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Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by glieccer on 2007-08-21 00:22:30
What is your opinion about mercy killing/euthanasia being legalized in your country.

Euthanasia or otherwise known as mercy killing is the practice of ending the life of a terminally ill person in a painless or minimally painful way, for the purpose of limiting suffering.

Would you agree to this..... that one of your family like for example suffering coma would gone through mercy killing?

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-21 00:57:57
I can understand why someone would wish for this. I don't really approve, but it is a decision each person has to make for them selfs or in some sad cases....the family must choose. I never could and I would never want anyone to do it to me. I can understand though if say, someone was suffering terribly and hasn't been getting well and there is no way to help/cure them. Personally, it's like playing God in my eyes, only the people involved are willing and giving consent. This topic tears me in two. I'd hate to see someone suffer though. It's not much different then putting down a suffering animal. I...don't know.

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Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-21 01:44:09
Ooo, this is very tough!
To me... it might sound weird, but it depends on the situation.
I've only heard of "dogs being put to rest", but not sure if a similar thing should happen to real people.
Again, it depends on the situation.

Like one thing, they could've ended Kenshin and Kaoru's life in Reflections, but that wasn't even an option they thought of since they ended up dying together.
It depends on two things... the situation AND the person you want to apply this to.

This is tough, but all I can think of now is "it depends on the situation."
It's making me think so much of different situations, mostly some refering to anime moments.

Yupp, this is a real thinker, although my answer might be ending up as a "no"... then the thought comes up again ("it depends on the situation").


Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-21 04:46:06
I think the example put up is a different scenario. When a person is in a coma, they are really just sleeping for a long time. When you provide Mercy killing, or "pulling the plug" to such a person, you are just giving up of the person. Anybody in a coma has a chance to wake up, no matter how hard or long it may be. That is a choice which I deem wrong, since that just takes the burden of a sleeping person off your shoulders.

However, terminally ill patients are a different story. They know that they are going to die, you know that they are going to die, and everybody around them knows that they are going to die. If the illness is painful, of course you would want to end their suffering.

Example, a person is going to die in 5 days. However, each of the five days, he/she will suffer pain like none can imagine. The anxiety of dying itself will cause mental pain. A patient that is going through so much pain should probably be relieved of their pain. Thus, comes in Euthanasia.

I think it should only be given to those that really don't have a chance in surviving whatever disease they have. It will just be like giving a person a pill to relieve a sore throat, instead this relieves the person from their life.

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-21 13:30:20 (edited 2007-08-21 13:31:12)
I've always been for it. For comas I would be for it if I woud be on out for a year. After a year you have to relearn everything you have learned in your life. (at least that's what I hear.) Just because someone is still "alive" doesn't mean they actually are. Without the machinces keeping their bodies alive they'd die anyway. My family had to decide to do that to my gradma who was terminally ill. Nobody that I know personally ever wants to live like that.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-21 13:36:11
no comment...........
mercy killing seems... evil somehow... dunno how to explain how i feel >.<

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by Aramis on 2007-08-21 14:11:41 (edited 2007-08-21 14:16:05)
I would approve, it's something done with good intentions and it's usually what the patient would wish for. Though it's not a common practice to actually put patients to death in any situation. After the docs, possibly the patient and the patient's relatives work things out, things usually go like this;

In the scenario with patients that are going to die very soon from an illness and are incapable of anything but writhing in agony, they're simply given enough drugs to not feel anything, their life support is cut off, and they pass away naturally.

In the case of permanently comatose/brain dead/inactive cerebral cortex, things are more convenient since they already feel nothing. The patients aren't given any treatment/nutrients except keeping their bodies in presentable shape until they wither to death.

I've seen several people pass away myself, it's a natural, not really a terrifying thing. What I would consider wrong is artificially keeping people alive for extended periods when they aren't going to recover.

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-08-21 18:23:40
Personally, it depends on a few things...

A: IS it someone who wants it because of an incurable sickness, or one that has progressed to a fatal stage/is fatal no matter what? If so, then knock him out.

B: Is it a serial killer/rapist that's mutilated 50 girls and shows no signs of stopping? If so, knock him out too.

C: Is the person a 100% vegetable (not including a couch potato)? If so, knock him out as well.

There you have it, IMO.

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-22 21:06:45 (edited 2007-08-22 21:07:57)
Well, to me it is a no-brainer. If it is time for the person to die, he/she should be allowed to die. If you know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the person in question will not live without indefinite life support, then I believe it is time for that person to go and join Jesus.

Let's turn back time to a hundred years ago when medical technology was nowhere near as advanced as we are now. A "vegetable" will simply die without life support. There is no if or but or debating.

Besides, death is simply a part of life and certainly you don't expect to live forever. As that one saying goes, "NO ONE gets out of this world, alive." That is except the three people in the Bible.

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by giles on 2007-08-23 08:05:07
Hmm. I'm in-training to be a physician...very relevant. Here're my thoughts.
Personally, I don't approve of mercy killing, even in those who are comatose or in a vegetative state, especially recently when there have been new researches regarding brain stimulation treatments that are improving the conditions of these kinds of patients.
Of course, the family still has the say in cases where the patient cannot decide for him/herself...and it still remains an option.
Even then...the goal of health profession is to improve the quality of life of the patients (aside from curing illnesses and teaching proper prevention). The patient should die of natural causes, not induced death...and if suffering from an incurable, chronic progressive disease, try to alleviate his/her suffering and then just DNR (do not revive) if or when the patient's time comes. But as I mentioned, it is largely the relatives' (or the patient's) call.
(hoo boy, I hope I rarely encounter this scenario in my practice someday).

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-23 08:51:48
i only agree with it if you have the papers, you know like the ones you sign to say if your in a certain state like a vegtable or something then they can pull the plug, if you have signed papers to say you want to die if your very ill and in pain and nothing can be done for you then i agree

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by Kai-chan on 2007-08-23 16:49:42 (edited 2007-08-23 16:50:29)
I was an ethicist in my past life :p

Just a clarification. Mercy Killing entails the termination of the patient's life by means other than the natural means in which the person would expire. Pulling the plug of an ICU is not considered mercy killing.

Anywho, considering the moral implications of this one, I'd have to say 'NO' to mercy killing. A moral act, such as this one, always has three dimensions namely: the nature of the act, the object of the act, and the circumstances surrounding the act. Let's apply this to mercy killing shall we.

Nature: Mercy Killing, in any way you look at it, involves the termination of the life of the patient to what??? reduce suffering. Give me a break. Mercy killing is still murder. Murder is, was, and always will be evil.

Object of the act: This dimension of an action does not negate the fact that Mercy Killing is an evil act. The most the object of the act is concerned in doing is either mitigating or aggravating the Mercy Killer's moral culpability. Object of the act = the motive why you commit such an action.

Circumstances surrounding the act: Same as above. The circumstances surrounding the act are the events concerning a particular action.

Okay. So murder is evil. Regarding the object of the act, one could fall prey to the victim's relatives and their pleas to 'end' the patient's pain. Same goes for the circumstances surrounding the act. But, giving in to those pleas suggest that you gave in to mercy, not to reason. That in turn is a logical fallacy. A fallacious statement could never pass as a valid one.

Verdict: Mercy Killing ... 'No'


Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-25 00:59:30
I'd have to say yes on it.

I mean, its ones own decision to live or die, and its only humane to allow them to die in the most peacefull and painless way possible. I mean prescription meds and what not is certainly a better way to go out than to have to shoot/hang/suffocate yourself or any of the other commonly used methods

@Kai-chan: And you think it is moral to let someone be forced to lie there in a hospital bed in horrible pain as their time draws up, unable to do anything else at all? Fed through a tube in their stomach whilst stewing in their own feces? You would rather force them into surviving just a little longer in agonizing conditions than let them die a few months or years before hand, so they can do so in the most pleasant way possible?

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-28 05:40:36
i was using pulling the plug as an example, you have to have papers signed or get permission to do it

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-28 05:49:02
Mercy killing should not be allowed! If a person who is suffering from an incurable disease, it is his/her choice to do what they wish. Just because they are sick or worse doesnt mean they are not human. Everyone has rights and these should not be violated, if they wish to live then let them so long as they are able to bear whatever comes their way. We cant just silence them just because they are suffering. Who knows? Maybe the day after you sent that guy/girl to the great beyond a cure for his/her disease may have been found but the patient would not be there to take it and live another day with his family and loved ones......just thinking about killing someone else makes me feel matter who or what his problem is......

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by Kai-chan on 2007-08-28 20:51:37 (edited 2007-08-28 20:52:42)
@rocketg, don't take this the wrong way but that is such a noob question. That's what all the avant-gardes ask....

Here's reality for you: As hard as it to belive, letting the patient die in pain, rather than opting for the quick fix- euthanasia- is the ETHICAL thing to do.

Review your ethics 101 dear :p

And oh, careful with your words. Pleasant is a relative term you know.


Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-29 16:57:15
@Kai-chan: I totally disagree with you. Just becuase you think it's wrong doesn't mean it's not ethical. A problem with this is that everyone thinks that letting them live is right, but if the person commits suicide to stop this pain it's suddenly wrong. And with a vegetable, how eithcal is it to let them die slowly while every part that makes them human withers away? In my opinion watching someone die is worse then trying to help them. Even if helping them means ending their life.

And there is always that problem of pulling the plug and then soon after they might find a cure. Here is another reality. We will never find cures for things without people dying before the cure.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by Kai-chan on 2007-08-30 09:17:47 (edited 2007-08-30 09:19:35)
@Dark Stranger, I think I'm pretty sure of what I think because my opinion is influenced by the myriad of ethics courses which I attended. In short, my opinions are based on fact. You can disagree all you want, but I doubt if you'd hold out in an ethics test.

Here's why I disagree:

Case 1: (Doctor proceeds with 'medical procedures')
>> Patient Dies
>> Doctor Commits murder
>> Doctor's moral culpability = high

Case 2: (Doctor does not proceed)
>> Patient dies... evenually
>> Doctor does not commit murder
>> Doctor's moral culpability = still high (inaction)

You wrote:
In my opinion watching someone die is worse then trying to help them.

Me say:

Saying 'No' no euthanasia does not necessarily mean that the doctor would watch the patient die. You are assuming that the doctor would abandon the patient because nothing else could be done about the condition of being terminally ill. You forgot to mention one thing: The doctor along with the patient's family could be there for the patient in the patient,s final moments. This is what you call moral support, something that most Christian doctors opt for.

Food for thought: If you were a terminally ill patient in your deathbed, would you rather
a) Die knowing that the doctor-- who took the physician's pledge to preserve life-- who is supposed to treat you was the one who killed you
b) Die knowing that that doctor was there with you the whole time, even in your final moments


Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by on 2007-08-30 19:29:43
Opinons are not based on facts. That's what makes them opinions. Besides ethics are based on your morals. There is no solid right and wrong thing about this. And for me yeah I'd prefer that I would have someone pull the plug on me instead of people standing around saying "Well we can't do anything to help, so we will just watch you die. Hope this makes you feel better." Besides it's not like they would pull the plug, and not tell anyone. Your famioly would be there when that happens anyway.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Would you approve mercy killing?
Link | by Kai-chan on 2007-08-30 20:11:53 (edited 2007-08-31 16:52:27)

You're soooo wrong on that. An opinion not based on fact would either be a fallacious or an erroneous one. Ever heard of scientific theories, dear? I understand that ethics is not an exact science, therefore POVs are relative. Regardles, ethics provides criterion in which we formulate our opinions regarding moral issues. I used the word 'opinions' due to the fact that ethics is relative in the sense that people have different morals.

And oh, I think there's an invention called 'Morphine' to deal with extreme pain. Most terminally ill patient's die with minimal pain, you forgot that one as well, dear :p That is a fact.

Oh, I would like to remind everyone that pulling an ICU plug is NOT, I repeat, NOT,I repeat NOT, I repeat NOT, considered as Mercy Killing.

*Here are some facts:

*please pay special attention to what Euthanasia is not :p


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