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are you realy living
Link | by salamander on 2007-12-20 05:39:01
i spent the day stareing at the sky the wiredest feeling of calm desended over me coupled with an uneasy feeling that crept onto the back of my mind i couldent help thinking that I'm wasting the finite amount of time my life was given but even if you are doing nothing if you are happy are you realy wasting time or are you truely living i mean how would you difine living as the border between fantasy and reality grows thiner every day it is becoming more and more popular to withdraw and shut your self of from everybody and live in your own little world i mean shore you may be happy there but are you realy living its hard to tell on the other hand you could work all your life in a job you hate witch in turn makes you misrable witch in turn reflects on how you act if you act like a sadsack people will avoid you so they dont get tangled up in your problems so you end up being shut of anyway i mean the lucky ones that get there dream job live the way they always wanted are few and far between the realiy of it is realy quite deperesing

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2007-12-20 16:36:50
Everyone has their own definition of living. Personally, I don't think that life , or living, has a dictionary definition because it's usually something that you yourself define. If I told you that to truelly live is to live people, you'd probably disagree and report me to the police or something. Technically we're all living right now no matter what we're doing. And you sound really emo, salamander.

So I drove into a parking lot one time and saw this person pull into a handicap parking spot. When you think handicap, you think wheelchair and whatever, right? So it just ticked me off when I saw the guy come out of the car perfectly fine. So then I ran him over.

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2007-12-20 16:43:46
@celeriter yeah i agree, we are all living even if we're not aware of it, example the comatose people, they are alive, but they don't aware the surrounding or did they, but on the basis they can't do anything.

@salamander if you think that spending time and not doing anything make you waste your time, well that's depends, i really hate people saying you waste your time.... bah, crap, if you like what you're doing than why not use your time doing it. it's much better to spend the limited amount of time like that rather than doing anything you hate.

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2007-12-20 21:11:59
a joyful heart is life itself =D

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2007-12-21 01:38:51
For God's sake, if you are really living, you are suppose to improve your English!!! At least you are not wasting time!

I hate it when I heard people saying I felt dying, dead, ooo... I feel so freaking depressed, life is stupid, life is filled with hate and lies, where the heck is armageddon? Life is a time to waste.

I don't think so. Time is given to us. Time should not against us. Just cuz you are not doing that much in such plenty time in your hands does not mean you waste your time living or even being alive. Do something, get a new hobby (please, no destructive hobbies), play sports, play video games, play musical instruments, be open-minded to your parents, your siblings, yourself, everyone! Motivate yourself to positivity--- for your own good. No point dwelling into depression filled with illusions in your head.

Re: are you realy living
Link | by salamander on 2007-12-21 04:07:39
i completly agree with you all and i truly feel that im not wasting time even when im doing nothing if im happy thats all that matters it was not depression that spawned this post it was more a question to my self but i suppose what i should have asked is
are you realy happy or just content do you want more in life or are you fine with what you got i dont no what im trying to say maby is it not happynes we find in these moments but a substitute lol -_-" just forget it i have no idea what im talking about
lol sorry for the crappy post

Re: are you realy living
Link | by Immortal on 2007-12-21 07:46:40
being rude sometimes helps but we should be aware of other people around us. ^^

as I read your post I noticed that your worrying about what have you done in the past and what you will become in the future. never think that your life is miserable because it will really continue if you don't start making a move. the past will always remain as a memory that we recall to let us remember our success or failure and that will be our lessons in life. just thinking about what lies in the future will not help you. it will remain as an illusion if you just think and be scared about it. the present is the most important thing because it is the time for you to do something and work to have what you call a life.

you can't live on hopes and dreams alone...

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: are you realy living
Link | by Ulto Leif on 2007-12-21 19:04:26
"are you realy happy or just content do you want more in life or are you fine with what you got i dont no what im trying to say maby is it not happynes we find in these moments but a substitute"

Considering that happiness is in essence endorphins, I'm not sure one can have 'substitute' happiness. Perhaps 'tainted' happiness; endorphines present along with mild depression...?

But the only type of 'fake' happiness there is is the type of happiness that is a mask... That is to say, if you feel happy, then guess what... you're happy. Albeit one can be happy and sad at the same time, note.

I gues what I'm saying is...


"i spent the day stareing at the sky the wiredest feeling of calm desended over me coupled with an uneasy feeling that crept onto the back of my mind i couldent help thinking that I'm wasting the finite amount of time my life was given "

That period of staring at the sky was, if it was a pleasant feeling, in fact a happy time. Not estatic, just a little happy: content. Contentedness, though it comes in different shades, is perhaps the only type of stable happiness; euphoria doesn't last long.

Of course, all this abstract theorizing is a moot point in refrence to the origional question involving life. Traditionally, if your heart is beating, you're alive, kid.

Sore wa... himitsu.

Re: are you realy living
Link | by wind-spear5 on 2007-12-21 19:25:59
The question brought upon the people who choose to read is crap! He looks into the sky with the thought he has wasted too much of his life or something. Now he asked how did I knew I was living? Here's my answer: simple because I feel my heart beating in my chest, and the blood flows in my veins and arteries continues on which can be indicated by the warmth of my body. In all honesty I this thread almost reminds me of the concept of The Matrix, in the sense that there's doubt that we actually exist in our so called "real word".

Well enough of my improperly developed paragraph, and now to allow you think upon what I've said.

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2007-12-23 00:45:07
are you really living?:
-if you're able to ask yourself this, you are.
-are you dead?: if no, then you are living
-comatose/vegetable:technically yes, but i'd say no is an okay answer for this situation as well

Re: are you realy living
Link | by × on 2007-12-28 22:28:35
of course I am~

I have alife and I'm not dead~

What I mean of living is: have a life!
But I think you have a different definition of it~

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2007-12-28 22:47:02
i am not sure but i am still here! :P

Re: are you realy living
Link | by dt-chan on 2007-12-30 06:42:23
i dono if im alive.. i feel tired almost anytime.. i waste half of my day sleeping.. like a zombie, i think.. '~'
but i still feel hurt, so dat means im still alive.. i think.. XD

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2008-01-28 23:29:13
I don't really know if I'm living or dead, cause I'm like trap in between some dimension.
But I guess my time for now just stop for me to call it as living. Everything change each day so
so I guess I just need to wait for something or someone to wake me up someday, if ever I'm seeing my life as dead right now.
It doesn't matter anymore if I'm living or not.. being able to survive each day I guess is enough to say that I'm half living
and well, maybe able to take care of myself. I'm like wasting too much time when I don't want it to go fast it goes fast so
its like my living is up and down each time. I guess I just haven't found what I really want to do in life, even tho I should know it by now.
But then I keep thinking too much about this life.. and stuff keep bothering and wandering in my mind.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: are you realy living
Link | by × on 2008-01-29 00:02:52
*sigh...* there're some ppl that thinks too dramatically. they think that if noone care about them, then they're not living.
i think it's better to think ligically. you still breathe, you can walk, you need food and drink, you can walk, so you're living~

Re: are you realy living
Link | by renshi_sho on 2008-01-29 03:02:31
I get that empty feeling all the time, then I say, maybe I am wasting, so I better get up do something, then I do it and feel good. Disagree with the above though. What's being described there is existing as a human. Living is all about the experience. Explore everything about your world and its infinte wonder, even a flower has life. Appreciate it and communicate with it.
Read Terry Pratchett's thief of time and think about a guy called Wen the Eternally Surprised. He became enlightened and experienced every second as a second. Not just as a time being a flowing state, but he was able to be completely surprised by the fact that each second was made individually then join to the first. A bit like building a railroad constantly in front of a train. Quite amazing a concept really.

Re: are you realy living
Link | by on 2008-01-31 14:02:30 (edited 2008-01-31 14:03:09)
The thing is, everyone has their own definition of "living".
When you ask, "Are you really living?", you could be asking many things.
You could be asking, "Are you breathing and is your heart still beating?", or you could be asking, "Are you happy and experiencing your life to the fullest?". It makes a lot more sense looking at it from that angle. Living can be many different things, and if we all live the same way, wouldn't that be a bit boring? For everyone to read that first post and to easily answer either, "No, I'm not living", or, "Yes, I'm living fine". Those wouldn't be very philosophical answers, would they? But anyway, if you're asking about my happiness with living my life to the fullest, then I would have to say yes, my life has been good. I understand that feeling of looking at the sky, forgetting the world and just feeling calmly numb, but I also get that strange feeling in the back of my mind that somethings wrong. I never know what it is, though. But yes, even though it seems that sometimes we don't feel like we're "living", we are still breathing. And happiness isn't just a natural feeling. It's an instinct.

Re: are you realy living
Link | by bermudanwarrior on 2008-02-02 04:47:27
"For God's sake, if you are really living, you are SUPPOSE to improve your English!!!" <~ Does anybody find this a little amusing?
And let me tell you sth.
No, dude, I ain't living no more. I'm DEAD, DEAD you heard?
My hands were cut off, my keyboard was stolen.
My monitor isn't working, I can't even turn on my computer.
Wow, my computer is on fire right now.

Life sucks. Whoever gives up living because of that, sucks. But without anime I would ...XD

Re: are you realy living
Link | by fahrenh on 2008-02-02 07:03:27 (edited 2008-02-02 07:04:25)
Yeah! Too much run-on and dangling sentences!

I guess the meaning depends on how you view your life. And sometimes, there are those "moments" that intervene and gradually change your personal meaning of life.

For example, me. In my earlier days, I really thought that life is nothing but an empty plastic bag that you just fill up with air, close its opening and pop it. It is as if it has no sense, and you would rather end it now than do nothing until the end. I write poems and short stories about death, melancholy and darkeness. But, when someone close to me had a disability, it changed everything in me. Now I view life as a pencil in a paper. You can't really draw a straight line just by handling the paper. Sometimes you have to fold it and follow the guide line or use a ruler. You understand me?

In the end, it all depends on what happened to you and what influenced your very own definition.

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