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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-13 07:16:39
oh my..really?^^
i'd be grateful to have you in this thread..^^
if i happened to have difficulties in Japan language,would you mind to assist me? xDD

>_> ..
balik kampung?!
then what about our game in MSN ? =/

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-13 19:26:10


just 1 week holiday >>XD


Balik Kampung ?


YEah i just know japan places like Akihabara ,Tokyo and Kyoto. Got maid shop ? ^_^ , got cosplay festival at japan is so HOT ,malaysia also got you know...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-13 22:53:10

kampung kt mana?


I from Ipoh,Perak Darul Ridzuan...


hi there...welcome back...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by ✿αℓιcɛ✿ on 2009-03-14 01:32:42
@ azwan
~oic u from Ipoh.Got any plan for this skool break?

@ kira
~selamat jalan ya -balik kampung (anyway u will read it when u come back)

@ Adeline
~hi!-nothing just say hi!

Δ ƨσғт αиƨωɛя тʋяиɛтн αωαʏ ωяαтн

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-15 01:35:37
Phew back again. My SPM was like *shakeshead*

@Dean Nah I haven't played ToV and SO4 yet. Sadly I don't have a xb360 x_x I wished I could play it though

@Kira/Luca Good luck on yer journey and lol Dfly still loves being Cocona even she changed her sets xD

@SRS Are you a fan of err Sengoku Musou/Dynasty Warriors? Erm have you tried out Gundam Musou 2? lol.

@animestar Hey nice to meet you too. You can also speak Francais too o_O? Impressive...By the way, how long you have been stay in Japan?

@Adel/Eirin Nah being a hardcore gamer is a tough one. You need to balance between studies and games. But when I was in Form 4 the balance broke and you know what it means.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-15 07:06:13

I finish my the resault...monday next week I going to UiTM expo at ipoh...

kpd yg nk blk kampung tu,berhati-hati di jln raya...klu ada durian di kampung,jgn lupa bwk....

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-15 12:14:57
lol.. ^^ hi~
i just realized that Alice is malaysian too x_x..

Emiya Shin@
i think i know what you mean..
my brother is a hardcore gamer,his results could be dropped so down that my parents shook their heads x_x..
and i walked behind his path..trying to do the same thing x_x..
and basically it all started out i couldn't concentrate..
and games/music is the only way to make it so..
and yeah.. i was able not to think too much by playing games or listening to the musics..
but i end up into my illusion..x_x couldn't get out..

it was really terrible..
and now i am trying to be a gamer again,just to get back my concentration..
but it's harder to do so because my concentration is getting weaker and weaker (only on certain time like at night or special days which i feel that i have the concentration)

but other than that,my concentration fails alot x_x..
i couldn't concentrate well x_x..

i have this weird feeling.. i was too focused and suddenly one thought flashed on my mind and then i messed up my whole thing x__x..
(like i was able to do some artwork smoothly,then suddenly the mind started to think unconsciously,without any concentration..
i started to forget everything i know how to do..and then i started to wonder how to do cause i can't get to do well at all)

and i thought gaming is the only way to get back my concentration (which i did successfully when i was 11) but x__x..

now i am still not in a concentrated mode x_x
my mind would always have something to bother me x_x..
kinda tired with these thoughts scared so confused and so =s

and kinda really afraid on try to concentrate at all..
cause i've tried.. and i don't understand a thing
then repeat the same thing,still couldn't figure out x__x..

and when there're times i've been really good at it,keep practising to make it perfect,the mind flashed unconscious thoughts,i lost all the way on how to do,even if i have practised,and i forget everything x___x ugh..

and that's why i am reluctant to give every bit of my power to do something..cause when i did,i ended up forgetting them all T____T..

i guess ..nothing lasts for me T_T..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-15 19:02:55
NIce to meet you,
Yes you right, I am a fan of Sengoku Musou(never play before) and Dynasty Warriors
I dont have ply sengoku musou, i ply Sengoku Basara 2
indeed, i got play Gundam Musou,but now got gundam musou 2 better go try it

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-16 00:48:53

its been a while! i was busy last week preparing my big bro's marriage. now that my big bro and sis settled, people start asking me when will be my turn.....damn>.<

2008 spm candidate; if you're proud of your result than congrats! figures doesn't matter right? if you're not proud of it then too bad you only got yourself to blame but its not the end of the world anyway^^.

ops i mess up the model; its actually aspire 6935G. dell and hp? somehow those brand is not under my spotlight^^.

did you go to fukuoka last summer? i've been going to hakata 2 times a month from june to last january, but only spent like 12hours only each time>.<, so the furthest i went only to yahoo dome. been to nagasaki once to, its such a nice city too^^

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-16 22:40:09 (edited 2009-03-16 22:41:05) is the school holiday..i still have one month more to have my long break..T.T

emm..u guess? i only have 3 memory cards..actually its 4 but one is ad 'broken'..i dont play many games coz it isn't my type..most of them are jus sealed in my ancient

emiya..nice to have you back..
hows yor spm result..XD.>?

seemed like u have a fancy at action game eh..
what about games like devil may cry,god hand,prince of persia,god of war..?
do u play those..?


happy holidays..kira..

dont isnt u alone who have those kinds of too..
i always lack concentration..
only when playing game..i can regain my


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-17 00:52:15
back again, minna!

yay~ my compy can connect again to the internet!! subarashii!!

well, I'm here not for long. Tomorrow balik kampung.
I don't know what am I supposed to feel; happy? sad? upset?

Its quiet here. Everyone dah balik kampung.
and the senpai have been missing too!!

Bk-sama, meep-neechan and dt-chan, where are you guys?
thread is boring... come baack!!!

nee~ how old are you??
they always said.. "yang sorang tu bile lagi?"
the old-iess... /shaking head

ok, everyone! if you guys have blog, I want to add you guys to my friend list!!
URL?? pm me!

ok, I better go grab lunch. Its almost 4..


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-17 02:50:13
oh wow.. Serge!!
we have the same thing happened x_x uh..
but it's good that you know games can regain your concentration..
i can't even do that anymore lol x_x

adera@ don't have to think so much about your feeling..
it will show up naturally when you came back to your kampung ^^
sadly,i don't make blogs,sorry xD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-17 04:17:22
Nuce-I started learning French since I was 6. That was the time my 2nd elder sister told me some. I know some of it. In my French GCSE, I had a B. BTW, I'm from London, UK.

Nil-St-Hello. Nice to meet you. Yes, I went to Fukuoka last year. My dad was born in Takamatsu and now lives in Kurume, Fukuoka. I went to Hakata by bus, because I had to go and change my receipt to a Japan Rail Pass.

Es-Hi. Nice to meet you too. I know some french. I tend to forget a lot of French to be honest, but probably I'm gonna practice as well as Japanese. I'm staying in Japan for a year after college.

SRS- I don't know to be honest. I haven't been there in Akihabara. But I've saw a lot of them on my time in Japan. I agree about the cosplay. They're hot and popular.

Adeline- When I started learning, it was my first time learning it. Since then, I'm getting quite better. Although I'm still learning this language my friend, but I don't mind to assist you.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-17 22:50:59

my age? hmm, i might be 6 years younger than bkno9-ojisan and also might be 6 years older than kira-kun^^
- haha that was precise quote, could only shrug when they say that^^

since youre regularly in fukuoka, do you know any interesting places or festive taken place around there? and i took this pics(damn that car suddenly passing..), is this place seem familiar to you? wonder what going on there, i think it was early summer

when i went there again another time there were nothing anymore T_T

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-17 23:28:17 (edited 2009-03-17 23:33:48)
boring?cuba layan ini...pastinye pecah perut anda....

Pulangkan...(Lagu Dinyanyikan Oleh Pegawai PTPTN & Misha Omar)

Sedikit bunga yang menggoda
Sekadar dipandang usah dibayar
Kau pasti tak percaya
Duitku bukan untukmu sayang

(Pegawai PTPTN)
Tiada kusangka kau sungguh kejam
Kau peram hutang yang kau pinjam
Namun takkan bahgia kehidupanmu
Bila engkau berkonvo
kau milikku

Pulangkan hutang-hutangku-(Pegawai PTPTN)

Oh hentikanlah menghantuiku-(Ex-Student)

Oh pulangkan oh pulangkanlah padaku-(Pegawai PTPTN)

Kupulangkan semua hutangku-(Ex-Student)

Yang dikau peram tanpa relaku-(Pegawai PTPTN)

Bebaskanlah maafkan daku oh kasih-(Ex-Student)

(Pegawai PTPTN)
Tiada kemaafan di sini
Kau hutang tanpa bayar sesen lagi
Akan ku jejakimu kemana jua

1) Lubang ape yang rasanye hangat, nikmat dan nyaman?
Answer: LUBANGun pagi2, tarik selimut pastu lu tido balik....

2) Minyak ape yang disukai oleh lelaki?
Answer: MINYAKsikan pertandingan bolasepak Liga-M opp!!! salah EPL laaa

3) Kuih ape yang bungkusnya di dalam, isinya di luar?
Answer: Kuih salah bikin.

4) Binatang ape yang power dlm bab berKarate?
Answer: Kuda belang....cube kira brape black belt dia ade.

5) Siape yang menemukan dompet kulit?
Answer: Yang menemukan dompet kulit tersebut tolong pulangkan kepada saye.

6) Pintu ape yang walaupun dengan 10 org pun tak leh nak tolak?
Answer: Pintu yang ade tulis 'TARIK'

7) Saya ade 3 kepala, 4 tangan dan 5 kaki...siapakah saya?
Answer: Pembohong...

8) Apa dia 'Jauh di mata, dekat di hati'?
Answer: Usus

9) Binatang ape yang seluruh anggota tubuhnya kat kepala?
Answer: Kutu rambut

10) Nenek sape jalannya meloncat-loncat?
Answer: Neneknye si katak

11) Kenape lelaki jarang kene penyakit anjing gila?
Answer: Sbb lelaki ni kan 'buaya'

12) Ape beza sekretari baik ngan sekretari kurang baik?
Answer: Sekretari baik.................. 'Selamat pagi Boss' Sekretari
kurang baik........... 'Dah pagi ni Boss'

13) Ape persamaan Michael Jordan ngan Michael Jackson?
Answer: Dua-dua tak kenal korang...heheheh

14) Tukang ape yang kalau dipanggil, die menjenguk ke atas?
Answer: Tukang gali kubur

15) Nak mencari sikit punye susah, bile dah dapat buang, ape bendanya?
Answer: Tahi hidung

16) Ape persamaan kain jemuran ngan telefon?
Answer: Dua-dua kalau dah 'kringgg' bole diangkat...

17) Knape pokok kelapa kat depan rumah harus ditebang?
Answer: Mestilah kene tebang, sape nak cabut pokok kelapa ....gile ape...

18) Gajah terbang dengan ape?
Answer: Dengan susah payah..... :)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-18 00:19:35
hye there m'sians..
umm,to all new comers welcome2 to the thread..
well,i stop my work ysterday..its earlier than i thought though..x.x
*thought of working til the end of the month but i got something on tat i nid to handle 1st*

thankiu adel..tqvm.
what u say is so true..i agree definitely..
huh,you realy like a kaunseling teacher..x.x
feel like hugging u til the end..ha3
i read every single word u say..XD
anyway,its lucky enough tat we got hold of the spm sijil..thank god.
there r a few of my frenz fail their bm..n no sijil.bless them.x.x..

yup,its btr 2 cheer happy n smile..:D

yelah,u pun ape kurangnye,at least credit,oklah tu..
usaha lagi..
ehem,teka teki,mcm2 ragam..ha3..

thanks n welcome back..

o.o,im not proud,then i should blame myself..T.T
but if too proud,tats something wrong..cuz my marks is not to be proud off..
how if its in the middle,of not too proud..ha3..x.x,kidding oni..
thankiu very much..big hug2

aha,happy holidays to u guys n gurls.balik kampung.enjoy the fun..
but dun forget to study..x.x
cheer up..cheese..

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by supernood on 2009-03-18 01:11:19

Devil May Cry ? Borrow...Re4(Resident Evil 4) my save file has been delete by my STUPID BAKA
cousin now i have to play it again
God of War is too yuk head is....



Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-18 03:59:42
great :D
i'll try to catch up and learn well =x
though i am a weak student xDD
please take care of me =)

oh.. don't think me as a err um x_x..
i just feel like giving you some support and also console myself x_x..
i had the same feeling before i took the results x_x
and i just feel like..
giving supports to people , so that people could just go on without doing the same thing like my cousin did x_x

i wasn't there and i was still young when my cousin did so..crying because of results..
i knew that from my mom..
and since then,i've been thinking..
should we really cry because of results x_x..

our education system has made students care more about marks,presentations and most of all,the results..
and the interest of learning has not instilled in the minds of the students..
if they do not have determination to enjoy studying,then pushing their limits will reverse the effects x_x..

that's what i thought though.. x_x..

and that made me sad..
i just feel that.. results are not everything x_x..
even if it's important x_x it's not really everything x_x..
*hug jo* ^^ you are welcome anyway

you too,cheer up ^^

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Matsuna on 2009-03-18 04:30:04
Adeline- Hehe. Don't worry. I take care of you my friend. You like me to teach you, you can add me to your buddy list. I'm happy to do so.

SRS-Are you planning to go to Japan?

Nil-St- I'll have a look of these photos you uploaded.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2009-03-18 06:51:33
baekk punyaa...

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