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What's your favorite anime?
Link | by Animeoutcast on 2005-04-29 18:58:58
I've always been wanting to know what everybody's favorite anime show/manga were. So I guess this could be kind of a survey. I always thought that 'Fruits Basket' is awesome.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by hisokaomi on 2005-04-30 00:03:53
i love yami no matsuei and weiss kreuz. Evangelion n vampire princess miyu r great too! in terms of graphic, D.N.Angel is fantastic.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by Blitz on 2005-04-30 08:20:26
At the moment its Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach and Wolfs Rain. Absoulte quality.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by Animeoutcast on 2005-04-30 11:06:35
I think that all of those are awesome. ^.^ Though I have never watched Yami No Matsuei, I heard that is great.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by DarkAniMatter on 2005-04-30 11:15:16
I would say the classic, which is Yaiba and Zenki ^^

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by jusray91 on 2005-04-30 13:35:36
Naruto, FMA,and all Akamatsu works

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by pie on 2005-04-30 14:15:13
naruto, FMA, maybe gundom..

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by Jay on 2005-04-30 17:52:10
Right now I'm watching Bandit King Jing which I'm hooked on. Too bad there's only 13 episodes and the OVA is only 3 episodes long.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by vortex on 2005-04-30 19:08:05
Hi guys. First tim eposter here, please have mercy. Even though I have ben watching anime since the "Starblazers" days (aka Space battleship yamato) in the late 70s/early 80s, still consider myself a relative newb to the anime arena. But I am fast trying to catch up on lost time.

I LOVED Evangelion - so deep it hurts - So mauch I bought the box set. Also loved Noir and FMP. But EVA still holds the best spot with me.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by darkhunter on 2005-04-30 20:17:51
naruto, bleach, death note, samurai deeper kyo, yami no matsuei, gensomaden saiyuki, saiyuki reload, fullmetal alchemist, vandread, vandread 2nd stage, and lots more (i couldn't remember)

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-04-30 21:30:17
I really think Evangelion's awesome (hence the name), but it's got a little bit too much nudity for me >_<
Back on favorites, maybe Mini-Goddess.

...I also wanna see Azumanga Daioh. Any info on it, please (like, how much swearing or sexuality or whatever)?

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by shio rocks on 2005-05-01 04:53:51
Um... Any anime by CLAMP. Especially X and Rayearth. Wolf's Rain uber nice too.
No offence meant by for me and my group of friends, fruit basket's kinda a bit for more 'bimbo' type... It really seemed that way for my school, but really, it's just an observation. No offence taken, I hope. Really, really sorry if anyone did happen to take offence.

Tenimyu, my life. First Generation of Seigaku Regulars forever!!
nagayama takashi! - eiji takigawa eiji - buchou kimeru - fuji moriyama eiji! - momo shiozawa hidemasa!!! - mizuki

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by sky on 2005-05-01 06:31:59
Mine was Getbackers and GTO.... Thats was all time fave!! my first fave anime was Ranma 1/2

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by xeno on 2005-05-01 08:02:03
For me, it'll be gundam wing, bleach, naruto n Ah my goddess....

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by SamuraiRyoma on 2005-05-01 17:59:07
got so many anime that i wanna see but dun have money to buy T.T
my favorite are prince of tennis , h x h , slamdunk ,gundam seed

i love anime ~

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by firemiste on 2005-05-02 18:19:19
Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by Momaru on 2005-05-02 18:41:15
Anything with mecha. I also like things with complex characters.

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by PsychoValkyrie on 2005-05-02 19:19:23
Oooh...tough question...
But, I'm currently into Samurai 7...*listening to Unlimited, the OP of the series*. If I would list all of them here, uhh...I can't guarantee the time when I'll be able to finish...=_= I supposed to put it here?

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by chocomint on 2005-05-03 20:18:27
Mine are decent comedy with storyline animes such as Azumanga Daioh, Inuyasha, Gashbell, Midori no Hibi etc

Re: What's your favorite anime?
Link | by Crosis the Purger on 2005-05-03 21:47:35
my fav animes would be Love Hina and Chobits.

Crosis the Purger

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