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D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-23 07:08:05 (edited 2007-07-23 07:10:32)
I'm a fan of D.Gray-Man, and I've been bored waiting for Book 6 to come out. Anyone else like D.Gray-Man?
Was anyone else reminded of Fullmetal Alchemist when they first read D.Gray-Man? I saw the first few pages and all I could think was that it reminded me of it... I don't know why.
(Please excuse any typos. My keyboard is acting up again and I need to get a new one...) :-)

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-23 07:32:25
ftw!!! I love D.Gray-man manga!!! i'm following it every week. one of the best shonen jump manga!!! it reminded me of FMA too... the setting, the atmosphere and the characters. the noah family reminds me of the 7 homonculus in FMA

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-23 16:06:58
OMG! I didn't know it was in SJ! I only bought the manga, since I couldn't find SJ anywhere! (well, that's a lie, but it was WAY overpriced...)
As for FMA... XD (Not mine, but I agree completely)

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-24 06:24:30
I <3 D.Gram-Man 4EVA! ><
It's my favorite manga!!! XD I <3 Kanda~ =3
I didn't think of FMA until one of my friend said that...
Allen is kinda similar to Ed.

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-25 12:42:30
Did you look at the URL to that pic? It's so true. XD
As for my fav. character, I'm a fan of Lavi. XD Of course, I thought John was cool too. ...and Miranda... and everyone else... Ok, the only one I'm not a huge fan of is Bookman. XD

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by sai on 2007-07-25 23:03:53
Hmm... I started reading it not too long ago, and yeah it was pretty good. On par with Naruto and Bleach i guess, but D-gray man beats them in terms of dying people... They killed a whole crew in a ship! A whole police force! A priest and a nun! Well that's the lovable part of this series...

The latest chapters are kinda messed up though... I mean, it'll be too forced if they actually survive that situation...

I'm also reminded of FMA when i saw this... Thanks to the setting and clothes i guess. I mean, both are european-ish...

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-25 23:28:18
Hmm.. FMA and DGM seems alike but I don't think that DGM copied FMA~ XD

I hate Chaoji! >< He's the worst guy!

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-26 00:51:51
ryo, woah.... the similarities o.O
How kanda calls allen shrimp reminds me of mustang, komui reminds me of hughes and skinbolic of sloth.

the recent chapters, [not really the recently released ones] are one of my faves... seeing lavi torned between his duty as bookman's successor and his duty as an exorcist as well as a friend. kinda emo~ish... >_< but i like it.

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-26 04:24:45
@ Jaydel-I haven't read that part yet. XD I don't get SJ, since we only read a few manga out of it and it's easier to just buy the manga we like than have a million SJs stacked up everywhere. XD

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-26 05:08:54
DGM is the best!
@jaydel True.. there's some AllenxLavi hints in that chapter.
Me like..

  å±±ç”° 涼介 は 大好き ♥♥ Fav HSJ member?

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-26 13:05:53 (edited 2007-07-26 17:33:24)
@Shiho-chan--AllenxLavi?! Are you serious?!

Oh, btw, I just wrote a D.Gray-Man fanfic.
Allen is turned ino a golem like Timcanpy. XD

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-27 07:10:52
Kinda.. you can look at the pics here and here

  å±±ç”° 涼介 は 大好き ♥♥ Fav HSJ member?

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-27 07:16:10
Ryo.. zomg... spoilers.. sorry 'bout that, didn't mean to spoil you XD Anyway, what's SJ? *feels stupid* ^^;

just passed by... i'll read it later. I have pages and pages of hand written requirements to write. :-/

Shiho, >_______< lol!!!!

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-27 07:22:23
YUP! Can't believe that those 'scene' will appear on the manga itself..

  å±±ç”° 涼介 は 大好き ♥♥ Fav HSJ member?

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-27 07:34:34
@Jaydel--I don't mind spoilers. XD I get really bored waiting. Hope you like the fic. SJ is short for Shonen Jump. ^_^
@Shiho-chan--Are they worse out of conext or in context? XD

Next book comes out August 7, so says the webby. ^_^

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by hikari_sora on 2007-07-27 07:54:31
-sigh- I hadn't read much of the manga..
So, i'm just counting on the anime. ~sigh~

~~Chrizz~~ ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-27 15:37:05
@Hikari_Sora--Any idea when the anime comes out (or if it is out, who's the company dubbing it)?

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by on 2007-07-28 23:49:32
Ryo, lol... that was funny... Allen's pentacle always brings him trouble ^^;
dunno about the dubbing but you can always download episodes of d.gray-man on the net, subbed.

hikari, read the manga... you'll love it. the artwork of the first few volumes are not that good but as you'll continue reading, you'll see improvements in hoshino-sense's drawings.

shiho, O_O; you really do love shonen-ai... haha

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by Ryo-chan on 2007-07-29 06:55:09
@Jaydel--I've only found one place to get the episodes, and the files are messed up. Can you suggest one?

Hi everyone! ^_^

Re: D.Gray-Man Manga
Link | by confused-politik on 2007-07-29 14:20:46
I just started, but I've already got Lavi on my fav. characters' list. <3

Laziness is required as well as Oxygen.

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