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Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by jansuke on 2008-04-09 11:50:47
i think this KICK ASS Rated 18 Yuri, Gore, Action ova needs a thread on his own ^.^

i think you could compare it to Kite (just remove the finale pervert scene, btw -_- ive watched the non hentai version of kite... and im not that perverted >.<)

Ok heres the synopsis
->Rin Asōgi may look like an ordinary office lady on the outside, but she is actually a private investigator taking on many jobs, from finding runaway cats to infiltrating high-security corporate labs. What's more, she appears to be literally indestructible, being able to supernaturally heal injuries and mutilations. Together with her partner Mimi, Rin delves into the darkest secrets of the society, but the ones she hides herself are by far more sinister ... by ANN

Opening: Alsatia
Ending: Cause Disarray
both songs were ROCK >.< *woot*

anyone wants to discuss something about this anime Then spill it out here >.<

(i wanted to post Bloody Screenies but i somehow cant take screenies in my player.... well -_- ill fix it tommorow its already 3am here)

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-09 14:10:06
I've had episode one for like, a long time ever since it came out.
I have episode two, and I think I need to get the third and final episode?
This OVA though, introduced me to Galneryus. They really rock now. :O

Rin is a pretty hot office lady, I mean... look at her.
Hmm, I'm going to try to knock these episodes out today, tomorrow, or the rest of the week.

Haha, I don't care about ratings. D:<


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by on 2008-04-09 16:43:05
This is one of the coolest series i've seen in a long time. It does sort of resembles KITE but much darker.

After seeing 3 OVAs the jist of the story is that Rin is a PI with her partner Mimi they seem like ordinary people. In fact they are both immortal cause of the seeds from the world tree. The tree is visible only to those who have these seeds in them.

They meet Maeno (episode 1) who is a clone from an experiment. The 'real' Maeno is already dead. Rin & Maeno try to uncover the truth which is where they meet Yamanobe (voiced by Rie Tanaka) who is a sexy 'BAD' dominatrix chick. Maeno eventually joins Rin & Mimi's office after discovering the truth. As well as recovering a runaway cat for Rin.

The 2nd episode introduces us to the enemies of the immortals...Angels. Only females can be turned immortal. Any male that has the world tree's seed in them turn into berserked angel creatures. They are the mortal enemies of the immortals by giving off an aroma that makes the immortals succumb to lust. When the immortals are in this state the angels take the oppurtunity to devour them. The main villian Apos is some sort twisted god-like character that seems to be interested in Rin as well as the immortals & Angels.

The 3rd OVA i won't dive into cause it is a pretty sad episode...wasn't expecting what happened in this one. Now i wonder where it is going to go from here. I will say that Rie Tanaka's character is back after we thought she was a gonner in the 2nd OVA.

That is what i got from watching the series....there are some moments that the animation is not up to par. These are not that big a deal cause the characters & story is very interesting. The music of course ROCKS!!! There are some memorable moments....Episode 2 after Rin is caught in an explosion...Maeno finds her regenerating in the alley, the shadows hide that she is 'half' there. The torture scene in episode 1 was pretty disturbing as well.

There is nudity & sex involved in the OVA as those who feel uncomfortable with it may want to skip this series.

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-04-09 18:04:29
Strange, I need to find the third OVA somewhere soon. D:


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by jansuke on 2008-04-10 21:00:04
3rd OVA is out already? who's the fansubber? >.<

Yeah this OVA has alot of pretty disturbing scenes...
the torture chamber >.<... dissecting humans... rape scene in mid air...
the scene where rin needs to get the "information" inside the cat >.< (you knows what i mean) hahaha

I thought this ova has 6 episodes >.
Hmmm rin is indeed a hot lesbian momma XD

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by on 2008-04-11 16:52:16
@ Jansuke-san
No the 3rd OVA isn't subbed yet which is a little strange. I only seen the RAW version of it. Trust me it will be something you won't expect when you watch it. I was caught off guard when 'THAT' happened. Also keep an eye on the year the episode is taking place compared to previous ones.

If you mean the 'THAT' scene in episode 2 than i do know what you mean....kinda interesting the animators tried to hide some of the 'body parts' but you know what is going on. Oh btw Mimi will be doing the same thing in episode 3 *sniker*...kinda odd to hear basically Shana moaning with pleasure. Mimi is voiced by Rie Kugimiya O_O!!!

Another disturbing image is when Apos is playing chess...the girl he/it is playing with is shackled with swords pierced in her. The 3rd episode shows Apos adding another....kinda reminds me of something from the movie HELLRAISER.

The series is 6 episodes long...each one being close to 50 mins long.

As for Rin...i don't think she's a lesbian...the one who is i think is Mimi. Rin is just playing along. Cause if you notice that guy in the beard shown during the opening credits may be her lover in the past.

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-18 15:28:08
I have up to five, but I've only seen up to 3 so far.
I've been watching it the past two nights, after having up to episode 4 for like, how long (jesus!).

Man, I sure love this OVA series (OVA!?).
The music is great, too. It fits perfectly with the anime's theme.
I love the OP, "Alsatia" from Galneryus. Still might have to get into the ED more,
but the background music in the anime is pretty cool.

Rin's definitely hot, and Mimi's cute with that sexy personality to her, too.
I noticed Shana's seiyu did Mimi as well.
The sex scene in episode three where she needed to "pay" to get information was nice... or something, not sure what to say about it, lol.
Also, the person who did Rin, also did Kouta from Kanokon! ZOMFG~! It matches really well though.
Those two seiyus are really huge right now, if you check out some of the characters they're doing right now.

The anime has that Elfen Lied touch to it, don't cha think? Maybe some Gantz?
It has t hat Black Jack touch, too, with the guts and organs, and wow. My arms were like dying on me.
Watch this anime at like, 4:30 AM in the morning, headphones on, lights off, volume pretty medium-high, you get all the action! O.o`

The sex is not too bad, though they don't do much cause they're like, "teasers" to me (oh, wtf!).

Episode three was a bummer when "someone" died... I hated that.
And like, the OVA shifted past 20 years in a flash before, too.
The "daddy" drawing in the last part was kinda sad.

I love watching this like, super late at night,
though 4-5 AM+ is technically morning, right?
Either way, I'll get 4 and 5 done later tonight, too. It's Friday, w00t~!

[@Izumo] How far are you on the series so far?


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by avatar shana on 2008-07-18 18:02:36
I've watched this OVA up to 5...
It looks like, it will end in episode 6....
hmm....this OVA is great!! The actions, the story, the mystery....and....THE SEX!!! OMG!!! So many Yuri Actions here!!!!

Oh well....u guys haven't watched till 5? I will tell you the spoiler if u want...

Oh, n the speciality of this series is, one episode last for 45 minutes.

This series made me remember elfen lied, the 1st bloody anime I've ever watched...
The heroine of this OVA is also pretty n hot...oh my gawd...especially when she's having her Yuri action with Mimi...


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by on 2008-07-18 19:23:09
@ DAngel-san

I've seen the whole series already...the last episode 6 has yet to be subbed but you really don't need them to understand what was going on in the episode. For the most part it is pretty straightforward. There is plenty of blood & nekkidness in the episode more so than the others...very CLIMATIC (sex reference :P).

Wait til you see Rin in her sexy wedding dress....HOT DAMN!!!

Overall i really enjoyed the series....the violence & sex in the series is pretty tame to what i'm use to but nonetheless they are 'exciting' to say the least. I liked how they show the events after certain amount of years, how the other normal characters get older while Rin, Mimi..etc. stay young. The action is pretty minimal, though what was shown is brutal & edgy.

Yeah it was kind of a bummer when 'someone' died in episode 3...another good character also dies in the next episode. In episode 5 i really thought the ending of the episode was intense, Aoi-san probably knows what i'm referring to. It was funny to see the dog is also 'immortal'...must be a B**CH.

Series is FULL of sexy female characters & yes those scenes that involve them all 'tease' at your senses. None more so than the ones involving Rin...she makes wearing a suit look sexy. Also girls with glasses are HOT for some reason.

Great series well worth the time. If you want more of Rin & Mimi you should listen to their radio shows. Even if it is just their voices they still sound sexy :D

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-19 02:30:37
Dang, I want to see six as soon as possible.
Just saw five now, and like... everyone died! WTF!
What a gruesome 30 years have passed man, seriously.

Though, with the time shift and all,
it's good to see how Maeno's family have been doing for what, the past 40-50 years?


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by dood. on 2008-07-19 02:59:25
=( im still looking for episode 5!! the website i download my animes from didnt upload it yet!
i need my monthly dose of YURI, dangit! XD

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by on 2008-07-19 09:47:22 (edited 2008-07-19 09:48:11)
I'm shocked!! Shana's Seiyuu did Mimi!! That was unexpected (I guess I'm not the sort who goes looking at who's the Seiyuu most of the time so I didn't noticed. I usually only check on those to confirm if I guess the seiyuu right)

I'm watching Chinese subs and thay have till Six... but the link just doesn't seem to work! Darn! But episode 6 seems to be the last episode to the series!

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-21 00:27:56
Watched the final episode, was kinda boring if you ask me.
Though overall, I enjoyed this series.
Rin was hot in that wedding dress. To see her move around when she was all hot and chained up... WOW!

It's good to see everyone's still alive to basically restart their lives in a way.
Who knew the Maeno family would be so strong. It was nice seeing Kouki in the final episode.
Though, too bad Genki didn't make an appearance. He was only a faithful and loving dog, lol. :P


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by on 2008-07-21 18:01:09
Ack!!! i wanna watch ep 6 too!! but no time!! ToT

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by genrancour on 2008-07-22 12:49:37

That's a lot of boobies!

But hey, I guess that's to be expected of Mnemosyne. xP

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-22 17:11:52
Apos is a freak. A pretty nasty site to look at. O.o`


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by dood. on 2008-07-22 18:08:17
i agree. apos is freaky! part boy & part girl!? wtf??

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by on 2008-07-22 19:37:27
Apos is what you call a hermaphrodite...although very uncommon in humans it is mostly seen in invertebrates. It enables a organism to have both female & male reproductive organs. Freaky in a way but very well documented. Read about it you'll be amazed XD

Apos is one of those villians that you really dislike, but cause of this dislike it makes the show that much more enjoyable cause you wanna see him go down in the end.

As for the 'boobies', trust me when i say this...this is nothing compared to what i've seen over the years. For an anime series it is pretty tame, i fought a show like Kanokon took more risks. Most of the stuff in Mnemosyne is mostly tease, well except that one part where you almost saw Rin's ummm 'climatic' spot. However the way they created babies in this show is WAYYYY different than what actually happens...imagine just touching a person & they'll get pregant XD!!!

Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-07-22 20:57:05
It's kinda funny, cause in this OVA series, the villain went... in, in the end, lol. XD
If you watched that part carefully when he was being dragged into that Yggdrasil Egg,
one of those weird ladies (in the egg) grabbed his... "not-sure-don't-wanna-know-for-sure" spots... O.o`

It's kinda hard to see Mimi and Rin defenseless sometimes against those darn Angels.
They loose... in a hot, yet gruesome way,
plus repeating death and recovery for centuries must be tough!
Half of Rin... her guts and organs... imagine her in a million pieces coming together when she went through that plane propeller or whatever.

I'm with Izumo on the "nudity" aspect of this series. It was really nothing.
I hate teasers, so very much, lol. It's like Air Gear with those darn CROWS!
That part in the final episode with Rin, Ihika's darn hand was in the way.
He's kinda like Death from family guy with the touch thing,
except instead of instant Death, instant pregnancy... Instant Ramen, anyone? :3


Re: Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musumetachi R+18
Link | by on 2008-07-22 21:24:04
Remember it took Rin almost 25 years to regenerate after she went though the plane engine. Due to that she lost her memory which is why in episode 5 she didn't remember anything. Also she was able to find Maeno's time spore in the ocean, which was the thing she had around her neck.

One of my fave character other than Rin was Laura, i though her character was cool. She's this relentless person/thing that just wouldn't give up on the fact she wants to kill Rin. I especially loved the end when she decided to keep Apos company, i believe it was her hand that hid Apos' "not-sure-don't-wanna-know-for-sure" spots. Is it me or does it look like when Yggdrasil opened it looked like, you know....a womans 'special' area!?

Another thing i liked wss the link that Rin had with the Maeno wasn't just a coincidence that she met him in the first episode. It was destiny. They are forever linked to one another.

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