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if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2007-09-17 20:09:50
well if you were any anime character who would you want to be for just one day?

it can be ANYONE YOU WANT!

i think i would want to be daisuke from DNA

i think he would make a good person to be don't you?

there's just something mysterious about him i can't explain ^ o ^

well enough of my opinions let's hear some others!

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by Tessa on 2007-09-17 21:01:25
yoko from xxxholic...

i just love her alot alot... ^^

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by ヽ(^0^)た(^。^)だ(^−^)い(^O^) on 2007-09-17 21:22:38
wow dats a hard one I thimk i would be Rin Tsuchimi from shuffle! i mean he can become the king of gods or demons and has like 5 girls who are in love with him boy ain't he lucky (╥_─;) he just dosen't know how lucky...

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Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by xinshan on 2007-09-17 23:12:18
erm... let me think for a second...
i guess i would like to be haruhi from ouran high school host club.
she's the animation form of me.
but the different is she ish pretty and hardworking.
and the best part ish she has many great friends around her.
i'm afraid of thunder just like she does.


Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by × on 2007-09-18 00:50:11
hmm... allen walker maybe, but he's a guy er...

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2007-09-18 01:08:12
errrr...maybe Kira...
its just cool being ultimate coordinator n flying highs up to the sky with Strike Freedom....

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2007-09-18 07:36:57
I'll be happy as Kyon from Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu
i would like to experience what he experienced XDDD
an ordinary human in an extraordinary situation(??) XD

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by doraemon on 2007-09-19 11:48:01
i want to be rin(shuffle!) too but i better want to be Lelouch of Code geass and use my geass to evryone and i am always with CC. that will be fun with my geass. . .


Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2007-11-22 10:12:52
Lol Yotsuba from Yotsuba ^^ Green-haired six-year-olds never looked cooler

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Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-11-22 10:47:22
anyone.. uh...
that's a hard question..
I have to think it deeple..

and just one day!!
even harder...


Maybe Edward Elric from FMA
be able to do cool stuf will alchemy has to be fun =P

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by clay on 2007-11-23 08:09:00
shinichi kudo ;D

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2007-11-23 17:48:03
mokona,pikachu and doraemon ahhahahaha

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2007-11-23 18:29:23
Wow for one day hmm.... Ah I know! Horohoro from Shaman king

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Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2007-11-23 18:41:34
hmm for me i guess i want to be sakis from lagoon engine XD

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by empoleon on 2007-11-24 03:09:30
hmm... Negi Springfield from Negima!? I want to know how is the feel of being surrounded by many bishoujo char :3

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by JuiceyHanz on 2007-11-24 03:43:42
man this is hard...
well I would like to be,
Train Heartnet from Black Cat..
I love to have the charm and skill of his..
Woohoo.. gunslinger..

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by shuhiro on 2008-08-10 00:38:28
Hanyuu or Rena from higurashi!!! -flyhugglepounce- They are too cute!!! Hauuu...~~~

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2008-08-10 12:53:02
Sumomo. from becus she is always so hyper

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by on 2008-08-10 12:56:48

Re: if you were an anime character who would you be?
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-08-10 13:11:35
so Honey want to be sumomo?? that would be great!!
I would love a Honey Sumomo =P

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