeared inattentive in her classroom.

Teacher: "Miss. Leon is not common for you to be so inattentive. You should go home today. You may be excused" As sheslow ly and inattentive collect her things and apologized to the teacher.

"Im sorry I promise i will get my homeowrk done... I'm not myself today.." As she leaves the classroom. With out calling for her escort she just walk hoem by herself.

-Roadside Trail towards the mansion-

The young lady walked down the Roadside inattentive. Looking likeshe din't have any destination. People walking around her but it was as if she walks alone. Her home approaching, she notes in the distance a silhouette of a person at the entrance of her home Gates.

" Umm..?" Rapidly approaching she finally arrived home but an odd young man strage to her eyes firmly standing infront of the Main Gates.

She grabs her backpack, and with authority asks the young man. "Good afternoon, can help ..." Suddenly and silently she looks at the eyes of the young Man as she stood under his height.

-Some were Hayden territory -

-Mid day-

The young Blade could not resist and went over to prohibited territory Hayden. prohibited. Looking from a tree close to the main gates of the Main House Hayden. but close to the main gates of the Main House Hayden,he look in the distance and saw one of his relatives. " I... see some one?... Vain? No that can;t be him to easy..." He gets closer. " That is... Noctis? and i can scence two more..."

As he wonders around the area, trying not to be scence by his bretherin. " Its so calm over here as well... But i can't let my gard down. Not even if they.. help me before..." As he lerks around " I just can't trust them!...

Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by Photobucket on 2009-07-27 22:21:06 (edited 2009-07-27 22:49:01)
Location: Hayden Main House, Angie's Room.

"...Oh that Vincent...that doll gave me a fright..."she startled but she was a bit happy.
Then, she spotted Noctis at the front gate. "Noctis...I really am glad you're back but...I can't say that...not to him..." she thought with concern.
She put her favorite bookmark inside her green book and went out of her room and locked it, just in case.

She passed by Vain's room and she can hear him mumbling about something, which made her giggled a bit. "Silly Vain..." she muttered in her breath.
She walked out of the main house, and Noctis was in front of her. She blushed and tried her best to greet him.

"Welcome...back Noctis...Uhmmm...h-how was your day...?" she mumbled in embarrassment.


Re: Thє• Covєŋaŋt II •Thє Book † Thє Eclipsє
Link | by Karasu on 2009-07-27 22:59:38
Hayden Manor, Attic

Rictus had left the study a short time ago, bored and itching to do something. He settled on cleaning his blades. He sat on the windowsill, absently polishing the English broadsword in his hands. Noctis was out there, and the little girl had gone to meet him... Angie, her name was. How social. I'd better not be expected to do the same.

He kept looking around. After a second, he saw something else outside the fence, skulking. A boy. He'd been warned about this one. Unstable, had fire powers. Definitely not someone he wanted interfering. Rictus unlatched the window and opened it slightly, sticking his hand outside. He smirked slightly, glad for a reason to use his powers. He aimed at a tree close to Blade and let off a small burst of energy, just enough to put a dent in the tree trunk. Get out of here, kid. This isn't your space.

An instant later, something clicked. He was alone in the house. He had at least a few minutes to explore Vain's room. After another quick glance outside, he quickly sheathed his sword and put it back in its case. He took another quick look before dashing for the stairs. I need clues.


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