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The Otaku Profile
Link | by 遥かレイ on 2005-05-31 15:49:44
What are the habbits of a typical anime fan? Do most of them “ have an interest in Japanese culture” or “eat nothing but ramen all day to save money to buy anime dvds" or even “Get their nostrils surgically removed in order to resemble anime characters?” XD

The reason I’m asking is because in the book Anime: from Akira to Princess Mononoke there’s a section called “Western audiences and Japanese animation” where the do a profile of anime fan. Based on a survey, most anime fans were described as
• male (76 to 85 percent)
• students majoring in the field of computer science and electrical engineering.
• Ages varied from 14 to 48 with the average being 22.
• Most were described as liberal
• Hobbies other than anime included going to anime conventions, video games, reading, going to films
Also, most didn’t show much interest in Japanese culture or language and didn’t even know what the word ‘otaku’ meant (one person even guessed the definition as “shrimp dish”).
The book was published in 2001 and I think the “profile” of an anime fan has changed a bit (i.e age range/ interest in Japanese culture)

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by unknown-man on 2005-05-31 16:01:01
i cant tell you anything, i dont concider myself an otaku(neither do most of the otakus), and i was raised there, so...

but i eat ramen cuz its delicious.
and my habbits are like a japanese mixed with an american (i guess)


Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by 遥かレイ on 2005-05-31 16:39:04 (edited 2005-05-31 16:39:55)
I wasn't refering to otaku...just anime fans in general ^.^
Plus, I was just curious to what other people thought.

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-05-31 16:41:58
I guess I fit some of the steriotypes; Except that I work full-time in Computer Science as a programmer/technician, and I'm somewhat conservative, and I have a huge interest in Japanese culture (many different language & writing courses I've collected, laying around my desk, and no time to study them *sigh* :)

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by on 2005-05-31 18:08:01
everything is true except the part i didnt have an interest in Japanese culture.

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by 遥かレイ on 2005-06-01 04:28:16
I've heard the same 13-year-old-teenybopper-in-a-bookstore-arguement. Everything was exactly as you said. Scary, I thought only the anime fans where I live were like that.
I was taught that お宅 (otaku) is a polite way of addressing someone. But now I'm pretty sure if I ask “お宅 の 名前 は?” (What is your name?) I'll offend whoever I’m speaking to, so I never use it.

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by Rui on 2005-06-01 04:45:36

Well, they based the "otaku descriptions" in a survey but the "acceptability" of the results depends on the methodology used.

Some descriptions may or may not be applicable to anime fans. My best friends are true-blue anime fans but they are conservative and are advertising majors. ^_^ I can't consider myself an otaku but I appreciate Japanese culture and anime. I'm an economics major. ^_^

I just hope the word otaku will not have any negative meanings to other people.

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by firemiste on 2005-06-01 15:53:17
I hav a pal that's an otaku...a lot of the female fans that I met usually obsessed (and/or fought other female fans) over bishies. Thank God I'm not so extreme.

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-06 12:25:21 (edited 2005-06-06 12:26:19)
I wouldn't say i'm an otaku but i'm quite a fan and addict ^_^ and i appreciate Japanese culture but there's only few things i know about them...
C-chan, what you said was really scary and weird. I never thought that it would happen for real!
but hey what does otaku really means? the only thing i know about the word otaku is "people who are animé fans"
and Is it an insult if you say "you're an otaku" to a Japanese?
I'm just curious...


Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by DarkRavenna on 2005-06-09 11:50:44 (edited 2005-06-11 08:15:52)
I am reading a futuristic book called "Idoru", by William Gibson.
According to it: Otaku, in Japan, means something like "pathological-techno-fetichist-with-social-deficit" (Chapter 12, page 115)


Therefore, if in America or whatever country (except Japan) an otaku is a really obsessed anime fan, in Japan it is an offensive word.

Or so I think...

And about C-chan's description of a fight over Inuyasha characters:

Inuyasha is not that cute! (Not as cute as my dear Kouga, or as Sesshoumaru [the hottest-looking youkai I've ever seen!!!], though...)
And besides, those people can't date Inuyasha characers for Kouga belongs to me, Sesshoumaru to my sister, Miroku to my sister's friend, Inuyasha to a friend of mine...




Pretend you didn't read that.

+--> Tenderfoot + Fluffy = *bliss* <--+

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-10 17:52:11
I say, let's just call ourselves anime freaks! That's not exactly original, but it's simple and clear. We're all freaks in a way. Stop hiding the fact and realize that we all have a craziness over something we love and stand up for.

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by DarkRavenna on 2005-06-11 08:15:09 (edited 2005-06-11 08:18:30)
Anime freaks we are.
Otherwise... would we really keep posting in the forum of a webpage dedicated to anime music? >.<'

+--> Tenderfoot + Fluffy = *bliss* <--+

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by on 2005-06-11 10:43:05
I don't care if I'm the only one in my class who is addicted to anime...
Anime is great! I now have the passion to learn the Japanese language...
I even bought an english-kanji-romanji dictionary....


Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-13 07:09:42

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by ayame on 2005-06-13 17:41:31
whoa isn't that a little off? -_-''

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-13 19:39:51
Look, I said STRAIGHT UP!!! 'cause of what aoi said of anime being great, so is it alright to put a little positive feedback on the subject?

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-06-22 19:46:54 (edited 2005-06-22 19:47:36)
Nice to see that there are still alot of people willing to be open about their obsession... in my old school, some of the anime freaks, when interrogated by the other kids, would make it out to be little more than a small hobby of theirs, rather than a major part of their life styles (bunch'a fakers.) ^__^ Way to go!

I'm all for it. To the point where my teachers think I'm wierd. Is that an accomplishment? >__> I think so.

I've been told around twenty times to "put that danged comic book away and pay attention" in math class this year. Wallscrolls take up the space formerly occupied by wallpaper. It's gotten to the point where I've had to move my regular books downstairs to make way for my ever-growing manga collection.

Does that pretty much sum up my otaku profile?

(By the way, DarkRavenna, you can't have Sesshy and Koga-- they belong, respectively, to me and Marilyn. ^__~)

Re: The Otaku Profile
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-27 14:11:40
Hey, it's cool to be an anime freak, man. When people tell you that it's all weird, stand up for that love just as many. Tell those people that's what you're proud of. I'm not suggesting a fight or anything like that. I'm just saying that if it's something you love, then so be it.

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