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Link | by kirajc on 2007-07-05 08:50:15
E3 coming up and who thing there might be a new showing of the psp and maybe who things sony will drop that price of 600 down because sony is losing the war right now , its becomeing harder and harder to be a playstation fan everyday


Re: E3
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-07-05 13:00:09
It's going to be even harder, since so many hyped-games are about to be released for the true console war participants: Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii.

What will E3 hold? We will have to trust our magazines and TV shows, since they've closed their doors to the public.

Re: E3
Link | by GeassTekken on 2007-07-05 20:54:36
why you say that PS3 is failing.....we still have hyped games coming out and PS3 is the only console so far to have a increase in sales for the past months. PS3 is winning the console wars in some countries but not AMerica and Japan. Japan= Wii and America = 360. it's kind of sad that the 360 came out a year early and PS3 is beating it in Japan

Re: E3
Link | by on 2007-07-05 21:26:37
360 has no rpgs. most japanese like creative games and rpgs. most not all


Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 01:54:24
I mostly see 360 having a ton of shooting games like war-type games, such as Halo 3 for example.

The PS3 has YET to release the REAL games that real fans have been anxiously waiting for.
Only a few are coming out like DMC4 and so fourth.
I'm not informed on the gaming industry nowadays, so I don't know all the details to be exact, but all I have to say about PS3 is wait...

The Wii is doing realy well.
Incredibly well, actually.

Who knows how E3 will be doing, but I already know the worst game for the PS3!
This game, if you saw the review by the infamous Adam Sessler on X-Play, is just flat out, horrible!


Re: E3
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-07-06 02:47:39
mgs4 not out yet right?

then ps3 can wait...
that console needs the killer apps...
without it then...its just like the x-box before...too bad

Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 03:01:00
The last game I saw released on the PS3 was DMC4.
I'm not sure of other games like Lair are out yet either, let along the RPGs like KH:III or FF:X-III (people might've forgotten about this title already).


Re: E3
Link | by on 2007-07-11 00:56:12
DMC4 hasnt came out i think. i thought it was suppose to come out during holidays 2007 if i remember the trailer right. anyway DMC4 is cross platform so that wont boost ps3 sales. ffxiii might be losing its exclusivity too. if ps3 loses mgs4 and ffxiii. its over for sony


Re: E3
Link | by on 2007-07-11 01:47:49
MGS4 will probably stay a PS3 exclusive.....FF13 may cross over to PC. The only rumblings is that Kingdom Hearts may be multi-platform. Most of the high quality games for PS3 will be arriving next year. The big ones to show off the system is the upcoming "Heaven's Sword" , "LAIR" , & "Warhawk". When the developers figure out what the system is capable of then we'll see better games. Remember the PS2 took a few years to get really good games. As with the original PS.

The XB360 is finally getting some quality RPGs like "Blue Dragon" & "Eternal Sonata" which looks really good....and is one of the first japanese style RPGs. Still the strength of the 360 is it's online play. Until Sony can figure out how to make one to at least equal it...than it'll be tough for them in the future.

The Wii has raced out to a good start in the next-gen wars....the interactiveness of the system has really grown on all gamers.

This war is going to be alot closer than the past ones....i don't know who'll come out on top....but the margin of sales will be close. The price-drop of the PS3 is a must for it to catch up.

As for E3 this year...i read in Gamespot that this one is considerbly smaller than the last few. A few developers have opted not to participate in this one. Also the convention center is half used.

A source from Konami says that a notable game will be playable at this years E3. MGS4!!!!! A new trailer will also be shown featuring the english voices....David Hayter reprises his iconic role as Snake!!!

Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-11 01:54:19
Yeah I agree with you mostly there.
The Nintendo Wii, in my opinion, seems to be the best console out of the three so far, in terms of "success."
It'll get even bigger when Brawls comes out, a title I really want to get, but no game is worth me buying an entirely new console just to get a really cool release title.

Sony will and might take a while to really get going.
You said some of the high quality games are coming out next year?
Wow, I thought that'd be later this year, but I can't really debate there...

The titles that will come out this year, are pretty good though.
Not good enough to really steal the spotlight, but are still pretty good.

Overall though, a fan of gaming might say it can be any console's victory.

It's been a while, but I haven't heard anything about an XBox handheld either.
It could've been a fan rumor, or it might be in the works for a few more years to come...


Re: E3
Link | by on 2007-07-11 02:10:14
Well DA the games coming out this year for the PS3 so far feel like just experimentations. Most first generation games are good but it may take some time for the real good stuff to be available.

MGS4 may be an exception.....if the hype & rumors are true about it than this may be the game to really launch the PS3 into the far it feels like SONY is the tortoise in the race....slow but steady...that is if the Sony execs don't get too hardheaded & think they are gods or something. Sony will not win if the higher-ups get overconfident. They know, we know that Sony has the upper-hand in specs....if they/developers can harness that power than the skies the limits.

This years E3 may be interesting to see which system garners the most headlines....of course during the first few days each system will have their 'state of the union' address & boast how manly they are. Each one of them will say all this political stuff on why they are going to have the upperhand. The new trailers that they show will state which system will have the edge. I still remember that "KILLZONE" trailer....yet Sony is keeping a tight lip on it....if Sony can make that game look like that than they will have control of the console-war.

XB360 is banking on HALO doubt it WILL be big.....if it has staying power than it's bad news for both Sony & Nintendo

PS3 need to get those first party games the next "Gran Turismo" & "Killzone"....they need to take advantage of their hardware.

Nintendo just need to do what they are currently doing....making interactive games for gamers of all ages....Nintendo has always had the support of the younger audiences & families.

It'll be an interesting couple of years....these early years may tell who comes out on top.

Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-11 02:21:07
You never know, in a few years, Sega Dreamcast comes back, makes its dramatic returns and owns everyone! XD

I doubt a fourth console will be created, released, whatever, but yeah in a few years, I'll be interested to see who's really the best!
There's also another generation after the current one, if there is...
XBox 720, PS4, Nintedo Sci-fi (wth!?), you never know... XD


Re: E3
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-07-11 11:11:22
Nintendo has announced it's biggest title coming to the Wii: WiiFit. With this announcement, Nintendo has set forth it's goal of brining video games to the mainstream audience. WiiFit is continuing a trend of bringing games designed to bring health back to the gaming community. Could something like this actually catch on?

Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-11 13:27:50
I just hope they don't get involved with the "family" so much that educational games start releasing. XD
What kind of game is this, WiiFit?


Re: E3
Link | by on 2007-07-11 16:09:17
nintendo goes for innovation yet again, but this time im not sure if this will be as popular as WiiPlay


Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-11 23:24:15
Well I guess "Wii" was more popular then "Revolution."
Nintendo Wii > Nintendo Revolution.


Re: E3
Link | by Mystic Deadman on 2007-07-12 11:23:57
@ devils-angel: WiiFit is a game meant to excercise the body of the player. It has four types of excersizes: aerobic, yoga, and two others I can't remember.

Nintendo is planning on releasing different types of "educational" games for the Wii, inclding their Brain Age line and even "SceneIt?"

Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-23 22:29:03
Hoho, I think E3's finally over.
They said Sony won for the best console of the year.
The best game of the year was Call of Duty 4 (if you saw the [preview of gameplay and the trailer, WOW!).

There's a few other things I haven't seen yet since I can't see the G4 channel anymore, I have to wait until they're available on my cable box:demand.
But, those are the two things I do know from E3.


Re: E3
Link | by on 2007-07-23 23:15:42
i dLed the CoD4 trailer on 360. it is teh awesomeness


Re: E3
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-07 19:16:50
Haha, look what I found:
It's called the "Wii-mote", but I don't think it's been released yet.


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