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starting computer programmin class
Link | by konekotaku69 on 2008-02-02 05:41:02
hello everyone
next year i m starting a computer programmin class
anyone have any tips on wat to do?

the class involves web site design and i thought that was really interestin ^^
sept somehow i always seem to mess up with all the html codes
well thanks fr helpin

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Koneko Kururugi, but, please call me Kon ^^ 駄目乙 <--- hopeless romantic

Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by on 2008-02-02 05:43:56
learn adobe, flash, and css, along with java, sql, vb,

well the adobe photoshop, and flash really help decorating a website, for the rest like html, css, sql, etc it's the based of operation

all that for a web and some for making a program

so probably some that you will learn

Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by × on 2008-02-02 20:02:30
what to prepare for web design class?

ohohoho~ if you just begin tha class~ you just need notepad, graphic program, and dreamweaver~

you'll learn about html first (including css and DHTML), then PHP, MySQL...

Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by puppypup on 2008-02-23 02:44:50
hmmm... yeah.. I REALLY suggest you to start learning PHP after finishing you HTML and a little Javascript... especially if you're familiar with C programming... PHP is really easy for me, since there're no strict data type there, not as in C... It's all about string... ^_^

Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by × on 2008-02-24 23:55:34
yea PHP ish as simple as you know C/Pascal
it support integer, double, array, sting, object and other variable without specifying the variable coz it can automatically differ them

i dunno is it important to learn ASP, CGI, and other web programming language or not~

Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by ve_krin on 2008-02-27 12:50:20
java with it's object-oriented programming concept is the most interesting~

"what to do?"
hm... if you want to be ahead of others, the answer is simple
learn of your subjects, programming like listed above, it's concept and syntax. Surely you got to do exercise, make it plenty to be used to it's syntax and the most important to deeper your understanding on their functions.

Probably it's better to study them one by one, you might want to start from C, then C++, and then Java.
As in web programming, HTML, then CSS, and then PHP, and then MySQL.

Source: internet, especially web design try

Dream ends when we wake up and life ends when we die.
What's the different?

Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by gmsniper07 on 2008-02-28 12:54:10
If these are school computer double check the keyboard and see if people have switched keys IE: M key with N key and etc

1 letter difference in coding = phail


Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by ve_krin on 2008-02-29 23:00:24 (edited 2008-03-02 08:13:36)
One more thing, for java programming software, I suggest you use NetBeans (just google it), it's error checker is good, there is classes methods explanation, and imho very nice to use for beginner to intermediate.

Dream ends when we wake up and life ends when we die.
What's the different?

Re: starting computer programmin class
Link | by Atsuku(binku) on 2008-04-01 08:35:37
Just begin with "write script on da note" not "draw in editor" ^^

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