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Link | by koy+ on 2008-10-31 02:48:55 (edited 2008-10-31 02:49:37)
heys =D
i've been foruming on Gendou for a while.. although.. i've never really introduced myself..
.juvixty, 16, Guy, Australia

anyone around my age or in aust here?

also.. i would love to make some friends here on Gendou =D

Re: heys!
Link | by on 2008-10-31 02:57:58
lol XD
welcome anyways XP
i see you enjoy forumming...XD

i'm 16 too! and drop by the chat lol

Re: heys!
Link | by koy+ on 2008-10-31 02:59:14 (edited 2008-10-31 02:59:36)
lol ye i always see u kira2
ye k =D but chat is really weird for me.. i go on and its wtf.. ==; gah

Re: heys!
Link | by on 2008-10-31 03:14:18
lol you have to get used to it :P

anyways cya around XD

Re: heys!
Link | by on 2008-10-31 03:53:44
hye juvixty..
nice to meet you.
2morrow im 17 already.^.^
so im not in the gang already.

Re: heys!
Link | by on 2008-10-31 07:37:07

Re: heys!
Link | by on 2008-10-31 12:02:46
Yo! Welcome to!

Re: heys!
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-10-31 13:24:25
Hi Juvixty~

Re: heys!
Link | by Megumi_Tenshi❦ティナ© on 2008-10-31 13:46:42
Welcome to!! =]

Megumi_Tenshi©Dynasty Warriors Female Quiz result: Diao Chan

Re: heys!
Link | by koy+ on 2008-10-31 14:59:37
haha jo.
im willing to make friends with anyone =D
nice to meet you all

Re: heys!
Link | by on 2008-11-01 16:45:44
Hey and welcome to Gendou.


Re: heys!
Link | by koy+ on 2008-11-01 16:46:52 (edited 2008-11-01 17:06:18)
thx =D

@anyone =D

Re: heys!
Link | by gakuto006 on 2008-11-02 20:23:30
OMG I am 18 so I am ahead of the 16 gang. XD BTW welcome

Yes there will be blâ—‹â—‹d

Re: heys!
Link | by koy+ on 2008-11-02 21:22:54
haha thanks =D
18 is close enough xD

Re: heys!
Link | by yuki the man on 2008-11-02 22:04:25
hiyas im yuki 19 guy and if anyone calls me princess snow i will beat you with a bag of pudding^^

luckystar Pictures, Images and Photos

Re: heys!
Link | by koy+ on 2008-11-02 22:07:45
haha nice 2 meet you
maybe you can be yuuki and become courage xD

Re: heys!
Link | by yuki the man on 2008-11-02 22:25:42
i have no idea what ynu mean by that^^'

luckystar Pictures, Images and Photos

Re: heys!
Link | by koy+ on 2008-11-02 22:26:29
don't worry, but yuki doesnt mean ur a girl anyways =D

Re: heys!
Link | by yuki the man on 2008-11-02 22:30:52
i know but ppl call princess snow and i beat them with pudding XD

luckystar Pictures, Images and Photos

Re: heys!
Link | by Haoie on 2008-11-03 00:04:33
Kiwi here. And hey.

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

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