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Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-04-05 17:19:05 (edited 2008-04-20 07:12:01)
Yet another one, since lately most of them are down :)
The world is somewhat modified version of Earth, with some extra places. Or actually there are portals to other small worlds:
1)Seireikai(Spirit world). Located in Japan. After being found, a city was formed around it, called Seireihashi. That world is a homeland for most demons and spirits of the classical Japanese mythology. Is at peace with Earth. The world looks as a undeveloped plains, hills and forests, similar to Japan itself. (Imagine Demon Parade episode from xxxHolic)
2)Tenkai(Heavens). Located in Saudi. A city was formed around it, named New Babylon(Since this city allowed people to approach heavens) Is at peace with Earth. Looks as a prosperious green land.
3)Makai(Hell). No permanent portal, but some personal teleportations to and from Makai occur. Is in neutral/unknown state with Earth. No actual war, but some demons sometimes attack humans, while some assist them. That comes from the fact that every demon is independent. Looks like a wasteland with some green parts.
4)Ryukai(Dragon world). Located in China. No city's formed, since the portal's located on top of a mountain. Also neutral/unknown to Earth, but is worshipped by chinese people. Similar to China.
5)Douwakai(Fairy Tale world). There are three entrances. One is in Siberia, one is in Australia and one is northern part of North America. Only American one has city around it, called Fantasy City. Populated with Elves, Dwarves, Humans and various mythical creatures, like harpies, minotaurus and such. Similar to Europe.
6)Arsenal. A previously unoccupied world, now containing one city, called the same as the world. Is a guild, that trains specialists, who observe the functionality of portals/investigate new portals/fights assaults from other worlds and such stuff... Possible to have anyone from any world.

Player can choose any of above worlds as his homeland and any race(according to choosen homeland. In case Arsenal is chosen - any of the above is avaliable and mixed-blood too). Of course, the Earth itself is choosable as well :) Also, player can either be, or be not a member of Arsenal(even if he was born there). There is not real difference, other than Arsenal's members each have unique item. It can be a weapon, an armor, a potion - anything, but it's unique to that member. And in case you choose weapon - try to have an exotic one(classics, like swords or maces are avaliable, but you should consider that someone already have the same type of weapon. Weapon types or item types/functions do not repeat. In other words - there's only one long sword user in all the Guild, only one katana user and so on). It won't mean that you can't use other items or something, it just that you have one special one.

Power level:
The general power in here is a thinkable one. Well, no lightspeed, no destroying a town with just waving a hand. But there is magic, ougi, special abilities and such stuff... just don't get the level much higher than for example in Fate/Stay Night.

1)No Godmode
2)Be logical
3)No major controlling other characters, despite certain conditions.
4)In case you're leaving(completely or temporary) - make sure to put your characters in a position, so his story will be independent from other players.
5)In case a player, who's interacting with other players is inactive for about three days - players he's interacting with can control his characters until he returns.
6)Jokes are welcome, but please stay serious with the plot. So no such things, as your opponent slipping on a banana peel and breaking his neck :D
7)Multiple characters are allowed. Or actually, they're welcome. So if you can manage to play as a crowd - do it :) That's because single character doesn't have much chance to survive in emergency, or to investigate something... like, no jacks of all trade, skilled in everything :D It's not a rule actually, but a request for this RP - play as a team. If you have multiple characters - make sure to give every of them some spotlight. In case you battle with other players - more characters would prove helpful :)


In case you're playing Arsenal member also add:
Unique Item:
Main task:

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-05 17:45:43 (edited 2008-04-06 07:09:49)
Sounds interesting. Can I join?

Name: Lyka Arai
Gender: Female
Homeland: Douwakai
Race: Mixed Human/ Elf
Age: 17
Ability: Healing
Weapon: Aikari Staff
Bio: Lyka Arai came from a wealthy family. Nothing much known about her but her last name. She's mostly sweet, quiet and very outgoing.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-05 23:46:05 (edited 2008-06-03 03:01:12)
Name: Xeno Night
Gender: Male
Homeland: Makai
Race: Demon
Age: 120
Appearance: Later
Guild Info: Mission Completed-1(1 Rank B Mission)
Guild Rank: Level 2, Rank G(Beginner)
Bio: A demon who live in Makai. Due to some troubling past, he was exiled from his clan and wander around the Makai alone until one day he save a little fairy. The fairy named Myra became his companion since then and always have a reserve spot on Xeno's shoulder. Together they do much of exploring stuff inside ruins or dungeons around Makai and discover many items and sell them.
Unique Item: Titanium Strings

Name: Stream SilverLake
Gender: Male
Homeland: Makai
Race: Human
Age: 13
Appearance: Later
Guild Info: Mission Completed-26(20 rank D Mission, 2 rank C mission, 4 rank B mission)
Guild Rank: Level 21, Rank D
Bio: Stream is an orphan when he was 5 years old, after his parents died he was raised by a shopkeeper named Ivan in the Arsenal City. He learn to survive in the harsh condition by tagging along with Ivan as he search item across the different world. Ivan teach and train him to fight and make him take the Guild test when he was 11 years old. Now, after 2 years working with the Guild, he already accomplish quite a lot of task but every one of them he do it himself since many of the guildmen refuse to work with him. He doesn't have any real friend until one day he meet Xeno and Myra.
Unique Item: Skull Mask


Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-04-06 05:56:40 (edited 2008-04-06 05:57:13)
Nice profiles, yet Fharis, in case you're of mixed blood you should write what bloods were mixed :) Or at least the main percentage. Oh and when everyone's done i'll write my characters.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-06 18:26:43 (edited 2008-04-06 18:29:49)
@moggle: Heh, well, i guess rping with you again will be interesting. ><...

Name: Vivi Wong
Gender: female
Homeland: Ryukai
Race: Dragon
ability: Dragon Manipulation
Bio: An orphan who wanders only with a place to be. She doesn't really have any memories of her parents or the reason why she has horns growing out of her head. the only thing which resided with her was this strange two headed dragon who never seemed to talk, but always stayed by her side and followed her orders no matter what. Humans already call her a monster for having such least the areas which she had been to, they had called her demon or such. As if she were from the makai kingdom herself. The rumors have it however, that she herself was of royal lineage due to her ability to in a way, manipulate the feelings slightly of dragons.

Name: Morihime shitsu "wong"
Gender: female
Homeland: unknown
Race: Human looking
Age: unknown
Bio: she knows nothing about herself oddly enough. Only that she was found injured in the forest one day as a little girl had passed by her. The little girl then decided to somehow treat Morihime as she got better to full health. She found herself nowhere to go and thankful that her life was saved. She decided she might as well spend the rest of her days defending Vivi until she died. the only thing which she has which may be a link to her past is the weapons she wields. Oddly, a double-sided sword containing a sort of hilt in the middle as if it were to be used as either an axe or a quatar. Only those two swords laid at her side as she awoke and is rarely seem without them.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-04-08 06:58:25 (edited 2008-04-13 16:10:14)
@MrEasy: Heh, welcome back, my old friend :) I think exactly :) Btw, nice profiles.
@All: Since noone else's joining i'll start the RP for now. Guess starting with a few people can be good too. If someone will be interested - they'll join later :)

For now, my profiles:
Name: Akumu Tsurara
Gender: Female
Homeland: Ryukai
Race: Dragon
Age: 17(appearance only)

Bio: Young girl, somehow related to a legendary dragon, Akumu Ryuu. Nothing's certain about her, but that she's a member of Arsenal for a three years. Her ability is to use paper wards and a daggers to activate spells. Those wards and daggers are summoned by her. Has a slightly easygoing, but kind personality.
Unique Item: Ring of Cold Breeze. Allows to store several finished wards and daggers, so she wouldn't have to generate them from nothing at the heat of the battle.
Main Task: Purification

Name: Kita Kaze
Gender: Male
Homeland: Earth(Ningenkai)
Race: Human
Age: 19

Bio: A student of Akumu Ryuu, who's sent with Tsurara in order to train. His weapon is a grappling hook.
Unique Item: Grappling Hook, charged with paralization powers.
Main Task: Immobilization

Name: Megumi Senio
Gender: Female
Homeland: Tenkai
Race: Valkyrie
Age: 15(appearance only)
Appearance: A girl with a long pink twintails. Wears a blue maid outfit and a light body armor. (Appearance's taken from the game "Little My Maid" if i'm correct.)
Bio: Despite her looks, she has her own Spear Valkyrie squad. Unrivaled with it. Unrelated with Arsenal, but her squad sometimes help Tsurara, as Senio and her team serve Akumu Ryuu. Has a kind valorous personality.

Name: Megumi Rin
Gender: Female
Homeland: Tenkai
Race: Valkyrie
Age: 15(appearance only)
Appearance: A girl with a long blonde hair. Clothing's the same as Senio's. (Taken from the same. Those three characters' appearances are based on three characters from that game)
Bio: Senio's older sister and a member of her squad. A bit selfish.

Name: Megumi Abura
Gender: Female
Homeland: Tenkai
Race: Valkyrie
Age: 15(appearance only)
Appearance: Looks almost the same as Rin, but her hair's color is black.
Bio: Senio's younger sister and a member of her squad. Slightly shy personality.

Name: Koumori Kiio
Gender: Female
Homeland: Makai
Race: High Succubus
Age: 19(appearance only)

Bio: A high-class demoness. Interested in beauty and hates anything ugly. Has quite short-tempered and arrogant personality. Acts with a grace. Despide being a succubus, she's Senio's childhood friend. Accompanies Spear Valkyire squad. Fights with a sickle, that can be transformed into sickle on chain.

Name: Koumori Kyoko (Kiioko)
Gender: Female
Homeland: Makai
Race: Succubus
Age: 17(appearance only)

Biio: Kiio's young sister. Share the same interests, but unlike her sister she's more easygoing and calm. Has the same fighting style.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-09 20:11:23
@ALRIGHT!~! Since no one knows how the heck to start this RP off, let me get this thing started with some random scriptish dialogue, buahahahahaha

Argh...i feel like what i wrote sounded so bad...just somehow...hahahaha

@Moggle - I started to write my rping in script form, it doesn't really matter, but if u want, i could revert back to my fanfic writing days of dialoging XD and i know not on how the heck your going to control that many characters lol


Vivi: I don't understand, but i feel a little bit unsettled when we arrived here...

Dragon: *grunts*

Vivi: Indeed, it seems like within this world, there are not many of our own which wanders around here, i suppose we must be careful.

After a few steps forward within a forest within North America...

Morihime: Vivi-sama, I have come back to report of the area which we have arrived. It seems it is populated with the other mythical creatures not like ourselves such as the elven, dwarven, and other raves.

Vivi: Mori-chan!!! *pout* I told you to stop calling me -sama. Just because i didn't want you to die doesn't mean you should devote your life to me! Go find a boyfriend...or girlfriend...hehe...and live life!!

Morihime: That would be a negative, i could not let myself leave your side, not as long as i know that you have saved my life in a previous time. I will always stay by your side Vivi-sama...

Vivi: Ohhhh...*bleeech* fine, but stop calling me -sama, lets go to the nearest village. Go dragon-channie! *giggle*

Dragon: *Grunts*

They then started to head out closer to fantasy city.

Morihime: Vivi-sama, i don't believe it is such a good idea to bring your dragon along with you to the city, they may panic since dragons are rare within this world.

Vivi: But...who will I ride with then *sniffle* I don't want to leave my draggie behind either.

Dragon: *whimper*

Morihime: I can carry you, it will be of no harm for myself to do so...and the dragon can easily wait a few days...he IS devoted to you right?

Dragon: *HMPH*

The dragon then looked at Morihime with a sharp glare to prove he was of greater loyalty then her.

Vivi: Fine...I don't exactly want any trouble either...

Morihime: Wise choice Vivi-sama, even i don't believe i would be able to escape when we already entered the village.

Dragon: *whimper*

Vivi: It's ok, we'll be back, don't worry!

They then left the dragon within the forest as they walked closer to the city...

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Sagara on 2008-04-09 22:22:53 (edited 2008-04-29 03:48:29)
@MrEasy: Welcome back as well, rp friend. :) Nice profiles.

Name: Zaraki Kazuya
Gender: Male
Homeland: Ryukai
Race: Dragon
Age: 19(appearance only)
Appearance: A young man with short pure black hair. Wears purely black outfit under a long coat on his body of an white color.
Bio: Young man, somehow related to a close friend of Akumu Ryuu and the most loyal to him, Zaraki Minato. Not much else is certain, but he's a member of Arsenal for five years. His ability is to use a katana and sword-arrows to activate power attacks. The sword-like arrows are summoned by him. Has a slightly laid back, but kind personality.
Unique Item: Bracer of Blaze Aegis. Allows to store several finished sword-arrows and gives him increased fire/explosion defense.
Main task: Physical Combat

Name: Kisuke Kaji
Gender: Male
Homeland: Ningenkai
Race: Human
Age: 19
Appearance: A young man, wearing black light-armor.
Bio: A student of Zaraki Minato, who's sent with Kazuya to train. His weapon is a sword with serrated edge that can become a chainsword. Can release spikes from blade and explosions from tip.
Unique Item: Pendant of Wrath. Gives him increased strength and defense, strength increases the more he is damaged.
Main task: Demolition.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-10 03:49:34
~Makai Continent-Ruin 3rd Floor~

Inside a ruin, Xeno and Myra is walking insdie the hallway of the ruin. Xeno seems like a young explorer that is learning to be a professional explorer but actually he is a pro treasure hunter that have been exploring ruins around Makai continent. He sold some of the treasure to make money and keep some for himself. Accompanying him was a tiny fairy that sit on his shoulder named Myra. She have been with Xeno for quite a while and uncover many ruins together. Right now, they're exploring a new ruin that they found at the edge of the Makai Continent.

Myra: "Xeno~ I already told you...there's no treasure in here...let's go~ this place is scary~"

Xeno: "Don't worry, I'm positive there's treasue inside this ruin...I can smell it"

Myra: "It was I who do all the smelling....just like I said! This place have no treasure!"

Suddenly the hallway shake violently, Xeno hold tight to the wall while Myra hold Xeno's shoulder. Xeno walk slowly towards the room in front of him. As they open the door, the quake stops and right in front of them is a large hall with a huge guardian stand in front of them. Myra scream and hide inside Xeno's pocket.

Xeno: "See....I knew there's a treasure here"

Myra: "Are you blind!?...That's not a treasure!....that's a monster! Wanna me help you to spell the word 'Monster' Xeno!?"

Xeno: "If there's a monster then there's a's a simple logic"

Myra: "What kind of logic is that? Anyway...just take out that monster!"

Xeno: "Okay~"


Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-10 13:18:49
@Sagara - ^^;; hahaha, yep, rping is definitely fun to do, though i don't think i can handle going into too many rping things ehehe

~Fantasy town within douwakai~

Vivi:'s very lively within this town, i have never seen so people active before!

Morihime: According to my sources of information, i have gathered that they are preparing for a festival. Of what the occasion, however, i know not.

Vivi: How exciting, i've never heard of that which is called a festival, could we...*puppy eyes*

Morihime: Your eyes look...odd and teary, do you wish for a tissue?

Vivi: Meh...your no fun...but i want to go and explore this town, there are many interesting creatures everywhere. I want to understand how they all work!!! and how friendly they all are as well.

Morihime: If all were like you have believed to be, maybe the world would not be so tough to live in. However, forgive me for saying, but we are considered the interesting creatures within this town.

Vivi: ...*frowns a little* That's true...awwwww...i kind of wanted to meet the people around here.

Morihime: It is alright, i believe it should be fine if we take some time in order to explore, and maybe play a game or two at the festival...

Vivi: YAY!!! I love you mori-chan, i don't know what i'd do without you! *Glomps morihime*

Morihime: *blush* I do not believe we should be this close together, it may attract attention...errr...let us go...

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-04-10 14:47:47 (edited 2008-04-10 14:48:22)
@Sagara, Mreasy: Ahaha. The good old Feudal Magic world RP trio's here :D I'm looking forward to rping with you two again :)
@Night: And even Night's here :) Maybe this RP will actually live for some time now :D

In Arsenal(Tsurara):
Tsurara was resting in her quarters. It was her rightful rest, as she just finished her last job a few days ago. Suddenly a door opened and Kaze barged in.
Tsurara: You're a lucky kid?
Kaze: Huh?
Tsurara: If it was any other woman you'd probably be already dead. You should know better not to barge into lady's room like this.
Kaze: Ah... crap, you're right... sorry.
Tsurara: So, what's the deal?
Kaze: Ah yes... There's a quest, that Arsenal wants us to take.
Tsurara: Despite us having rights to rest?
Kaze: It is not an order, just a request.
Tsurara: Then you do it.
Kaze: I wouldn't be able to. After all, it's about purification.
Tsurara: Ah, man, i wish the guild would finally hire others, skilled in banishing and purifying.
Kaze: There is... but he's still a trainee.
Tsurara: Fine, fine, i'll do it. So?
Kaze: Huh? Ah, yes. The problem is in Ningenkai, as usual. A small-scale portal appeared near the village in Alpine mountains.
Tsurara: So, what that has to do with me?
Kaze: Apparently the portal's existence is unnatural and a result of a certain pollution.
Tsurara: I see now. Where...
Kaze: The portal leads to Ningenkai itself. About two kilometers from the entrance. As you can see - it's an unnatural and useless dimensional loop.
Tsurara: Well, guess i'll just have to do it. I hope they'll provide me at least two weeks of a vacation after this job.
Kaze: Yes, they promised 16 days of it.
Tsurara: Great! Open the portal to Alps.
Kaze: Huh? Me?
Tsurara: There's got to be at least SOME use from you. Moreover, you have a beacon in there?
Kaze: Ah, you're right. Well then, a train heading for Ningenkai is about to leave... OUCH!
Tsurara: Shut up and do it. Man, why do i have to take care of this kid. There's no helping this guy...
Tsurara smiled gently and then entered the portal. Kaze followed her in a few seconds.

In Ningenkai(Senio):
Somewhere in Australia, Senio and her group was standing near a heap of green bodies.
Rin: Those wild orcs are appearing in this place more and more often.
Kiio: What an ugly existences.
Rin: Don't worry about it. After all you got to destroy them, right?
Kiio: What an ugly ex-existences.
Kyoko: It's useless. When Neesan's like this she can hear nothing.
Abura: Umm... didn't you also hate ugly things?
Kyoko: I did, but her case's critical.
Senio: Stop slacking! We still have to find that portal.
Kiio: What a disgusting faces.
Senio: KIIO! Get a hold of yourself!
Kyoko: Ah, Senio's so cute when she commands...
Senio: Wha...
Kiio: Yeah...
Kyoko: I thought so...
Senio: You're okay now?
Kiio: Yeah. Sorry for that.
Rin: Heh, it seems like Senio's so cute that she fixes Kiio instantly.
Kiio&Kyoko: True...
Senio: Y-O-U...
Kiio: Relax, Senio. We're somewhere near that portal for sure.
Senio: How come?
Kiio: That's Abura's observation. Let her explain herself.
Abura: Huh? Me?
Senio: Don't get shy on me. Split it out.
Abura: But...
Kiio&Senio: RIGHT NOW!
Senio: Kiio, you're the one to talk.
Abura: Well, it's just my observation, but we met those orcs nine times for last three days. We met one on first day, three on second day. Today it was five groups. And we were moving around, so apparently the numbers of orcs are greater next to the portal.
Senio: Jeez, if only you'd say out your ideas loudly like that always. You're too afraid of making a mistake that your genius is wasted.
Abura: My... genius that is...
Senio: It's true.
Rin: We should hurry.
Senio: You're right.
Kyoko: She's jealous of Abura for sure.
Rin: Shut up!
Kyoko: Yeah, yeah. Can't admit the truth as usually.
Kiio: Kyoko. You're acting ungraceful.
Kyoko: You're the one to talk. How you was just a minute ago.
Kiio: KYOKO!
Kyoko: Forgive me, Neesan.
Kiio: Now you're acting as you should. Come on, we have to search...

(Let's say, that is how i'm planning to control all those characters :D)

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-10 18:33:50
@Moggle - Holy crap those are a LOT of names ><...mind if i not really know your characters because 7 ppl talking is...><... eehehe...yea >>... Anywayssss...just inform me if u interact with my characters lol, cause i'm probably not going to realize it...

Vivi: BAM!!! And that panda is MINE!

Morihime: Well done Vivi-sama...

Vivi: *mutter* It would be a lot better if you weren't so...sarcastic sounding...

Morihime: But...vivi-sama, i am not at all!

Vivi: I know...and that's what makes it even worse...

Morihime: I see, i must research this...sarcasm and understand it so I may please you further within the future.

Vivi: Ughh...><...

Morihime: Is there anything which is displeasing?

Vivi: No...nevermind, anyway, i believe it is about time which we should find an area to stay at.

Morihime: According to my sources, i believe the safest area would be the elven hotel which should be about 50 ft east.

Vivi: Alright then, we should head over there.

Morihime: When we arrive, we must talk for a bit, there is a bit of...concerning information which i have found out which i could not tell you before.

Vivi: Alright, later then...but after were going to see the finale fireworks!!!

Morihime: Well...I don't see why not, but i must always be at your side Vivi-sama incase something unprecidented occurs.

As they walked they reached the elven hotel which was littered with many vines.

Elf girl: Welcome!!! We have special rooms...JUST FOR YOU!!! *poses*

Vivi: That is so COOL!!! Mori-chan, lets go go go!!!

Morihime: Odd...alright Vivi-sama, let us check in, and thank you for your introduction Elven girl.

Elf girl: No problem!!! My names Natsuro if you ever need me! So...what race are you two anyway?

Vivi: Easy, were *MMMPHHH*

Morihime: Don't mind Vivi-sama, we are simply human travelers, however she was playing with super glue which i had warned her not to and stuck our recently obtained dragon horns upon her head.

Natsuro: I see... Anyways, as i can see you have no luggage, please go ahead and check in.

Morihime: Indeed, what room is open clerk?

Clerk: Room 207, it is 50 gold per person per night.

Morihime: Alright. *gives money*

Clerk: Thank you for your patronage *accepts money and gives keys.

Morihime: Vivi-sama, let us leave to our rooms and get settled down.

Vivi: Right Mori-chan!!! Fireworks, fireworks, fireworks!!!

After they had left.

Natsuro: They seem loaded father...Did u notice the horns upon her head?

Clerk: It seems that those were real, those fetch high prices around here.

Natsuro: But if she really is a true dragon, they could kill us instantly father.

Clerk: Were in hard times...nothing is going well anymore Natsuro...forgive me...We must just continue to believe the lady when she said that those horns were super glued on.

Natsuro: But...then we would have to kill the two of them...

Clerk: I understand...but we are in no position otherwise...i am sorry my daughter.

Natsuro: *sniff* I hate bloodshed...

Clerk: Hard times hits all hard...

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Sagara on 2008-04-10 18:53:48
In Seireikai(Kazuya):

Kazuya and Kaji were on a quest in the Spirit World, to eliminate a rogue group of demons. They were now battling some of it's members.
Kaji: These guys are annoying...
Kazuya blocked an attack directed at Kaji with a sword-arrow and stabbed the attacker in the neck.
Kazuya: Try not to get TOO distracted...You would've been hit if not for me.
Kazuya parried two demons' attacks and Kaji swung his sword, sending spikes into their bodies.
Kaji: I'll have to remember that... I'll pay you back.
Kazuya cut down a few more and only three were left.
Demon: Maybe we should retreat-
The demon was stabbed through the chest with Kazuya's sword.
Kazuya: Finish off the others Kaji...
Kaji: Very well...I got it clearly.
Kaji converted his chainsword back into a long sword and slashed the demons.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-11 03:13:54 (edited 2008-04-11 22:29:18)
~Makai-Oasis Demon Town~

Oasis Demon Town is one of the town inside the Makai Continent. It was one of the town that have been build on the oasis and prosper. Oasis Demn Town is the 4th largest city on the Makai Continent and have all the necessity that a traveler and explorer needs. As usual, it was run by demons. Inside one of the appraisal shop, Xeno and Myra are getting their treasure valued.

Shopkeeper: "Which ruin this time Xeno?" *look at the treasue*

Xeno: "South! Right at the edge of the Continent"

Shopkeeper: "Well....that is a good news since usually...the South area are populated by Human long ago, so those ruins must be theirs"

Myra: "Come on, how much is the value of that piece?"

Shopkeeper: "30000g at least...this is well made"

Xeno: "30000g? For that piece!? That's great!"

Shopkeeper: "I'll buy it from you"

Xeno: "Deal!"

Myra: "Yay~! We can sleep in the inn tonight! and have a proper food for once"

Shopkeeper: "Here you go" *toss a bag of money to Xeno*

Xeno: "By the way you have any lead on other ruins inside this continent"

Shopkeeper: "Still not satisfied huh? Very well, there's 2 more Huge ruin in the Makai Continent and both of them unexplored since the one who go there, never come back. I can give you the map...1000g please"

Xeno: "Gah! I know this won't be free"

Shopkeeper: "Come on I'm not running a charity here....I give you a bonus, I'll give you another continent's ruin for 1500g...okay?"

Xeno: "Okay! Here you go" *give 1500g to the shopkeeper*

Shopkeeper: "Nice doing business with you Xeno" *give the maps*

Xeno: "Later ossan" *walk out of the shop*


Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-11 04:11:52
-Douwakai Central Town-

*When Lyka reached town, it was filled with people and its so hard to get by. She struggled her way through. She kept tripping and getting squeezed. Finally, she tumbled her way out and fall on the groundwith her face flat. She shook her head and slowly reached a note in her back pocket and looked at it*

Lyka: "Eh.. ? Where is Okasan's potion shop?.. It should be here somewhere.."

*She slow got up and started brushing herself. She looked around and realizes that there are about 10 potion shops.*

Lyka: "Great.. now i have to go inside of each.."

*Lyka just picked a random store and looked in*

Continuing later --

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-04-11 07:26:20
@MrEasy: Well, i'll try to read most of posts in here. The idea of superglue was slightly overly unrealistic, but considering Morihime's personality she may actually think it's convincing :)

Tsurara: So, where is the portal.
Kaze: According to my information, that i...
Tsurara: Get to the point.
Kaze: Yeah... it should be somewhere around here.
Tsurara: Huh? You don't know for sure?
Kaze: Well, yeah.
Tsurara: Oh, no choice. We'll have to visit this village and ask them if anything weird recently happened.
Kaze: Sorry for being useless.
Tsurara: Oh, don't worry, i never expect anything of you, so you can't give me any troubles.
Kaze: Oh, jeez, thanks for trust.
The two got into a village and visited a pub.
Tsurara: Kaze, you go ask the bartender - he may know. I'll ask the commoners.
Kaze: Sure.
Tsurara: Umm, may i have a question?
Commoner: Burp... eehh.
Tsurara: Forget it. You there, can i ask a question?
Commoner: Y... yes.
Tsurara: I'll ask it straight - was there anything weird happening lately?
Commoner: Wei... rd you say........ Hmm... well, now that you men... tion this, one of ou... r villagers disappeared during the hunt.
Tsurara: In the mountains?
Commoner: Yes.
Tsurara: Do you know where it was?
Commoner: I was a mem... ber of that hunt.
Tsurara: Great. Oh, by the way, that villager should be okay and he'll probably return soon.
Commoner: How do you know?
Tsurara: There's a portal in the mountains, but it teleports into some place nearby. If only he wasn't eaten by wild beasts, what i doubt, he'll appear, as soon as he understands where he is.
Commoner: Oh, that's g... ood news.
Tsurara: But to avoid this, could you please lead us to the place, where he disappeared?
Commoner: Sure, but i'm...
Tsurara: We'll wait until you're in a normal state.
Commoner: In that case you should ask hun... t leader. He should live in that big hou... se.
Tsurara: I thank you. Kaze!
Kaze: What?
Tsurara: Buy this person a mug of beer.
Kaze: Why me...
Tsurara: Quit complaining.
Having said that she left the pub. In a few minutes, Kaze followed her.
Kaze: Sorry, i heard the rumor...
Tsurara: Stop. I already know about this. And we might have found a person, who can lead us there.

Rin: So, that is the portal.
Senio: Considering we had to fight monsters, who just appeared out of nowhere - of course it's here.
Kiio: So... how are we supposed to close it then?
Rin: ...
Senio: ...
Kyoko: You mean you don't know?!
Senio: We thought Kiio knows. She opened and closed portals to get here from Makai.
Kiio: That's from Makai and those were my portals. And i didn't close them - they disappeared after a few minutes on their own.
Abura: Umm... shouldn't we call Arsenal for this kind of situation?
Senio: Hmm... for now that's the only possible option. But we got all the way here.
Abura: Then, should someone go send a message to them, while others will guard the gate?
Senio: No need in going anywhere. I have a device, that can submit a request right here.
Abura: How come?
Senio: Tsurara's gift. Done, message sent.
Kiio: So, our further plans? After all, we wait here and guard the gates?
Senio: Yes and no. Everyone, commands! Rin - you go back to town and wait in there for anyone to come from Arsenal. Abura, you stay here with me and guard the gates. Kiio and Kyoko, scout the area around here, searching for more orcish squads.
Rin: Shouldn't Abura go back to town? Since i won't mind staying here, while she'll be troubled with it.
Abura: No, i...
Senio: Do you really think she'll be able to meet people from Arsenal and explain them everything?
Rin: Uh... i'll be going then.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-11 11:06:22
@Moggle - Ehehehe, well, vivi is pretty ditzy and well, Morihime is always serious so it's hard to look at it any differently XD

Morihime: The has changed since we have arrived within here.

Vivi: What are you talking about Mori-chan? I don't sense anything... Maybe your just getting old hehe

Morihime: I will take that into thought Vivi-sama, though in this case, i don't believe my premonition is something we should take lightly.

Suddenly the door crashed

Morihime: My point exactly...Oh my, i don't believe i have ever seen them before, i believe their called minotaurs... Why exactly are you here for though?

Minotaur: Obviously, it is for the horns which spouts upon the girl's head next to you. I request you hand it over or we use force!

Mino: YES!!! We need money for our next food tab, and unfortunately for the two of you, those horns are what we need in order to see the next day.

Vivi: Mori-chan...i'm scared...

Morihime: You need not worry, from what I have heard, Minotaurs are prideful creatures unlike these degenerates. Therefore, i can easily tell they are weak without pride and most likely have no brains of their own.

Vivi: Don't kill them....please...

Morihime: Your wish is my command, if we may take this fight outside?

Minotaur: HMPH* It matters not, the two of us are known throughout the town are the brotherly minos...with our special temwork brotherly love!!! No one dares go against our group, may you say your prayers *snort*

Mino: Yea!!! What big bro said!

Morihime: may you realize what a mistake you have done at the end, for you will live and suffer for crossing our paths.

Vivi: Mori-chan...don't intimidate them!!!

Morihime: Forgive me Vivi-sama, i did not believe their minds would understand anyway...

Minotaur: Just because we don't understand what suffer and live means,..and maybe degenerate and mistake...doesn't mean were going to regret crossing your path. Once were done, the horns will be ours, and we'll be rich along with those elf people!!!

Mino: Their only getting 20% of the profit brother.

Morihime: *glares* Did you just say...elven? Hmph...i was wrong to perceive we would have been safer within a hotel. My premonitions never lie to matters not though.

Vivi: It is because...i'm a...

Morihime: It matters not what you are, but who you are. That is the very first thing you tought me vivi-sama, and i will not back down to anyone who wishes you harm.

They all walked outside...the four of a plain manner...out the front door, past the father and daughter watching...pretty plain and a circle crowd gathered around just to watch like any other area.

Morihime: I will finish this dispute quickly, we wish to watch the fireworks tonight...

Vivi: Don't hurt them too much Mori-chan!!! If you're too serious, you tend to go on killing sprees!

Morihime: It will take nothing more then 20% of my strength to take down these oafs.

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2008-04-11 15:41:37
@MrEasy, Sagara: Well, for now i suggest everyone should develop their own stories and get used to characters, but how about we meet later on? Or even better - in some parts our stories would cross, like we'll meet for a duration certain event or something. :)

Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by on 2008-04-11 23:05:57
~Makai-Oasis Demon Town(Kuro Restaurant)~

Xeno and Myra is having lunch inside the restaurant. The restaurant filled with demons but there's some human inside it. From the look of it, the human seems like merchants, which is not an unusual things since they sometime send some item and supply to the town. However, the job as the delivery boy here is quite dangerous since some of the demon here doesn't care much about human and attack them. Xeno can't remember how many of them fall into the demon hands. It's been quite a while since Xeno glance at the human and Myra who sat on the table while eating in his mini plate starting to get irritated.


Xeno: "Whoa! I hear you...please, don't yell"

Myra: "Really? Well then, you should know that the other 2 ruins needs special license for us to enter it right?"

Xeno: "Eh~ Can't we go like we used to do. Just break into the ruins and fight the monster in there?"

Myra: "Just like I said, these ruins need special license to enter. Since it was to dangerous, one organization have taken over to observe it. They're a group of specialist that do these kind of job. We need their permission first"

Xeno: "So what is the name of the organization?"

Myra: "Arsenal Guild"

Then they heard plates breaking on the floor and Xeno turnaround to see some of the demon crowding around the human. Just as he expected, some demon will start to do something towards the human, though Night already knew who was at the center of this mess. It was a demon name Crow, Crow Quake. He was the leader of bad demon here in the Oasis Demon Town. The one crowding the human was his henchmen.

Demon1: "Hey....who told you to sit here huh? This is our special reserve sit. For a human, you really looking for trouble outside your own territory eh~"

Human: "Quiet, don't you have some manners. Ah! I forgot, you demon doesn't even know what is the meaning of manners....Do you want me to teach you some?"

Demon1: "Kill that boy!"


Re: Arsenal RP(Please join in)
Link | by Sagara on 2008-04-12 04:52:52
@Moogle: I was thinking something along those lines. Since three of us have dragon characters.

~Seireikai-Rukon Forest~

Kaji finished off the two demons by parrying their attacks and slashing them, Kazuya had already sheathed his sword and observed.
Kaji: I am done with them...Shall we continue?
Kazuya looked at Kaji as he sheathed his sword.
Kazuya: Yes...The sooner we eliminate these demons, the better..
Kazuya and Kaji continued on in search of the other members of the group.
Kaji: So how old are you really?
Kazuya: Why the sudden curiosity..?
Kaji: I heard somewhere that dragons are much older than they look in human form.
Kazuya: Its true what you heard.
Kaji: So whats your real age then?
But they arrived at their destination before Kazuya responded.
Kazuya: Leave that question for another time...We're here.
Kaji: Fine then...Let's end this mission and report back.
More demons appeared several minutes later.
Demon1: How did you get passed our men?
Kazuya: Simple...We just cut them down.
Demon2: You killed them?!Let's get them!"
That demon charged at Kazuya with his axe drawn only to be cut across the chest by Kazuya, dropping dead. The other demons attacked.
Kaji: Let's get rid of these henchmen...Blast!
Kaji swung his chainsword and releases a explosion from his blade. He immediately fired spikes at them, impaling anyone they hit, four of them fall.
Kazuya: Don't remind me, just kill them.
Kazuya formed a sword-arrow in his right hand and counters several attacks, killing four demons.
Kaji: Eight down...Six more to go.
Kazuya took out another two demons. Two more powerful demons suddenly appear as Kaji kills one.
Ribel: Look what they did boss...Shall we clear them?
Chrome: Uh, eliminate them, they'll regret it.
Ribel dashed at Kaji who evades. Ribel revealed thin blades and used them as claws. Chrome ran at Kazuya and swung his large broadsword. Kazuya blocked with his sword but was pushed back by the sheer force.
Chrome: Shockwaves released from my blade...
Kazuya: Interesting...See if this hurts you.
Kazuya pointed a sword-arrow at Chrome's head and released a blast then jumped back. Kaji blocked Ribel and released spikes

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

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