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Link | by on 2009-04-06 07:24:47
I'm pretty positive no one's heard of 07-Ghost (by Yuki Amemiya and Yukino Ichihara) and that I'm the only lone fan here on Gendou T___T

But...I made this thread in an attempt to promote this manga/anime because I think it deserves a bit more recognition. And because I want to see if there are actually any other 07-Ghost fans on this site XD

The anime is airing today, April 6th. It's produced by Studio DEEN, the same producers of Fruits Basket, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Vampire Knight, and Junjou Romantica.

I'm really, very, tremendously, so, unable to precisely describe how excited I am to watch the anime (either the raw version when I have time and/or the subbed version by Yuurisan-Subs whenever they get it released)

You can go to Wikipedia or ANN for a summary of this manga/anime.

Or go to One Manga and read the first couple chapters (and be awed by the mangaka's artwork >w<)

Or just watch the PV below and see if it interests you. Don't worry, it'll only waste two minutes and one second of your life XD

And no one dare say that it looks like Code Geass...because the storyline is completely different and the 07-Ghost manga came out a year before the Code Geass anime did!! >o<"

So...any takers? :D

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 07:34:10
No worries BTL, im sure you arent the only one here who's heard of it.
i know about it and planned on checking it out, i forgot that it aired today though XD
thanks for starting a thread for it with this info :DDD

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 07:41:32 (edited 2009-04-06 08:09:43)
i heard this anime and looking forward on watching it since i saw it in the anime spring 2009 preview,
i checked out the manga but im just too lazy to continue reading it...XD
it looks cool and im sure its going to be an anime worth watching
cant wait to watch the 1st episode... :D
the PV is awesome BTL, thanx for sharing

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 08:03:13
This anime on my watchlist for this season. I've also read the manga. <3
If no one make thread of certain anime doesn't mean that no one heard of it lol. xD

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by litterbox012 on 2009-04-06 08:29:29
OMG that certainly arroused my spirits XD Sure! I love it XD thogh it kinda looks like a BL show the way the plot goes and the "meeting" of the boy and the priest and all XD lot's of bishounen XD


Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 15:01:29
@ Miko: Lol, yeah, I was kinda exaggerating when I said that no one's heard of 07-Ghost XD

But I guess I meant that not many people noticed 07-Ghost before it was put on the Spring 2009 anime release list -___-

Hopefully the 07-Ghost anime actually sticks to the original manga storyline (unlike all the other anime adaptions out there) It'd be a shame if it didn't >o<"

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 15:47:27
Yeah you were exaggerating. xD
But I'm pretty sure there's "a lot" of people that heard about this even before its on the anime list.
It just that we have hundred millions of anime fans. ^^;
And yeah I hope it'll be same storyline too.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 16:55:54
yeah! a thread XD
this one's in my to-watch-list! since it looks so cool! XD
i wanna watch this early but my connection is so bad, i can't watch T_T

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 18:41:15
"A lot" isn't enough. I want more people to know about 07-Ghost!! XD

Besides hoping that the anime sticks to the storyline, I'm pretty happy with the cast for 07-Ghost. Teito sounded a little different from what I imagined, but whatthehey, it's really not that bad :D

The anime artwork...meh, obviously not as good as the manga, but again, it's not that bad, though Ayanami looks a ton more girly in the anime O____o' And Teito looks really serious most of the time...where's the adorableness of Teito? T__T

Lol, I'm such a fangirl for 07-Ghost (been in love with it since the beginning! XD)

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by ludicmelody on 2009-04-06 19:06:59
*raises hand* Yeah so. I know this series too. Actually, I'm pretty excited for the anime series to begin (has it been released yet?)

And a quick question, anyone know where to get the scanlations? As far as I know, timcampi were the only ones doing the series, and they're gone now. =/

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 19:20:05
it's already been released in Japan yesterday (my time) XD

i dunno about scanlations since i didn't read the manga yet..

/hunting for the manga atm XD

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-06 21:11:48
O___o' I put a link up in my first post to One Manga where you can read all the translated chapters so far (the latest one is 32)

I remember when the 07-Ghost manga was on hiatus (from being translated) for a really, really, really long time >___<' I kept rereading the first six chapters over and over again XDD Lol, I'm so weird...

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-09 13:10:39
First episode released. That trailer had awesome music, what's the song called, and by who?

It doesn't look like Code Geass... except the uniform of Zero!! XD!
The one kid reminds me of the guy from Spiral, I think.

lol, those mystic scripts used as a weapon? Might give it a try at least.


Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-09 16:02:58
The song is called "Aka no Kakera" by Yuki Suzuki, I think she was originally part of Yellow Generation...not completely sure ^o^'

Teito reminds you of Ayumu? I guess...kinda personality wise maybe...the stoicness/seriousness XD

But Teito in the anime seems a lot more serious than he is in the manga O____o'

The "mystic script" is called "Zaiphon", which can be used in different forms of attack and is a "gift" given by, how do I remember this without having to look it up? XDDD

Pretty much everything that happened in the first manga chapter was in the first anime episode...a few things were just a tad out of order in the anime and I was really looking forward to hearing Frau's, Castor's, and Labrador's voices...but I gotta wait till next week T^T

I'm too expectant of similarities between manga and anime ^____^'

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-04-09 17:23:16
I downloaded it from DB (mainly to see if they can do any other anime other than Bleach/Naruto) but I've yet to see it. It's on my watchlist too, I look forward to it.

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-10 16:56:18
I watched the first episode yesterday and I though it was really well done.

I read the first few chapters of the manga a long time ago and kinda forgot what happened but I was really excited when I heard there was going to be an anime. I can't wait until the next episode XD

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by challenge on 2009-04-10 19:29:46
I've seen the first episode last night. It was done right, but the BL undertones screams too much love. Lolx. Revenge for a motiviation? Will this be a good thing? We'll find out.

I have a general complaint about Military anime. Characters are portrayed as bishies with wild and messed up hair. In reality, though, hair are cut short and we would not find pretty instructors, won't we?

The OP and ED are from legacy composer Naoki Maeda, of DDD fame, the ED was sung by Noria (of BeForU fame, Love Love Sugar, Ever Snow etc). I have no idea if he will be handling the soundtrack/music as well. But this will be a first. We'll see.

Overall, the first episode is solid and will watch the second one as long as I can stomach the shonen-ai suggestions.

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by on 2009-04-12 07:03:12 (edited 2009-04-12 07:07:42)
WOOO ! Great 1st episode ><

Yh, Teito didn't sound how i'd imagine.. i thought he'd be like.. cuter- boiyo you know?

But yh, lots of men- i think you guys are calling it "shounen"? and girl anime is called...."shoujo"?

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by cin425 on 2009-04-12 18:05:17
I've been a fan of the manga for a couple months now. I love the characters to pieces. The anime seems okay to me. It was really colorful...
I like the "feeling" of the manga more.

Re: 07-Ghost
Link | by taichokerorogunso on 2009-04-12 21:20:18
hmm doesnt look like anime that id like to watch if it involves military academy theres sure to be long boring talks of political nonsense. i might stay away from this but ill wait till someone tells me theres none of that in this one and them ill jump right in.

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