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The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-06 03:31:04 (edited 2009-05-24 21:12:48)
Welcome to The Singles Club!

Like the name suggest, this is a gathering place for those who are single (be it in Gendou or in real-life) to post nonsense and through it bond as 1 (single)~

Nothing too strict here... so anything goes~ Singles can also come here to look for their other (better??) half should it ever happen!
And of course non singles are also welcome to here perhaps to find a new love?!

Nope, this is not a Matchmaking club, but a place for singles to check out other singles, for singles to share their joys & woes, for singles to vent their frustrations on being single for too long (violence & vulgarities not allowed) and etc!

All in all, is a place where singles are gathered! Because we are singles, we know how other singles feel (probably...) and thus, this club is formed!

Those who wanna be listed in the "Members List", please PM me/leave a post with (1) your nickname to be posted here and (2) the quote you want behind your name.

~List of members~
~ Engeliz (founder and eternally single till I god knows when)
~ vie (pets r better than lovers )
~ syrel (Once a single, always a single)
~ Terror (:P Good luck)
~ h4x0r dud3
~ Faellie (Single IS single and always BE single)
~ Single Dragon (Nice Dragons finish last)
~ GMeis (Only one SINGLE gundam stands at the top!)
~ Ash (A true-blue single! :D)
~ Eria (The lonely night's knight)
~ Matt C (Not sweatin the small stuff)
~ H (serious relationships? nah... fooling around with girls? yes)
~ Blupper (Singles Rock!)
~ Jow (endlessly searching for the other half)
~ Kei-kun (because we were born single)
~ Daryl (I'm teh Dark knight)
~ rinzhen (Single by choice)
~ Lunaria (a DULL girl who likes drawing characters)
~ adeline (Lonely Survivor)
~ Shuyin (You Don't Need A Reason To Help People)
~ Trax (Is this destiny?)
~ Wani (Lover? What's that? Is it edible? :O)
~ Ember (single 'cause that's the way life is sometimes)
~ primera (a wandering fairy)
~ kirakira (always be the lone warrior...till the end)
~ Ruukasu Oyeri (Relationships take to much effort -.-)
~ Tsujai (When we meet again tomorrow, I'll kick/punch you while I smile!)
~ Stel (♫ what is love? baby don't hurt me~♪)
~ Kiyoshi (Silent Love...)
~ kiralight4life (Has stayed single for too long)
~eri-chan (being single is fun! XD)
~ samsonov (Single till next Carnival)
~ Karasu (Always the best friend, never the boyfriend)
~ Sammeh (I'm single, demmit!)
~ tomomi (no strings attached :D)
~ Tummy (Nice guys finish last)
~ Imppy (Alone but not lonely)
~ Stolen (Single and happy, so STFU!)
~ Weezze (I walk alone)
~ settsuo (Sett-foundlove, lostlove, now loveless...)
~ Jc (We all need someone to be at our side that's why friends exist)

Results of Club Theme Song votes
- Yuri the only one for me (leetstreet boys) 4
- Alones (Aqua Timez) 2
- Nice guys finish last (Green Day) 4
- Flower (L'arc~en~Ciel) 1
- Colors of the Heart (UVERworld) 3
- Dango Daikazoku (Chata) 3
- Hara Hare Yukai (Aya Hirano) 11
- Spilt (Suneohair) 2
- Vivid Colors (L'arc~en~Ciel) 8
- I Wish (L'arc~en~Ciel) 0
- Koigokoro (B'z) 1
- Love Me, I Love You (B'z) 0

Hare Hare Yukai is now the official Single's Club Theme Song!!
Different Hare Hare Yukai ver vids
Kyon ver lyrics
Hare Hare Yukai off vocal vers

So as of now, our singers are... *drum rolls*
- Rinzhen/Meep
- GMeis
- Engel
- H
- Blupper
- Vie
- Eria
- Z
- Adeline

Demos for Hare Hare Yukai!

Singles Club Demos

Check out Single's Club Blog for details and updates & Single's Club Radio just for fun!

The Single's Club~

The Single's Club~ ver II

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-01-06 04:31:38
mmm already ver III?
but we still had 20 posts in the ver II

*hugs engel*

me first to reply =P

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-07 23:06:45
Now, it's officially and fully open. :D


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-07 23:28:19
new thread! whee!!!

lol same here. now my appetite's decreasing and i think i lost some more wight T_T how paypal actually works? must have credit card?

hmmm long shipment huh...well i don't mind waiting but...only if the thing actually will get to me! XD

i think because they thought it's for christmas present or something i guess...that's why quick i think lol

lol xD

well sure. my dream is to go overseas sometime in the future. XD

thanks a lot! i really need that...last year was chaotic...i didn't catch up >_<

lol underground go-cart sounds cool. actually XD

hmmm go to Taiwan then...get a nice one lol

now you're using compy? why not psp?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-01-07 23:49:53
WooooT~ Version 3 ^o^

I should work on that. Job first though.
8 floors of an anime store!?!? *_*
And malls connected to another mall? I miss out on so much.
My parents use to always work. So even during summer I never really got to do anything.

When you do come overseas, tell me!!
*takes Kira to bars to meet women* ROFL XD

Hopefully you will do fine this year.
And no sickness.

I am all for the underground go-carts.
I haven't gone go-cart racing in a while. ;_;

lol I still need to at least try to find one in the U.S.
If all that fails. Then I will resort to the other countries. lol XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-01-08 04:32:59
now is oficial!! =D
Will we ever sing? XD

that is so... true >.>

This year will be the year ^^

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-08 05:53:35
Engel is currently working as an HR officer. The work is OK but the people are not... today was another bad day... I dunno know how long I can last before I say "this is my letter. Sayonara!" Especially at times like these... one has to endure...

Vanilla eh... that's indeed a strage (lyrics wise) song but nice. Tried to sing it in Karaoke box but is too fast without romanize lyrics for moi.

Engel singing Chinese song eh... wait till i find a song i really wanna sing plus a karaoke ver that's good enough...

*feelin depressed from work*
Think I'll go sleep and pray that tomorrow will be better... sigh...

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-08 13:39:38
[@Kira] Yeah paypal is easy, quick to do, and safe for sure.
I've used it a few times and it's pretty reliable I'd say.

Packages come quick via mail, depending on two things: the place where you bought it from and what type of shipment you want.
You can choose three, as far as I know: Regular (normal shipment), one day shipment, or two day shipment.
The last two are pretty self-explanatory, you can have it arrive the next day or day after that.
Although if you choose this, no matter what site you're on, it's going to be costly, pretty expensive.

I've never had an issue with regular shipment, though waiting does suck.
I already got my Tides shirt in the mail today, and it looks good.
It was estimated to arrive in nearly 4-6 weeks, but instead came 4 days after I ordered it, sweet.

[@DN] We'll record this thing for sure, in the months to come.
We gotta get the lyrics created, and get everybody together to practice.

[@Engel] Yeah, just don't watch the Vanilla video of it, or any lives of it. :O
It's funny, I've seen about two of 'em live and he always does this funky dance.
What's funny is that, well, even for Gackt, he looks funny and fans who comment probably agree for sure, haha. See for yourself sometimes.

There's this one song Gackt sung in Chinese, a Chinese version of it.
Search Youtube for something like, "Gackt singing in chinese". I forget the song he did a chinese version of, but it's better than the Japanese version I know that.

If you're not having fun at work, quit and find some place else.
I always think work's not worth it if you don't have fun at work.
Though maybe finding a job in your position might be difficult.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-08 14:22:08 (edited 2009-01-08 14:41:47)
it's already the III thread??
omg.. it's awesome

everybody checked out Tsujai's Link to direct to Susu's profile !!
i found this when i was editing for the single club web..
This!! was so funny

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-08 15:26:37
@Twinneh: Schools open again so i gotta be 100% focused xD (yea i cant believe im saying it)

Hey a III'd thread! Sweeeeetttt!!!

@Engel: Me name is not in the Members list lol i need to PM u for that to happen if im correct?

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-08 15:42:01
[@Adel] The link doesn't work? Ha.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-01-08 16:15:16
I will wait to here you sing in chinese!! XD

LOL Tsujai's link.
"When we meet again tomorrow, I'll kick/punch you while I smile!"

Yes, just PM Engel your data. ^-^

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-08 17:33:31 (edited 2009-01-08 17:34:28)
@Engel LOL I love Vanilla, if I had time to practice the song, I'd totally sing it, since I have the karaoke for it lol. And I still need to pm you about my member info for the list lol...

@Gmeis Our economy is so screwed that it's so hard to get jobs. I did an economic project on the $700 billion bail out plan. Lol... I practically ranted in front of my class during my presentation. The goverenment was totally ridiculous in accepting that half-baked plan... So in short, good luck ^.^;

@DA so did you end up wearing a hat over your styled hair? lol... I bet ur hair will grow back before the wax gets there lol.

@Kazuma hey did you hear the new song Gackt sang yet? Ghost? Dood he pulled a total terminator, it was awesome. Like that was proly the only vid of him I saw where he didn't look too awkward in his dancing lmao. go check it out

@Adel ROFLCOPTER????!!?!?! XD such an indecisive person, if ur gonna kick, kick! if not, punch. jeez... XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-08 18:02:50
[@L] Well, I haven't worn the hat once yet and I haven't even gotten the Gatsby yet.
I did get my Tides shirt today, and it fits pretty well (for a girls juniors XL).

Hopefully it'll get here over the weekend so I can use it,
because as you might not be aware, my hair seems to be growing back already.

I has a tendency to do that when it's me, haha.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-08 23:48:34
lolol mei xD

thanks! i really hope so too...i just got back my last year's final's so horrible X_X i won't show this to my mom

lol i only been to go-cart once. XD it's expensive...for me.

lol then come to Malaysia! there's quite a number of chinese here for you lol

what is HR officer? O.O

sweet! i guess i really need to make a credit card lol

lol same here! XD

lol broken much

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-01-09 00:08:00
Thanks, I know what you mean. T.T
I checked out a job in the paper. That didn't work out.
Some places didn't even give a call back number. It starting to seem that certain places want to avoid hiring.
I really don't want to go crawling back to my old job. I hate it so much.
Working from 8 PM to 3 AM kills. I was tired every single day.

lol I think its an asian trait to have hair grow back quickly. XD
I know one time I got a haircut and 2 weeks later, it felt long again.

I never showed my mother my grades when I was in school.
It wasn't that I didn't want to though. She never asked or cared.

I have only gone go-cart racing like twice.
I dont remember much about it. I know I didn't pay for it though. lol

lol It seem we should switch places. XD
You need to be in the U.S and I should be in Malaysia.
Errr.. but I would rather not have any exams.
But then.. I don't think you would want to be jobless. >,<

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2009-01-09 04:37:19
@DA: well, I hope we can do this ^^

@Engel: nuuu, don't fell depressed,
you have us =D

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-09 06:19:45
that's the point LOL..
the link doesn't work.. i'll kick and punch you while i am smiling ROFL

LOL.. the link was found under Tsujai's link..on the first
you can even click Tsujai's link here to see... xD.. it directed you to there

.-. that's the's broken..the error 404 will kick/punch you while it's smiling >_>

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-01-09 12:48:51
[@Kira] Yeah, I wanna get one soon as well, though I don't have a job currently so paying off bills,
which I don't even understand at all, and credit card debt is fearsome, but I wouldn't be able to pay anything off, ha.

To be honest, I don't even understand how a credit card really works, like how much money can you use from it, etc.

[@Gmeis] Yeah, when I used to get shape-ups and got my side burns cut,
right after I left and got into the card so my dad could take me home,
I'd check in the passenger seat mirror and be like "well, gotta go back", haha, cause they grew so fast!


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-01-09 14:26:39
whoa she never cared...D:
well my mom just thinks it's not given or something since the exam actually ended nearly school holidays last year so yea...

lol i see XD. but go-carting is fun right? xD

lol switch places XD

yea lol i know

lol same here...sometimes i think it's...scary since i heard so many debts coming from credit card users

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