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The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Karasu on 2007-08-19 09:25:37 (edited 2007-08-21 12:43:52)
In the days when demons walked the land, destroying cities and killing the humans, a new profession arose: the demon slayer. These brave (or desperate) people were paid to ease the sufferings of villages by destroying the demons that plagued them, and then they moved on.

But there were seven special slayers with gems in their weapons, gems of unlimited power, forged in the earth by the power of gods, made to seal away evil energy released from demon corpses. At a word from the slayers, the energies would be released, giving the holders demon powers of their own. These seven slayers didn't ask for what Fate was to drop on their heads, but every job needs doing, right?

This is my first RP, so here goes. A basic description is needed, standard name, height, age, species (that's right, you don't have to be human), a description of yourself (a picture if you like), and a description of your weapon and its gem color. A back-story is optional, but it's good for character development. After that, Demon Techniques can be listed. Don't go overboard, you're not a god, and you will wear down. Explain what the technique does, and most importantly, NO AUTO-HITTING! Last, but not least, in case of a demon battle in which two or more characters are involved, I'll control the demon.

For instance:
Name: Karasu
Height: Six feet tall.
Age: 19
Species: Human
Description: moderately muscled, with white, shoulder length hair and grey eyes, wearing a black tunic and black pants, and sandals. Good-natured, and given to bouts of goofiness.
Weapon: four foot long onyx (which happens to be black) sword, with two blades that twine together and join at the tip, and the gem is set into the hilt.
Gem color: Well, it's a diamond, so clear.
Back-story: Karasu's parents were traveling merchants who died on the road because of a demon attack. A demon slayer found him half-dead and took him in. Karasu learned from him, and they lived peacefully, until the night his master was killed by a demon seeking revenge. As he died, the master told Karasu where to find the Sealing Gem that now resides in his sword. And so, Karasu set out on his journey as a demon slayer.
Demon techniques: Flare Impact- causes the ground around the user to explode, leaving a crater. After that, white mist crawls out of the crater to devour anyone the explosion missed.


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-19 09:42:57 (edited 2007-08-21 06:06:41)
Name: Amarine
Height: 176 cm tall
Age: Unknown
Species: Ghost
Description: A shade-like creature that is drapped in a black, torn garment and has a Mask made of an idestructable alloy that gives him strange powers that mortals cant comprehand. Always ride on his horse, Nightmare and is known as the king of Nightmares by his victims. Technically, he cant die but can be defeated. Cold to all except a small handfull whom have known him to be wise, kind and strict at the same time.
Weapon:A Scythe that can "grow" extra blades anywhere on itself such as its hilt, handle and so on. It is black in colour and the blade is invisible in the moonlight. His scythe is made of Dragon bones and is binded onto his right arm as though it were part of him, As a result, he can make blades grow out from his entire right arm.The Gem is fixed at the head of the scythe. His scythe feeds on blood and can transform it self and Amarine into Two seperate Dragons, The Dragon of Dark And The Dragon Of Light. They also say that they can come together to become one for a short period of time.
Gem Colour: Emerald, so its green.
Back-story: The King of Ghosts and dreams, His once great kingdom had been seiged by their former allies the Demons and his kingdom fell, leaving him and some other ghost and spirits behind with the ruined kingdom. Amarine Swore to destroy the demons as they had gone back on their word and destroyed his Kingdom. Had taken the gem stoneand the scythe from his treasury that had been securely gaurded by the strongest spiritual force that ever existed and left on his stead, Nightmare to slay demons and put an end to them.
Demon techniques: Harvest of souls: Once the King of Ghosts has felled an opponent in battle or even scratched him, he and his scythe will grow stronger and will be able to unleash more devastating spells and attacks, with the more souls he collects. His most loyal men share in his power and gain more power everytime the king himself slays an opponent through the contract. The things slain by the king of ghosts remain trapped forever unless the King of Ghosts wishes to free them.

Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-19 12:35:15 (edited 2007-08-19 14:50:29)
Name : Heero

Age : 17

Species : human who inherited a demon power

Appearance : Guyver unit 1 (ill get a pic soon)

Weapons : High frequency blades form arms , high energy head beam , shua cannon

Gem colour : ruby red

Bio : at 9 his parents were killed by humans ..he wandered alone untill he found a parculiar gem this gem gave him powers. his just sense of mind told him that he should fight for good. so he became a demon slayer

(is it okay that u use armour like that)

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Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Sagara on 2007-08-19 19:43:36 (edited 2007-08-25 01:47:53)
Name: Kalinus

Height: 178 cm tall

Age: 21

Species: Rezan(demon-like humanoid)

Species Description: A race of physically powerful demon-like humanoids. They are physically superior to demons with an extremely strong bone structure. They can manipulate their own skeletal structure at will. They can form shields, melee weapons, claws, etc made of their bones.

Description: A demonic-like creature that is drapped in a black, torn coat and has a helmet made of an almost idestructable alloy that hides his face and gives him strange powers that mortals can't comprehand. Sometimes ride on his horse, Oblivion and is known as the Rezan Arbiter by his victims. Technically, he cant die because of his pact with the King of Ghosts but can be defeated. Cold to all except the King of Ghosts himself whom has known him to be loyal, caring, and smart at the same time.

Weapon: A Sword that can "shoot" sharp blade-like energy from anywhere on itself such as its hilt, handle and so on. It is white in colour and the blade is blinding in the sunlight. The Gem is fixed at the hilt of the sword.

Gem Colour: Pearl White, so its white.

Back-story: The Rezan Arbiter. His home was sieged by their former allies the Demons, the siege was eventually stopped by the physically superior Rezan but their numbers were reduced and his family were brutally killed by the demons. Kalinus was saved from death a few years later by the King of Ghosts and in gratitude made a pact with the King of Ghost to avenge his family.

Demon techniques: Bone Pulse : Manipulate his bone structure at will. True Form : Transforms into the devastating true form of a Rezan. User has greatly increased speed and strenght, super tough skin and almost indestructible bones which grants them the ultimate physical defense.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Renma on 2007-08-20 19:31:18 (edited 2007-08-20 19:35:13)
Name: Ephraim
Height: 180 cm
Age: 18
Species: Human
Description: An Ordinary Guy, He Lives in The Outskirt of a Village, He is the Undertaker of a Graveyard in that Village, Usually Wears Robe. He Has Brown Coloured Hair and Emerald Coloured Eyes.
Weapon: An emerald Edged Lance Named Reginleif
Gem color: Green, Emerald
Back-story: Ephraim's Parents are Both Dead Because they passed down The Forbidden Art of Shadow Mastery. Also, Both of Them are Demon Hunters As well, making Ephraim The Successor of His Family of Demon Hunter.
Demon techniques: Dark beast. He Summons a Really Powerful Shadow Figure From his Own Shadow. His Father once said that it is the Cerberus Himself, But Nobody Ever seen it actually Since Not Much Have Face It and Live to tell about Its Appearance.

Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-20 21:42:59 (edited 2007-08-20 21:43:29)
Name: Night
Height: 7 feet.
Age: 22
Species: Human
Description: Later
Weapon: Cursed Rapier, Hades
Gem color: Blue Sapphire
Back-story: Came from a noble family. Night hate being pushed so he rebel against his family and decide to create his own path. Eventhough he is free from the shackle of responsibility. He still arrogant and selfish as ever. Being trained by his father to inherit the task of a slayer, Night is quite good with his unique rapier, a memento from his grandfather. With a servant by his side, he walk on a journey to find his own destiny
Demon techniques: Noble's Curse - Turn himself into a demon-like creature. At this point his only desire is blood and destruction. Can only be used when near death.


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Karasu on 2007-08-21 12:59:07 (edited 2007-08-21 12:59:48)
(Good. Let's begin, shall we? I'm sure we'll all meet up eventually, so no pressure to start in the same place.)

Karasu was fighting the Demon of Onimashou. It was a hideous thing, a bald bull, walking upright, that had burned and calloused skin. Karasu dodged the demon's chain-blade once more. Let's end this. He leapt forward and sliced the demon's arm off. He turned and jammed his sword into its heart. He twisted it, and whispered, "Now, die." The beast staggered and fell forward. Karasu yanked his blade free and jumped out of the way.

He looked into the beast's dying eyes and saw nothing but animal fear and hunger. I guess that's all he was: an animal trying to survive. "May your soul, if you have one, find peace."

He looked over at the arm. The ochre blood had already stained the summer cherry blossoms that blanketed the ground. Then he looked at the moon. "My job's done. Back to the village."


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-21 14:23:06
-rooftop -

Heero : you demon now talk

Demon : you may have beaten me but ill never answer you

Heero : *charges shur cannon * now tell me where my father is

Demon : your fathers dead

Heero : yeah the human side i have to kill whats left of him

Demon : ill never

Heero : SHUR CANNON *blows demons head off*

* the demon dies and heero retracts his armour laying in the moonlight*

Heero : this isnt going well im not getting anywhere *sighs*

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Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-22 01:29:49

A figure can be seen inside a forest, stabbing and slashing demons. The demons is just a lesser-demon, with no power whatsoever. As the fight begin to become more excited, the figure become bored and stab the head of the lesser-demon. It dissipate and the fragment of it soul is being suck into the Rapier.

Butler: *emerge from behind a tree* "Is it over, young master?"

Night: "Yes, so how's my perfomance?" *sheath the rapier*

Butler: "Splendid, young master. Very good"

Night: *smile* "I expect no less than that. Hurry, wipe my sweat...I hate being covered in sweat"

Butler: *take out a towel* "Yes, young master" *wipe Night's face*

Night: "How long will it take for us to arrive at the next town? I hate sleeping in the wild like this. For a noble like me, this is a disgrace"

Butler: "The next town should be in one more day if we travel at this speed. If only we can find a carriage, it would take less than 3 hours to get there"

Night: *sit* "I want to rest now. As soon as I get rested, we'll be heading there"

Butler: "Very well young master" *bow*


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Karasu on 2007-08-23 13:31:31
Karasu was walking through the woods when he heard a rustling in the brush to his left. He felt his muscles tighten as he went for his sword. There was another rustle, and a squirrel popped out. "Oh, hello," he said, and crouched to scratch the squirrel's chin. When he stood up, he was face to face with a woman. Not an ordinary woman, mind you. She was hanging upside down from a tree.

"Aww. Why did you kill Saru? He was one of my favorites."

Karasu went for his sword again, but it was gone.

"Now, now. No need for violence. I'm here to offer you an invitation."

"To what?"

"To join the army of my father, the demon overlord, Mi Thai."

"That's a no." He put his hand to his forehead. "Wait, wait... nope, still no."

"But you already rank as a General, which earns you thousnds of servants to perform your silliest whims! All we want is your service in the war for this earth. The demons want... security."

"Oh! No."

"Never mind, there are others. You wait, you'll regret it. Your blade has been returned." So saying, she faded into darkness.

Karasu shivered and started walking again. "Creepy little girl, wasn't she?"


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-24 01:24:09 (edited 2007-08-24 01:27:57)
~Evona, Realm of the dead, A year ago~

Amarine: I am going now, kras i expect you and your men to rebuild my once fine city by the time i have returned.
Kras: It shall be done my lord.....when do we expect you back?
Amarine: Who knows.....but untill then, seek out others who will help you and take care of this place while i am gone........understood? And remember about the new ghosts that come in, we want them to live life as normal in their after life.
Kras: Yes my lord.

Amarine sat up straight and gave a slight shake on his horse's reign, and he was off, into the land of the living to slay the foul demons that lay siege to his once powerfull and one could say beautifull kingdom.

~present, in a grassy field~

Amarine sat on Nightmare and stared at the moon lit sky.

Amarine: Ah this is just how peacefull it would be on a normal night at Evona........those damn demons..........Nightmare...we've been slaying so many demons i've lost many do you think i've killed?
Nightmare Is Amarine's personal stead and a ghost Horse, and like all ghost horses, they can speak mentally to their owners and those they trust.
Nightmare: I am not sure my has been a year do you think Evona has become?
Amarine: I would like to think that it has regained its former glory or better still gotten even more strong than before............Do you think its worth it?? To hunt for these lousy Demons?
Nightmare:They deserve to pay for their crimes and treachery.....thats what i think....
Amarine: I see.....

Suddenly, they were jumped by a group of 3 demons.

Demon 1: hehehe Look what we've found, the King Of Ghosts himself......the boss is sure to be pleased if we bring him to hi.........
The sound of a head being lopped off was heard as the first demon's head rolled onto the ground with its mouth opened in mid speach as it turned into dust.

Amarine: Looks like i have to clean the thrash once more......Demon scum Take this for what you've done!
Before the demons could run, Amarine had impaled them from blades that grew out of his right hand.

Amarine: lousy grunts, what a waste of my breath and energy......*gets onto Nightmare and rides a last moan of agony come from his scythe, from the souls of the three new demons into his collection of souls and power*

Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-24 02:12:20
Later at the night, the butler approach Night and wake him up. Since it was a full moon the demon was very much active now. With a shake and a stomp, he finally wake up and around them is a group of demon.

Butler: "Young's time for your daily exercise"

Night: " much this time?"

Butler: "Only five"

Night: "Time limit?"

Butler: "10 minutes"

Night: "Okay"

As the conversation end, Night quickly get up and reach for his rapier, Hades. The demons also take a step and dash towards Night. The 1st one was cut pretty easily. The second one came in from behind and Night kick it away before jumping to the and stab the demon head. The third and fourth one came from Night's side and try to grab his hand. With a spin, Night dodge the attack and do a spinning slash. Looking at the situation, the 5th demon try to runaway but Night toss the Hades and stab the demon heart. As he retract the sword, the souls of the demon was suck into the Hades and Night sheath back the rapier.

Butler: *stop timer* "10 minutes and 5 second...Way pass the limit"

Night: "It dark here, I can't see clearly. It should be less than 9 minutes"

Butler: "No excuse young master. A late is a late. So, what do we do now?"

Night: "Pack the things, we're going to continue our walk. I have no mood for sleeping right now. Beside, I can have light exercise if we resume our journey in the night" *smile*

Butler: *bow* "Very well...Please wait a little. I'll be packing these now"


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Karasu on 2007-08-24 13:25:54
Karasu reached the village around dawn, so early that the mist was still rising off the ground. The early-waking villagers whispered of his presence to one another, and that woke up more villagers, so that by the time he reaced the Elder's home, the old man was dressed and waiting for him outside.

"You have slain the demon?"

"Of course. I guarantee my work."

"Thank you, thank you so very much. It had terrorized our village for a decade or more."

"You're welcome. Though my payment has been recieved, I ask for one more thing. I humbly request that the elder impart some of his knowledge to me, regarding the demon overlord, Mi Thai."

"You should come inside, then."

Meanwhile, Datellos was being watched. The same girl that accosted Karasu was in the tree above him. "Perhaps his swords will be enough."


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-25 01:04:05
Night and his butler is taking a stroll under the moonlight shine when suddenly they smell a very nice fragrance. It was the smell of barbeque. His stomach is growling, so he follow where the smell come from. At one open spot, they found a camping spot. There's a family around the campfire.

Butler: "It looks like a normal civilian"

Night: "Who cares about that...I need to eat, I'm hungry"

Butler: "How about you go and meet them young master. It seems they have caravan too"

As Night get up from his hideout, the sound he made startled the family. A man who looks like the head of the family get up and point a crossbow to them. Without a warning, he shoot directly to Night. The arrow went straight to his face scrapping his skin.

Man: "What the? A human"

Night: "Grr....Of course I'm a human!! What do you expect? elegant deer!!?"

Man: "I'm really sorry about that...I thought you're a bear"

Night: "That is much more insulting than my own expectation!!"

Butler: *walk to Night* "Calm down young master...please let me do the talking"

Man: "Sorry..please, come join us"


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Sagara on 2007-08-25 02:12:29
~Border, Rezan Territory, 1 year ago~

Kalinus and a few other Rezan was faced by a group of demons attacking a border village in the Rezan Territory. The demons drew weapons.

Kalinus: "I'll give one chance to retreat before i kill you.."

Demon Leader: "Hah!!I don't think so!Who are you anyway?!"

Rezan: "Fool!That is the future Arbiter of the Rezan!"

Most of the demons whisper among themselves, thinking if fighting was worth it.

Demon Leader: "Future Arbiter of the Rezan eh..?I am not afraid of you!Charge!"

The demons gain a boost of morale and attack. Kalinus cut through two demons with ease and the Demon Leader attacked him. Kalinus blocked with his right hand.

Demon Leader: "Hm not bad..but try harder!!"

The other Rezan were seemingly fighting the demons with little or no problem.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Karasu on 2007-08-25 16:57:51
The girl was only a few feet behind him, carrying the swords. "Damn!"

Meanwhile, Karasu sat down with the Elder. The Elder sighed and started his story. "In the beginning, the Spirits ruled with equal power. Fire was balanced by Water, and Fire, in turn, balanced ice, and so on. But the most prominent forces were those of Light and Shadow, because they alone could balance one another. Both born of nothingness, one could not live without the other, for the humans they watched over would fall into chaos. Unfortunately, Shadow didn't want to share his power. He argued that he should rule all, because his power filled the universe and even made its way onto the planets. Light disagreed, saying that his power was still strong enough to cut the darkness holding Shadow's power at bay on Earth. The fight became an all-out war, ending in the defeat of Light. As Shadow's power descended upon Earth, the remaining Spirits called to the High Priests of their temples, and merged their etherial powers with the human bodies. The Spirits used the Priests' bodies to weave a spell to seal away Darkness. But the seal cost them dearly. As Darkness was pulled into the center of Earth, the other Spirits felt their power being drawn out. Their energies merged, and in the wake of the Great Seal, seven gems were created, each having the power to wield the elemental power of the Spirits. One only needs to unlock the Seal of that Spirit."

"But what about the Demon Overlord? And where are the Seals?

"Well, first, of the Seals. Their power spent, the Spirits and their hosts died. Their followers buried each of them in a different place, somewhere their power was evident, and built traps for those who would loot these sacred tombs. As the years passed, the humans learned to live without the spirits, and so began the Age of Enlightenment. The numbers who knew of the tombs dwindled, until only the descendants of the families who served the Spirits were left. One family of each element was selected to carry on the secret, and those still of those clans carry the secret today, if they still live. Now, of Mi Thai. Mi Thai was a man once, a man who sought power. Learning of the almighty Shadow, he went on a quest to conquer this Spirit, and force it to obey him. He unfortunately found the Great Seal, and released Shadow. Shadow, though terribly weakened, was still too much for him, and stole his body and name to await the day his power was to be restored. When he was strong enough, he took over the Underworld, and set the Demons loose. You know the rest. The only way to force the Demons back into Hell is to unite the powers of the gems and reweave the Great Seal, and from what you've told me about your encounter in the forest, he seems ready to make his move on the Above World. You carry one of the gems, right there in your sword. That leaves six in the world. Find them, and seek out the seals, and put the Shadows to rest."


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Karasu on 2007-08-26 17:08:33 (edited 2007-08-26 17:17:38)
The swords began to shake at the sound of Datellos' voice. "They're calling to him..." She looked at him, and tossed him the swords. "I'm here to invite you-" and she started her begging all over again.

Karasu, meanwhile, had seen an awkward change come over the Elder. "Sir?"

He came back to himself. "Go to the Great Eastern Forest. Shadow's energy had shown itelf there, but it is oddly... incomplete."

"His daughter-"

"That must be it. A body forged from his power, but a different entity. Go to her, now, before she slips your grasp."

Karasu stood and bowed, and then he ran out of the door. The road to the forest will take too long. He jumped into the nearest tree and ran across the treetops to the northeast, to the center of the forest.


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Karasu on 2007-08-26 17:21:18
"She's mine!" Karasu burst through the trees on Datellos' left, sword drawn. He slashed through the place where the girl had been, but she had moved.

"Aww, you do like me!" she said, from a few branches up.

Karasu looked at Datellos. "I don't know who you are, but I suggest you get back."


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by on 2007-08-26 23:50:37

Night eat to his heart content, the man's wife and kids actually love their company there. The butler also share some information with the man, they have a really long chat. Night was actually happy with his surrounding.

Night: "Tell me sir, what are you doing here?"

Man: "Camping"

Night: "No! Not that, I mean what is your reason of entering this forest?"

Man: "Oh that, currently I'm travelling from one town to another. We happen to rest here for a while"

Butler: "You're a merchant right?"

Man: "Yes I am, I deal with everything. Really, everything that you might think of"

Night: "Even weapon?"

Man: "That is my specialty"

Wife: "Actually we also have a second reason to travel here....the next town here is called the city of healers, Bless. We came here to treat my daughter here. She's suffering from an illness" *pat her daughter*

Man: "Our hometown doesn't have the specialist for her case, so we come here"

Suddenly sounds of footstep came in from around them. Night put down his meal and get up. He is smiling's his turn to shine.

Butler: "Young master..10 minutes"

Night: "It's more than enough. *look at the man* My friend, for the compliment of your wonderful hospitality...I'll protect you until we arrive at the town. My service starts....NOW!!" *Take out his Rapier*


Re: The Devil's Hand, Ch. 1 (cast closed)
Link | by Sagara on 2007-08-27 02:56:00
~Border, Rezan Territory, 1 year ago~

Kisuke and the demon leader were engaged in battle. Kisuke blocked a few of the demon's attacks.

Demon Leader: "Not bad at all Rezan, but not good enough!BOMB BURST!!"

The demon leader struck Kisuke with his sword and caused a explosion to occur. He smirked as he jumped back.

Demon Leader: "Pathetic excuse for a future Arbiter.."

As the explosion cleared, a crater is revealed and Kisuke was standing with minor injuries and burns.

Demon Leader: "What?!How did you survive?!"

Kisuke: "Let me tell you. I purposely let you hit me and i quickly formed bone armor on my vital points.."

Demon Leader: "Tch!!The cursed ability of the Rezan!!"

Kisuke dashed at high speed towards the demon, cathing him off guard. He formed a long bone chain to grab the demon.

Kisuke: "This ends here, farewell demon!"

Kisuke formed a large bone spear on his right hand and pulled the demon towards it's tip.

Demon Leader: "I'll take you with me!RAHHH!!"

The demon tried to slash Kisuke but his spear simply broke the sword into two and brutally impaled the demon in the chest, causing him to scream in pain.

Kisuke: "Foolish demon..I shouldn't have wasted my time holding back."

Kisuke removed the demon from his spear and reformed his bones to normal.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

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