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Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-03-29 00:52:38
In Jakarta right now, kids from class 1 to 12 is forced to be at school by 6.30 am. The rules about this IS NOT MADE BY THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT! IT IS MADE BY THE TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT! Strange isn't it?

Some people says that it something must-to-do in order to make the kids dicipline...
Some says it is not effective, because the children will only sleeping in the class...
some said it use to reduce traffic in morning hours, because students and worker going in the same time every day... (but no one see anything's changed)

Well, the most common thories in public says the people in government and legislatif (am I using the right word?) only make it because they will get extra money when they they makes laws (the laws said so...)...

What do ya think?
is there any benefits to get up and go to school so early??
(we have to be at school at 6.30 am, so we have to go to school about 6 am from our home; 5 or 5.30 for they who has home far from da school)

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by fracielle on 2009-03-29 07:46:23
it's totally inefficient and unuseful!!
i don't agree it!
I really2 suffering because of this.
Must sleep earlier, feel sleepy at class. Hard to concentrate!

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-03-29 08:08:46
LOL, i agree it's quite absurd, especially in the part that the rules are made by the transportation department...
Yep...and i think there's still no significant change after all...there's still traffic jam in the morning... -.-
BTW is the class dismissed earlier due to this condition?? Just wondering... o.0
I think to reduce traffic jam, they should try to reduce the number of transportation(especially personal cars/motorcycle) in the city...

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-29 10:47:37
Well, the most common thories in public says the people in government and legislatif (am I using the right word?) only make it because they will get extra money when they they makes laws (the laws said so...)...

F-those people to hell. Seriously, and Legislative*. :P

But yeah, that's way too early for any grade, especially the elementary level students!
For me, kids have to be in HR by 753 AM, if not, they're "late" to HR and have to report to the office. :/

I don't see the point of making kids go to school early. That means they have to sleep earlier then usual, probably when they're eating dinner or so.
The only benefit, and you can't really bring it up is that they leave school earlier... though, what time does school end for you over there?
But yeah, forcing kids to go to school that early actually can be hazardous.
I mean, they can fall asleep riding the bus or subway or whatever, fall asleep driving (if they drive), I mean I'm not fully awake until the end of first period in school. :O

And what part does the transportation department have in this?
And why hasn't the 'education' department stepped in and say something about THEIR students!?
One thing about school everyone hates is waking up so early for school. I think that's pretty obvious.
I usually wake up around 630 AM, I'd be toast if I had to be at school by then.

But I agree, about disagreeing with this "law". XD
I can't see any real benefits and I think it's just stupid.


Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-03-29 18:19:09

elementary school students go so early? DX
and here i thought 7.30 am is too early...DX

that's just making these kids lack sleep...they can't concentrate in class...their grades will drop...and it could be stressful, i think..

Zero said:
I think to reduce traffic jam, they should try to reduce the number of transportation(especially personal cars/motorcycle) in the city...

gotta half-agree there...i think motocycles are ok though. XD
there should be like, more busses or trains or something. the more people use public transport, the better :D

so yeah, what time does school end there then? and what's up with the transport department? i always thought school rules are made by the educations department...

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by samsonov on 2009-03-29 19:17:18
The Executive and Legislative branches shouldn't get more money because they've passed some law XD.
Probably people is talking about corruption, the famous lobbyist at the government.

I don't think putting the classes early will significantly alter the patterns of traffic jams at Jakarta. I mean, it'll be like
taking 10, 12 km of a 70, 80 km of traffic jam. Though that might be significant to the traffic engineers, it'll continue to make people angry at the jams XD.

Like you guys wrote before, most students will be sleepy, so their parents that gonna work the next 8, 10 hours. Also the teachers gonna be tired,
or presumably more likely to be tired. So I guess everyone will lose something on that change did not by the education
people but by bureaucrats from the transportation department T_T.

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by Pioneer Plus on 2009-03-29 21:10:48
By getting up the students so early in the morning and forcing them to study. Its a kind of ineffective way to reduce the Traffic congestion >.< and its so-so bad for learning.

Well... why don't Jakarta repair it's Transportation system (I mean by using mass transit, it can reduce the amount of traffic jam there) People will actually go by public transportation if only it can provide comfortableness.

Left_SG Right_SG

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by H on 2009-03-29 21:31:12 (edited 2009-03-29 21:33:36)
thing is, Indonesia's government is crooked to its bone. My teacher once said that, when a certain department makes a law, they are "believed" to have invested their mind and budget into it, so time consuming and stressful that they are needed to be compensated. So, the senate will give a "little" amount of money for their hardwork, or things like that -_-;;

Schaz my friend, what you have posted is a proof of the Indonesian government's stupidity at its best.

6 months ago, when the media reported about this case, the public got mad, and along with the media, attacked the government (most notable by a child star who publicly protests about the law). The government replied by only enforcing the law for public schools (most of the protests came from private schools).
2 weeks ago, I got wind about my brother has to be at school at 6.30.... I really don't understand what is going on in them government heads -_-;;

Public transportation in Jakarta is VERY UNSAFE (in exception of Trans Jakarta, a new bus line that covers ONLY the major roads in Jakarta), unlike other cities in Indonesia. Thankfully, the government is not that stupid to forcefully reduce the amount of private transportation and encourage people to use the public ones.
So, reducing the number of private transportation is a no go. Especially remembering that most of the highschool students drive their own car/ride a motorbike

The only reasonable (for the unreasonable, try destroying the roads rather than making new ones) solution to this case is to BAN THE USAGE OF 6(or 8 I don't know)-WHEELERS IN THE MORNING/RUSH HOURS!! Don't you find it annoying to be surrounded by 6-wheelers on the highway? THEY ARE one of the cause of traffic jams! Just look at their numbers! You can simply see around 3 to 4 6-wheelers around you while it's jammed (especially on the highway), not to mention the ones you can't see....
However, they are essential to their respective workplaces so yeah, they won't agree to this. I guess their employers DESPERATELY needed them so much that the 12-wheelers are around in the morning, lunch time, and 5 PM -_-;;

Now, most of the school ends at 2 PM, which is not helping because the traffic is still crowded at around that time, especially in downtown areas. You'll be going home full of frowns.

"Some people says that it something must-to-do in order to make the kids dicipline..."
Heck, it's just a lowly excuse. 'Some people' clearly don't care about our teachers, as Samson has mentioned above

Teachers need to be on the school about 30 minutes before the school begins (for morning briefing, praying, etc.). Worse, some of them took 90 minutes to reach the school.
They need to depart at 4.30 (or worse, 4) in the morning from their home!
You can see how great of a sacrifice them teachers have made for us, and the government excluded them from the equation! Not to mention a very low salary (equal to US$100-200 a month) without any notable raises....

I'm sad to say that there is no real way out to solve the transportation matter in Jakarta. But hey, look at the bright side!
In rush hours....
If you can ride a motorbike without people around you complaining, you can challenge Valentino Rossi to a street race and definitely win!
If you can drive a car successfully, it means that you can handle any traffic difficulties in any part of the world!

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by fracielle on 2009-03-30 08:13:42
The school end's time, depend on the school, whether the school want to reduce the school time or not.
In my school, we get home earlier 30 mins. But there's some school that doesn't obey the law, they still go to school at 7am, even though they warned by the government..

*Kira: well, not only elementary students, but also junior, and high school.

Pioneer: it's hard to make new public transport besides trans, since the economy in Indonesia still quite bad..

Yes, I agree with H, there's no way to take public transportation, since only Trans Jakarta/ busway safer, trans jakarta don't have all route in the city.

and yes, this is only make the education worse. Especially on Wednesday, in my school we have some kind of morning prayer about 30-40 mins, so my school starts from 6.15 on wed. That's crazy.
I think it's useless for some school, example in my school almost all students live near the school, they just need to take a walk to school, there aren't traffic jam (except if there is raining). It just make my teachers hard to go to school, their home far from school, so they must leave home from 5 to 5.30 o'clock, and they said the traffic jam even worser than before the law started..

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-03-30 09:29:21
most thing i want to say are already said by H and tama
just one little thing, i STILL GO HOME AT 2.30 PM AND SOME OTHER SCHOOL AT 3.30 PM
and about public transport, i have a very2 bad exp about it (fell to the road, big wound in hand and couldn't write for about 2 weeks), and the public transport system here is, well, chaotic, a chaos condition, so people don't like to use them.
for some info, i just found out that in Ireland school time's 8.30

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-03-31 01:00:22 (edited 2009-03-31 01:07:34)
ohhh so all schools mistake D:

hmmm economy not good to increase public transport...D:

but hopefully there'll be at least a way to increase the number of public transports...that way that way people can go for public transport...a bit more comfily than now...ya know.
it's kinda a win-win situation (for me) since...
more public transport=more people can use public transport, thus reducing usage of private transport and saves fuel for those who use private transport, yeah.
so yeah, wish the increase of public transport according to the population is executed...somehow.

6-wheelers in the morning...yeah, there should be a ban or something. i arrived late for school a few times because there's only 2-lane road on my way (one lane one way) and there's these 6-wheelers...oh gosh, they were so slow and i have to tag along behind for...a few kilometers...since the other lane is already nearly full because of traffic light near...those big vehicles just making traffic jams for crying out loud! there's a better time for them to go around...

wish school can start later, like 8 o'clock or school starts at 7.15...i always slept in class in the 1st period of the class...not mentally ready yet anyhow. i noticed i'm fully awake around 8...XDD

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-03-31 08:16:22
hmmm... Actually I post this because i experience the 6.30 Am in the school...
just imagine you have to wake up at 5 AM EVERY MORNING!

H and Tama are also Indonesian who live in jakarta, so they understand more...

and yes, all school, I've already said: from class 1 to 12!!!
so, not only Elementary...
7.30 is too early, u said... Try schooling in Jakarta!!!^^

the problem we have about school not only the time...
the system, the teacher... all can be said in the chaotic state...
so u can see that the job as teacher are like , well, garbage for people who can't get better paid job...

in this case, we can't get good teacher...

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by fracielle on 2009-03-31 08:18:18
For schaz, welll my school go home at 2pm, but since i'm in 3rd class, then i have additional lessons, until the end of the march. so for these time i go home at 4pm. So tired...-_-

And Kira, i hope my school were like you too, go to school at 7.15... *sigh* it's hard, since Indonesia still developing...

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-04-01 00:12:28
lolz, i'll pass xD
i'll leave school in a few months anyways :P

but still...some of us have to go back at 5 o clock...since extra-curicular activities are shortly after school. yes, some. because some of us, like me, have to go back early because of no other means of transportation other than school buses, and some are just plain lazy. lol
wonder how's it at Jakarta?

hmmmm even here, some of the students starting to take teaching course because of...failure to get other jobs based on their qualifications...kinda sad now not much people are into teaching as a primary job...

yeah tama, hope at least it's around the time here...better than early in the morning like that >-<

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by Thanamon on 2009-04-01 01:40:32
Man this is indeed a serious topic for Indonesian students like Schaz, Tama, and me...

Luckily I'm not live in Jakarta right now... If I do then... I'll totally screwed for sure... Even though I wake up at 4 a.m. except for Sundays :P, but that's because my school is far from my house...

But anyway... that d*mned governments just wanted to make themself richer by that law... I mean, if the purpose is to reduce the traffic jam then it's a total failure... The traffic jam got worse instead -_-""...

And yeah, I agree with Schaz about the 6-8 wheelers... THEY supposed to roll at midnight!! DX... Why didn't the governments make laws about it??

And what?? Even you arrived early like that, school still ends at 2.30? wth...
My school time is 7.00 a.m. and I go home at 1.30 p.m. and I though that's late enough...

Oh, and once again... I agree with Schaz... The public transport here especially Jakarta is chaotic except for Trans Jakarta DX... It's like you have to be a daredevil to ride public transport in Jakarta XDD...

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-04-01 03:15:11
yes... there's something i have to add...
In monday I have Exkul or Extrakulikuler, which means additional time in school and I go home at 5 pm.

In other places in Indonesia, the school time is 7 am.
In Singapore it's 7.30 am and in US it's about 7.30 to 8 am - i know this by asking some people....

the driver from public transport do their job without thinking about other people, including the passangers. they will VERY SLOW WHEN THEY FINDING PASSANGERS AND VERY FAST WHEN THE BUS/CAR IS FULL. just like the road racer. THEY NEVER TAKES THE LAWS SERIOUSLY!

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by fracielle on 2009-04-01 07:20:09
Maybe jakarta's student will be crazy. not only busy go to school. but they also busy going home.
Traffic jam everywhere!! waste time and children feel very tired!! this will cause stress.
totally useless! even waste fuel more, more traffic jams, and more pollution!

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by roar on 2009-04-01 07:42:14
at school by 6.30 am?
no problem,

My school time is 05.45 am - 08.30 pm
so tired right?
yeah, this is life

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by yamimori on 2009-04-04 14:38:58
Lack of sleep decreases classroom performance in my opinion, and it doesn't help self decipline I think.

I used to have to get up at 5 to get to school by 6, and I hated it -.-

Re: Time to go to school
Link | by on 2009-04-04 19:10:38
roar are u in dormitories?
i've never heard 5.45am to be at school...

What is ur name... idont know...
but in here someting like that is a must...
even ur school is not far...
or ... r u in Jakarta?
hope u okay...

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