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Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2009-02-12 05:51:06 (edited 2009-02-12 05:56:23)

Aside from the awesome intro to the game.

Anybody know what the system is like?

It's confirmed that a larger cast of characters from the tales of franchise will be appearing and that there are new classes.

I'm just hoping that they would add the old exploration-type world map and towns.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by on 2009-02-12 05:58:43 (edited 2009-02-12 06:00:53)
I'm familiar with the first game, and everything about that was done well except for one key factor, the game was 2 hours long. Besides level grinding, I only got about 30 minutes worth of story out of it and probably an hour and a half of events. It was just so bloody short. I basically had it done in the first night, which is a shame considering the story looked as though it could have been a grand one. There was like 1 boss besides the final one, and the story just comes at you right away, fully unfolded. It's like the main evil guy just decided to do away with cliches such as henchmen, collecting mystical objects and messing with you and he just got straight to the final act after the first chapter was complete.

Despite how the opening looks for this one, I have come to distrust any RPG developed or even related to Bandai, so my hopes for this game is setting a very low bar. All I really expect is for them to have the opening cut scene and the exact same gameplay as before except maybe a little longer.


Re: Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2009-02-12 06:02:27 (edited 2009-02-12 06:03:04)
The failure is how they present the game. The idea is great, but they can't quite get it right. They really need to work this out.

The only thing that attracts people to this game is the fan-service of creating your own character and fighting alongside the Tales of characters.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by on 2009-02-12 06:19:00
That's why I bought the first one, because of all the tales characters coming together, and I thought it was well done, but it needs more than just a collection of characters from other games to be any good. You need something for them to do when you actually get them together.


Re: Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by on 2009-02-12 20:09:18
Actually, I've been chugging my way through the game myself. The first and second have losts of similarities in the core gameplay. Though I cant understand Japanese, I'm familiar enough with the tales series, and with the first radiant mythology to go along.

I havent beaten the game yet. Nor have I even actually fought one of the main villans yet... but this is what I've been able to see so far. There's a couple of other features there, but I couldnt make much use of them since I cant read Japanese. ^^' Hopefully this isnt just a repeat of what's already known.

Some stuff I'd note:

I've seen normal quests range from item gathering to monster slaying to synthesising. The same deal in that department.

Just each mothership title for the tales series up to Vesperia is represented. As well as Tales of the Tempest. Characters you'll start off are from Team Eternia, Team Innocence, Team Tempest. (Not saying all the characters repsresented in the game are there at the start)

The game's home base on a ship. The ship gets bigger as the game progresses. The ship serves the same purpouse as towns in the last game. (It's expanded once so far)

They didnt include free world roaming, unfortunatly. Almost the same deal as before, but without towns or regions.

Other tales characters become recruitible as you progress through the game, doing quests and such. They generally just arrive at the ship with a short cutscene when you get back from the world map. I've only gotten as far as to unlock 1 other dungeon, and the only characters I have yet to see are ones from Destiny 1 and 2 as well as Rebirth.

There is a colosium availible at the start of the game. (So far, it's been groups of monsters and bosses. I'm not too sure on what exactly is rewarded by beating each challenge, if there's actually a award)

The unison attack system is also somewhat different. All 4 characters can execute regular, or special attacks aimed at an individual target. I think it's a combination of Legendia's climax mode and Symphonia's unison, simply that you only control one, perform artes or even normal attacks, and switch to another character before the alotted unison gauge for the party runs out.

There's a few of short animation cutscenes in the game.

The soundtrack also includes remixes of other musics aside from battle themes. (EG. Zelos' theme, Refill Relical Mode!) Remixes of the battle themes are also different from the first Radiant Mythology.

Aside from normal quests assigned by talking to Chat, I've also just found that there can be quests assigned by other tales characters, that you have to get by talking to them on the ship. (Just found this out when I noticed one of the characters had a glowing (!) over them)

Skits amongst characters are done like normally (By pressing select) instead of automatically. (Though, regular cutscenes make use of the character portraits like before)

Tales characters also can now be equipped with armor and weapons (it doesent change their appearance though).

Somewhat larger selection for character customization.

Hi-Ougis come complete with face cut-ins.

There's certainly some interaction with the characters. (mostly in the form of skits or story related cutscenes) Such as putting the two dual wielding swordsmen Lloyd Irving and Spada in the same party makes a skit availible.

~on the cast~

Notably Symphonia, Rebirth, Destiny, and Abyss have nearly their entire original parties availible.

The complete cast of Phantasia is availible.

Re: Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by on 2009-02-13 16:24:44
well i only played a bit...i must say it's better than the 1st one. but noooooo no explorable world map again? i guess the place is too small again >_>

more characters! oh yeah! :D

i am loving the remixes of the sountracks XD

Re: Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by on 2009-02-26 05:32:31
Any English patches out there yet?

Re: Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Link | by shanaluv on 2009-03-01 21:18:02
this is way better than 1. some events are a bit annoying when trying to trigger though. the system that lets you connect with wlan to the tow2 site is pretty awesome cuz you can join events, download items, download other ppl char's to become your henchmen. in the same way, other ppl can dll you char. pretty nice way to show off what designs you can come up with for you character. what i need right now is a code from the music cd of tow2 cuz inputting that gets you Judas's mask. i want it so bad <_<

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