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MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-26 01:47:34 (edited 2008-12-09 14:47:54)
Ahhh... I suppose this would be another rp added to the list of school based rps with combat involved... But maybe not exactly the rest... Read on to find out!

Cast is currently closed. But if you really want to join. Pm me your profile.


To Know and to Hold to ones: Dedication

*Square Hex is not a real company... ^^"
1st Index

7 Basic Stats
About Skill Calculations
Skill Synthesis Index
We Dont Level up! (Upgrading Stats)
Other possible RP features
The Blank Profile Sheet
Other notes and disclaimer
Extras Index (of everything else that matters)


Hero's Prologue Story: It was not too long ago, that I was running around all over the place... Ever since I was born, all I ever did was run around. "From who", you ask ...? Well, even after all this time, I cant name it myself. But, one day, I got a sudden invitation from a man. He said he was from Constnania School of Manology. Offering looking for me, Eguor Traeh. The man offered me a free invitation to attend the school.

I accepted the entry offer, not in the premise of education, but for a chance to at least be protected from the people who where chasing me. With my acceptance, my life at Constania University began.

General Background Info (the RP and Constania(: Constania is a prestigious school of Mana use in various fields. The school is combat oriented, but we also provide education in alchemical synthesis. Used in the creation of powerful items for combat, support, and healing. The story itself spans three years of education at the Constantania Collage Of mana arts. Starting at the Freshman to Sophomore to Senior at the last year. The difficulties to graduation don't just lie in the final exams. Main parts of the story'll be guided along by me. But, I'm still encouraging that other players contribute to the story as well. That's what RPin's all about!

Sou... Is that explanation interesting? Well, if so, then Ugo'll guide you though the slightly more difficult parts of the RP. Making the profile and skills. The RP works on the turn based style of RP game play pioneered in the "Tales of Sumeria" RP. Only, the one made for this one is a well simplified version made for easiness after you've been familiarized with it. Aside from that, Ugo dedicates herself to working on this RP till completion or till it's dead! Be sure to read though everything. I know it's pretty long, but it'll most defiantly make you at much less confused!

~First Lesson: The 7 Basic Stats of a character and their abbreviations~

HIT POINTS (how much damage your character can take before becoming incapacitated) (HP)
SKILL UTILIZATION POINTS (points used to execute special Skills) (SU)

ATTACK (Strength of a single strike) (ATK)
MAGIC (Strength of a single magic/special strike) (MAG)
DEFENSE (points that go towards the subtraction of an enemy's attack) (DEF)
SPEED (Points that go towards the speed of a character, affects the order in which they attack) (SPD)
ABILITY POINTS (points that go towards upgrading your character's stats and skill synthesis) (AP)

~About Skill Calculations~

Special Strikes are attacks that have a specialty to them! Different in terms of how they're more complex and powerful, as well as how they consume an amount of Skill Utility Points.
Special Strikes can have a variety of effects depending on what you make.

Synthesisizing skills can be difficult, so here's a rundown on what it is. First off, you want to know what exact kind of attack you want, the kinds of actions you can execute within an attack are listed below. The actions you choose will affect it's cost in terms of the Damage it'll inflict, how much AP it'll take, and how much SU it will consume per usage. These skills help turn the tide of a battle, So make them wisely!

Though the actions are limited right now, more'll be added as the year goes on.

~Skill Synthesis~

~Normal Chains - AP Cost 5 (per single)~

1 Normal Attack Strike (Ranged or Melee): + 1 ATTACK to Damage calculation (Costs 1 SU, add 1.5 SU for each proceeding strike)
1 Low Level Elemental Strike (Ranged or Melee): + .5 Magic to Damage calculation. Which element is your choice. (Costs 1.5 SU. Add 2 SU for each proceeding)
1 Mid Level Elemental Strike (Ranged or Melee): + 1 Magic to Damage calculation. Choose your own element. (Costs 2 SU. Add 2 SU for each proceeding)

~Healing Skill - AP Cost 50 (per single)~

1 Healing: HP + 30 To self or ally (Costs 9 SU, cannot be chained with any offensive actions)
1 Status Cure: Cures any ailiment (Costs 15 SU, cannot be chained with any offensive actions)

(Actions in a skill aren't limited to what I list. I encourage you guys also try to make up different skill actions. You can use abilities shown in other games for inspiration. Be sure to PM me about it first before you start using it)

~Buffing Skills (for ally or self) (not linkable to offensives)~

Weak Barrier: (Raise a single ally's def by 15%) (5 SU)
Weak Strengthen: (Raise a single ally's atk by 15%) (5 SU)
Weak Enhance Cast: (Raise a single ally's mag by 15%) (5 SU)

~Added Effects - AP Cost 20 (per single)~

Burn (Fire element attack): 25% chance of causing burn (costs 3 SU)
Freeze (ice element attack): 15 % chance of causing freezing (Costs 4 SU)
Paralyze (Thunder element attack): 15% chance of causing paralysis (costs 4 SU)
Analyze (Physical Strike): Reveals unknown enemy details (Costs 2 SU)
Weak (Physical Strike: 20 % chance of reducing an enemy's ATK and DEF (Costs 3 SU)
Constrict (Magic): make an enemy immobile for 2 turns. (8 SU)

~Added Effects 2 - AP Cost 80 (per single)~

Life Steal: Half of damage inflicted is used to recover ones' health (6 SU)

~More Than 1 Target - Ap Cost 30 (Per single, Magic only)~

Attack all enemies: deal damage to all enemies (costs 6 Su) (Cannot be used in attacks exeeding 5 mag, atk, etc. calculations)

~Added Effects (Non Magic) - AP Cost 40 (Per Single)~

Uppercut (Melee): Strike The Enemy Into the air. Cuts their Defense in half during damage calculation.(Costs 6 SU)
Strike Bracer (Melee): Only in attacks with 5 or less elements from this Synthesis chart): Enemy Defense is nullified during attack calculation. (Costs 40 SU)
Power Thrust (Melee): Strike the enemy with a powerful thrust. 15 Percent Chance of causing the opponent to be knocked over. (3 SU)
Flinch: Small chance (30%) of causing the opponent to flinch and skip their turn. (costs 2 SU)
Ground Shaker(Melee or Earth Magic): damage x 2 to burrowed enemies, can also uproot them or a 25% chance of knocking over an attacked monster on the ground. (costs 5 SU)

~Added Effects - AP Cost 50 (Per Single)~

Target Chooser (Ranged Magic Attacks of the same Element): If the attack contains more than 1 elemental stike. You can choose which bolts attack whom. (Costs 5 SU)

~Turn Card Skills Ap cost 40 (per single)(still have to spend ap for attack)~

Burrow Strike: Allows character place a turn card which makes them hidden from attack until they strike after the desired character/monster. (7 SU)
High Air Strike: Allows character to strike a desired monster after the next character/monster goes. Immune to ground attacks until they strike.


Allows for certain restrictions to be nullified (Eg. linking a healing skill with an atk) Ask me for details and what you want to override.


Counter: (50 AP) Strike back at an enemy after they attack you. (max of 3)

Okay, here's an example, of me making a skill so you can see how to do this! For this example character.


Hit points: 160
SU Points: 40

Attack 50
Magic 20
Defense 60
Speed 30
AP 100

Ugo: *typing in front of a computer* Okay, I want to make a skill with three normal attack, adding in a devastating elemental strike!

*looks for the AP cost*

Ugo: Okay, according to the ap cost... its 5 AP per single action. So, the AP my character'll have to lose is, 20! Okay! I can do that!

*looks for the damage calculation*

ugo: Okay, how many times have I said 'Okay' already?, I did three normal strikes, and one elemental strike. So the damage calculation would be: X3 Attack. and .5 Magic. So...

*calculates the damage*

Ugo: SO, if my character used the attack, she would inflict a total of 160 Damage. Hehe! I guess that's not too bad! I guess I'll make the element for the elemental strike part of the attack, "fire".

*finally, calculates the SU consumption*

ugo: alright, it takes up 1 SU for the first normal strike, and 1.5 for each proceeding normal strike. For the elemental strike, it's 1.5 SU. So the total SU cost for each time I use it is: 3.5 SU!

*proceeds to post up the skill to her profile*

AP: 80


Name: Elemental Strike
SU Consumption: 3.5 per usage
Attack Calculation: X3 ATK + .5 Magic
Element: Fire
Desription: Slash the enemy three times, finishing with a fiery slash.
Other Effects: N/A

(Skill from other games (Final Fantasy, Alter Iris, Tales, Etc. are okay to use, at times when you cant make anything up/ it was a good idea.)


~Updating your characters stats. We dont level up!~

Your stats don't go up like normal. In this RP. Ap you gain in battles all your upgrades towards your character.

So it's like this, pretty self explanatory.

Stats Increase and AP Cost

HP + 10 (21 AP)

SU + 5 (21 AP)

ATK + 5 (15 AP)

MAG + 5 (15 AP)

DEF + 5 (15 AP)

SPD + 2 (13 AP)

(IMPORTANT! that the prices and amounts change as time goes by. Also, you must PM me whenever you use your AP to enhance your character.)

~Blank Character Sheet~

Right! Here's how a blank sheet looks like. Note that you start off with 500 AP and all your stats at "0" Allocate points wisely now! You can go ahead and post it when you're done. If you need clarification or help, I'll be glad to look and answer your questions Via post or PM.

Your profile is quite important. More info and such will be added as the year proceeds. You also use it to edit your character's stats and add skills, and refer to it when your character fights. So, expect to be returning to it often.

Piccy or description of appearance
Class Introduction (Your character's greeting the first day in the classroom. Right now, I'm starting to go along with the bandwagon of revealing your character as time goes on. At least, that way, you dont have to stay linear to your bio the entire time.)
Grade: 1st Year (grade and class is the same for all characters)
Class: A-6

HP 0
SU 0


AP 500 (remember, you're using this to turn those zero's up there into something.)


N/A (It's required that you have made at least one at the start of this RP)


Weapon - (certainly not limited to swords and spears. But, it cant be any sort of legendary weapon either. Pics are appreciated)
Armor - School Uniform (Blazers, Delinquent style, Full Metal Panic Jundai High School Sailor suit, SHUFFLE! Sailor Suit Summer Uniform, this school embraces custom designs. Just as long as it's a uniform, a pic would really help too)


There's certainly a lot more to come in this RP. So much so, I'd only confuse everyone if I explained it all down now. But, here's a few general things to be included.

Other Game Features:

Item Synthesis
Weapon Upgrades and customization
Multitude of items for usage in various situations!
Possibly Wide Cast of characters! (not too big though)
Classes on various topics!
Units that go to your credit. (get enough early and you'll get free periods to do whatever!)
Party Based Combat!
Clan rooms/ Workshops where you can do your synthesis, study(?), sleep, practice, and just hang out with your party.
Various school events.
Variety of locales!
Possibly even wider variety of opponents!
In battle character switching!
School Rumbles!
Tests and Exams! D:)
Dating Simulation things?
Anime/Manga/Game Chameos?
Optional Boss battles against character cameos?

In battle BGM battle music streams from Imeem?
And whatever other ideas that may come in the future.

These Extra features shall be gone over in classes. Hey, learning little by little is better than having it all piled up on ya, right? Dont expect too many times where I there isn't anything to keep the RP from moving.


1: To have read, understood, and follow the rules on "the RP's Master's Guide" that can be found on the first page of the Gendou City Thread Topic.
2: This RP is done in Script Style. Please do so too.
3: Dont be a jerk... Unless it's because your character is supposed be one.
4: controlling of other characters is limited to when you're traveling together to get from place to place without wasting time. You cannot, however, control them in a battle, or in what they say, unless if allowed to do so by the character's creator.
5: If you're going to drop the RP or if you're going to be gone for a while, be sure to leave a message please.
6: Dont go try killing anyone... that is, unless if you want to be apprehended by campus security.
7: Dont over post, unless if there's only a few players that are active.
8: Whenever you edit your character, make sure to inform me about what you do first. Mostly, it's about keeping track of everyone's AP.
9: Anyone who breaks rules over and over after many warnings will be "Excommunicated" Essentially meaning, all players are to ignore the player's posts, and basically forget they existed.

And the most important rule:

9: Do have fun. (:D

~Other Notes~

-Recruitment will be open for a week. Rp'll start thereafter. When the cast is closed after the RP's start, recruiting will be DONE. Due to the fact characters joining late will be at a severe disadvantage. There may be certain parts (such as the beginning of a new year) where a character can enter in as a freshman.

-Skill actions aren't limited to the ones I have listed up. I'm open to hearing any kind of actions you'd like me to add.

-Any other suggestions are also always open. Just PM me about them, and I'll hear you out :D

-Whenever you want to do a story arc that centers on your character, it's usually would be a good idea to try to PM me about it in advance. Character development is important indeed. As the Maestro for this RP, it's also important that I know it's when it's going on too.

-In that case, you should probably make sure to check in often... would be bad if the RP got stuck...


*Ahem* So, obviously, this RP uses images, music, attack names, and a bunch of other things that we dint create. And we're not shy to say we didn't make it. Aside from plot and original characters, I and the rest of the RPers don't claim any rights the rest of the copyrighted things here. So! Now that that we have the formalities out of the way...

~Extras Index~

1: Characters
2: Teachers and Courses
3: Character AP Amounts/Units/Titles
4: Current Schedule
5: Availible Classes
6: Preselected Skills (Presel Skills)
7: Trailers and Junk

~1: Characters~


Eguor Traeh
Age: 16
Gender: M
Piccy or Description: Here
Class Introduction: My name is Eguor Traeh... *scratches the back of his head* I-i'm happy to be here...
Grade: 1st Year
Class: A-6

HP 180/180
SU 95/95

ATK 50
MAG 25
DEF 50
SPD 18

AP 0


Name: Inspect Strike
SU Consumption: 6.5 SU per usage
Attack Calculation: X4 ATK
Element: N/A
Description: Strike the enemy four times, whilst noting their attributes along the way.
Other Effects: See enemy Details

Name: Solid Claw
SU Consumption: 4.5 SU per usage
Attack Calculation: X3 ATK
Element: N/A
Description: Pound the enemy on the sides, then deliver a powerful strike to the gut.
Other Effects: 30% chance to cause flinch.
(55 AP)


Weapon -Bracers and Fists
Armor - Standard Black Coat and Pants



Berry x 5 Recover 10 HP
Grape x 5 Recover 10 SU
Bananna x 2 Recover 30 HP
Apple x 3 Recover 20 HP
Peach x 2 Recover 30 SU
Lychee x 2 Recover 10 SU and 10 HP
Mango x 3 Cure Confusion
Boar Meat (Recover 50 SU)


Boar Pelt
Wolf Teeth x 5


Kanna Kuubashi
Age: 16
Gender: F
Piccy or Description: Here
Class Introduction: Ehhh, my name's Kanna Kubashi. I'm sure you agree with me when we say that we're glad we made it here. I hope we have a good year together!
Grade: 1st Year
Class: A-6

HP 80/80
SU 85/85

ATK 40
MAG 60
DEF 40
SPD 36

AP 0


Name: De-wound
SU Consumption: 18 SU per usage
Attack Calculation: 60 HP Recovery to Self or Ally
Element: N/A
Description: Recovers 60 HP to self or an ally.
Other Effects: N/A

Name: Burst Flash
SU Consumption: 6 SU per usage
Attack Calculation: Mag X 3
Element: Light
Description: Strike the enemy with a small bursts of light.
Other Effects: N/A
(15 AP)


Weapon - Rubber Band Ball
Armor - Full Metal Panic! Sailor Suit with Long Skirt



Berry x 5 Recover 10 HP
Grape x 5 Recover 10 SU
Bananna x 2 Recover 30 HP
Apple x 3 Recover 20 HP
Peach x 2 Recover 30 SU
Lychee x 2 Recover 10 SU and 10 HP
Mango x 3 Cure Confusion
Boar Meat (Recover 50 SU)


Boar Pelt
Wolf Teeth x 5


Youoh Suohtoma
Class Introduction: My name's Youoh. Youoh Suutoma. You pronounce my first name as 'Uuoh'; it's just spelled with an extra 'Y'. *ahem* Pleasure to meet everyone.
Gender: F
Piccy or Description: Here
Age: 16
Grade: 1st Year
Class: A-6

HP 90/90
SU 100/100

ATK 75
MAG 40
DEF 65
SPD 44

AP 0


Name: Fiery Flurry
SU Consumption: 10.5 SU per usage
Attack Calculation: X 6 ATK + .5 MAG
Element: Fire
Description: Blow away the enemy with 6 Rapid Strikes, finishing with a flaming strike.
Other Effects: N/A

Name: Lightning Tiger Blade
SU Consumption: 4.5 SU
Attack Calculation: Atk x 2 Mag x 1
Element: Thunder
Description: Strike the enemy into the air, and call fourth a bolt of lightning down, before smashing them into the ground.
Other Effects: N/A
(15 AP)


Weapon - Dual Katana (it's design borrowed from her sword wielding idol from a famous tale)
Armor - Shuffle! School Uniform and beret



Berry x 5 Recover 10 HP
Grape x 5 Recover 10 SU
Bananna x 2 Recover 30 HP
Apple x 3 Recover 20 HP
Peach x 2 Recover 30 SU
Lychee x 2 Recover 10 SU and 10 HP
Mango x 3 Cure Confusion
Boar Meat (Recover 50 SU)


Boar Pelt
Wolf Teeth x 5

-Non Ugo Controlled Characters-

Renma Hiyoshi (Renma)

Karasu Asukayama (Kay)

Senna Arisugawa (Kay)

Rou Kagiyuki (Key)

Sia Serine (Key)

Minato Sagara (Sagara)

Kotaro Murakami (Xerovblade)

Meru Winsford (Xerovblade)

Shiro Takemoto (Es)

Yukirin Shibuya (Es)

~2: Teachers and Basic Courses~

-1st Year

Konomei Ibuki

Teaches: Combat theory

Monoh Suetama
Teaches: Mana History/Ecological Usage

Koromasu Hijikata
Teaches: Alchemic/Weapon Synthesis

Ivvy Kazuko
Teaches: Medicinal/Herbal Synthesis

Seyukama Slage
Teaches: Harvesting Ingredients for Synthesis

~3: Character Earned AP Amounts/Units/and Titles~

~Eguor's Party~

- Eguor Traeh
Title: Passive one - A title given to those who would rather not take chances
Earned Units: 10
AP: 695

- Kanna Kuubashi
Title: Bright - Bright in terms of personality... maybe not so much so in intelligence.
Earned Units: 10
AP: 846

- Youoh Suohtoma
Title: Sparring Partner - Those who fight with others in the pursuit of mastering their combat style.
Earned Units: 10
AP: 625

~Renma's Party~

- Renma Hiyoshi
Title: Transferred Out - One who is no longer active at the campus.
Earned Units: 8
AP: 695

~Karasu's Party~

- Karasu "Asuras" Asukayama
Title: Talk out of turn-man - A title given to those who get their word out without going though the 'hand raise' procedure.
Earned Units: 8
AP: 89

- Senna Arisugawa
Title: Arisugawan Clansman - A distinguished title given to those who carry the name and blood of a famed lineage.
Earned Units: 8
AP: 44

~Rou's Party~

Rou Kagiyuki
Title: Injured Frequenter - One who has over 10 Kilometers of medical wrap to his name. A valued consumer of the medical industry.
Earned Units: 8
AP: 1073

- Sia Serene
Title: Not Fond of Combat - Those who find any battle that can be avoided should be avoided.
Earned Units: 8
AP: 1114

~Minato's Party~

- Minato Sagara
Title: Cold Hearted - Not afraid to stating the use of deadly force upon his own irritance.
Earned Units: 8
AP: 987.5

~Kotarou's Party~

- Kotaro Murakami
Title: Alarm-Clock-Less(?) - "First day and I'm gonna be late... dang it all!" - Kotarou Murakami
Earned Units: 8
AP: 433

- Meru Winsford
Title: The New Girl - When you dont know much else bout' em.
Earned Units: 5
AP: 462

~Koshiro's Party~

- Kyoshiro "Shiro" Takemoto
Title: Helpless Guy - Brought down to critical in one blow. At least you're determined.
Earned Units: 5
AP: 550

- Yukirin "Yuki" Shibuya
Title: Class Skipper? - Skipping classes now can lead to bad things down the road...
Earned Units: 5
AP: 550

Main Characters: Character Speed Chart (Starting with Fastest)

Kotaro -> Karasu -> Senna -> Youoh -> Shiro -> Kanna -> Yuki -> Minato -> Sia -> Rou -> Meru -> Eguor

~4: Current Schedule A-6~

Required Units For Term: 5

Grade Scale: (Units Earned by grade in class)

A: 5 Units
B: 3 Units
C: 2 Units
D: 1 Unit
F: 0 Unit

1st Term
1: Event (Welcome to Constania Academy)
2: Class (Combat 1)
3: Free Event (A Misunderstanding)
4: Class (Item Gathering 1) (Current)
5: Class
6: Class
7: Event

~5: Availible Classes~

*'s indicate required classes

Synthesis 1* (A class on combining items through synthesis to aquire new items)

Unison Attacks (A class about utilizing a Vanguard and Support character in a single devestating move)

~6: Presel Skills~

~Etc Melee Skills~

Description: Skills Used by most anyone on campus. Usually taught in combat theory class.

Name: Sword Dash
SU Consumption: 3 SU
Attack Calculation: ATK x 2
Element: N/A
Description: Rush towards the enemy and deliver a couple of slashes. Just like in those period dramas!
Other Effects: 30 % Chance of knocking the opponent over.
(Costs 30 AP)

Name: Impaler
SU Consumption: 4 SU
Attack Calculation: ATK X 3
Element: N/A
Description: Stab the enemy into the air, then slam them back into the ground. It's debated whether most of the damage is from the stab or the throwdown.
Other Effects: N/A
(Costs 20 AP)

Name: Dashing Impaler
SU Consumption: 6 SU
Attack Calculation: ATK X 5
Element: N/A
Description: Charge into the enemy, slash a couple of times, slash the enemy into the air, and finish it with a devastating slash down to earth.
Other Effects: 30% chance of causing the enemy to become stunned.
(Costs 50 AP)
(Must Know "Sword Dash" and "Impaler")


~7: Trailers and Junk~

Penance (1st Trailer)

A sort of school map...

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Renma on 2008-04-26 06:07:35 (edited 2008-05-21 06:52:21)
Seems like fun!! Hope it'll be great just like Point Luna ^^

Edited the 2nd

Name: Hiyoshi Renma
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Piccy or description of appearance:

Class Introduction: *With his hands in his pocket* *Ahem* Yo.. The name is Renma....
Grade: 1st Year (grade and class is the same for all characters)
Class: A-6

HP = 50
SU = 35
MAG = 20
ATK = 85
DEF = 20
SPD = 48

Left: 13


Name: Sensa: Hassen
SU Consumption: 3
Attack Calculation: X2 Attack
Element: -
Desription: Renma Charges forward really fast, Doing a Regular Two Strikes Combo.
Other Effects: N/A

AP Used for Skill : 10


Weapon - A Pocket Knife with Writing "Nanaya" On it

Armor - That school Uniform My char is wearing XD

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-26 07:22:36
@ Renma: Ah no... AP is used for updating your character's stats. The points that get consumed each time you use a skills is called SU. You can have as many special skills as you need, right now I'm just requiring one at the beginning, so the rest of your AP can go towards customizing the stats of your characters. (since, right now, all of your stats are "0".

For teachers... hehe, please wait for an update on that... ^^'

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-04-26 07:33:59 (edited 2008-07-15 06:50:46)
@Renma, took his pic already...i wanted to use that pic!!

@Ugo, lessee...think i'll create a new character that's different from our previous RPs...(there will be some similar skills in the future). I see you were talking about BGMs. I've got lots, from games to anime...

well then...

Name: Karasu Asukayama
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Piccy or description of appearance:

Class Introduction: Karasu Asukayama, or Asuras(ASUkayama KaRASU)for short. Hobby: nothing in particular
Grade: 1st Year
Class: A-6

HP 150 (285AP)
SU 75 (180AP)

ATK 55 (120AP)
MAG 35 (80AP)
DEF 30 (70AP)
SPD 60 (166AP)

Total AP: 1070
Total AP used: 1061
AP Left: 9

Weapon: Berserker
Armor: White long coat

~Flames of Life Skills~

Name: Flames of life
SU Consumption: 5 per use (stay on until battle ends)
Attack Calculation: none
Element: none (despite looking like flames)
Desription: Releases the inner limiter of user. Up status by 10% except HP and SU. Causes gloves to burn like flames and eyes will 'glow'. Can 'fly' using the burst from his gloves
Other Effects: Auto-start during battle
AP used: 35

Name: Zero Point Breakthrough; First Edition
SU Consumption: 15 (due to absolute freezing. It's made of Aura instead of water)
Attack Calculation: none (opponent does not receive damage when attacked)
Element: Ice (temperatures lower than Absolute Zero)
Description: Flame of Life extension. Instead of flames, the flames will turn into ice. Anything that touches these ice whilst being attacked by Asuras will be frozen solid, depending on user's will. Skill can be use at anytime as long as Flame of Life are active. This skill requires to wait till the person after him finishes attacking, then Asuras will intervene in between before the the 3rd person attacks. The more he uses, the number of 'turns' increases. The crystal part of the glove (at the center) will turn into an 'I'. In addition, the number 'I' will appear in his eyes.
Other Effects: Opponent/s will stay frozen for 2 turns. During these turns, opponent/s will lose 1% HP and SP after every turn after for any one finishes with their turn (including their skipped turns). Ice can't be melted by flames attack or ailment cure items/abilites. Opponent/s can't attack for these 2 turns
AP used: 40

Name: Zero Point Breakthrough; Revised
SU Consumption: 20
Attack Calculation: none
Element: none
Description: Absorbs energy from attacks (beams, magic excluding physical attacks) and converts it to own power. All status besides HP and SU will double until the end of the next turn. The crystal part of the glove will turn into an 'X'. In addition, the number 'X' will appear in his eyes. This skill can be used only twice every battle. Flames of Life needs to be activated to use this skill.
Other Effects: Auto-activate in the middle of battle. Can be use to defend self or another person in during battle.
AP Used: 35

~Normal Skills~
Name: Chi
SU Consumption: 2.5 per use
Attack Calculation: X2 ATK + .5 magic
Element: Condensed Energy
Description: Punches opponent twice with left or right hand and punches with condensed energy with the other.
Other Effects: none (Skill can be link with another skill, but has not yet to be learned)
AP Used: 15

Name: Imagination Breaker
SU Consumption: 10
Attack Calculation: none
Element: none
Other Effects: Auto-activate
Description:Reduce magical and energy based attacks to 1% of its power. This skill automatically activate when user has 50% of HP left and can be used twice in each battle. APs can be sacrificed to increase the number of times skill can be used in battle.(5AP will be sacrificed to increase skill usage. Also, the SU consumption will increase by 2 for every 3 skill increase.)
Other Effects: Auto-activate in the middle of battle. Can be use to defend self or another person in during battle.
AP Used: 35

Name: Senna Arisugawa
Age: 16
Gender: F
Piccy or description of appearance:

Class Introduction: Senna Arisugawa...that is all...*Asuras intervenes; that all? kinda cold* I hate you...i told you not call me that*Asuras intervenes; hai hai, Aisu (Ice)* noisy...
Grade: 1st Year
Class: A-6

HP 100 (186AP)
SU 60 (216AP)

ATK 55 (120AP)
MAG 55 (120AP)
DEF 30 (75AP)
SPD 50 (149AP)

Total AP: 1040
Total AP used: 996
AP Left: 44

Weapon: Hikari no Yami[光の闇] (Darkness of the light, katana at the side of hip at the above pictures).
Armor: pic above. Coat can be used for attacking


Name: Nagikaze (凪風 -calm wind)
SU Consumption: 2.5 per use
Attack Calculation: x4 ATK
Element: none
Desription: Senna hits the opponent up to four times by spinning her coat. Can also be used to defend against ranged attacks
Other Effects: none
AP used: 20

Name: Ibuki(息吹 -breath)
SU Consumption: 1.5 per use
Attack Calculation: x2 ATK
Element: none
Desription: Senna hits the opponent while drawing her sword, then hits them again while returning it to its sheath.
Other Effects: Extend - Shijuusen (始終閃) / Ougekka(凰月華)
AP used: 15

Name: Shijuusen (始終閃 -Continuous Brandish)
SU Consumption: 1.5 per use
Attack Calculation: x2 ATK
Element: none
Description: Senna dashes forward while slashing at the opponent's feet, then dashes backwards slashing at them again. Can only be used when Senna uses Ibuki. Attack calculation will be Ibuki damage + Shijuusen Damage. SU Consumption will be Ibuki + Shijuusen (ie 3 SU)
Other Effects: none
AP used: 10

Name: Ougekka(凰月華 -Phoenix Moonflower)
SU Consumption: 4 per use
Attack Calculation: x3 ATK
Element: none
Description: Senna does a Gekka that break enemy's defense(Attack like normal even if opponent on defense). Can only be used when Senna uses Ibuki. Attack calculation will be Ibuki damage + Ougekka Damage. SU Consumption will be Ibuki + Ougekka (ie 3.5 SU)
Other Effects: Defense break
AP used: 35

Name: Gekka(月華 -Moonflower) -Light
SU Consumption: 1 per use
Attack Calculation: x1 ATK
Element: none
Description: Senna jumps up and draws her sword in a circle resembling a crescent moon, hitting the opponent in the process
Other Effects: none
AP used: 5

Name: Gekka(月華 -Moonflower) -Heavy
SU Consumption: 3.5 per use
Attack Calculation: x2 ATK
Element: none
Description: Senna jumps up and draws her sword in a circle resembling a crescent moon, hitting the opponent in the process. This version leaves behind a faint circle, dealing a second hit and wallbounce to the opponent.
Other Effects: Flinch: Small chance (30%) of causing the opponent to flinch and skip their turn
AP used: 50

i'll put in the missing pieces on to GX...

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-26 07:55:52 (edited 2008-05-02 19:18:23)
Name: Rou Kagiyuki (WOW this is the first time i made japanese name ^^)
Age: 18
Gender: m
Piccy or description of appearance:


Class Introduction: Rou:"Rou kagiyuki, nice to meet you all" ,Teacher:"he is the senpai that had to repeat class because he was hospitalize for 3 month, get along well with him minna"
Grade: 1st Year
Class: A-6

HP 90 (135 AP)
SU 20 (60 AP)

ATK 70 (140 AP)
MAG 15 (30 AP)
DEF 35 (70 AP)
SPD 20 (50 AP)
AP 0

Name: tri slash (15 AP)
SU Consumption: 3 per usage
Attack Calculation: X3 ATK
Element: N/A
Desription: Slash the enemy three times
Other Effects: N/A


weapon: twin gunblades
armor: one he's wearing at the pic, that cloth look great ^^

second char

Name: Sia Serene
Age: 17
Gender: F
Piccy or description of appearance:


Class Introduction: sia :" Sia Serene, nice to meet you all" *quickly bow then sit down*
Grade: 1st Year
Class: A-6

HP 70 (105 AP)
SU 30 (90 AP)

ATK 15 (30 AP)
MAG 70 (140 AP)
DEF 35 (70 AP)
SPD 20 (50 AP)
AP 0

Name: tri colors (15 AP)
SU Consumption: 5.5 per usage
Attack Calculation: X 1.5 MAG
Element: fire, ice, lighting
Desription: throw elemental ball at enemy three times
Other Effects: N/A

weapon: staff
armor: same as pic, lazy to search ^^

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-26 10:24:41
@ All: Alright, I added a few things. Firstly, teachers and classes. And a section at the bottom which lists out everyone's: Units(Aka Credits) Titles: (which change depending on your character's actions) I already made titles, based on your class introductions.

I've also completed the stats and such for my character. Remember, you got 500 point of AP. Which is 500 Points that can go to customizing your character's stats and making Skills!

@ Kay and Key: Make sure to add your character's Equipment too. Basically, you forgot to put down your weapon and type of school uniform.

@ Key: That's great. Not sure what exactly which theme from what to use for normal fight. Just a note, though, you have two characters. And, on another note about you having two characters:

Aside from me, when there are two character from the same creator in thew same party, only one of them can participate. Though, you can switch them off in the latter part. I was trying to got the Vanguard-Support idea from Alter Iris going. Though, I might dump the idea if the amount of players stays small.

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Renma on 2008-04-26 16:25:21
@Kay lol XDD Only one person comes to mind when I Want to use School Uniform.. I Don't like Tohno More like.. I Envy him XP Maybe you want to use Ciel or Yumizuka for your girl Char?

@Ugo Updated it.. But not finished yet.. I still Haven't decided yet about the skills.. Maybe later XDD

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-04-26 18:29:49 (edited 2008-04-26 20:02:46)
@Renma, there's already someone I have in mind for my female chara...and it's not from Melty Blood :p...

@Ugo, weapon eh...i should do a copy and paste...oh yea, check if i did my stats right. I'm still unsure about skills though...

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Sagara on 2008-04-26 22:45:24 (edited 2008-10-18 18:16:39)
Name: Minato Sagara
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Piccy or description of appearance:

Class Introduction My name is Minato, Minato Sagara. I look forward to learning with you. Be warned if you cross me...
Grade: 1st Year (grade and class is the same for all characters)
Class: A-6

HP 120/120(204)
SU 40/40(126)

ATK 60(142)
MAG 25(50)
DEF 45(100)
SPD 27(75)

AP 437.5

(I may have miscalculated. I wanted a character with good overall stats, help is welcomed.)


Name: Power Strike
SU Consumption: 7
Attack Calculation: X3 ATK
Element: N/A
Description: Strike the enemy three times, has a 20% chance of inflicting Weaken.
Other Effects: Inflict Weaken.

Name: Kamisori Renda
SU Consumption: 6
Attack Calculation: ATK x3
Element: N/A
Description: Delivers a blow which sends the enemy into the air, he slashes them downward and strikes them just before they hit the ground.
Other Effects: 50% DEF for one turn.
AP Cost: 35

Name: Kazenami(-Wind Wave-) -Breeze
SU Consumption: 2.5
Attack Calculation: ATK x2
Element: None.
Description: Minato dashes at enemy and draws his sword in an crescent arc, creating a wave which cuts them.
Other Effects: None.
AP Cost: 10


Weapon - Photobucket
Armor - Same as Eguor Traeh but darker black.



Berry x 5 Recover 10 HP
Grape x 5 Recover 10 SU
Bananna x 2 Recover 30 HP
Apple x 3 Recover 20 HP
Peach x 2 Recover 30 SU
Lychee x 2 Recover 10 SU and 10 HP
Mango x 3 Cure Confusion

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-27 01:49:32
@ All: a little late to note, but added pictures of sorts, finalyl got photobucket to work!

@ Kay: Okay, so, just a couple of things to note. Firstly, you kinda used up all your AP to upgrading your stats. You'll also need to put off some AP to make at least one skill. Also, I guess there's something a bit off with the spoilers you used for the character piccy. Cant see Senna's picture.

@ Sagara: Okay... to speak honestly, there really was quite a miscalculation. First off, just by your stats alone, they costed roughly 2490 AP. The only AP you have to spend right off is 500. ^^' Refer to the first post for the costs of upgrading your characters stats. All of your stats start off by Zero.
I'll notate on other things once that's corrected.

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-04-27 02:05:22
@Ugo, edited the codes, it's now fixed...kinda messed it up a little :p. was too busy watching yu-gi-oh! gx while for the much AP is needed for a skill? and what skill can i choose?

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-27 02:25:20 (edited 2008-04-27 12:39:48)
@ all: Edited a very foolish mistake that made Fuukawa's apeparance sousuke sagatrs... -_-''

@ Kay: un... You're making up your own skill. Look under skill synthesis in the first post for full details. There's simply 4 steps in doing it

1: The parts of the attack... EG. 2 Normal Strikes, and a 15 percent chance of burning.

2: The amount of AP points it will cost.

3: Amount of SU points it will take up each time it's used.

4: The calculation of the damage. (which is with the skill synth chart, and is dependent on the actions of the skill.

5: Filling out the Skill Sheet, here's a blank one.

Name: (the name)
SU Consumption: (amt of su taken per usage)
Attack Calculation: (how it's damage is calculated)
Element: (if it's a magical or elemental strike, the Elements are Basically Wind, Fire, Ice, Light, Dark, etc.)
Description: (details of the attack, how it looks like when executed)
Other Effects: (other special effects, such as 15% chance of causing burn)

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Sagara on 2008-04-27 04:35:54
@Ugo: Sorry...I didn't fully understand at first. Looking at the other profiles must've confused me.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Renma on 2008-04-27 04:50:58
@Ugo Edited my Profile.. Hope you like that XDD But,, Hmmm.. As more AP is gained.. we can add more skills, Right?

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-27 05:17:54 (edited 2008-04-27 05:18:42)
@renma you used to much AP than you can use

HP = 50 ( 75 AP)
SU = 35 (105 AP)
MAG = 20 ( 40 AP)
ATK = 70 (140 AP)
DEF = 20 ( 40 AP)
SPD = 50 (125 AP)

total AP for stat 525 AP + skill 10 AP

over all total AP used 535 AP
AP allowance 500 AP

@Ugo your post after me there it's not key that have 2 char, it's kay ^^

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-04-27 12:56:45 (edited 2008-04-29 20:43:07)
(ahhh... I make so many silly spelling mistakes. I thought I would've gotten better after these two years of RPing... -_-)

@ Key: Sorry... there's only a one letter difference... so it's easy for me to make a mistake... ^^'

@ Renma: Yes, AP is earned though winning battles.

@ Sagara: UN, that's fine. For your skills, it's alright. Just has an added effect, "weaken" Because it is a part of the skill, it also needs to be calculated in. It's AP cost would be the same as any other added effects (20 AP). The SU Consumption will be the same as Burn (3 SU). Added Weak to the list of "added Effects in the Skill Synth list". Even though I dont have time to everything precisely, I'm confident you got everything else right.

@ Kay: Got your PM Message, I'm a little short on time so I'll have to say it here:

I'm fine with the SU consumption... for ap consumption I'll say It'll eat up the last 15 point of ap for your character. On the account that it lasts till the end of battle, and that it enhances several stats.

EDIT 1: Edited for renma.

@ All: If you're dooddleing on whether to make a second character or not, I'd encourage it. Like I mentioned with Kay earlier, I was planning to get the Attack-Support party idea going. Basically, where you can "switch" between your chara in the support and in the Attack/Vanguard party when your character right after an attack, or to take the Vanguards place when attacked. Also because, the melee to spellcaster/etc. ratio is a bit... wide.

It's still optional, I understand if you guys dont want to go through the profile process making anymore... ^^'

@ Key; Even though you've used up all of your AP now, its still a good idea to keep the "AP" part in. I might accidentally forget to keep track from time to time.

EDIT 2: Hmmm... well, looks like this will probably be the entire cast. Okay then! I just need an okay from the rest of you. Profile deadline was this friday, but seeing how things are now... shall I start the RP off now?

@ Kay: Not sure if you forgot or not, you'll also need to make a single skill for Senna.

@ Renma: Good news, did a double check on your AP Calcs. You actually still have 5 Free AP points.

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-04-30 17:27:50 (edited 2008-05-01 06:33:19)
@Ugo, i am...but I need time since I'm translating her skills from Japanese to English and vice versa...


Uh, mind checking out if my characters are all ok?

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Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-05-01 09:28:19
@ All: Added a few things. Title SCreen, and small eye only character battle portraits.

Do note the RP'll start first thing Friday. Already got a so-called opening movie and my first post written up.

I've checked Kay's, Renma's, and Sagara's profiles. I'm pretty sure Key did it right.

@ Kay: You made a slight miscalculation on speed for Karasu.

Spd 56

SPd + 2 (5 Ap)

28 * 5 = 140

You actually have an extra 10 Ap for Karasu. :D

Senna's Calculations are fine. Just anote on one of the skills. If the attack "Ibuki" can really be chained, be sure to note it in the "Other Effects" section. Furthermore there probably would be an AP cost involved, seeing as how it allows her to attack twice with the other two skills once learned. A fine AP cost for skill chaining would be "5". No need for extra SU consumption, since that will simply be added in by the SU consumption of the other two skills to be learned.

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2008-05-01 14:52:29 (edited 2008-05-01 14:56:08)
@Ugo, edited for Asuras' AP calculation (gonna leave it at that). Also taken note of Senna's link skills

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: MANA DRIVE: Memories of Campus Constania
Link | by on 2008-05-02 06:31:32 (edited 2008-05-20 19:38:41)
@ All: Saa. Today's the day. Though, I'm headed to school myself right after this... ^^'


Mock Text Opening Movie (just text, and the only time I ever control your characters... ^^')


"Huff... Huff."

"I ran for forty minutes, and he's still keeping up..."

"Eguor Traeh. I finally caught up with you. I wish to speak to you."

"To me?"

"Yes... I'm a representative from Constania University. I've come to extend a personnal invite"

"Constania University?"

"Yes. You have a reserved seat there"

"I-i think you have the wrong person..."

"Oh? Well, I have your invitation right here"

~Four Weeks Later, Constania University, Main Entrance~

Eguor: *thinking, as he looks at the large campus* .... Ah. So this is it. It's really big.

*standing in the middle of the way in, many students simply walked passed him*

Teacher: *standing near the gates* All students report to your dorms first. PLease be prepared to show them your letter of invite. All your items will be documented. Any pets or combat assistant will be licensed with your items...

*various students hauling their chests by various methods walking to their dorm*

Eguor: *thinking, with only his tattered suitcase* I really dont own anything...

*as he takes a step forward, something in the bushes by the wall of the campus catches his attention*


Eguor: *kneeling by a bush, finds a young nine tailed fox weakly laying under the cover of the bush*

Fox: ....

Eguor: You're not alone alone too, are you?

Fox: moff...

Eguor: Oh. Both your parents are...

Fox: moff.

Eguor: ...



"I'm on my own too... I never saw my parents' faces"


"No, I dont feel that sad about it."


"Oh, really...? Well, I guess it's okay. So, what's your name?"


"Oh. So you dont have one. Do you want me to give you one?"


"Okay. From now on, your name is... 'Beet"


~Boys Dorm~

Dorm Father: *a tattered suitcase on the reception desk*, this is all you have?

Eguor: Y-yes. *looks at the young, rather shabby looking fox sitting beside beside, not even a quarter of the height of his leg* I'd also like to get a license for my pet fox, Beet.

Dorm Father: You can take your pet to class... just let me heal him a little...

~After the Opening Ceremony, Eguor's Classroom~

Student: Hey... I wonder who the teacher is...?

*a short, blue haired girl walks in, with a kitten trailing along behind, it's claws digging to her dragging Kimono*

Student 2: Oi... I think a girl accidentally wandered on campus.

That Girl...?

Girl: *ahem* Good morning! I'm Konomei Ibuki. I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on.

Students: Ehhhh!?

Student 3: Uh... you...?

Ibuki Sensei: Ugh. Each year I go though this... But anyways, yes. I'm also your instructor on Combat Theory Class.

Students: EHHHHHH!?

Ibuki Sensei: .... *walks over to the board, and picks up a peice of chalk*

Eguor: *sitting in the front row* ...

*Konomei throws the piece of chalk out the window, and points her finger at it*

Ibuki Sensei: -Negative Gate!

*a purple orb envelops the chalk, and grows smaller, eventually bursting, making chalk dust fly off into the breeze*

Students: .....

Ibuki Sensei: *smiles* Now, lets start with introducing ourselves to one another. I'll start with myself: This is my first year of teaching here at Constania. I've studied in eastern, western, and southern, and northern forms of combat on the continent of Rugnicas. I was brought to this academy by sheer opportunity really. I graduated from Khemia over in Tolerace, so I'm also proficient in Alchemy to some extent. Up until last year, I taught at Sistine Academy in Rostwelt....

~After everyone elses' introductions~

Eguor: *talking to Beet, at the back of the classroom* There's so many people... It's really strange.

Beet: moff?

Eguor: Yeah, I haven't really had time to congregate with so many people in one place. I've been running from them my entire life...

Ibuki Sensei: Oh right. Everyone's supposed become a part of a Clan by the end of this term. Please start looking as soon as possible. Dont mind asking teachers, classmates or upperclassmen for advice and help, remember that.

Beet: Moff.

Eguor: Yeah, you're right. I probably will have to socialize here.

*somone taps him from behind*

Eguor: *turns around. to see a girl with long brown hair, two single locks braided on either side of her head*

Girl: ...Good morning!

Eguor: Y-yes?!

Girl: I'm just asking if you could help me out.

Eguor: Uh... really? How so?

Girl: You see, I kinda get lost pretty easily. So I was wondering if you'd take me and my friend along to look around!

Eguor: *scratches the back of his head* Uh.. sure. I dont see any problem in that.

Girl: Really? Oh great! Oh. My name's Kanna Kuubashi, by the way. Nice to meetcha!

Eguor: I'm Eguor Traeh. It's nice to meet you too.

Kanna: Un! *turns around* Youoh-chan! I found one!

Beet: Muuf!

Eguor: *whispers back* What do you mean by "Check if the Nurses' Office is empty"?

Kanna: Youoh-chan!

Youoh: *looking elsewhere, apparently her mind was elsewhere too* ...oh.

*a blonde haired girl with two Katana sheathed at her waist walks over to them*

Kanna: He's Eguor Traeh-kun.

Youoh: *bows slightly* Youoh, Suohtoma.

Kanna: We just so happened to have the same dorm room. And the same bad sense of direction! I mean, this morning we got so lost, that we ended up outside the campus. Accidentally knocked over a few people carrying their trunks as we made a dash to the entrance ceremony.

Eguor: Oh... *at a loss of words*

Kanna: Hm! Maybe we'll be able to get ourselves into a Clan Workshop while we look around as well!

Youoh: ....we have the rest of the week to look around and get ourselves aquainted with the campus. So, shall we go?

Eguor: Yeah.

Beet: Muff... (I wonder if he'll get any more acquaintances before the day is over.)

~NOTICE! Gained Campus Map (West)!~

Note: Only the western half of the campus if available to freshmen. Other parts of the school become available in proceeding terms.

~Current Scedule: Introductory Tours (Welcome to Campus Constania)~

Class Descrpition: Wander the campus, get familiar to it and some students. Also, look over your choices and maybe even join or form your own a clan workshop.

A sort of school map...

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