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Hi all
Link | by Kyosuke_EX on 2005-04-24 02:21:55
Hi I'm a little noob and I'm french so please don't hit me for my poor english lmao.

I'm 20 yo, very fan of animes and games and particulary Dragon Ball Z.

I just saw all request for the game music section and I have lot of it, it is a pity which that I can't upload anything for the moment so please repair it!

Re: Hi all
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-04-29 22:17:10
Hi... french guy.... I'm a little noob, too >_<
It would be nice if the upload thing in the games area was up, because I have some music I wish to upload too. I'll bet the admin is working on it though.

Re: Hi all
Link | by pie on 2005-05-01 09:54:01 (edited 2005-05-01 10:00:21)
hello french guy lol

i think admin is working on it too *EH HEM* =)

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