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Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 05:43:30 (edited 2008-07-01 14:18:21)
ok here guys the long awaited return of gifted.

The story so far : in a past not so far back earth was a normal place. people lived happily and they never had a cre other their own problems. but that all changed when they came...huge gates spread over the world mutating normal poeple and giving them gifts..although m not sure a gift is what we recieved. some of us were born as half breeds, born as a human with origi powers. we were taken at birth or later even to a origi world that resembled a earth school. we were tuaght how to use our abilities and also basic studies. most of us finished school and dissapeared yet no one ever noticed. but i did..i started to investigate and found things along with my friends that led to us leaving this world and finding out the truth. we had been draining the earth of its energy by living in tht world and that the dissapeared ones were arleady on earth ffighting agianst the earth bound. the erathbound were the others the ones born origi then turned into humans. they were taken to facilities and bred to be soldiers. since then we halped a man called gale to fight agains these this fight i was ws a friend called sao who is now origi..and also sakura the ones that were left joined with rebel earthbound and attacke dthe origi earth base and then were transported to the origi world of origin. it has been 2 years since then but in origin two years is 3 earth months. the covenant army has occupied 30% of origin and is now marching upon their next target led by kazuma,kuro and kunimitsu and also age this new army has occupied earth fully and now is able to freely travel from one space to another so as this war continues their newly aquired abilities rage on and fight against the origi.

Rules : all the usual ones and read the faqs. if you wnat to know more read some of chapter one in the forums.

Gift upgrades :

Astral Havoc (formerly astral prjectors) : able to control any astral or spirit energy they grow white wings when active and have untouchable speed and can shape energy into swords,weapons projectiles, but due to their abilites there defences are very very low.

Greater armours (formerly armourers): there skin turns black when active and their strength is unbeliaveble. capable of punching down tall buildings they are the physically strongest gifted and have a very high defense rate. thogh they are slower and have no defence against magic

Black Guardians (formerly elementals) : experts in elemental magic and offensive magic they now have the ability to control dark matter and open black holes. though when using their mgic their downfall is they have to cast every single one leaving them vulnrable if they are not in gruops

Light avangers (formerls white mages) : experts in heling and astral magic these gifted are able to heal wounds and also negate origi magic their magic and physicla defenses re very high but they lack offensive abilities.

Ani-caster(formerly animagus) : these gifted can summon any beast at will form the human world but their special ability is to make a blood pact witha mythical creature of their choice. there strengths and weaknesses depend on theie animal.

Untold (formerly forgotton ones) : they can transform into huge beasts that resemble gods in teh origi world thay are the most powerfull entity's that exist withs speed almost like the havocs and power that can match the armours they are nigh undefeatable. BUT their powers are limited to the people around them they must have some sort of connection emotionally to activate if this person gets injured so do they.

ATTENTION : for people who choose to be on earth your powers are custom to your choice do not pick form this list as these are for when you are in a origi time-space

regarding the school world only i have control over that scenario that goes for the character shinji and sakura as well.

Characters taken : generals of the covenant are taken by kazuma,kuro,kuni

Characters that need optional players : sao

Available roles : soldiers and captains of the covenant on earth or origin.
soldiers and generals of the origi army

Origi dscription : unkown beings that take on many shapes their powers are totally unique to who they are and they are extremely powerfull. in their world they are a huge force to be reckoned with. they love fighting and are aggressive and very smart.

Starting position : all characters for covenant will start in the breifing room

all caracters for origi will start in the astral fields of origin with sao

Look at chapter one to see examples of profiles and the post them up.

Thanks and pm me if you have any questions


Chapter one : yes for both of my characters

Name : shinji

Age : now unkown

Sex : male

Status : missing

Gift : astral havoc

Bio : after chapter one he went missing and is yet to be found

appearnce : refer to ch 1

sub character

Name : age

Age : now 19

sex : male

GIft : ani-caster

Bio : he joine dthe covenant ary as a rebel earthbound and is now a general of their army

Status : covenat general

Appearance : later


Other characters

Risa : a captain of the covenant army she is a fully awakened earthbound stationed on earth and is best freinds with age she helped the original characters escape form the school world

Sakura : a girl who was hsinji's love and helped the guys escape she went issing after shinji exploded

Sao : one of the original gruop he know works for the orgi under the name garuum their prophet and god.

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Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 06:33:41
Name: Isis

Age: Unknown

Sex: Female

Status: Lost

Gift: Astral Havoc

Bio: She has been wandering around lost for a long while. Her wounds are now mostly healed. She has been alone all her life and has been fighting the entire time.

Appearance: will update later

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 08:07:48
finally avian!....i ahve been waiting hehe...well here a repost of my now current character.

Name : Kuro Tenshi

Age : 18

Gift: Black Guardians

Appearance : since its been 2 years he has to change...xP

Bio : for 2 years he has been in the origin world as a general help take over and stillgoing to revenge shinji and kill Sao.Kuro lead his army into many battle against the origi working together they defeated msot of it and Kuro hoped that the earth forces are fine.Kuro togeth with age kazuma and kunimitsu are generals. And he treasures thier friendship.


we waiting for the others?

i am nothing....i live in the darkness...

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 08:24:28 (edited 2007-11-01 08:31:51)
finally!! lol! Ive been waiting for awhile

Name: Kazuma
Gift: Black Guardians
Bio: Ever since his return to the real world, Kazuma has been aiding Kuro and the others in their fight against the origi. His skills in combat have improved quite well and loves the thrill he gets when he gets into battle.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 08:28:16
hehe kazuma i thought u were an armour when you join chp 1...xP

i am nothing....i live in the darkness...

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 08:32:41
i was? i forgot lol the black Guardians seems way cooler though.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 08:41:55
haha...xD well i guess you can be one is avian lets haha

i am nothing....i live in the darkness...

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 08:45:16
hahaha lol dude!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 12:02:05
hmm advertise the rp a bit i want mroe players lol and yeh i spose it alright for you to change hehe

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Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 13:17:50
-Unknown place..still lost-

*Isis was walking through a small town that she did not recognize. She saw a fountain of water and ran to it and filled her little jug with water. A man ran out of his shop screaming at her to get lost.*

Shop man- "Give me my water back you thief!! You look pitiful! Get away or die!!

*Isis walked away keeping the water. She ran to a tree, climbed up and sat there taking deep breathes*

Isis- "My wounds are healing at a good pace. Maybe the tempature will decrease. I am so tire"

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 15:00:56
o.O i havnt started yet ......

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Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-01 20:56:51
well.....where kuni?!....and what happen to sao? lolx he suddenly dissapeared ><

i am nothing....i live in the darkness...

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by Sagara on 2007-11-01 22:20:46 (edited 2007-11-02 07:07:33)
Is it if okay if my old character is my sub character?I wasn't active at all in ch1..

Name : Rakion

Age : unknown

Sex : male

Status : wanderer, a former general of origi army.

Gift : Untold, powers similar to Greater Armour when not active. (Is this okay?)

Bio : A former general of the origi army. He has wandered around the worlds, he has been fighting origi loyalists since he left their army.

Appearance : Usually looks human but his true form is unknown. Dark brown hair which slightly obscures right eye, red eyes with scar over left eye, wears worn looking white coat over black armor, has bandages on right arm.

Sub Character:

Name : Tobi Kisuke

Age : 20

Sex : male

Status : Covenant Ally.

Gift : Ani-Caster

Bio : Has been aiding the Covenant army after returning to the real world. He isn't officially a member, so he doesn't have to follow the exact orders of the Covenant Generals unlike members. His combat skills have improved, he can now summon high level creatures and can temporarily merge with them.

Appearance: Short dark brown hair, reddish brown eyes, wears black coat over white shirt and pants.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-02 04:08:19
yeah thats okay and sao is making a return his controller will be back soon a few more characters and ill start

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Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by karuzo on 2007-11-02 05:44:03 (edited 2007-11-02 05:52:16)
after a long while Avian!!!!dont left me behind hehhe

Name: Karuzo Nightroad

Gender: Male


Gifted: Ani-caster [let me adjust this]

Bio: a gothic dress style lover with an attitude he made pact on 3 elemental commanders, 1 unclassifed being and 1 forbidden creature, helping the band of Kuro on their mission



Sub chacracter

Name: "Lilia"

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Class: unclassifed being

Bio: an unclassifed being that Karuzo made contract with, this innocent but sad/lonely looking cutie has something hiding in her looks especailly her abilities


Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-02 09:46:00
we need to wait for kunimitsu ><.....ahh someone send him a PM!!!...xD

i am nothing....i live in the darkness...

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-02 14:00:34 (edited 2007-11-05 06:15:34)
gifted chapter two officially started


- breifing room -

* the head chancellors wait for the egnerals and captains to show up for the meeting*

Chancellor : this shall be a glorious decade

- in a deserted place outside the base of the covenant -

???: a world filled iwth the smell of roses ..theres lived two sidesone how belive death brings everlasting happines. the other seek day both dreams became reality and one was forced to live in loneliness like a everlasting punishment.......the present day..the others had come descendants of the rose ..appeared and memories cam flooding back and so once again the story begins.........

General : fourth havoc unit ..FIREEEEEE!!!!

Gaptain : forward ani unit increase pace and guard our sullp depot us ethe mountains as cover and send the dragon unit through the skys..

Captain 2 : hehe were iwnning

Geberal : all thanks to kuro;s tactics

Age : hey hey dont let yuor guard down im going in lets do this..

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Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-05 14:57:02

Kazuma is running rapidly to the battle field with a pissed of look on his face*

c'mon there was a battle and no one told me about it?! What the hell?!

Makes it outside where Age and the captains were in battle and starts shooting down Origi with his electric black fire balls*

Corpse breaker level two!

shoots down a few and grabgs Age by the shirt*

why didnt anyone tell we were in battle mister boss man?!

(ooc: were still fighting the Origi right?)

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by karuzo on 2007-11-05 20:13:19
-Karuzo came seconds after Kazuma yelled at age--

Karuzo: later about that...

-then an origi appeared, then a chain golem appeared and restrained the enemy-

Karuzo: you are not the only one..

-Karuzo used his sword and sliced it, then a winged creature appeared and from the skies and it landed beside him, it was the girl whom he contracted years ago [or months]

???: observation completed

Karuzo: hows it going Lilia?

Lilia: enemies are still coming about 150 to 350 of them, both land and air

Karuzo: are they taking a break??

Lilia: The answer is no.... Yeah the dark hounds are on the mark myabe they are starting to attack them...

Karuzo: nice.. but still we have battle here

-the two looked at the scene, Ilya'srams turned into swords, then Karuzo's hands flames appeared, with out any warning Karuzo punched the ground and flame creatures appeared and rushed at the enemies, Lilia rushed also and sliced the enemies-

Karuzo: gonna join them or we will never make it ehehehe

-Karuzo attacked the enmeis with full force-


Re: Gensis Gifted ch2 : fate or origin (( accepting ))
Link | by on 2007-11-05 20:37:50
*Isis is still sitting in the tree asleep. She is awoken by a loud noise and looks around to see what it is.*

Isis- "What is going on?"

*When she tried to turn to look in back of her, a branch broke and fell near a group of men. Isis crouched down covering her face*

Isis- "I hope they did not see me..."

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

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