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Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by Mr. Ocelot on 2007-10-31 17:20:57
From Gladiators in ancient Rome to the way people hang around crime scenes, all through history, people have loved death. As reporters say, if it bleeds, it leads.
Is it a primal urge? Maybe survival of the fittest pushing at our minds?
Or is it curiosity about what's after death?

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by gendou on 2007-10-31 18:50:42
"Natural" is a meaningless term.
It originates in the strange tenancy humans have for separating themselves from nature.
"Primal urge" is another meaningless term.

Humans have inborn tendencies which are observed consistently across the spectra of cultures and backgrounds.
Indeed, it is an inborn tendency for humans, as well as other primates, to inquire into the misery of others.
The most seemingly likely explanation is that, in the past, those who were inquired into the follies of others were less likely to repeat them, and thus had more reproductive success.

Also, empathy has been identified as an important emotion in social animals, a group to which humans belong.
When we see or hear about a person in distress, we feel that distress.
This distress is controlled, because it is not OUR head being blown off, OUR significant other caught cheating, or whatever.
There is a feeling of relief in this, and it is this relief that keeps us coming back for more.

Weather you examine it mechanically or evolutionarily, it is understandable why people have morbid fascination.
The real question is, how do you, yourself, wish to behave?
My moral opinion is that rubbernecking on the freeway is a crime deserving of capital punishment.
I also happen to think that the country would be a better place if all dedicated fans of professional wrestling were to be deported.
That's just me.

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by Mr. Ocelot on 2007-10-31 19:05:56
Those explanations sound good, but I personally don't buy it.
I've experienced the desire to stare at an accident, and I felt no relief. I felt what people feel in those situations. Desire. I'm not certain what the desire was, but it seems to me that I hungered to be a part of it, even though I was repulsed by it. That suggested to me something I was born with, and the word that popped into my head was primal. I apologize if I was unclear.

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by gendou on 2007-10-31 20:36:32
sounds like you need counseling.

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by Mr. Ocelot on 2007-10-31 21:54:01
Nah. I'm just extremely curious about my own death, and was interested in other thoughts on death.

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by on 2007-11-01 10:42:21 (edited 2007-11-01 10:42:34)
I agree with Gendou in that rubbernecking should be a crime. It puts many people at risk while driving. However I would like to hear why you hate pro wrestling fans Gendou because I felt a little insulted so please explain so that I don't take it the wrong way.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by on 2007-11-01 13:10:58
Hmm... the question--- kinda brings indefinite answer. I guess it depends on how this attitude to pain and death cultivated within the people of regions--- by religion, philosophy, cult, festivals or even politics. The primal urge may be found in some people, because not all is obsessed over this subject--- just fascinated and shocked, at least, which is normal. But obsession always get the primal urge, which can lead to serious mental illness(es). Curiosity is one thing too, where still we haven't get any picture how life is like after death, of all the survived literature and art from the history of mankind, they were just interpretations.

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by on 2007-11-02 08:06:21
I think it's cause you can kill other peoples cause you don't like them or you feel bored. So you are fascinated by this things, and maybe cause it's a things you often see but you won't never understand.

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by on 2007-11-07 19:57:13 (edited 2007-11-07 19:57:53)
its perfectly normal and natural. Humans are curious creatures, and death and violence on any scale greater than that which one is used to seeing is sure to raise some curiosity and interest. The nature of that interest and your emotional reaction may differ, from what looks like absolute revulsion and maybe even a sort of squeamishness from dear Gendou based off his commments, too someone like me who usually not to emotionally affected by seeing this and sees something amusing and desirable in it.

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by emphysema on 2008-03-29 09:11:15
Curiosity -> Research -> You get bored one day -> You try some new fascination! XD


Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by RayStormX on 2008-03-30 00:29:42
fascination in the pain/misery of others. to an extent, one would find the misfortune of someone interesting, even amusing, downright funny. on the other end of the spectrum, it could be grave for another. but one thing is for sure, it didnt happen to the onlooker.

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by temari_fan on 2009-07-05 21:09:40
Well i think that morbid fascination is Not exactly normal but understandable.
What i mean by that is that people have different ways of expressing themselves and if they find that death is a way to do it that it is their way of expressing themselves. Although many people may think it is weird and freaky it is a persons way of expressing and who are we to say things before we know why?

Re: Morbid fascination: is it natural?
Link | by seraphna on 2009-07-05 22:22:15
It is common in humans to experience a desire to answer questions. People stop and look at an accident to see what happened, why traffic as slowed, why the local law enforcement are present, etc.

However, to want to stare at a dead body for anything past medical or scientific interest is unhealthy, it's not a natural curiosity, the natural way of thought is to avoid death and the dying at all costs, we call that survival instinct. To dwell on it, by any sense of logic is simply unhealthy.

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