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How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by on 2009-05-24 12:04:41
Continuation of this thread.
The thread title is pretty self-explanatory. Just post how you feel/felt today.
Tired, sad, upset, angry, confused, whatever, post it here. Have fun. ^_^

I feel good, I guess.. XD

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by aegis93 on 2009-05-24 12:09:42
Feel happy

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Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by hanabusa01 on 2009-05-24 12:15:03
im tired and half dead...-.- so tired

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by on 2009-05-24 12:27:10
-le sigh-

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-05-24 14:29:42
A little tired and feeling ok.

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by meow on 2009-05-24 17:28:54
I feel ok

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by aratta on 2009-05-24 19:37:01
A little tired~hmm~

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2009-05-24 22:06:17
Tired, but I got my coffee back. Yeay!

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by aegis93 on 2009-05-24 23:40:37
feel bored

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Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by ishie on 2009-05-25 01:14:11
i feel like...... pinching someone's cheeks


Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by on 2009-05-25 02:15:39
hmm.... want to drink some juice..


Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by on 2009-05-25 07:53:31
Hmm... a bit annoyed..

But otherwise good! I'm very optimistic these days...

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by matsuo on 2009-05-25 08:15:36
i feel awfully tired, sir. dog-tired.

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-05-25 10:21:17
But i got an headache now...--''

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-05-25 10:48:36
Annoyed. Tired. Sleepy.
I don't feel like doing anything today...
Yet I want to go buy my books. ;_;

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by aratta on 2009-05-25 19:03:41
A little tired..and i got headache also..argh~

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by empoleon on 2009-05-25 21:42:01
sleepy~ since today the rain came very early in the morning -_-

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by dood. on 2009-05-25 22:22:04
Surprised to see that this thread is a new version!
nice job posting, Gendounians.

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by Haoie on 2009-05-26 03:23:09
Slighty irritated.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: How do you feel today? [v4]
Link | by meow on 2009-05-26 19:02:19

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