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Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by stash on 2009-05-31 10:17:49
Have you had any nightmares or dreams that were plain funny, scary, or just weird?

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by boxthing on 2009-05-31 13:45:44
Yeh I Just had a scary one.I was in my brothers car wen he was driving and he went off a huge cliff.That was one one the scaryest thing I ever felt in a dream.=/

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by animegirl5555 on 2009-05-31 13:54:46
Once I dreamed I was in my city but everything was different shade of gray or red and I was kidnapped by very cruel people, and they treated really bad until, three doberman dogs came and saved me and then I realized that in the dream I was a little girl (3-4 years old) with a really cute medieval dress. that was the creppiest, weirdest dream of all my life.
also another one where I was in a maze that had an alice in wonderland feel.

"Confidence is ignorance. If you're feeling cocky, it's because there's something you don't know." XD LOL. Damn you Cliffhangers!!! Damn you Oda, Kubo, & Kishimoto!!!(well not really =P). I hate it!!!! now I'll be waiting all week for the next chapters!!! arghh it's awfull!!! *hits head in the wall repeatedly*

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by on 2009-06-01 00:13:13
Just two days ago, I had a dream about something on June 7, not sure what it mean. But the feeling was definitely weird

Yuuko Andrew

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by on 2009-06-01 02:40:13
I don't dream much. So it's like, once a month and it's usually weird and strange ones.

There were unlimited amount of money in my house and I kept on collecting it.
All I know is my hands are tired.

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by on 2009-06-15 14:09:00
It started with me at some school and I was playing some kind of hide and seek with a group of people (classmates Im guessing). I was 'it' and when I went to find them, there was a bat in my hand. Then the dream skipped past the game and back in the school and I was being avoided and people were acting all scared of me. Then I realized I was a crazy person who liked to smash everything with that bat.
I dont remember details, but I do remember at one point I was getting all depressed because I couldnt control myself and then I passed out and hit my face on a chair and I remember seeing someone I know looking over me. They were saying things like 'oh my god she's bleeding' and 'what do we do?' Then I 'woke up' and felt my nose and mouth bleeding (from where I hit the chair).

Then the phone rang and woke me up for real...

Thats one of the weird dreams.. Ive had a few more though. xD

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Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by holkers on 2011-01-18 02:28:31
I had a dream that...

One day, when all Gendounians Malaysians came into a meet-up in a village (which is kindda weird)..
We bumped into an old mansion.
And somehow. Scarlee stepped on the brick. and the mansion was moving.
We all ran like hell..

Under the mansion, came alive an alien. Like the alien in Predator 3.
Yeah and then we ran like hell...

Then world ends.. o.o

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by richwiggles on 2011-01-18 11:50:07
A while ago I had this dream that I believe started with me i the high school I graduated from in about 1.5 years ago. I got some kind of sign (forgot what it was) that made me continuously think that something bad is definitely going to happen, but when I walked around, everything was the absolute opposite. It was way too close to a utopian world to believe it. Then I somehow appeared in other places like my old college, my room, my old house, a mall I knew, and random streets. The fortune kept on coming. For some reason, I still thought something bad was supposed to happen. Then the last scene was me with a bunch of people I knew, everything was chill. Then I said that I still think something bad's supposed to happen. That's when I woke up and it all disappeared.

I found that somewhat weird. Maybe I was thinking too many happy thoughts before I slept that night.

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by pokkoro on 2011-02-26 17:04:00
There was one where everyone from school in my grade ended up living in a small seaside village. Gravity was non-existent and we were all part of some top secret spy organisation. Many went on different missions, and i ended up on a flying fox. I accidentally let go, fell down and woke up.

I would like to classify that as a good dream, non-existent gravity was awesome. C;

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Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by hazuki22 on 2011-03-01 10:54:06 (edited 2011-03-01 10:55:43)
I had one where I was adopted. My real mom tried to strangle me for leaving her. Then I moved to oregon with my adoptive parents and then later in the dream my real dad tried to kidnap me and had a gun to my head, which makes no sense because I'm guessing if h couldn't get me then he'd kill me?? O.e? I dunno and then the cops shot him in the head and it blew up and blood was all over me and then I woke up..... But in between those scenes I met a hot guy and became his girlfriend and made friends..... Such a weird dream.

Oh and then I had a dream I went on christmas vacation with my friends and the hotel blew up and only me and my mom survived.... I woke up crying.. I have odd dreams.


Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by mokon on 2011-03-01 17:15:19
my dream was both scary and awesome
i was walking down a path towards a huge building that looked like it was made of diamonds then i sat down on one of the seats inside and it flew above the clouds and this song was playing it sounded like a japanese church song and there was these priest but they had black and white ropes on.


Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by Guitar! on 2011-03-27 00:10:33
I had all sorts of weird dreams before.
My favourite was going out with my fav anime gal. EL-OH-EL !

Mio is Awesome!

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by on 2011-03-27 07:03:46
my nightmare...

I hold a death body during unknown funeral...idk why....

and I saw a death man in accident,then I shout "Help!" but no one to help me.I go to find other help,when I return,the pocong (kind white fabric ghost,this fabric using for islamic funeral) chasing me.I scream "Help!Help!Ghost!!!"

Re: Weird Nightmares or Dreams
Link | by on 2012-08-14 11:09:34
there was one where i was chasing by a fairy (i think it was three or two years ago so i don't remember very clearly) i was afraid of her and then suddenly i began to fly just like her.. I ran away from her in my whole dream but then i fell.. Just fell.. It was a bolt from the blue and some guy caught me and locked me in a dark place..

Well i have to affirm that the end was a little bit creepy :D


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