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Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by kitw on 2007-07-10 09:57:39 (edited 2007-07-12 07:24:01)
Before you jump to a conclusion and say 'Serial killers are bad, they murder.', let me pose a question to you.

If there is a serial killer that ONLY preys on OTHER serial killers, is he/she good or bad? Here's my thoughts.
1. They are murdering, but in the process they are saving (possible) countless lives.
2. They only kill other serial killers, so non-murderers are safe.

And, a second part to the question; If there is a serial killer that ONLY preys on OTHER serial killers, is he/she good or bad? AND; in the end, will that killer kill themself? They are killing serial killers, and they themselves are one. Would they everntually kill all of the serial killers in the world? Would it start a trend, so other people would start doing the same, only killing seril killers. Then there would be a big showdown.

But, the point is; in the end, would the killer kill themself because they are a killer?

My opinion here is; serial killers ARE bad people. I just wanted to see what others thought.

I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by Draconics on 2007-07-10 20:42:12
This question is exactly like "Is it worth doing one evil to defeat a greater one?". I think that it would be helpful in a way but short lasting. Serial killers are probably rather paranoid people to begin with, I doubt whoever this anti-serial killer serial killer is can wipe the Earth of them before dying. I also doubt that he'd be able to stop all of them since a portion of serial killings aren't premeditated that far in advance. If it started any sort of trend, it could launch groups that probably would end up accusing false people, much like the McCarthy trials. Any irrational person would be in trouble.

All-in-all I don't think serial-killers are a good idea.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." -Ghandi

The next witty thing I think of and remember will likely end up here.

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by sai on 2007-07-11 06:53:40
Dude... Are you trying to say that a world full of serial killers killing each other is good? You even say that it'll become a trend, meaning, normal people will start killing kilers as if it's a daily routine. Which, eventually, makes every single person a killer for hunting serial killers. And according to you, those serial killer hunters should kill themselves as well. Has it ever came across your mind that it'd make the world population = 0?

Well, No Fear, from my point of view that's plainly mad. Not right or wrong, it's just madness.

You speak as if killing each other is such a wonderful thing to do to make the world a better place, and it's not such a big deal. How smart.
(though i admit that it's a very good idea to wipe out the human race... Why don't you go and make a movie out of it? -_-)

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-07-11 11:54:16
Dear No Fear:

Are you serious?

First off, serial killers are bad, no matter what cause or reason they may have for taking the lives of others. It doesn't matter if they're killing bald people or other killers, they're still committing heinous crimes against other citizens of their country.

Secondly, to think that a serial killer who kills other killers would in turn kill themselves is absolutely ludicrous. Sure, there may be an end to the "standard" serial killer, but the killers in question will find a new purpose to create bloodshed. They will not always work out of the idea that they will only perform good for the community. They wiil likely become addicted to killing (as serial killers are wont to do) and continue for seemingly no reason.

Third, your idea of a trend is somewhat farfetched. Some may agree that people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, but we in general know better than to follow someone on a kiling spree just because they do it. People in society are generally raised better than to strike fellow humans for any reason. Those that become serial killers generally are not, being accustomed to violence.

Lastly, stop watching HBO.

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by GrimaH on 2007-07-12 03:45:25
We already have one guy like that, he's called the executioner.


Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by kitw on 2007-07-12 07:13:40 (edited 2007-07-12 07:16:00)
First, I'm not saying that normal people will go on killing sprees.

Second, honestly, this isn't entirely my question. Before school ended a couple weeks ago, one of my teachers brought this up in class. I figure I'd post it here and see the reaction I got, and what answers. The teacher said he's planning on writing a book about it/ based on this (or something like that).

PS: This was the same teacher that, last year, for his exam wrote; 'Plan a terrorist attack on the Canadian troops over in Afghanistan. Plan it from beginnning to end.'

See what kind things public school teachers teach their students?

And lastly, I didn't say that serial killers were good people. I told the people who post not to jump to conclusions, I didn't say I thought they were good. Serial killers are obviously bad people.

Kind of cliche, but ; 'Two wrongs don't make a right.'


I can't think of anything to put here!!!!

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by RyuKuso on 2007-07-13 05:50:32
ghandi was a smart man... but ... some times force is necassary (i hope i spelled that right, anyway). take for example someone in your house with a gun. who will die first, the innocent or the wicked. it is your responsibility as a sentient being to follow reason and logic. what is the logic of not attempting to stop a true murderer, who kills for pleasure, malice, spite,or simply out of madness. versus being the one who through selfless rightousness commits vigalantism. for in doing so, are you not giving up your humanity for the greater good?

this wolf walked RIGHT BY ME! close enough to touch!

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-07-13 11:39:52
Being a vigilante doesn't necessarily mean that you have to catch criminals through excessive force. To think that is what it takes to be a vigilante is to take mankind's existence and set it back about 1000 years, where death was a viable option to punish any offense. Take a look at Dog the Bouny Hunter. He never carries a gun, even if any other person would carry one if necessary. The same with Batman. Although one is fictional, both of these men to what it takes to bring criminals to justice, then let the legal system handle them. Why would you want to become a serial killer that kills serial killers? You would simply be hunted just like any other serial killer.

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by RyuKuso on 2007-07-13 12:00:11
Dog Chapman is not a vigalante though, he is a state/federally licenced bounty hunter. A vigalante is a citizen who takes the law into their own hands, when they deem the response of the authorities to be insufficient. True, it is Draconian at best, but ofttimes, for such serious offences the judgement of death would be applied anyways, effectively making the point moot. what I believe we should be looking at are the moral justifications involved. for if a man/woman killed without remorse for the disruption of peace and wellbeing for the affected's family and friends. should one not stop at all costs to see justice served?

this wolf walked RIGHT BY ME! close enough to touch!

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by on 2007-07-13 16:26:16
I suppose your thinking more of vigilante then an actual serial killer. In my opnion vigilante is good only if they target bad people. There's nothing wrong with that. They justice system is so screwed up and people get away with things nowadays. That why they aren't bad. If you watch Boondocks Saints you might understand where I'm coming from.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by on 2007-07-15 14:49:19
Either way, killing other people is bad.
I understand that people would see that a killer killing a killer is good, but sometimes it can get out of hand that that killer will end up killing people getting in his/her way.
Like in Death Note :)

So I drove into a parking lot one time and saw this person pull into a handicap parking spot. When you think handicap, you think wheelchair and whatever, right? So it just ticked me off when I saw the guy come out of the car perfectly fine. So then I ran him over.

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by on 2007-07-17 16:52:27
Very true. I can't argue that.

"It's better to be used, then to be useless."

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by dolphindk on 2007-07-19 05:54:12
Much as people would like to avoid killing, then it is sometimes necessary, like you said because killings can save lives that wouldn't be save able otherwise. I don't know if any of you have watched the film "Leon" but it gives one a pretty nice picture of who/what serial killers are. As mentioned then there are some rules regarding serial killers, for instance they don't murder women and/or children.

All in all, however, I would feel much more secure knowing that people like that aren't around.

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by hegemon on 2007-07-30 10:00:24
If your only killing serial killers, you are not a serial killer, because you have a defined target and purpose. In that light, the question is moot.

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by on 2007-07-31 07:11:02
If your only killing serial killers, you are not a serial killer, because you have a defined target and purpose. In that light, the question is moot.

B*llsh*t. Even if you're killing serial killers, you're still a serial killer. And even serial killer who kills (seemingly) innocent targets could have their own defined target and purpose (even though these purposes aren't necessarily bad or good), so are they "not serial killers" either?

Anyway, I agree completely with what Celeriter said. Pretty much what I have in mind.

(decides to ignore the Solidarity Month event for this one post for some reasons)

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by Kenpachi on 2007-08-02 22:57:32
Haha, I have to agree with Celeriter; Death Note was the first thing I thought of when I read this thread.
If your only killing serial killers, you are not a serial killer, because you have a defined target and purpose. In that light, the question is moot.

No one ever intentionally kills without a defined target and purpose, AKA a reason. That reason may seem ridiculous or insane but there's ALWAYS a reason. You don't have to be random and without cause to be a serial killer because, yes, even serial killers have reasons.

As for the original topic, I think this is an interesting issue that shows up in a lot of movies and books and philosophy:
The good guy who must knowingly and sacrificially do bad things for the "greater good" or something he believes in.
Usually this person will have reasons and excuses that make him feel righteous and allow him to keep his sanity but sometimes he can't convince himself that he's righteous--he knows he's doing evil and at the same time he knows that he must continue to do so.

All in all I think the only problem is the title.
Call him something other than a "serial killer that preys on serial killers" and you can change the whole prospective.

Still busy,
but trying to
stop by more.

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by on 2007-08-07 07:40:26
well of course im gunna think of death note when you ask a question like that lol hummmm dunno what i think of the idea though, do two wrongs make a right?

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by on 2007-08-07 08:19:49
well i can't say anything, coz i have no right to judge, but my opinion is
if you kill someone and that is wrong, so what the different, someone killed somebody, then you killed that someone? he/she killed a person and you also killed a person. from that point of view they both do the same action.

but then again, there are scale that people use, the scale thought with rational mind of human brain. even by that scale, until certain point they prove that that action are wrong

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by bermudanwarrior on 2007-08-07 08:55:12
KILL TO SAVE? If there's no other way... It could be legal, yeah, "self-defense" I mean, but usually we can't judge what is Good or Evil, who is worth killing and who isn't. For instance, ROBIN HOOD may be a "good guy", but he IS a serial killer.
Do not wish sth would happen to sb if you don't want it to happen to yourself. Nobody wants to die, the innocent or the guilty alike.

Life sucks. Whoever gives up living because of that, sucks. But without anime I would ...XD

Re: Serial Killer; Good Or Bad?
Link | by Lelouch on 2007-08-09 15:48:56
Well that is the question asked in Death Note and it is a wise question. It all mattes on your sense of justice, do you think murderers should be killed or do you thin that a life isn't worth another and I would go the second because no-one deserves to die, no matter who they are and what they have done. So no I thin it would be wrong.

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