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Bamboo Blade
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2007-10-13 05:15:48
Dear all,

Just finished watching 1st episode of Bamboo Blade. I think this anime is quite interesting too!

Its about a kendo teacher who desires to gather super strong girls to join the school kendo club.

The story is very interesting...cute girls with cool kendo techniques =D

mi-chan yori~


Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-13 09:58:35
I think the teacher is a saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad person

Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-13 11:34:04
dLing the first episode right now. :3


Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-10-13 18:49:55
@Sky, i second that XD

I'm looking forward to the second episode^^

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Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-14 18:20:16
@ DA:
What? @_@ Where are you getting it???

I wanna check this anime out too. There's so many to watch!

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Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by Night on 2007-10-16 05:27:23
I read the manga, it seems interesting enough but I am not sure if I'm going to watch it. Not because of lack of interest but lack of time.

Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-16 07:12:56
@Suzaku is heaven for Bittorents and (torrentbox as well) for some others. is great for online viewing.

Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by Eiko on 2007-10-16 17:07:37
The girl who didn't want to join the club is saving the series for me. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I'd watch the rest of it.

Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by gmsniper07 on 2007-10-16 18:38:30
I want free sushi for a year no fair!!! lol jk yea it's a great anime i really enjoy it i hope ep two subbing will come out soon


Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-16 19:32:52
@ Skyl:
Darn, I don't like torrents ._.
oh well, I have an account on crunchyroll so I'll just watch it there.

Judging from the title, it's an anime about kendo? XD

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Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2007-10-17 02:42:20
I kinda like the MiyaDan pairing. Hahaha, when Dan introduced Miyamiya as his girlfriend; the expressions of Koujiro-sensei and Yuji wre priceless =P

Oh, I really like Tama-chan's character. Kawaii~ The 'seigi no mikata' theme is a classic.

I'm looking forward to see more action =D

mi-chan yori~


Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-17 17:42:39
Darn, the first episode is available for dL now...


*deletes some old stuff to free hard disk*

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Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-17 17:48:08
lol, why not burn some complete series you have. I might start doing that soon.
The quality might be DVD like if I view it on the living room TV or something, who knows.

I had the first episode since it first released, yet still haven't seen it yet.
I'm dLing more anime then viewing, which is bad... but good in a way. Get the hard part finished. ^.^;


Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-17 17:49:56
I could. But that would take up a lot of blank CDs ._.

Is there a goal set in this anime? Or is it just about kendo classes or something?

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Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-17 19:28:18
^Watch the first episode. I think that goal will develop into something bigger, but as for now, you'll find it's a sad sad sad times a trillion goal.

Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-18 19:21:56
I finally watched the first episode....
It's okay I suppose. the graphics aren't the best, and I don't like much of the characters in there XD

I suppose it's worth watching, because I wanna see how Tama-chan beats up that junior XD

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Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-20 19:00:12
Just saw episode one now. It's pretty interesting.
The intro and ending theme songs are pretty sweet! The intro sounds like it was sung live, and I'm just listening to the ending credits now.
That Tamaki girl is pretty deadly! Her eyes tell you a lot about her...

And the teacher is a sad guy, but if you look at his living conditions, he's pretty desperate in a way.
He's broke, he needs a new light bulb (lol), and he needs new members to his Kendo Club (only so then he can eat something everyday).

The part where some boys wanted to join the club was funny.
The Kendo instructor was talking to Kirino about something and then the boys came knocking in and he just told 'em off and beat them up. XDXD

He had the same pitch in his voice when him and Nakata first saw Eigo's incredibly dreamy girlfriend, LOL!!!!


Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by on 2007-10-21 10:52:33
XD yeah, the instructor dude can be pretty entertaining at times XDD

Ii can't believe he asked the girl for an extra lightbulb. :P

Anyways, can't wait to watch ep 2!!! *wants to see Tamaki beat up someone*

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Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-21 19:14:11 (edited 2007-10-21 19:39:24)
Watching episode two's intro right now. Man, I'm starting to really love this intro.
Girl groups rock, and this song is really nice. =^_^=

[edit] The dried plum rice bento that Tamaki had during lunch break was funny!
She couldn't distribute her dried plum evenly, since she only had one for herself (and she ate it for herself, anyways). XDXD

The Eigo/Miya Miya relationship is a bit frightening to believe... from the perspective of both Yuuji and Kojirou-sensei that is.
It also pisses them off a bit, too. XP


Re: Bamboo Blade
Link | by Gambler on 2007-10-22 11:03:02
When the anime titles for Fall 2007 were released, Bamboo Blade wasn't one of the series that I intended to watch. However, comparing the animation of the series to the artwork of the manga, I may give it a chance.

P.S. Some fanservice will help add points to Bamboo Blade. :p

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