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Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by ヽ(^0^)た(^。^)だ(^−^)い(^O^) on 2007-11-03 13:55:00
SPLAT! *gets crushed by battleship*

*A Haunted Battleship moves to da next postah*

GazettE Yay! Now Rock out!

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by empoleon on 2007-11-03 16:04:20
*throw 12 Time Bombs to the Haunted Battleship*
The Haunted Battleship go to the next poster and will be exploding at 5.....4.....3.....2.....

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-11-03 17:38:49
*stares at ship*
Well, what have we here...
*ship explodes*

*shrapnel flies to teh next postah*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-03 22:56:22
*stab my heart and die*

*throws a Heli to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-04 01:19:26
*near death but not actually died. XD

*throws the hottest chili in the world to the next poster. *(mind the chemical in just a few feet can burt ya.)

チィャン 施昌吉

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-04 01:24:26
*grab the so called hottest chili in the world and put it inside the mouth*

*throws the nearest fire extinguisher to the next poster*

help me!

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-04 01:42:17 (edited 2007-11-04 01:43:23)
*catches and use it* there you go much better

*throws a Kabuto (Kamen Rider Kabuto) to the next poster* yea you better say Henshin if you don't want those worms to get cha

Tales of FC

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-04 23:56:14

*Kick kamen rider Kabuto to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by empoleon on 2007-11-05 00:32:26
*throw Pokeball to Kabuto*

Yeah!!! I got Kabuto

wait, how it can be??? whatever......

*throw pokeball to the next poster*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by HK on 2007-11-05 00:43:39

erk.. what teh heck???

*throws teh pokeball to teh next poster together with a note saying "--------"*

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-05 15:59:32
O.O !!!

*Is caught in teh Pokeball*

Let meh out!

*Throws the pokeball (with me in it) to the next poster*

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currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-05 16:38:43
*throws the pokeball* I choose you, Kabuto, Inx *Kabuto and Inx land on a field*

*look at the opponent* Now, attack!! Kabuto...Inx too

*Throws Inx to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by ヽ(^0^)た(^。^)だ(^−^)い(^O^) on 2007-11-05 20:36:45
*gets attacked by Inx* yells IIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!

faints from attack

*drool flows to the next poster*

GazettE Yay! Now Rock out!

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-06 01:44:09 (edited 2007-11-06 01:44:22)
yuck! takes out her umbrella xDD ta-da! im protected xDD

throws a mice-ee to the next poster :x

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by empoleon on 2007-11-06 06:54:33
just a mou.... wait mice??? That must be thousands.
*run and hide in my hideout*
throw cheese parfume to the next poster, the mice will chase you now.

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-06 09:17:35
*takes a huge crate to store all the mice in*
I'll train them to fight for me.
*throws a building at the next poster for no reason.*

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by TenSpot on 2007-11-06 11:01:22
*Catches building, and tosses it aside*

*throws the town of Silent Hill at the next poster*
Have fun.

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-11-06 20:44:20
*town lands all around*

Alright, my minions...tonight, we take the world!! :[

*throws teh Silent Hill monsters to teh next postah*

Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by on 2007-11-06 21:28:21
*Bring out the Resident Evil monster* Attack!!

*throws a zombie to the next poster*


Re: Throw an object V2
Link | by empoleon on 2007-11-07 00:25:04
*the zombie looks at me*
empo: noo!!! don't kill meh
zombie: hey, where's the toilet bro?
empo: ....... go ahead and then turn left
*the zombie runs to the toilet and meets the next poster*

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