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FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 01:21:28 (edited 2008-02-23 04:46:57)

The Fate of Flaevefreine

This is my second RP on Gendou!!
Hope you join!
I'm sorry if the plot is really quite long,but that's for the best!!
(please read the plot and everything below)

The Plot:

The World was ruled by highclass race named Etu, a humanlike elf race which have Intelligent Quotient about 250-300.
Etu's intelligency and orderliness was built the world into a great new world that you ever knew.
Etu clan was divided into two society, the Shiny Eyes and The Dark Eyes

The Shiny Eyes Society, was society of Etu Clan which had blue,green,or cyan iris on their pupils.
The Shiny Eyes were the kindness to the nature.They use their intelligence to improve their society but always take care of nature.
They never use their intelligency into any negative forms and actions.

The otherside, The Dark Eyes were all of Etu's clan which had red, black, or brown iris on their eyes. The Dark Eyes were the sins for the nature.
They used their intelligence for their own greedy without pay any attention to the nature.The Dark Eyes always made troubles and chaos everywhere.
They always did evil actions for their own glory.

But,however, The Shiny Eyes and The Dark Eyes lived in different territory. And the ratio of Shiny Eyes and Dark Eyes is 100:10.
So, The Dark Eyes is more less than Shiny Eyes.

The Etu Clan were believed in a sacred book named "Rraefall" .
Rraefall was found by the first Etu named Alazor Mythuia, the First Etu King. Rraefall contained all of the world predictions, such as disasters or glory.
All of the world's fate depend on what Rraefall would write.Rraefall was found in a place called Flaevefreine.

The world was in peace and never meet any problems,,
Then,,after 3000 years, Rraefall predicted that the world would became end, if Shiny Eyes and Dark Eyes was born their last baby.
No one of The Etu knew when the baby would born.

Soon after Rraefall predicted it, born two babies on the opposite side. The Shiny Eyes baby was named "Riordan Ethelind",and The Dark Eyes baby was named "Aelhaern Maelgwyn".
No one even knew that the two babies was the last Etu's baby in the world.

Then Riordan and Aelhaern became older and older, their fate led them into a conflict. Riordan was the most powerful and superior warrior of The Shiny Eyes now.
He became the leader of Shiny Armies since he was the best warrior of Shiny Eyes. The otherside, Aelhaern was the leader oh The Dark Armies after he killed the previous leader.
Aelhaern used his power to exploit and corrupt the nature to destroy Shiny Eyes.

Then after all of their power exposed, people realized that Riordan and Aelhaern were the two babies of Last Etu Clan,,
Since Riordan and Aelhaern was known as the Youngest Etu and there was no one born after them.

After 30 years, Aelhaern's chaos had ruled mostly 90% of the world territory. Not only The Shiny Eyes was suffered from Aelhaern,but The Dark Eyes too.
Aelhaern destroyed everything he didn't like,even his own society! Riordan now called by his fate to face with Aelhaern. Their armies battled for their own,either greediness or independence.
The battle lasted for a year, the world was destroyed everywhere and sure it would meet the end.

Etu Clan was destroyed. They were killed,except Riordan and Aelhaern. Final battle of the end began. Riordan and Aelhaern slashed their sword each other. They stab each other and blood scattered everywhere.
The battle seems like never met its ending.But..

At last, Riordan finally stopped Aelhaern's chaos after his sword slashed through Aelhaern's body and dropped Aelhaern's blood. But the good wasn't all.
Aelhaern made an attack suddenly before he lost his breath. Riordan would be die too. Knowing that hw would die and the world would be destroyed, Riordan used his last power to enchant a spell to the world.
"In the name of Holy Rraefall would locked the tears and sorrow into lights, then sacrifice our blood to recover and regain the true, true new glory. Let the fate continues from our scattered blood and roots to the new world!"

Then Riordan smashed his sword through Aelhaern, and then Riordan fell to the Earth. The two was gone. But, miraculously, from their bodies grew a gigantic tree. A shiny tree that grew rapidly,On the sacred place where Riordan and Aelhaern battled.
A sacred place where Rraefall was found,Flaevefreine.

Then tree shone,and revived 99 Etu's people,included Riordan's wife and Aelhaern's wife, Erna and Mathia.But Riordan and Aelhaern not.
The people was shocked by their revival, but the most shocking event was when Erna and Mathia suddenly have given birth.
The babies was gifted a miracle, when they spoke to the world and the 99 Etu. " We are the generation of Ethelind and Maelgwyn. For their sacred blood, the world become peace. Now, Etu will have known as Ethelind Race and Maelgwyn Race.Ethelind race is the generation of Riordan, and Maelgwyn is the generation of Maelgwyn.
Now our faith must become to the shiny tree that was reborn you to life, it will give all the answers for our life"
Then, Etu decided to gain a peace, and deleted the different society of them. Now there was only Ethelind and Maelgwyn Race.

The World was in peace and glory after it. Ethelinds and Maelgwyns rebuilt the world to new era of Etu Clan.
Ethelinds and Maelgwyns built their own territories and supported each other,and lived as well.
Now they were believed in the sacred tree and they named it "Flaevefreine",the same name as the place where the tree grew.
But,they never knew what the tree supposed to be.They lived in peace and never hurt each other,until..

After 100 years, Ethelinds and Maelgwyns were surprised by the Flaevefreine Tree. That tree grew a fruit that shone brightly,and that was the first time Flaevefreine grew a fruit.
They saved the fruit and kept it in temple. But, soon after the fruit was found, disaster struck Maelgwyn's territories and destroyed half of its cultural. The otherside, Ethelinds got their age of glory and got many advantages for their own race.
Ethelinds and Maelgwyn were full of questions about the terrible disaster and all the surprising events. at last they have no idea..
The fact is that some of Maelgwyns people was used their intelligence to do evil actions to the nature, and Ethelinds was used their technologies to improve and helped the nature.
The real characteristics of Riordan Ethelind and Aelhaern Maelgwyn was approached.
The good and the evil was played again...
Ethelinds helped Maelgwyn and the World became balanced again.

Next 100 years, the fruit of Flaevefreine grew again. But this time, Ethelind must took the disaster for their own. The otherside, Maelgwyns now got their ages of glory.
The fact is that some of Ethelinds have did criminalities in their own territories and made chaos in there. The Maelgwyns now recovered the nature and did many things for the world's safety.
This confusing events have made some of Ethelinds and Maelgwyns philosophers tried to search the truth of this events and thought "is fruit of Flaevefreine the reason for these events?"

After 10 years,now they knew the fact. All of the events happened in this world depends on everything they did in last 100 years. The tree recorded all that was happened and recorded it in the fruit.
Then the fruit would drop the fate to the world.If one of the two races did something wrong,but the other didn't, then disaster will strike the "evil" race, and glory will hang on the other race.
This truth have made all of Ethelinds and Maelgwyns in fear. They now waited for the next events.
They have tried to destroy the Flaevefreine tree, but disaster struck again to the two races.
And now, they did everything for their own race by selfish,so the egoism was appeared again.

Then,some of Ethelinds and Maelgwyns formed their own organization. Ethelinds formed Mignon Organization, and Maelgwyns formed Novos Organization.
Maelgwyns formed Novos in purpose to destroy Ethelinds and rule the world for their own,so the "cursing fate" will disappear.
Ethelinds formed Mignon in purpose to protect the world from "evil" Maelgwyns, before the Maelgwyns disturb the Flaevefreine fate and make the world into chaos.
Now,they have formed the new conflict of Etu Clan..
Where's the sacred Rraefall gone?
What will The Flaevefreine predicts in the next?
Players,its your choice to decide, which side you will play...

The Game

Players, the RP is start in year 3300,
1 years before the next Flaevefreine fruit will grow.

The Rules:

-No God mode, you are NOT invulnerable,so you may suffer from damages and no perfect dodging from enemies attack. (especially other player's attack)

-If you attack another player,please let the attacked player decide is the attack miss or hit. Don't write without permission of another player

-No Mecha

-Please interact with other players.

-If you want to leave this RP, make your character(s) died,lost,or everything that will never effect the other players, so the RP can continue and not stuck because of you.

In this RP,the main settings is:


The Map:
(I'll update The Map..sorry if the map is bad..^^ I use Paint)

I lists the territories and the cities:

+Ethelinds cities are:

1.Eufrius (you can found Castle,Inn,Blacksmith,Cavaliers Capital,Monument of Riordan)

2.Zebulon (Inn,Blacksmith,Stable)

3.Athelstone (Inn,Wizards Capital,Magic Shop,)

4.Lucretia (Inn,Blacksmith,Mignon Headquarters)

5.Halcynon (Inn,Champions Capital,Blacksmith)

6.Peveril (Inn, Blacksmith,Arbalests Capital)

7.Ingeborg (Watch Towers, Fort,Gate)

+Maelgwyns cities are:

8.Singlaire (Castle,Inn,Blacksmith,Lancers Capital,Edge of Aelhaern)

9.Cavanachg(Inn,Marksmen Capital,Blacksmith)

10.Langley(Inn,Blacksmith,Novos Headquarters,Stable)

11.Llewellyn(Inn,Blacksmith,Assassins Capital)

12.Granville(Inn,Necromancers Capital,Witch Shop)


14.Ichabod(Watch Towers,Fort,Gate)

15.Epsilon River
(I'll update the map)

Yellow Marked Place+Flaevefreine Sacred Place

1.Flavefreine Tree
2.The Guardian of the Fruit
Note: You may add other building in your posts if you want (example: your character house,etc)

The Buildings explanation:

-Castle: Main Building. This is where the Leader of Race located
-Inn: a place you can rest and buy food,etc. You can also meet everyone here
-Blacksmith: you can buy armors and weaponry here
-Stable: here you can hire monster to ride
-Magic/Witch Shop: sells every magic stuff for Wizard/Necromancer Class
-Organization Headquarters: the main base of the organization leader and members
-(Class) Capital: Headquarters of available class
-Fort: Defensive Castle located on main Gate
-Watch Tower: Defensive Building Located on main gate
-The Guardian of The Fruit: a place where the guardians of the next sacred fruit located, they protect the tree from anything colud happens.

The System

-The Races

+Ethelind Race:
The Ethelind Race is the generation of Riordan Ethelind,the last Etu Shiny Eyes.

-Shiny Eyed:blue,green,or cyan iris on eyes
-Ethelinds were advanced in magic and biotechnics knowledge,so Ethelinds good in using soul power and mental,but weak in machinery technologies.
-Ethelinds have potential power in their minds and called "Berserker"(you can make your own Berserker mode with your very own function)

+Maelgwyn Race:
The Maelgwyn Race is the generation of Aelhaern Maelgwyn,the last Etu Dark Eyes.

-Dark Eyed:red,black,or brown iris on eyes
-Maelgwyns were advanced in machinery and artificial kit technology,so Maelgwyns good in using machinery technologies.But weak at soul power and mental.
-Maelgwyns intelligence is greater than Ethelinds, they can exchange one body organ and replace it with artificial organ(artificial organ have it own function,you can create the function)

-The Classes

Ethelinds and Maelgwyns have their own culture,so the classes is deifferent too. You may have your unique skill for your character (max.4 skills,except for magician classes max. 8 skills)

+Ethelind Race Available Classes:

A melee attack unit class.Champions are swordman units with huge strength.The Strongest class in this RP.Champions equipped with Silver armor.
Champions are excels versus another melee units but weak versus a mass units of archers. Champions are strong but their speed is moderate.
Available weapons(your character unique weapon types if your class is Champions)
-Two Handed Sword(no Shield)
-One Handed Sword(no Shield)
-Lance(no Shield)

A melee attack unit class. Swordman unit but not strong as Champions but its armor is heavier than Champions class.Equipped with Gold armor and Shield.
Cavaliers are excels versus long range units but moderate versus other melee units. Cavaliers speed is moderate.
Available weapons
-One Handed Sword with Shield
-One Handed Lance with Shield

A long range attack unit class. Archery units with shoot range at 0,8 km.Arbalest armor is leather armor,so the defense is lighter than meele units.
Arbalests are strong versus any unit at range,but weak in close combat. Arbalests speed is quite high.
Available weapons

A nature magics unit class. Long ranged unit with powerful magic, they can attack many enemies with magics.They use nature power to summon magics(see explanation of elements below). But Wizards armor is the worst than the other class.
Wizards equipped with feather armor. Wizards are very strong in magic attack but with no defense,very weak in close combat.
Available weapons
-Spell book

Gunpowder unit class. Shoot range at 0,4 km. Gunslinger uses a revolver with six bullet slots. Gunslinger class equipped with feather armor.
Gunslinger attack speed is higher than Sniper class.(put your attention here). Gunslinger speed is high,but gunpowder units (Gunslinger and Sniper) are not good in dodging.
Gunslinger good against units at range but weak in close combat.
Available weapons

+Maelgwyns Race Available Classes

A light melee attack unit class. Melee attack unit with moderate attack but the speed is high. They can attack so fast and dodge rate is quite high.
But however the damage isn't strong as Champions and Cavaliers and Lancers.Assassins are moderate versus all class type.
Equipped with Bronze armor. Assassins speed is best.
Available weapons
-Dagger(you can use both left and right hands)
-Shortsword(you can use both left and right hands)

Another melee unit class. Lancers and Cavaliers are look like a same,but Lancers uses only lances without swords.
They use shields too. But Lancers have their own weapon type,Pole Axe(Lance with a small axe on its top)
Lancers are excels versus archery units,but moderate versus other melee units. Lancers speed is moderate.
Available weapons
-Pole Axe with Shield
-One Handed Lance with Shield

Another archery unit. Marksmen can shoot at range of 0,5 km.But,their power is more than Arbalests,they use arrowlike-bolt to shoot the enemies.
Marksmen are strong versus any types of enemies at range,but weak in close combat. Marksmen speed is moderate.
Available weapons
-Mini Ballista(Small Ballista-like Crossbow)

A Dark Magic unit class. Necromancers enchants black magic and spirit at enemies to corrupt them. They can summon zombies and undead creatures and decrease the mental of enemies.
Same as Wizards,Necromancers are weak defense unit.They equipped with feather armor. Necromancers strong versus all class but weak at close combat.
Available weapons
-Spell book

Gunpowder unit class. Sniper can shoot on range of 1 km. But,its attack speed is terribly worst.(put attention on this,sniper class can't fire rapidly). Sniper uses a rifle with two bullets slots. The damage is heavier than Gunslinger.
Sniper class armored with feather armor. Sniper is very good in long range combat,but weak in close combat.
Available Weapons

Explanation for Skills,Elements,Berserker mode and Artificial Body kit

Skills and Elements
You may have some skill for your character with their limits.
For melee and range units(except wizards and necromancers),you only have maximum 4 skills.
But,because magician type only attack with magics,you can have maximum 8 skills.

These are the type of Elements:

The elements cycle:
It means that fire is weak against water but strong versus earth,water is weak versus wind but strong against fire and etc.
You can use the elements for your unique weapon,but only one element you could put in your unique weapon.

For magician class,Wizard basically have Holy element but can't have Dark element,and Necromancer have Dark Element but can't have Holy element.
And magician class,you can have 3 type of your magic's element(include your basic element,Holy or Dark).

Magics for example:
-[Holy/Fire]: Jujika(Fire Cross) it means your magic element is Dark and Fire
-[Dark/Ice]: Gravitial Blizzard

But you can have a single element magic,for example:
-[Ice]: Ice Frost Nova

The Element cycles are also available on melee and range skills.
For example:
-[Fire]: Black Fire Rage

Note: please you write the skills with the same criteria as above,,the formula is:

["element"]"Skill Name": "the description of the skill"

-Berserker mode is available for Ethelinds only. You can make your very own Berserker mode effect for your character,but you can only have ONE berserker mode.
But make sure that if your character use this Berserker mode,your character have it own risk(s) for using the Berserker Mode.
Berserker Mode effect type:
[Soul]this type effect orientate on magic power, such as increasing magic power etc.
[Blood]this type effect orientate on attack speed and power, such as adding damage etc.
[Flesh]this type effect orientate on defense and life, such as adding greater defense

-Artificial Body Kit is available for Maelgwyns only. You can make your own Artificial Body Kit effect for your character, but you can only have ONE artificial body kit.
Make sure that if your character use this artificial kit effect,your character have it own risk(s) for activate the artificial kit.
Artificial Body Kit Type:
[Artificial Head Parts( for example: Artificial eyes,ears,brain,,but you can only have one type)]this type effect orientate on magic power, such as increasing magic power etc.
[Artificial Hand Parts ]this type effect orientate on attack speed and power, such as adding damage etc.
[Artificial Upper Body]this type effect orientate on defense and life, such as adding greater defense

The Characters
The Races organizations have ranks and positions:

1.Leader/Leader of the Race: Arxanus Maxentia (Myself)
2.Secondary Leader:-
3.War Tactical Leader:
4.High General:
- Gish (Rastya)
- Chrome Dokuro (Renma)
- Mokuro Rokudo (Renma)
- Norgard Cain (Kyuzuryu)
-Lythia Fenrir (Kyoshiro)
-Lizax Freick (Zee)
-Blarge Maxels (Kurogami)
-Astral Clyfert (Dex)
-Vellante (Vellante)

1.Leader/Leader of The Race: Esteria (Henrietta)
2.Secondary Leader:
3.War Tactical Leader: Rastale "key" Lefandria (Key)
4.High General:
- Kenji (Kenji)
- Bhrams Von (Xero)
- Negral Solomon (Ashura)
- Nero (Light)
-Ambrossia Luna(Henrietta)

Note: I'll fill the blanks with your characters name if you joined this RP.

-Leader: The Leader of the Organization,the main commander of the Organization.He/She give the order to the members of organizations. This really a high position and must have a great RESPONSIBILITY.
-Secondary Leader: the Second leader
-War Tactical Leader: Someone who decide the next plan of organization in war(if happen)
-High General: The Best Warrior of the Organizations army

The Characteristics

Please fill these information in your character(s) profile,you may have no more than 2 characters at the same time.


Age: (Maximum age of your character is 100)

Gender: (Male/Female)



Organization and Rank: (If your race is Ethelind,the organization is Mignon.If you are Maelgwyns,the organization is Novos.. and for anyone who wanna be the leader..must be a responsible person..)

Special Mode: (Berserker Mode for Ethelinds, Artificial Body Kit for Maelgwyns)

Unique Weapon Name:(must applicable with your class,you may have a ability for your unique weapon, but no ability for shields)

Unique skills: (max. 4 skills,8 for magician classes)



Note you can have a monster to ride. Choose one from the list below:

Randall,,Maelgwyns Available..good for swimming but not so fast on land..

Griswold,,Ethelinds Available..good for swimming but not so fast on land..

Tarleton,,Maelgwyns Available..good for running on the land but can't swim..

Valdemar,,Ethelinds Available..good for running on the land but can't swim..

Note: These riding-able monsters is for riding can't uses for battling..

For example of character=

My Character:

Name: Arxanus Maxentia Ethelind

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Ethelinds

Class: Cavalier

Organization and Rank: Mignon, Leader

Special Mode:
Berserker Mode[ Blood ]
Focuses his blood tensions on his hand and makes great swing and terrifying slashing power. A 500 pound hard rock will be turns into ashes when using this power. But using this Berserker Mode will exhaust Arxanus's power and he can't use this mode for twice..he can't attack with any weapon for next day

Unique Weapon:
-Xantanus,a great one handed sword made from Mythril steel. This sword is a great remake version of Riordan's sword.. Arch Vexen..this sword was created by a legendary blacksmith named Maxus. This sword cab transform into two types, Pyro Xantanus or Arch Xantanus. Pyro Xantanus can explode fire damage and Arch Xantanus can shoots mana energy ball. Using this sword type will exhaust mana.

-Black Lunar Shield: a shield that have a same structure with Aelhaern's sword. Maxus found Aelhaern's sword fragment and make a shield with the same structure.

-[Holy]Maximilian: this skill available only when using Arch Xantanus. Use Arch Xantanus to stab the earth and explode the area with a great holy light. When the area is exploding, Arxanus covered by shield. This skill is damaging everyone near the area and causing blind.

-[Fire]Phoenix Blasting Ray: this skill available only when using Pyro Xantanus. Xantanus covered by a great fire and Pyro Xantanus can explodes and destroy everything it touches.

-[Neutral]Great Thousand Slash, Arxanus concentrates his power and slashes enemies with terrifying attack speed. 10 slashes available. As long as Arxanus uses this skill, his speed is doubles and his defense is halved.

-[Neutral]Gravitial Forced Shield: Arxanus activates his shield power with mana. Makes his Black Lunar Shield into a great huge shield that integrated with body and covers Arxanus. When using this skil, Arxanus can't attack with Xantanus but Lunar Shield will covers with needles.

Arxanus..a great legendary Cavalier..Arxanus is the 3rd Mignon's Leader. He is an unknown grandson of Marxius Ethelind. Marxius Ethelind is the baby who was born when Flaevefreine resurrected Etu and Marxius born from Erna,the wife of Riordan. Arxanus lived alone for himself for battling and training when his father Sinclaire gone for battling until now and his mother Cyanne Holywrath was died when born Arxanus. For along time Arxanus lived with tears and sorrow,until one of Flaevefreine's fruit guard took him and Arxanus now live in Eufrius Castle,and now he chosen as the leader of Mignon Organization.He got the Xantanus and Lunar Shield from Maxus when he was chosen as new leader of Mignon and to regenerate the same braveheart like Riordan.. Arxanus never meet with his father before and he wanted to search him..and also he wanna to stop these Maelgwyns and shall revenge for these Maelgwyns for an unknown reason(I'll reveal it later)


Monster to Ride: A black Valdemar

Ahh...I hope this RP will be a great RP..
Thanks for Kyoshiro for making Randall Picture..
Hope you all join!!

I will check your character's criterias if you join^^

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by kyohibiki on 2008-02-08 04:11:30 (edited 2008-02-08 05:38:02)
yay, the first? i thought i wont be the first ^^ this is my character, please...except henrietta, dont copy-paste my technique...

i'm confuse of choosing the pic, i post both of it ^^ teheheh

Name : Lythia Fenrir Kilheim

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race and Class: Half Ethelind / Gunslinger

Organization and Position: Mignon / Colonel

Special Mode:
[Blood] [Phoenix Tear] increase Lythia's attack speed, accuracy, and power, but it's if she continue use this for a long time, she will lose control and went beserk as she slowly hurt her own physic and mental.

Unique Weapon Name:
Loki : a giant Cross Gun with tripple revolver system. this gun can shoot various type of ammo. this gun can also shoot a magic stored inside a silver bullet. this gun can be split into 2 gun (dual hand mode), one of them has 1 revolver and the other one has 2.
this is the appearance of Loki

Unique skills:
- [Load Silver Cartridge] load a silver bullet containing a various magic (can be used with perfect mode and dual hand mode)
- [Desperado Blaster] pull the trigger on the back side of Loki and merge all of the bullet in those three revolver. this technique caused a great impact that's why it can only be used 3 time (1 time for each Revolver and can only be used with perfect mode)
- [Silver Rain Shoot] rapid shoot with high accuracy
- [Moon Piercing] a very high accuray shoot with maximum attack range. this technique using a special cartridge named 'Moon Cartridge'. has a very high destructive power but just a single target and one Moon Cartridge contain 1 shoot, Lythia need to reload it once she shoot, that's why this technique is not too effective in 1 by 1 battle or close range combat. (can only be used with complete mode)

A half Ethelind and half Maelgwyns. her mother was a Ethelind and her father was Maelgwyns. for some reason, Lythia join with Mignon, Ethelind's organization. but the Ethelind race still didnt intended to accept her. she ignoring the Ethelind around her and continue work for Mignon until she accepted as a Colonel, but once again, most of the member of that organization, even some of the general still doesnt like her. she's a sharp tongue woman, stubborn and cold woman, but inside, she's very kind


Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by veithernzee on 2008-02-08 04:14:21 (edited 2008-02-13 02:12:21)
( looks interesting, can I join ? ^^ )

Name : Lizax Freick Ethelind

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Race : Ethelinds

Class : Wizard

Organization and Rank : Mignon,

Special mode :
Berserker mode [soul]
Her magic power increase two times stronger than the normal situation, but can only be used for several minutes and can make her collapse.

Unique weapon : Stiffa, a water staff than can make a wizard control water elements.

Skills :
- [holy/water]Healing water : to cure injuries.
- [holy]lave : attack against zombie.
- [earth]wall : make an earth barrier to protect a person.
- [water]kniw : blade of water.
- [earth]knie : blade of earth.
- [earth]planta : use plants to attack enemies.
- [water]mover : walk on water.

Monster to ride : A Red Valdemar.

Biography :
Lizax is a daughter from an ordinary family. Her father was killed by a Maelgwyns. When she was a child, she made friend with a Maelgwyns, but when she grew older, their friendship stop. She become a wizard to protect her remaining family. She want to stop the conflict between the two race, but she can`t do anything to stop it.

Appearance :

(if there`s something wrong, please tell me. I leave the Rank part empty because I a little bit confused with this part)

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by henrietta on 2008-02-08 04:26:23 (edited 2008-02-08 04:28:11)
you're cheating! i told you that i'll be the first one post! kyaaa, i'm late! and how about this one of my collection!
hey wait, 'Jo' you used for your appearance looks too young, what about search for another one? i saw the older version back then in the usual place.

Name : Ambrossia Luna Nifleheim

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race and Class: Maelgwyns / Sniper

Organization and Position: Novos / Colonel

Special Mode:
[Artificial Eye] [Heimdall's Eyes] drastically increase her accuracy and concentration, it's also increase her reload ability and speed. but when she use this artificial eye too long, it will cause a pain on her eye.

Unique Weapon Name:
Heimdall : a giant shootgun with a big bayonet in front of it. this gun can shoot various type of ammo. this gun can also shoot a magic stored inside a silver bullet. this gun can be split into 2 gun (dual hand mode)

Unique skills:
- [Load Silver Cartridge] load a silver bullet containing a various magic (can be used with two hand mode and dual hand mode)
- [Dragon Slayer] use a special bullet named 'Dragon Slayer'. a bullet with a very high destuctive power but cause a great impact can only be used 3 times (two hand mode)
- [Crimson Blood Shoot] rapid shoot with high accuracy
- [Shooting Star] a very high accuray shoot with maximum attack range. this technique using a special cartridge named 'Star Cartridge'. has a very high destructive power but just a single target and one Star Cartridge contain 1 shoot, Am need to reload and cooling down the Dumblerer once she shoot, that's why this technique is not too effective in 1 by 1 battle or close range combat. (can only be used with two hand mode)

One of The Novos's Colonel. unlike the others high general that always soo ambisious, Ambrossia (Am) look doesnt interested in change the fate or something like those people want to do. she just interested to know how this world will be going on. Almost every generals and upper classes doesnt like her because her attitude yet they still make her become a Colonel because of her abillity. she always called by an untouchable shooter by the other soldier in Novos and named her 'Heimdall's Right Eye' because of her artificial eye (on her right eye) that make her have a very accurate attack. she's still misterious, even in Novos, almost no one know about her. she's very easygoing and always do what she want, and she hates being bind by rule. she likes take a journey around the world that's why she often absent when the other upper class in military meet in a meeting.



Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 04:31:05 (edited 2008-02-08 04:33:11)
please fix your position
your berserker m0de must have risks

you may only have 3 element types for your magics..
so you can't put all elements on your skill..

@all who wants to j0in
for Wizards
-Holy,and the other 2 types
for example
if u take fire and earth,u can't use water and wind element
For Necromancers
-Dark,and other 2 elements types
same c0mment as kyo

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 04:35:52 (edited 2008-02-08 05:30:54)
at last ^^
Name: Rastale "key" Lefandria

rank: war tactical leader

Age: 20

Gender: male

Race: Maelgwyns

class: sniper

Organization and Position: Novos

Special Mode: [artificial hand][Arm of a giant] risk 1.5 time more pressure on muscle (making it faster to exhausted)

Unique Weapon Name: blade riffle (can be use as sword for close range defend)

unique weapon ability: double ammo and length (double amount of ammo and length of the riffle barrel for more precise shooting, range upgrade to 1.5 KM)

Unique skills:

-Blast bullet (when the bullet hit target it will make a huge blast)

-aerial shield (shield key with wind)

-ice bullet (when the bullet hit target, it will frozen the target or if it hit land creating a ice needle from the the land)

-sniper barrage (ougi) (double shots with presice hit, cannot miss)

ride: silver tarleton

Biography: although he was young he has learn to defend himself because of the coldwar between the two clan, living in the border of the two territory making him live a hard life since kid, from there he learn about fighting and tactical since he has to escape and flee from time to time. becuase of that he learn about taking enemies from a far is the best way in fight becuase there be no casualty except the enemies


Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by kyohibiki on 2008-02-08 04:37:46
sorry, but i think i wont change my position, i dont intend to become a high general, if you've the lower rank, please tell me (since i've some plan). and i think Henrietta has her own reason for not becoming a High general too.
my berserker mode has already has a risk, is that not enough? (sorry, when the first time i post it, i forget to copy the risk ^^)

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 04:44:50
oh,okay..the risks are en0ugh lol
lower rank?
oh,maybe for you and henrietta I have an exception~

but the other,please use the rank I serve above~

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by veithernzee on 2008-02-08 04:48:20
@ eon : i`ve edit it. Is that okay?. Beside, about the rank, Can I be an ordinary person in the orgnaization or must I have a position ?

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 04:55:17 (edited 2008-02-12 20:51:04)
Name:Kenji DelaCroix




Class:Necromancer(I miss Diablo 2...Hehe)

Rank:High General

Special Mode:[Artificial Head][Death's Embrace]-Grants Kenji some added Magic Power and Casting Speed.Even if he is hit he will still continue to Cast.However,after this mode he will suffer bodily pains.Usually in the form of Blood Coughing.

Unique Weapon:(Can I have a Staff Instead of a Wand?Wands are small for me..XD)
Death Gazer Staff:A two handed staff which enables him to summon the Lost,Corrupt Souls still wandering around this world.It also gives him the ability to use the Ability "Soul Trap" which enables him to trap the soul of one of his fallen foes.Turning him into one of his minions.

[Dark]Raise Dead-Summons the Undead to do his bidding.Usually animals and fallen Warriors found in the immediate area.
[Dark/Fire]Shadow Vortex-A spell the surrounds the user in purple flames.Killing every single enemy inside while protecting the user.
[Dark]Shadow Edge-Uses the darkness in the enemies hearts to form.Its in the form of a black blade.Usually comes out from the shadows of the enemy damaging them when least expected.
[Dark/Wind]Shockwave Pulsar-Creates a Shockwave in the wind the cuts the enemy using Shadow Edge.Sorta like a powered up version of it.
[Dark]Shadow Rift-Cuts open a portal into the shadow realm.Used for escape.

Biography-A general that is often found hanging around the bar or sleeping in his quarters.Very lazy for a general.But when it comes to fighting he excels at most forms of Unarmed combat and bladed combat.However it the fight is in Magic his spells are unparalleled.However due to his happy-go-lucky attitude he rarely ever spares with anyone except maybe his second in command who always pesters him to do the job.


@Eon-Anything Im missing or need to change?

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 05:01:00 (edited 2008-02-08 06:55:11)
Name: Brahms Von Coltix

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Maelgwyns

Class: Assassin

Organization and Rank: Novos/High general

Special Mode: [Artificial Hand Parts ][Chaos Arm] - Kit that amplifies his body's speed and power by releasing chemicals that causes his muscles to tense and heart to pump faster and his blood to flow faster, trigering Adrenal Surege. when activated his attack apeed and power is tripled hoever activating this for prolonged periods endagers his life because if the heart beats to fast it ruptures(the muscels start to stiffen from all the stress of being over worked and start to rip apart) causing instant death

Unique Weapon Name: Bloody Duster - a blood red pair of katars made of the hardest metal available that are gauntlet shaped and has only a small cresent shaped blade that crosses over the knucles that are imbumed with the power of fire by a powerful magican.

Unique skills:

Deadly Raid - A triple Jumping upercut combo done at high speed.

[Fire] Bloody Curse - Deadly raid followed by a Crimson Fire blast erupting from the ground. can only be done when wearing bloody duster and his kit activated.

[Fire] Infernal Punishment - Creates a Pulsing Flame that Surges forward, burning anythting in it's path. can only be used when wering bloody duster

Sonic blow - Attacks With Blows so fast it's almost undogeble. can only be used when his kit is activated.

Biography: Son of a Former High general of novos. He was trained since childhood in the art of being an assasin by top ranked assassins. a natural warrior he never backs down from a fight and will fight till the last breath. he succeded his father at the age of 25 and has been regarded as a genious in the art of combat. sileent and usually keeps to himself.

Rides a: Red Tarleton with blck armor


Please check eon and tell me if anything needs changing........

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 05:13:48
hmm~at least you must take a rank~
however after several posts I will update this RP and give additional advantage of every ranks
good chara!!
I love it~
but,please explain m0re ab0ut the risks of using artificial kit

hoping for 0ther ethelinds!

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 06:30:05 (edited 2008-02-15 20:13:55)
@eon: please check my cahr..

Name: Gish

Age: 87

Gender: Male
Race and Class: Ethelinds, Wizard

Organization and Position: Mignon, High General

Ride: Blue Griswold, but he rarely uses this mount

Special Mode: Berserking [soul]: Skyshatter Enlightment- Saturates himself with holy power. making his spells becomes much more stronger than before and makes his casting time reduced by 70 percent. this mode makes him totally losing his sanity and becomes mad, cannot difer friend or foe. last 5 post, and each time he uses this berserking ability, he will loses his sanity and become more insane than before in his normal form.

Unique Weapon Name: Wishguard (spell book)- a book he found in the ruins near the tree. This books binds with his soul, so no one can take it or steal it from him as the book will teleport and return to him. this book is so mysterious and only filled with blank pages sometimes some words appears in this book, but gish usually ignores anything written in there as the words seems to be abstract for him. This book can cast mana burn, which will burn the mana of the target and the mana burned will damages the target.

Unique skills:
-[holy/water] Chill Walk- gish gives chilling aura to his sorroundings, slowing his opponents and makes them slowly consumed by Gish' ice magic(causing damage over time). this chilling aura sometimes also affect his allies.. using this spell causing himself to gradually losing hits point

-[Holy] Blink- teleports instantly in a short distance to avoids any danger or to catch up a foe

-[Holy] Kiliran's Judgement- Causes an intense Holy power to strike at one opponent, burning the target's soul

-[Holy] Final Crusade- Takes a portion of his life force and heals all of his allies around 500 m radius. this magic my be inverse so that he will forcefully drain his allies life force and mana and heals his hp and mana. but if too much life force and mana taken he will damages himself

-[Holy/water] Blizzard- a Channeling spell taht last for 3 post. Gish summons blizzards that will rain over huge area around him. anyone get's hit will be hurted including gish

- [Water] Frost Blast: causes random and rapid ice explosions around his body. the explosions will damage anyone nears him and may damage himself. last as long as he channels the spell

- [Holy] Lock - locks the target mana pool with his own superior mana pool. this spell deals medium damage while at the same time will make the target unable to cast any ability for 2 post

-[Holy/Water/Fire] Terra Force - Creates a massive amount of energy matter in a sphere form then throws it. the ball will damages or destroys anything on it's path. this requires at least 1 post to charges.. the longer Gish charges the spell, the bigger the ball and the more dangerous it becomes...Gish is damaged by his tremendous magical power when charging this, as his power will burst out uncontrorrable... causing him to losing health when charging

Biography: Gish was involved in the attempt to destroy the tree. As he failed to destroy the tree he became frustrated and tries everything to increases his power. He tried any means to empower himself, including infusing himself with a very huge holy power. at that time the holy power corrupted him and makes him having slight insanity while making him possess very powerful spells and power. He joined mignon and become one of the most dangerous wizards there. his spells are very powerful but it is not rare he endangers his comrades with his spells (as he already have slight insanity). His main goal is not to destroy the Maelgwyn, he keeps with his old goal to destroy The tree. as he thinks the tree is a curse to the land


in the name of truth and honor, i shall have my vengeance upon you

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 06:50:57
@eon: oh sorry bout the typo's... it endagers his life because if the heart beats to fast it ruptures(the muscels start to stiffen from all the stress of being over worked adn start to rip apart) causing instant death.... will change

@rasetya: OMG KAEL... WOW...

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 07:49:17 (edited 2008-02-08 21:05:26)
@xero: well, Kael'Thas Sunstrider is one of my favorite character from Warcraft Series. now i find a place where i can uses his pic heheh, but somehow this one doesn't uses fire abilities like the real kael

in the name of truth and honor, i shall have my vengeance upon you

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by Renma on 2008-02-08 18:08:12 (edited 2008-02-09 17:28:01)
Name: Chrome Dokuro

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Race: Ethelinds

Class: Cavalier

Organization and Rank: Mignon, High General

Special Mode: Berserker [blood] The Ripper State Upon Seeing her own Blood to be shed, Her speed and Power will be increased Dramatically at the cost of her Conciousness. And Her Other self will appear. Which is the one that is the real High General of Ethelinds. After using this Curse, She'll be unable to lift a finger. When Her otherself appear, She only have a little memory to recollect, although She is aware of the presence of her other self.

Unique Weapon Name: Requiem of Two Souls. It's a Spear that is Originally the weapon of Mukuro, But, Chrome get it from someone she didn't know. The spear, Once it draws blood of other person, Mukuro can make the person to obey everything he commands.

Unique skills:

- [dark] Moonlight Sorrow : Creating an illusion for her foe by Transmitting Distortion of Brainwaves from her eyes. The eyepatch must be removed in order for her to be able to Use this technique

- [dark] Pain Sharing : Making the enemy feel the pain just like her, But usually after this stage, her other self already take control of herself

- Spear Boomerang : She's able to Throw her Spear like boomerang, eventually the spear will come back to herself again, since She tied The spear with Chain to her hand

- [wind] Lancia Electrica : She Charges up electricity to her Spear, turning it into a really powerful Lightning Rod.

Biography: An Ordinary Schoolgirl that is almost died because of an accident, She lost Her right Eyes, and almost all of her Internal Organs, he has been given second chance to live by making her body a host to a spirit of a human and The spirit itself Provides her with Illusionary Organs. After She has become the host of the spirit, Suddenly, She is able to fight using Spears, Although She keeps Losing Her memory of some events for a day or even for a week due to the spirit that Lives inside of her. She starts to become an ordinary Soldier to Ethelinds 6th Squad, But, one day When Ethelinds is attacked, She is the sole survivor of Her Squad But Strangely She didn't remember anything about the Raid. Then The next day the Leader is aware of her True Potential and made her the High general of Ethelinds


Her Other Self, The True General

Name : Mukuro Rokudo

Age : 19

Gender : Male

Race : Ethelinds

Class : Cavalier

Organization and Rank: Mignon, High General

Special Mode: [none] This is the special mode

Unique Weapon Name: Requiem of Two Souls. It's a Spear that is Originally the weapon of Mukuro, But, Chrome get it from someone she didn't know. The spear, Once it draws blood of other person, Mukuro can make the person to obey everything he commands.

Unique skills:

- Ashura's Path : Enabling Him to use any Skills that Chrome has, and By using this Skill, he is able to use The Illusion Technique at 100% Power.

Biography: The real master of the Illusion Technique. He was a human, but upon discovering a forbidden technique he is able to switch his body and becomes a ghost like entity. But, one day the Masters of Sorcery of Ethelinds gather and decided to seal him inside of a Body of a dying girl, in order to save her life. He is agree to it, seeing the girl's fate is almost the same with him back then.

Appearance :

is it okay, Eon? ^^ I Decided not to pick Gunslinger since There are already a lot of them around XD I Use KHR Char BTW lol

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-08 23:33:44
please edit your skill of your chara...

yeah..basically your chara is good~ thanx for joining~

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by blitXerg on 2008-02-08 23:52:16
@EON:can I join??I'm a newbie here,so..I don't understand how to do,could you tell me how?

do anything that you can do and you will get what you want

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by on 2008-02-09 02:37:19 (edited 2008-02-14 04:13:51)
Name: Negral Solomon Tigriss

Age: look like 80++

Gender: Male

Race and Class: Maelgwyns Necromancers

Organization and Position: Novos High General magic division

Special Mode: Artificial Body Kit [Artificial Eye] : Planted at his right eye which covered with his turban. He never activate it. No one know effect of his right eye.

Unique Weapon Name: Spell book Rraefallen (Sacred book, called when its needed, give dark aura(dark mist, dark cloud, etc) at an area, absorb little energy from nature and raise dark elemnt power and summon creature).

Unique skills:

-[Dark]: Luna : Attack target by cover target with aura look like dark energy ball from the ground or dark area. Give mental and mana damage and reduces enemy magic resistance (target take magic damage bigger than before).

-[Dark]: Fenrir : Cause dark storm. Attack target with big darkfire balls from the ground or dark area and give physical damage to target.

-[Dark]: Nosferatu : Absorb power (mental and mana) from target and nature and give it to the user.

-[Dark]: Summon : User can summon monster or fiend (bonewalker, cyclops, etc)

-[Dark]: Gleipnir : User can open dimension gate and move target to another place.

-[Dark]: Naglfar : Control gravitation with dark power, cause gravitation stronger than usual.

-[Dark]: Gespenst : Sacred magic. Cause darkfire storm and darkclouds wasteland in large area, absorb everything include target. Attack target with many dark magic shaped like darkthunder from darkclouds and strike the target.

-[Dark]: ??? (later)

Biography: Mysterious necromancer from the village Caer Pelyn who very interest with Flaevefreine Tree . At child, he lived with his grandfather because his parent died when he was child. After his grandfather died, he study about necromastery as his grandfather wish. At war between Mignon and Novos, he recruited by Novos become general there (after beat previous general). now, he got titled "Brown Necromancer" and he is the closest person to get title "Black Necromancer", title that never get by every Necromancer.


if there is something to change, please tell me.

oh yeah, btw about 8 magician skill, are they strongest magic only or we only can use that 8 magic??

Re: FoF: Fate Of Flaevefreine (PM me to join)
Link | by kyuzuryu on 2008-02-09 03:40:14 (edited 2008-02-16 20:24:47)
Name: Norgard Cain Ranguinus

Age: look like 90+

Gender: Male

Race and Class: Ethelinds Wizards

Organization and Position: Mignon High General magic division

Elements: Holy

Special Mode: Berserker Mode [Soul] : later

Unique Weapon Name: wand called Latona (sacred wand, give light aura (light soul, etc), increasing user mana, raise light element power and give little heal at small area around him)

Unique skills:

-[Holy]: Sanctuary : Heal target, can used for single target or large area (cost mana depend on how large its used), and can used as attack spell for single or large area for undead or dark element form

-[Holy]: Pachelbell : Give support magic (effect depend on target's berserker type, or artificial type, if target berserker type is Soul, he/she got increase his/her magic stat) and can heal

-[Holy]: Silfarion : form into light and increasing speed movement become 3x108 m/s max 1 second/use

-[Holy]: Ravateel : Raining area with many light needles from the sky.

-[Holy]: Vivaldi : Create many small light ball which appear around target and attack him/her/it.

-[Holy]: Aureola : concentrated light around target and use it as barier

-[Holy]: Ravelt : concentrated light at large area and struck everything below it.

Bio: Grand Wizard from Ethelind, when he is 20 years, he is one of the wizards who join Ethelind army and Maelgwyn army to destroy Flaevefreine Tree, but all of them failed to destroy that tree. and now he is one of Ethelind High General and titled "Grey Wizard" and he is the closest wizard to get titled "White Wizard", title that never get by every Wizard before.


i will complete it tomorrow (maybe)

if something wrong please tell me