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genso suikoden game
Link | by ekajayaharsono on 2008-06-03 07:12:22
hello I'm new. I just want know your opinion about a genso suikoden series do you think it was good,or it was bad.

eka jaya harsono

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by orha on 2008-06-03 13:52:11
hmm...i think genso suikoden is not bad.
genso suikoden 1 the grapich is still bad but the story is good
genso suikoden 2 the grapich is more good than previous the story is very good
suikoden 3 the two point is good but the map is not.battle system is fun
suikoden 4 all is good but sometime the player will bored see sea
suikoden 5 i dont play it....

well all of suikoden (1-4)is very good and fun.

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2008-06-03 14:40:49
Take note that there is also Genso Suikogaiden 1&2 which is different (Graphic Novel) than the others since this features Nash Latkje as a protagonist and shows events that follows along the Suikoden 2-3 timeline

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Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-06-04 04:10:01
its a very basic and traditional jRPG...(and i mean VERY traditional)not too easy not too complicated...and i wouldn't want it any other way ^^

plus amassing and recruiting 108 stars is a blast and every character has their charm, unique to their own...

it short its one nostalgic RPG...

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by imppy on 2008-06-09 20:41:19
I miss playing Suikoden oAo;

ah, well as far as I know Suikoden 2 has the best release according to my game experience and Suikoden 3 as my worst ==;
overall if you love classic rpgs then SUikoden is the game for you.

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by on 2008-06-09 21:10:47
suikoden 3 is the worst

1&2&5 is good

well my fave is the first

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-06-09 22:45:59
is 3 that bad? i thought 4 was the bastard child of the series?(based on the number of reviews i read)

i played 1,2 and 5..(cant find 3 or 4 T.T)

so far 2 is still the best!

what about suikoden tactics? any good?

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by on 2008-06-09 23:14:44 (edited 2008-06-09 23:15:24)
tactic well not that bad

for 3 i really pissed at that game, all suiko follow the same system... 1,2,4,5

while 3...

camera changing based on the place, for worst you can't have bird eyes view. cannot change camera or even control it

the battle, the texts is almost illegible, too small,

for battle although they have 6 party in reality you have only 3 since front and back attack as a whole, meaning if the front attack then the back also attack

praise the plot swear the system,
in the end i only manage to hold up until lizard man city before i dumped the game

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by ekajayaharsono on 2008-06-12 01:51:32 (edited 2008-06-12 01:52:46)
hey you think so,yes I think suikoden series 3 is the worst,and one more thing I dont like if the hero is a woman,and I think all of suikoden hero must be a tenkai star and its just one not 3 people with three differrent story line

eka jaya harsono

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by EmoBelt on 2008-06-13 06:38:29
4 was great! and five unbeliveably bad(seven hours playtime looking for people)

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by on 2008-06-13 07:49:04
5 is awesome

you must see the story
not the time

4 is good for me too

3 bad

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by adinda_tp on 2008-07-08 02:47:02 (edited 2008-07-08 02:47:18)
well,I don't think the 3rd is the worst...

I played all of suikoden series...
1-4 is good
oh yeah...tactic is so bored ( I think... )
and the worst is 5
so far I think suikoden 2 is still
the best...

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Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-07-14 21:37:08
2 is still the best suikoden game!hahaha
my problem with 5 is the character recruitment process...
you have to obtain the characters at that given period!!
its a big you really need a guide to "catch ém all!"hahaha

plus add the fact that the battles are WAY TO EASY (granted suikoden was not about gameplay difficulty...but this is too much..i kill most of the bosses with the auto command >.>)

i really want to play 3!hahaha

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-07-17 09:32:17
I love all of them, except for 4.
Maybe because I didn't thought the storyline was really stupendous or anything.

My favorite would be the original first 2. Those were the best XD
3 was awesome, although the graphics weren't thaaat good, but the storyline is great.
To unlock the secret story behind is fun too :3 I love Luc's side of the story.
It's just... evens the whole story out.
Actually, I loved 3 so much I bought the whole manga set for it XD;;;


Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by enelyx on 2008-07-20 22:24:55
The Suikoden series is my favorite RPG series of all time. ^^

I really miss the first Suikoden. I played it numerous times when I was a kid. I only played SII once, so I'm not particularly attached to it. It was still a great game, though.

SIII was different, but the plot was great! It made me love Luc, whom I just ignored in the first two games. ^^

I struggled through SIV until the final boss battle, which was super duper hard (maybe I was underleveled). I gave up on it.

SV was, well, okay I guess. The Prince had absurdly strong allies and a seemingly clairvoyant strategist. ^^

Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by aolas on 2008-07-21 01:16:26
aaa i only play the first & second. because i dont have a ps2 i dont play the 3,4,5, & the strategy.
my fav is the second, i like the story where a close buddy must break their friendship only because of a war, & the scene where nanami died can make me cry too(although she's still alive if we get all 108 star of destiny before rockaxe invasion)

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Re: genso suikoden game
Link | by on 2008-08-05 01:37:49
I play all except the suikoden 1..I play from beginning until end suikoden 2,4,5..Honestly,i think all almost the same..and we play because we want to collect 108 character,right?
Anyway,the story that give me the most impression is suikoden 2..i almost cry when nanami died..
Suikoden 5 story is interesting too..plot,graphic,strategy all ok..i quite pity with the main character,prince who suddenly lost his family..I think it is not fair to let Ferid to die like sad..


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