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Link | by on 2009-04-18 16:07:37 (edited 2010-01-07 12:47:25)
-Yep got bored and was playing video games to pass time and came up with a idea while listening to some songs and if your a gamer you might recgonize where i got this idea from

Plot: The changes started slowly at first, Most people didn't notice or didn't care about it. The city's freedom was slowly taken away, everyone adepted to this but there were some who didn't like what was happening and took action. Stricks were made and riots started, law enforcement didnt like what was happening and took action to stop these incidents. During one of the sticks the enforcement started to push back but it resulted in a riot. lives where lost that day as it turned violent. Now the world is peaceful but there are many who fight against it, They are our clients. Runners exist throughout the city delivering items that the client doesnt want to be found by the Law to ther destination. A runner is a person who can traverse rooftops and different routes then a normal person, They see things differently, They will jump from building to building, climps poles and stairs, They will go through a building on the inside or out on the ledge. the cops don't bother us if we dont get in there way but now things are changing. The law if out to get the runners, what will you do?

-Character sheet-

Role: (Runner, Client, Policement, Civilian, and anything else you want to be)
Weapon/skill: (You can use a weapon and you can choose a couple of skills but nothing magic or supernatural)
Side: (Who do you work for, ex. cops, clients, yourself, etc.)

No god mode
No instant kills
No killing a player unless they say you can
You can use any type of RPing(ex. script, dialog, etc)

Still Alive - Lisa Miskovsky

Name: Eric kazuma
Role: Runner
Age: 17
-Weapons: Martial arts
-Skills: Can disarm people, Reaction time (Everything slows down), Athletics (Useful definitly when your a runner)
Side: Clients but mostly myself, gives out jobs

Personality: Kind, calm, caring, loyal, careless, and easygoing
Bios: During a riot his parents were killed, After that he kept moving from place to place. One day he was caught by a man when he was trying to break into a store, then the man gave him a offer and he accepted it. The offer was to train him to be a runner and it turned out to be the best thing.

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by inaby on 2009-04-18 22:02:29 (edited 2009-04-23 15:43:23)
I'll Join in i like Mirrow Edge so this is gonna be intresting =]

-Character sheet-

Name: Gail Kimora
Age: 14
skill: Mix Martial Arts
Side: Eric's side

personality: She is quite and shy.

Bios: After the riot she dint find her father for that was the only family she had leaft. She was wondering the streets by herself, with the only thing she has lef of her father's some headphones she never takes off. She learn how to get from a place to another using "Free Running" She became a Runner. After a few months she then saw Eric, now she is hoping to become good friend and hope with his help fine her self and save her from the Law.

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-19 19:08:38
Im happy you joined ^^. now we need more people to get this started =3 ill message some other rp people i play with

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-20 22:38:03
Character sheet

Name:Mikhail Qrin Paramont
Age: 18
Side:unknown; he don't know where is the right side
Appearance:(will be edited)
bio: his parents was killed when he was 3 years old. no one knows who killed them. he was taken care of his father's friend then. his father's friend knows that he is curious about his parents death. then the man suggest Qrin to became a runner and find the truth from "dark side of the world". he then trained to be a runner. for addition Qrin was learn Tempo, Tai Chi, and To Lo.
skill:Tai Chi, To Lo, Kempo, run fast, some little magic trick
weapon:knives, cards, himself.

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-21 17:22:48 (edited 2009-06-11 13:37:33)
Sounds fun. I'm in!

Name: Gai Genbu
Alias: Burning Falcon
Role: Member of the Night Guards(A elite group that have vowed to take down runners.)
Age: 21
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 181lbs.
Origin: Fukushima, Japan
Job: Hawk Samurai
Kilik Pictures, Images and Photos
Weapon of Choice: Midnight (Bo Staff [in hand]), Red Phoenix (1cal. handgun, twice the strength of a desert eagle .5cal.)
Fighting Style: Phoenix Arts
Abilities: super intelligent
Bio: One of the three commanders of the Night Guards. Unlike Tenshi and Ryona, Falco prefers trying to solve in a non-violent before drawing his lethal sword. He takes great pride in his intelligence. Having graduated college by the age of fifteen, he quickly moved up the ranks within the Night Guard. But, there are times when even he can’t resist fighting a good rival. He never holds back in a real fight. His short size and young age tends to throw enemies off. He has trained himself to counter the Runners skills with his version of Runner skills and techniques.

Cloud vs. Sephiroth  Long Pictures, Images and Photos Let's go!

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-23 09:08:03
-Sky scraper edge-

Eric looked out across the city as the sounds of car engines could be heard. Eric gets up and walks along the edge to a open window and climbs in

"The drop off should be near here"

Eric runs down the hallway, The sound of voices and footstep were heard. Eric climbs up into a air vent to avoid the workers.

"I thought it there would have been less people"

Eric climbs through the ducts to avoid further detection and reachs the drop off point at the bottom of the staircase

"Any here?"

A women appears from the shadows

Women: "Are you a runner?"

"Yes i came with the package"

The women takes the package and bows slightly

Women: "Thank you for your help, here"

The women hands Eric some money for the payment and leaves

"That went well"

Eric climbs up the stairway and reachs the roof

"I better head back now"

Eric runs towards the ledge of the building and jumps across the edge to another building close by, Eric continues jumping from building to building until he reachs a broken down apartment

"Well i got home without getting any attention"

Eric walks up the stairs and down the hall to a intact door. Eric pulls out some keys and unlocks the door

"Glad to be back"

Eric walks in and puts the money on a table and stis down at the computer looking at some information on cop patrols and potential clients

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-23 09:27:40
Qrin run and jumped over buildings, then climb down to the drop points.
“runner?”,someone ask from behind.

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-23 13:28:28
-police station-

Gai walks into the station. the officer at the desk looks at Gai's rather unusual outfit. "The chief is waiting for you in back." Without a word, Gai heads to the chief's office.

Cloud vs. Sephiroth  Long Pictures, Images and Photos Let's go!

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by inaby on 2009-04-23 15:48:14
-Broken down aparment, edge afternoon- I put some kind of discription of the day so we know. =] Is that ok Eg!? (oh yeah i change my apearence)

As the wind blows and Gail is at the edge of a broken down building. As she unfolds a photo with a boy's image printed in.

" You're my only help..."

she then slide's in to a vent that direct her into the brokyn building. As she is inside the building she hears a door closing near by her position, she fallows it and finds the intact door, she sight's a little.

" Ok " she says to her self, after a few minutes standing outside the door she finaly knock, standing out side she waits for an aswer.

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-23 16:31:37
-outside police station-

Gai looks around the city and then pulls out a map. he studies it then throws in away. He then gets in a car and floors it out of the police parking lot down the street with a determined look on his face.Lamboghini Gallardo

Cloud vs. Sephiroth  Long Pictures, Images and Photos Let's go!

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-23 19:21:01
Qrin look at the sound direction.
a huge guy.
"who are you?",ask Qrin.
the huge guy answered,"the lamb of god"
"what are you opposing?"
"immortality, and money"
the guy is the package reciever, confirmed from the code.
Qrin give the package and get the money.
"one job has done", he said to himself.

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-23 20:57:31 (edited 2009-04-23 21:01:07)
Yea its alright
-Broken down apartment, inside_Afternoon-

A knock is sounded at the door. Eric pulls off his pair of headset and looks at the door

"Its rare to get visitors here.."

Eric gets up and walks to the door, He prepares himself incase it was someone after him. Eric open the door and looks at Gail with a suprised look

"umm.. do you need anything here?"

Eric was wondering why would a girl be here

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by inaby on 2009-04-24 13:15:24
-Broken down apartment,Afternoon-

Gail: Umm... hello my name is Gail and i need you're help. I've been folowing you for a time now. I've seen how you run, for money. Im not a full runner yet but [she looks down] Im scared and ... i dont know what else to do exept fallow you. I have lost everything and... i just need some place to belong. [As she grasp the photo in her hand] Im sorry but i dont know were else to Go...

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-24 18:03:39
-Broken down apartment_Afternoon-

Eric looked down at the crumbled photo in her hand and back at Gail

"I guess it could get lonely living by myself, Ill teach you the skills to become a full runner so you can start working to live here, k?"

Eric walks back inside leaving the door open to Gail, Eric opens a fridge and takes out a wrapped sandwhich and puts it on the counter

"You must be hungry, here. My name is Eric if you haven't found that out yet"

Eric picks up some fallen over chairs and puts them at a old table

"Later after you've rested up you can show me how much of a runner you are and if your capable of becoming one"

Eric's mind trails off a bit thinking back to when he first met his teacher. He caught stuck on the fence of a store as he was trying to get away, a man walks by and looks up to see him hanging there.

Man: "A bit stuck are we?"

Eric looks at the man and trys harder to get away before the man realizes that he had broken into the store

Man: "Don't act like that, I might suspect that you broke into that store"

Eric froze trying to get away and hung there looking at the stranger

Man: "Ill help you a bit"

The stranger climbs up the fence with swift agile moves and unsticks Eric. Eric falls to the ground and lands on his feet

Man: "That a suprise thought that you would fall-"

Eric makes a dash down the alley way trying to escape, The man starts to chase after him. Eric climbs up a pole up onto the roof and ran to the ledge

Man: "Your stuck now"

Eric looks out over the ledge and sees a building close by. The stranger takes a step forward as Eric jumps across the gap landing on the building and trys to run but gets cut short as the stranger lands infront of him

Man: "Looks like you have some skills.. Do you know about runner?"

Eric shook his head

Man: "They have skills similar to your but better, Im a runner. I'm in a good mood and you don't very often find people as young as you with some skills as a runner. What your name and do yuo wish to become a runner"

Eric looks up at the stranger as he held out a hand

"My names Eric... ok"

Eric takes ahold of the strangers hand and the memory ends

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-24 20:15:25
Qrin go back to his 'HQ' - a large old building that was his father's.

Qrin sighed. he was tired after running all day.

then, his cellphone rang. another clients.

how can I find truth if situation is only like these,he thinks before ran to where he has to take the package.

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by inaby on 2009-04-24 20:35:26
-Broken down apartment_Afternoon-

[After a talk with Eric he left the door open to her, Eric opens a fridge and takes out a wrapped sandwhich and puts it on the counter

"You must be hungry, here. My name is Eric if you haven't found that out yet"

Eric picks up some fallen over chairs and puts them at a old table

"Later after you've rested up you can show me how much of a runner you are and if your capable of becoming one"

Gail opend her eyes widely for a few secounds becouse of Eric's hospitalaty]
"Thank You" [as she walks inside and close the door behind her, she then sat down and grabs the sandwich and eat it up fast, she was truly hungry, the her face turnd a little red she was embarust a little, her lower lip quiverd as she sead]

" Im sorry for the truble.. [She stand up as she was only 5'2 with a deturment face she sead] I promise i wont be a bother and i'll be the best runner i can be. " When ever you ready i'll show you how good i am!...

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-25 17:53:04
-broken apartment room_afternoon-

Eric listened to what Gail said and looked up

"Dont worry it will work out. For now just rest up and if your still hungry there's more food in the fridge"

Eric got up and acessed his computer and looked for a ideal training spot

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-26 02:40:52
sounds cool... it is too late to join?

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-26 12:01:57
Yea you can still join

Re: ~illusion~
Link | by on 2009-04-26 22:08:48
name:Luke Deon
weapon:extended knuckles with knives and tool set(spanner, screwdriver etc.)
skill: agile and flexible, has ability to dismantle arms quickly and can built simple mechatronic item (bugs and spies)
side:riot side (enjoy bringing havoc)
personality:a talkative person, always bringing conversation out of topic. very cooperative in freedom movement. avoid to fight if the outcome is easily predicted, but conversely if it is fo freedom.
bios:a former goverment's scientist. decided to part off from government after his wife died from the riot. join freedom activist and always walk alone.

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